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The CMM hiring process has a 3-legged stool

approach and includes these 3 phases:

1 The Objective Phase

This phase is handled by Chiro Match Makers team (when hired to

The Chiro Match Maker’s
do a placement) as part of the filtering and screening candidates
Interview Guide has been
through our objective 2 tiered predictive behavioral analysis
developed as part of the assessments to ensure an 85% or better match to the customer
CMM Hiring Process to avatar we developed during your Discovery Call. We objectively
assist the DC or hiring screen all candidates and only send you the most qualified ones
manager with a resource removing the hassle and time associated with having to do this

to guide the interview process yourself.

process and helps direct

the conversations and 2 The Subjective Phase
questions that will assist
in identifying the best During this phase, you will begin to explore how you feel about
candidate for your role. and around the candidate and determine if they are a good
cultural fit for your office. Use the Chiro Match Maker Interview
Guide as a reference tool to guide you through each phase of the
Before you interview your
interview process (reference image below)
first candidate you need
to first decide on how you
will arrive at your final 3 Historical Phase
hiring decision.
During this phase, you’ll spend time calling a minimum of 2-3
references of the candidate provided. While interviews are an
important part of the candidate selection process, reference
checks are also a critical component for a thorough consideration
of the candidate’s recent and past performance. It’s important to
not skip this step. You’ll use the reference checking opportunity to:

Verify the information and experience the candidate has


Verify additional information on a candidate’s skills,

performance, knowledge, and work history from a source
other than the candidate themselves

Help you assess the candidate’s potential for success

in the position. Past performance is the best predictor of
future success

Help you rank candidates and move to a final selection

Page 1
The Chiro Match Makers 8 Step
Interview & Hiring Process

Initial Phone/Video Working Reference Background and

Call Interview Interview Interview Criminal Check

In Person Dinner Making Send out Rejection

Interview Interview the Offer Letters to other
Candidates Not

1 Initial Phone/Video Call Interview

Introduction [3 minutes]:

*Initial phone Interview for the Associate Doctor position. Be sure to have notes, and the
candidate’s resume open and ready.

Build some rapport / connect with the candidate briefly. Make reference to something about them
specifically (mention where they are from, where they went to school, etc.) Keep it brief and to the point.
Set expectations regarding topics and timeframe – be clear as to your “hard stop” time. Mention that you
will give time for them to ask questions that they may have at the end. (You should expect that they will
have questions.) Be positive and upbeat. First impressions are lasting – establish the relationship culture
early on. You can use video platforms to have a face to face initial interview. We’d suggest platforms such
as Zoom, GoToMeeting or any other platform that allows you to record the interview. You can share this
recording with other team members and also keep for your records.

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 2

Conversation Questions [10 minutes]:

Utilize this list to make sure that you cover all imperative topics and to ask for more information.
You can also take the conversation where it naturally progresses, but make sure you come back
to the questions that you deem most important.

*If you realize very early on this person is not a fit by any means, feel free to cut questions short
to save time – but do give them a chance. Remember: some people interview well – and some
interview poorly. Be thorough in this process.

1 People are interested in different opportunities for different reasons…Why do you want this role as an
Associate Doctor? What appeals to you most about the position? Please be specific.

Ayudar a personas con problemas en la columna, fortalecer su práctica

quiropráctica, trabajo fijo, estabilidad, crecimiento para él

2 Do you think that you prefer performing “Care-Giver” type responsibilities in the practice – for example:
adjusting patients, doing exams and patient education; or do you prefer performing roles related to
”Business Builders” - activities like community talks and screenings, networking, Report of Findings and
Recommendations for Care?

Se identifica como los dos, hay que dar un proceso correcto de educación, le
interesa mucho el mercadeo, un equilibrio entre ambos

If you need help creating your Assoc DC avatar, you can reach us at

3 The Core Functions of the Chiropractic Practice are essentially broken down into Attraction, Conversion,
Retention and Team Building. Attraction is marketing (generating New Patient Leads); Conversion is
Sales (compelling people to take action and commit to a Care Plan); Retention is Creating Value and
Delivering Value (essentially educating and adjusting patients) and Team Building is the people part:
Leading, Managing, Training and Developing people.

What are you really good at? What do you really enjoy doing?

El liderazgo, hacer un buen equipo, estar con un buen ambiente laboral

Atracción, liderazgo, conversión, retención

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 3

What order would you place these things in order of skill or natural talent?

For example: Or

1. Attraction 1. Retention
2. Conversion 2. Conversion
3. Retention 3. Team Building
4. Team Building 4. Attraction

Which of these comes easiest to you? Or Which do you enjoy the most?


4 Which of the areas I just mentioned do you struggle the most with – or enjoy the least?

Un poco en la retención, es difícil hacerlo, no le desagrada sin embargo es un

punto que no ha desarrollado tanto

5 Tell me about one of your greatest accomplishments.

Tener un piso propio, un espacio propio donde vivir

6 Tell me about a significant challenge that you’ve faced. How did you deal with it?

El más reciente, quedarse embalado en colombia, le robaron y se quedó sin pasaporte, se

quedó solo sin dinero sin nada no podía ni regresar a su país, estuvo tranquilo, ameno y con
ayuda de amigos pudo superar todo esto, muchas vueltas muchos viajes y recorridos, y mucho
buen cambio para él, lo retuvo, lo pensó bien, no tuvo pánico, se sintió siempre tranquilo

7 How would your last boss or manager describe you?

Interesado, entusiasmado, con muchas ganas, estás observando cosas que no

todos observan, activo

8 How would your best friend describe you?

Lo describirían con amor

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 4

9 Can you share a story (about anything) that speaks to who you are from a values perspective?

Ahora está viviendo con su padre, se siente responsable por una vida un poco
más normal, el tiene una enfermedad por la cual tiene que pasar en silla de
ruedas y se siente correspondido por ayudarlo a él a hacer sus actividades

10 What do you think separates successful PEOPLE from PEOPLE who are not successful?

Su actitud, como toman las cosas ellos

11 If you were to select 3 words to describe you as a person [not just from a workplace prospective], what
would they be?

Perseverante, responsable quizás, activo

12 What health or wellness interests or other hobbies do you enjoy?

Básicamente todos, comer sano, yoga en las mañanas, andar en bicicleta en

todos lados, hacer deporte, mantenerse fuerte

13 What, if any, experience do you have in chiropractic practice?

En la universidad en el servicio social, con una compañera fisioterapeuta durante 1 año y medio como quiropráctico
se centraron un poco más en lo deportivo, resultados rápidos y confiables, clínica de ortopedia donde se centraron
fisioterapeutas y quiroprácticos, en Colombia estuvo a cargo de una clínica con vario personal, 6 fisioterapeutas,
recepción, comercial, consultas y ventas, actualmente está tratando de ser promotor o gerente de telcel, lleva 1
mes en México, es comerciante fabrica ropa, pants, playeras al mayoreo y menudeo

14 Do you specialize in any specific chiropractic techniques or do you have any special certifications? Are
there any types of techniques that you do not feel comfortable performing? Do you prefer giving manual
or instrument adjustments?

Ajustes manuales, certificación de ajuste de extremidades, técnica gonstead,

specified, thompson, no se siente incómodo ajustando de otras maneras, 30 -
40 pacientes en una hora

15 How many patients are you currently comfortable adjusting in an hour?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 5

16 Please describe your approach to patient analysis and adjustment for an established patient.

Ve si se siente cómoda o no, si se siente inconforme, cómo se siente, si puede ayudarla un

poco más, boca abajo, viendo deficiencia pélvica, cráneo, cadera, torácica y al último toca
cervical, empieza de abajo hacia arriba, también boca arriba, usa más gonstead o diversified

17 What are 3 things that you feel every patient should understand about Chiropractic?

Tener buena postura en la vida diaria, mantenimiento de su columna (estilo de

vida saludable), ajuste quiropráctico de por vida, buenos hábitos de salud,
haciendo ejercicio

18 What do you know about our practice?

Clínica quiropráctica grande en Ecuador de profesionales, es una empresa

establecida muy buena, tienen buena visión de donde quieren llegar la salud de
la gente

17 When are you available to start?

Está disponible ya, está renovando su pasaporte en 1 mes

18 What states are you currently licensed in?

México, cédula profesional ya la tramitó se la dan dentro de 1 año y es vía


19 This position requires you to work [M-Sat and the hours that you will be work range from 30-40 hours per
week]. Is there any reason you could not manage the hours or schedule?

No hay ningún problema con el horario, no tiene horario propio o definido

20 Do you prefer a flat salary or a smaller salary with larger upside?

Los dos son buenos, el salario chico y generar de acuerdo con el flujo, le gusta
algo más competitivo

21 I make it a policy to call on at least 2 references for any and every candidate – one personal and one
professional. Would you be able to arrange for this?

Me los manda por WhatsApp

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 6

Candidate questions [5 minutes]:

Offer the candidate 5 minutes to ask their questions. Be certain to listen for true interest
and research done on the position on their part. Avoid any candidate that asks no or little

¿Cómo sería el proceso de llegada? Base de turista, visa de trabajo

¿Sueldo a pagar?
¿Al mes cuántas veces se pagan?
¿Licencias que debe de tener?
¿Ubicaciones de donde prodría residir o estar?
¿Sistema educativo de pacientes, cómo abordamos pacientes?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 7

2 In Person

After prequalifying a candidate, the next step is a face to face interview. This can be done in an office
setting, however, we suggest doing this over lunch.

This will give you an opportunity to observe how the candidate interacts with the restaurant staff and in
a more social setting.

The live, in person, interview is a chance to dive much deeper into the skills, personality and energy as
well as what kind of dynamic this person adds to the office.

Below are additional questions for the initial live interview.

Conversation Questions [20 minutes]:

Use part or all of this full list of questions to dive deeper into your candidate’s interest, skills and
behaviors. Add authentic and unique questions when necessary to understand the candidate’s
history and background.

For instance, maybe you already know why they are leaving their job, but you want to know what
they were up to during a gap in their resume.

Some of these questions are more of the same from phone interview, but, this is the time to
delve deeper and learn more about this person and how they may fit your Core Values, Vision
and Culture.

A Let’s review, if you haven’t already said: Why are you leaving your current position?

B What did you like about your last position? Your last boss?

C What did you dislike about your last position? Your last boss?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 8

1 What are the 3 most important things to you about a new career or position?

2 What challenges do you foresee in this role for yourself in particular? How would you approach them?

3 What are your career goals? Short and long term?

4 What proactive steps did you take in your current (last) position to improve the business?

5 What have you done in the way of personal development in the last 6 months outside of your company
and your field?

6 What are 3 specific habits that you do on a daily basis that make you successful?

7 On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how do you rank yourself on goal setting?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 9

8 Do you write down your life goals? If so, will you share some examples of them, please?

9 Tell me about more about the most challenging thing you have completed?
Questions to confirm if not addressed in phone interview:

10 Is there any reason you could not manage the hours or schedule?

11 What do you EXPECT to earn in your next job?

12 Some people prefer the security and stability of a set base salary with the potential to earn a bonus
based production; whereas others prefer to have a compensation plan that is more performance and
productivity-based in the interest of a potential higher upside…

How do you prefer to be compensated?

13 What other expectations do you have about this job?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 10

Smart Questions

The questions below are very quick in nature and will tell you a lot about the way this person
works and some important personality traits. The idea is to run through the list quickly asking
them to choose which option BEST DESCRIBES the way THEY TAKE ACTION. Be certain to mention
there is no WRONG answer; it simply is an exercise in getting to know how their particular mind
works. Before you begin a screening process, highlight which answers are deal breakers for your
particular role. For example, if you have early morning hours, you will want a morning person.


1 Project Starter or Project Finisher

2 Morning Glory or Night Owl

3 Idea Inventor or Idea Improver

4 People Person or Project Person

5 Decision Thinker or Decision Feeler

6 Do Best-I-Can or Do-What-it-Takes

7 Open with Others or Guarded with Others

8 Public Introvert or Public Extrovert

9 Money Spender or Money Saver

10 Thrive Big Groups or Thrive Small Groups

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 11

Candidate questions [15 min]:

Provide them an opportunity to ask questions and if there are few then use this time to address
any concerns you see about this candidate.

For instance, maybe they made it clear that they struggle with being on time or using software.
However, if it is clear what your next step is, there is no need to draw it out longer. It is important
to note people who do not have questions. Lack of questions may signify a lack of preparedness,
lack of knowledge of the company or interest in the job.

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 12

3 Working Interview

Invite your final candidates back to spend time at your practice with your current team members. If
schedules allow, we suggest that this happens before the lunch interview if possible, to create more
productive conversation and better questions.

This is where you will really see how this person interacts with your team, and your practice. It is best to
conduct this time during a busy time of day - that way they know what reality in your practice looks like.


1 Introduce them to the team. Note how do they get along with and interact with the team?

2 How do they interact with your patients?

3 What kind of questions do they ask?

4 Did they arrive on time?

5 How were they dressed?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 13


1 Give me 3 takeaways from today’s experience in the practice.

2 Tell me the 2-3 things you really liked about what you saw today.

3 Tell me anything that concerned you from what you experienced today.


1 Give some guidance and instructions about how the tables work or how you like to be adjusted and see
how well the candidate listens. Will they be coachable?

2 How are their hands? How are their adjusting skills?

3 How teachable will they be for your specific Chiropractic technique?

4 How long did they take to adjust you?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 14

4 The Dinner Interview

By this point you have now invested several hours talking with, observing, and getting to know this
individual. This is where a dinner together, with drinks if appropriate, and both of your significant others
present, will give you and entirely new set of insights into how this person acts in social settings.

The dynamic of being in a pressure situation like a job interview, but, next to someone that they love
and trust, will give you a very different perspective into this person’s personality. Alcohol has the effect
of bringing out different sides of one’s personality that you might not have yet seen.

The dinner interview is often overlooked or cut out of the interview process. However, when done
properly, this time together with a person you are strongly considering hiring may be the best possible
time you can invest in someone you are about to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into.

The dinner interview should feel less like a formal list of questions, and more like a casual conversation
where you are getting to know someone on a deeper level.


1 What are their hobbies as a couple and individually?

2 If they have kids, have they looked into the school systems?

3 What do they know about the city/area around the practice; what are they excited about and what
worries them about the area?

4 What are their 5 and 10 year goals as a couple and individually?

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 15

5 What did they like most about their last jobs?

6 Why are they interested in changing jobs?

5 Reference Interviews

As we mentioned earlier, interviewing references provided is an important step in verifying the

information the candidate provided during the interview and on their resume. It also gives you ability to:

Verify the information and experience the candidate has provided

Verify additional information on a candidate’s skills, performance, knowledge, and work history
from a source other than the candidate themselves

Help you assess the candidate’s potential for success in the position. Past performance is the
best predictor of future success.

Use this information to help you rank candidates and make a final candidate selection.

6 Presenting The Offer

1 Provide your top candidate with a written offer including:

Starting salary. Your starting salary is among the most negotiable components of a job offer

Performance bonus

Scope of the job

Vacation time

Start date

Hiring or signing bonuses

Health benefits

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 16

Relocation expenses

Health Insurance

Life Insurance



Travel Reimbursement

Disability Insurance


2 Provide a time line for their response back before the offer becomes void.

For additional help, purchase our Associate Doctor Contract where you can easily and quickly generate
an appropriate Associate Doctor agreement online.

To purchase, email

Background and Criminal Check

As a prudent final step before formally hiring the candidate, run the following checks.

1. Criminal Background Check

2. DC License Check

3. Credit Score Check

An offer can be presented contingent on a positive response on background and criminal checks.
If you need help with this step, reach out to and we can run them for
you for a small fee.

8 Send Out Rejection Letters to other Candidates Not Selected

Don’t forget to kindly reject your other candidates IF AND ONLY IF your agreement is signed by said
candidate. Keep an open communication with other top candidates in case this falls through. Many
times, services like Indeed make this process easy with one simple email to all candidates once you’ve
listed one for hire.

©2019 Chiro Match Makers LLC. All rights reserved. Page 17


• Age • Genetic Information

• Race, Ethnicity, or Color • Religion

• Gender • Disability
Staying Legal:
The Topics and • Gender Identity • Marital Status

Questions you • Sexual Orientation • Pregnancy Status

need to Avoid • Country of National Origin • Family Status or Number

or Birthplace of Children


During the job interview, SHOULD AVOID:
you’ll want to avoid
any questions that are • Are you able to make arrangement for childcare while you work?
considered discriminating
• How many children do you have and old are your they?
and stay focused on
questions that further • When did you graduate from high school?

clarify their experience, • Are you a U.S. citizen?

skill sets and ability
• What does your wife do for a living?
to perform in the new
• Where did you live while you were growing up?
role. Below is a guide to
helping for helping you • Will you need personal time off for particular religious holidays?
stay legal. For a full list, • How often are you deployed for Army Reserve training?
please reference the laws
• Are you comfortable working for a female boss?
enforced by the US Equal
Employment Opportunity • There is a large disparity between your age and that of the
Commission (EEOC) also position’s coworkers. Is this a problem for you?

be sure to check your • How long do you plan to work until you retire?
state laws
• Have you experienced any serious illnesses in the past year?

• Do you have any physical or mental disabilities?

You have everything you need for your interview process. If you are still
looking for the right candidate, Chiro Match Makers can help you with that

Go to and complete a request

for a free consultation to help you outline the steps to finding your ideal
associate doctor.

Page 18

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