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Aircraft Registration ……………………………… Captain Name ……………………………………………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………………….. First Officers Name ……………………………………………………………….

Serial Number…………………………………………. Engineer (jump seat) ……………………………………………………………..

Departure Take-off weight ……………………… Location ………………………………………………………………………………..

Departure Time ………………………... Arrival time ……………………………. Total time ………………………………………………

1 Accomplish all normal pre-flight checks.

START UP: The engines will be started using the Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit
TEST OF SYSTEMS: The normal pre-flight checks plus tests of the operation of the normal and
standby hydraulic and electrical Systems will be demonstrated.
TAXING: The use of the Nose Wheel steering and brakes will be demonstrated.

2 Begin FDR Correlation Check prior to take take-off up to Engine flight idle recording
(if applicable).

3 The take-off will be made at MAX rated thrust modulation system engaged.

4 Monitor Engines for correct oil temperature and pressure during take-off.
Do not shut down the APU at this point as the APU generator is required during engines

5 Continue FDR Correlation Check until complete (if applicable).

6 Engage Autothrottle, check for abnormalities.

7 Climb to any suitable flight level which enables max cabin pressure differential to be achieved.
During the climb the operation of the modulation system, flight director / autopilot, cabin
conditioning and anti-ice Systems will be demonstrated.

8 Accelerate to 250 KIAS, fully extend and retract airbrake.

9 Configuration Changes and Stall (At appropriate Limits):

1- Extend flaps to 18 degrees, at 160 KIAS, lower landing gear.
2- Extend flaps to 24, 30, 33 degrees.
3- At Flaps 33, increase pitch and decrease speed until STICK SHAKER Warning alerts (90 KIAS)
4- Retract flaps to 18 degrees, and raise landing gear.

Issue: 0 Revision: 1 Date: June 2022 Page 1 of 3

This FORM belongs to ECOJET SA. The information contained herein is confidential & exclusive for use of the organization

10 Emergency Landing Gear Lowering:

Below 160 KIAS, with 18 degrees flaps selected:
1- Depressurize YELLOW hydraulics, and extend gear by pulling EMERG
LDG GEAR lever.
2- Lock main gear down by selection of DC PUMP to ON for up to one minute.
3- Select NORMAL LANDING GEAR lever to DOWN.
4- Stow EMERG LDG GEAR selector handle.
5- Repressurize YELLOW hydraulics.
6- Select LDG GEAR UP with NORMAL selector.
NOTE: RUD VLV light may illuminate in conjunction with this test and should subsequently
extinguish upon selection of normal YELLOW hydraulic pressure.

11 Fuel Systems:
Cross feed system to ensure all engines can be supplied by each wing.

12 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS: Check Overspeed Alerts:

1-Climb Aircraft to 10, 000 feet
2- Pull SPEED WARN 1 circuit breaker and Accelerate to VMO (Alert within +/- 10 KIAS).
3- Pull SPEED WARN 2 circuit breaker and Accelerate to VMO (Alert within +/- 10 KIAS).
NOTE: May cause TMS to disconnect automatically at overspeed warning.

13 High-Speed Flight Control Checks:

Ensure normal operation.

14 Engines
Note Engine Parameters all within limits on all four engines while at cruise.
Engine’s shutdown and relight: Use the QRH drills for both shutdown and relight, ensure APU is
running prior to these tests. Do not switch off the generator before shutting down an engine as part
of this test on the electrical switchover. Generator switch should be set to off/reset after the
shutdown. It is recommended that the engine is stabilized at flight idle 2 minutes prior to shut down.
This allows further cooling of the engine prior to relight. The 3 engine climbs are check of the engines
and the airframe conditions prior to relight the engine

15 Systems
AP/FD: Ensure normal operation in all modes.

16 Pressurization:
Ensure normal operation on multi-gauge.

17 Airframe and Engine Anti-Ice

Ensure normal operation on both systems.

18 Yaw Damper:
Disengage- Operate Rudder, Reengage - Ensure normal operation.

Issue: 0 Revision: 1 Date: June 2022 Page 2 of 3

This FORM belongs to ECOJET SA. The information contained herein is confidential & exclusive for use of the organization

19 Decent
A normal descent will be carried out with the thrust modulation system engaged in N1 SYNC mode.
Cabin conditioning will be checked during the descent.

20 Operation of the landing gear, flaps, airbrakes & engine.

During the flight the Landing gear, flaps and airbrakes will be operated in level flight and the cycle
times and trim changes noted. Engine acceleration times from flight idle to go around thrust can be
measured if required.

21 Approaches
Instrument approach including missed approach using autopilot and flight director will be

22 Landing
During the landing the use of lift spoiler and wheel brakes will be demonstrated.

23 Post Landing:
Landing Gear and Brakes, including brakes without antiskid protection: Ensure normal operation.

24 Lift / Dump Spoilers

Ensure normal operation.

25 Electrical System:
Ensure normal operation.

26 Engine shutdown:
Shutdown all 4 engines via the engine overspeed protection.

Check √ in item completed

Check X in item not completed

Test flight satisfactory Test flight unsatisfactory

Pilot Name and signature: Engineer Name and Signature:

………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………..

Issue: 0 Revision: 1 Date: June 2022 Page 3 of 3

This FORM belongs to ECOJET SA. The information contained herein is confidential & exclusive for use of the organization

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