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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Political Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the political frame
2. Apply the political frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

My role will be to assess the current organizational structure of WCK and

collaborate with others to have a sustainable strategy for successful execution to meet the
demands of future needs. Additionally, my role would entail gathering collaboration to
make sure there's a leader who can advocate and have the "political savvy" (Perusall,
2022) to deter unnecessary obstacles that prevent WCK from supporting these crisis
events. Lastly, establishing a platform where they can share stories to inspire others to
advocate, volunteer, or support in any means to create awareness of the work WCK is
providing globally.

With increased disasters occurring yearly, an organization like WCK is crucial to

ensure those impacted are not forgotten or waiting for a logistical solution while working
through the bureaucracy. Unlike many organizations focused on humanitarian efforts,
WCK is not hampered by financial or political implications because it's an autonomous
organization capable of providing immediate hunger relief to those in crisis.

2) Describe how the politics of the organization influenced the situation.

I don't believe any organization out there can claim politics does not play a role in
their structure, decision-making, etc. Even in an organization like WCK, politics play a
role. This is true based on our reading that "politics is the realistic process of decisions
and allocating resources in a context of scarcity and divergent interests. This view puts
politics at the heart of decision making" (Perusall, 2022). Although WCK is not affiliated
with any political party, its mission is to feed the people impacted by natural or man-
made crises, and they're using the political frame to achieve its goal. For instance, how
they allocate the funding varies from region to region because of the necessary resources
needed to provide the support.

WCK was challenged in 2020 by an immigrant-run restaurant in the Bronx
because they felt WCK was not living up to its mission and values. The restaurant's
concern is because WCK leaned on the support from the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), specifically, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), when WCK
was in Puerto Rico helping the communities. The sole purpose of partnering with DHS
was to distribute the food to many of the communities WCK themselves could not reach
efficiently.This was not a political move or acknowledgment that WCK agrees with the
establishment of DHS and ICE. DHS was there when WCK needed additional hands to
deliver and feed the people of Puerto Rico. When viewing the political frame, family and
friends can sometimes be political only because there are different interests, and often,
these are discussed and compromises made to bring majority satisfaction.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational politics for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

WCK does not need to be political or fit into any frame, but ensuring its purpose
to serve those in crisis will require collaborating with others. However, collaboration
does not mean WCK is taking sides of one affiliation. For example, WCK teamed with
DHS to deliver food to people because they had the resources to ensure this was possible.
The restaurant owner made assumptions and claimed WCK, and Jose Andres betrayed
them and other immigrants. This was also in conjunction with the restaurant owner
stating that Jose Andres, the founder of WCK, is an advocate for immigration and human
rights; how could he work with an entity that terrifies those exact people?

To me, the negative assumptions based on dissatisfaction show that regardless of

all the efforts an organization attempts to stay out of the political environment, someone
will find a way to claim the organization was politically influenced. All because they did
not get what they wanted. I agree with Crozier and Freidberg when they stated, "in much
of organizational life, individuals and groups are interdependent; they need things from
one another, and power relationships are multidirectional" (Perusall, 2022). I do not
believe there is an alternative course of action because WCK is not partisan or an
authority figure. It does not make decisions that will affect the social or legislative
policies and structure. Additionally, in my opinion, if an organization can work
effectively with another to improve the people suffering, it shows outstanding leadership.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

As I reflect on the political frame, WCK should continue to utilize and collaborate
with entities willing to help them succeed and achieve their goal. We all negotiate and
compromise to achieve our goals as individuals, business owners, and organizations. Our

lives are political because we use our knowledge and experience to influence those
around us. As leaders, there will be times when our decision will not satisfy some or
majority, but it may be the best decision to be successful in the future. It's only an issue
when the power comes with being in a place of influence and used for personal or group
Ultimately, even WCK's efforts will reflect some political influence and power
sources. Jose Andres has lobbied for WCK to enact legislation that would benefit
nonprofit organizations by having FEMA pay for the costs of feeding people during
national emergencies to restaurants and nonprofit organizations. This legislation has
benefited those communities unable to provide safe access to food. So does this mean
WCK and Jose Andres are political? I do not see it that way. The organization has a cause
and purpose and has not deviated from it because it continues to be present in any global
crisis without being asked or compromising its organizational integrity. The political
frame does not need to be seen negatively but as a process to accomplish a goal by
bringing individuals and groups together.


Perusall. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2022, from


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