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Three-dimensional (3D, embossed) wall panels are square or rectangular slabs with a three-

dimensional, convex or depressing pattern. 3D panels are attached in two ways: on a special
solution or user guides. The first option is suitable for even walls, and the second allows you
to do without leveling, even if the walls are uneven. Drawing three-dimensional panels can
be very different, from abstract to imitating various materials.

What are 3D panels

Adherents of environmentally friendly materials most often choose eco-panels from crushed
bamboo shoots, in addition, they are the most affordable. There are also wooden 3D panels
- a solid and expensive option that blends harmoniously with classic interiors.

Glass panels, which exist in a variety of design options, are an expensive option and, due to
their high weight, are not suitable for all types of walls and partitions.

Three-dimensional PVC wall panels are common. Plastic is easy to care for, durable, and
not afraid of moisture. These panels are offered in a wide variety of design solutions. MDF
panels are also quite popular, most often they are covered with suede, leather, and fabric.

Another option for 3D panels is gypsum boards, with which you can easily create the
appearance of a seamless three-dimensional canvas. Gypsum is non-combustible and
environmentally friendly.

How to use 3D panels

Initially, three-dimensional panels were created as wall panels, but modern designers also
successfully use them in ceiling decoration, furniture decoration, niche design, and
independent decorative objects. The variety of colors and patterns makes it possible to use
3D panels quite widely.

3D Centre opinion:
— 3D panels are a widely used material. This is a good assistant in the zoning of the room
and an excellent option for decorating load-bearing columns. The panels can be used to
decorate the head of the bed, as a kitchen backsplash, to contrast one or more walls.

Materials from which 3D panels are made

Numerous favorable properties of 3d panels depend on the type of materials used in
production. Of a large number of worthy options, the favorites are:

Gypsum is a budget and environmentally friendly material that is resistant to fire. The
consumer has options in various colors, but if desired, they can always be given the desired

Glass. Such products personify grace and aristocratic charm. The material is resistant to
mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations, and moisture and is easy to clean.
Plastic. Such panels are popular because of their cheap cost and presentable appearance.
Ease of installation and resistance to water can be attributed to the asset. Of the minuses,
attention is drawn to the vulnerability to heating and the need for careful treatment.

Natural wood. This category represents the most expensive options. The basis is usually
plywood, while the front texture is made of noble oak, cedar, or bamboo. Additional
treatment with wax and other components gives the panels improved performance.

Expanded polypropylene is a universal solution that organically combines decent quality and
reasonable price. The material is safe and resistant to deformation and temperature

Decorative panels have revolutionized the finishing materials. Since they are ideal for those
who want to breathe life into an already familiar room. The unique design has never been so
simple and affordable.

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