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Vo[. 135, No.


(a) Manuscript submitted July 6, 1987; revised manuscript
+ +
received Oct. 19, 1987.
-3, 4-
The University of Texas at Arlington assisted in meeting
+ the publication costs of this article.
~ zx

-4 g~
A [1
~ [J C2
1. (a) J. Switzer, This Journal, 133, 722 (1986); (b) J.
Switzer, ACS Meeting, Denver (1987).
x 2. H.A. Laitinen and J. M. Conley, Anat. Chem., 48, 1224
-6" []
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• 3. N. R. Armstrong, A. W. C. Lin, M. Fujihira, and T. Ku-
-7 wama, Anal. Chem., 48, 741 (1976).
1,1 112 1~ 1:4 1~ 4. (a) G. Hodes, L. Thompson, J. Dubow, and K. Rajesh-
o (b) war, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105, 324 (1983); (b) O. M-R.
+ Chyan and K. Rajeshwar, This Journal, 132, 2109
(1985); (c) O. M-R. Chyan, S-I. Ho, and K. Rajeshwar,
+ zx ~ ibid., 133, 531 (1986); (d) S-I. Ho and K. Rajeshwar,
ibid., 134, 768 (1987).
5. S. Menezes, A. Heller, and B. Miller, ibid., 127, 1268
+ []
A 6. F. Decker, M. Fracastoro-Decker, S. Badawy, K.
Doblhofer, and H. Gerischer, ibid., 130, 2173 (1983).
A 7. D. Belanger, J. P. Dodelet, and B. A. Lambos, ibid.,
"6 133, 1113 (1986).
8. R. C. Kainthla, B. Zelinay, and J. O'M. Bockris, ibid.,
x 134, 841 (1987).

~x 9. A. T. Howe, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1407 (1983).
-7 10. S-I. Ho and K. Rajeshwar, This Journal, 134, 768 (1987).
1,1 1:2 1:3 1:4 l:s 11. (a) G. B. Hoflund, D. F. Cox, and H. A. Laitinen, Thin
Solid Films, 83, 261 (1981); (b) G. B. Hoflund, D. F.
E, V vs SCE
Cox, F. Ohuchi, P. H. Holloway, and H. A. Laitinen,
Fig. 14. Tafel curves for bare, RuOx-modified and Ti-supported RuO~ Appl. Surf. Sci., 14, 281 (1982-1983).
electrodes in |M KOH. Data notation as in Fig. 13. 12. (a) W. Badawy, K. Doblhofer, I. Eiselt, H. Gerischer, S.
Krause, and J. Melsheimer, Electrochim. Acta, 29,
1617 (1984); (b) R. H. Colton and H. E. Hager, This
I n all the cases, the Tafel lines level off at the extremity
Journal, 133, 2530 (1986).
13. J-C. Manifacier, L. Szepessy, J. F. Bresse, M. Perotin,
of the positive polarization limit. Blocking effects from the and R. Stuck, Mater. Res. Bull., 13, 109 (1978).
02 bubbles can be traced as the origin for this anomalous 14. K. S. Kim and N. Winograd, J. Catal., 35, 66 (1974).
trend. Only the higher Tafel slope can be discerned in the 15. L. D. Burke and O. J. Murphy, J. Electroanat. Chem.
neutral pH range (not shown). When the current density Interfacial Electrochem., 96, 19 (1979).
data in the ordinates of Fig. 14a and 15a are recalculated on 16. G.-W. Jang and K. Rajeshwar, This Journal, 134, 1830
the basis of the real surface area (rather than the geometric (1987).
area of the ITO), the Tafel lines for the various catalyst 17. S. Trasatti and G. Lodi, in "Electrodes of Conductive
loadings are almost superimposable (Fig. 13b and 14b). Metal Oxides," Part B, S. Trasatti, Editor, p. 521,
(Ideally, all the plots should exactly coincide if the varying Elsevier: Amsterdam (1981).
surface area had been correctly normalized.) Nonetheless, 18. L. D. Burke, O. J. Murphy, J. F. O'Neill, and S. Ven-
the overall trends in Fig. 13 and 14 lend further credence to katesan, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1, 73, 1659
(1977), and references therein.
the Ru assay technique addressed earlier in this paper. 19. (a) S. Trasatti and W. E. O'Grady, Adv. Electrochem.
Acknowledgment Electrochem. Eng., 12, 177 (1981); (b) L. I. Krishtalik,
Electrochim. Acta, 26, 329 (1981); (c) D. V. Kokoulina,
We are grateful to the Strategic Defense Initiative Office, L. V. Bunakoya, T. I. Khomyakova, and E. B. Sirot-
Innovative Science and Technology Branch and the Texas kina, Electrokhimiya, 22, 24 (1986).
Advanced Technology Research Program for partial sup- 20. M. E. G. Lyons and L. D. Burke, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday
port of this research. Trans. 1, 83, 299 (1987).

Electrolyte Effects on the Switching Reaction of Polyaniline

Jean-Christophe LaCroix and A. F. Diaz*
IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California 95120-6099

This report describes the electrochemical behavior of polyaniline prepared in aqueous solution with various acid elec-
trolytes. Electroactive polyaniline with two different cyclic voltammograms, i.e., with and without the additional peak at
500 mV, can be produced by controlling the current densities during the preparation. The oxidation reaction is coulombi-
cally reversible, and the rate depends on the acidity of the solution but is i n d e p e n d e n t of the nature of the counter anion.
In solutions more acidic than 0.1M, the charge is linear with time in the initial period. In 10-3M acid solutions, the charge
has a t 1/2 dependence. The films are also electroactive in n o n a q u e o u s solvents, and voltammograms with well-defined
waves result when the solution contains both organic salt and protic acid electrolyte. Polyaniline is stable in the dry state
but not in aqueous electrolyte. TGA shows that the material dehydrates at 80~ and completely decomposes at 185~ SEM
analyses show that the initially deposited film is a continuous film and that the subsequent deposit has a fibril structure.

The electroactive and conductive properties of polyani- development. The electroactive property of polyaniline
line are a subject of investigation in numerous labora- films has been studied for technologies such as electro-
tories. On the whole, the studies reveal a unique balance of chromic displays (1, 2), storage batteries (3), and sensors
effort directed to both the scientific issues and technology (4). These applications require that the material have high
*Electrochemical Society Active Member. reversibility, rapid switching rates, and chemical stability.
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Therefore, any attempts to optimize the material requires All the electrochemical experiments were made using a
good characterization. At present, attempts to compare the sodium chloride reference electrode and a gold wire coun-
characterization results from the different laboratories can terelectrode. The analyses were performed with IR com-
be difficult because there is a variation in the electrochem- pensation and using the electrochemical equipment previ-
ical response of the films where some films have additional ously described (8). Samples used for SEM analyses were
redox peaks in the region near 500 mV and some do not. precoated with 250A of gold and the measurements were
We now wish to report the results of a study showing made using a Hitachi $500. Film thicknesses were mea-
that electroactive polyaniline with two different cyclic sured by SEM and using a Tencor alfa step instrument.
voltammograms, i.e., with and without a reaction at 500 Thermal gravimetric analyses were made using a du Pont
mV, can be prepared by controlling the anodic voltage 1090 Thermal Analyzer and 981 Differential Scanning Cal-
and, effectively, the current densities during the prepara- orimeter. These analyses were made under a helium atmo-
tion. The switching reaction is coulombically reversible sphere and using a scan rate of 20~
and the chronocoulometric traces show that the charge
has a t dependence in acidic solutions (>0.1M) and a t 1/~de- Results and Discussion
pendence in weakly acidic solutions. Polyaniline is also ac- Electropolymerization.--The polyaniline films were pre-
tive in several nonaqueous solvents and can be switched pared in an aqueous solution containing 0.1M aniline plus
when the solution contains both salt and protic acid elec- 2M acid, by sweeping the voltage applied to the platinum
trolyte. Polyaniline is stable to storage in the dry state but electrode between -100 and 900 mV at 50 mV/s (5). The
not in aqueous electrolyte. TGA shows that the film dehy- preparations produced good quality films without
drates at 80~ and decomposes at 185~ coloration of the preparative solution. As the film begins to
form, peaks for the redox reaction of polyaniline appear at
Experimental 250 mV and the anodic voltage limit was gradually re-
duced to 750 mV. A typical preparation voltammogram is
All the chemicals used in this study were reagent grade
shown in Fig. 1. With sulfuric acid electrolyte, the reaction
and were used without further purification unless stated
is faster on the polymer than on platinum, allowing the
otherwise. Aniline (Aldrich Chemical Company) was puri-
anodic voltage limit to be reduced as soon as the platinum
fied by simple distillation. The electrodes were prepared
is covered with polyaniline. The faster charge transfer
by vapor deposition of 5000A of platinum on a glass plate
rates with a polyaniline/sulfuric acid electrode than with a
which was precoated with 500A of chromium as an adhe-
platinum electrode have been observed with the polymer-
sion layer. The metal deposition was made through a mask
ization of aniline (5, 6) and in the form of a greater revers-
producing a metal surface area equal to 0.5 cm 2.
ibility for the ferrocene, ferrous, and ferrocyanide couples
Polyaniline was prepared using a 0.1M aniline in 2M sul-
in aqueous electrolyte (7).
furic acid aqueous electrolyte. The films were generated
Controlling the anodic voltage limit in order to maintain
by sweeping the voltage applied to the electrode between
the current densities below 0.4 mA/cm 2 produced films
- 1 0 0 and 900 mV vs. sodium chloride calomel reference
which show the oxidation peak at 250 mV plus the 900 mV
electrode at 50 mV/s, as was previously described (5-7).
peak only and no peak at 500 mV. On the other hand, films
During the preparation, the anodic voltage limit is gradu-
showing the additional peak at 500 mV in the voltammo-
ally reduced to 750 mV in order to maintain the current
gram could be prepared by using a higher current density.
density at the positive voltage limit to a nearly constant
Literature reports on polyaniline prepared in aqueous sul-
value (ca. 0.4 mA/cm2). We thus have direct potential con- furic acid parallel these results, and the two kinds of films
trol and indirect current control during deposition. Films generated in different laboratories simply result from the
prepared using 33 mC/cm ~ had a corresponding thickness
degree of current density control exercised during the
of 1000A. Unless otherwise specified, all films were pre-
preparation. Films showing the additional peak at 500 mV
pared with controlled anodic voltage in order to minimize
were prepared with cycling to an anodic voltage limit of
the formation of oligomers and degradation products.
0.8V (6) and 0.9V (7), or potentiostatically at 0.9V (4, 7). On
Samples for thermal analyses were polymerized on a thin
the other hand, polyaniline with only one redox wave at
gold wire 0.03 m m diam and 50 cm length.
250 mV was prepared with sweeping to voltages less than
0.8V (5) or galvanostatically with the current density at 0.1
mA/cm a (1).
The ratio of the charge involved in the switching reac-
tion of the polymer (Qs) to the charge involved in the poly-
merization reaction (Qp) was found to be fairly constant
during the preparation. The ratio was determined from a
300 --
1.5 I

< 100 9

-lOO 0



o 200 400 600 800 lOOO

E/mV 5 10 15
Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammogram of the aniline polymerization reaction Qp/mC
on a platinum electrode using a 2M sulfuric acid aqueous solution con-
taining 0.2M aniline, and with continuous cyclic sweeping at 50 mV/s. Fig. 2. Plot of Q, vs. Qp for the data taken from each cycle in Fig. 1
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Vol. 135, No. 6 POLYANILINE 1459

1000 1200 1200

8O0 1000

800 -.~ 600 1000 < 800

200 /
--~ 600

400 /
0 20 40 60 80 600
400 v/mV/s
20 40 60 80
200 i/pA 80 m W s
2O0 40
x'20 20


0 200 400 600 800 -600
Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammogram of polyaniline (500~) in 2M aqueous 0 200
400 600 800 1000
sulfuric acid. Film was prepared with controlled current and anodic E/mY
voltage. Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammogram of polyaniline in 2M aqueous sulfuric
acid. Film was prepared without controlling the current density and the
anodic voltage limit.
plot of the total charge against voltage, which was re-
corded during the voltage sweep process. The charge in
the voltage range 200-300 mV was used to estimate Q~. were quite different. The polymerization reaction is slower
F r o m such a plot, the cumulative Qs/Qp ratio was deter- on these polymer surfaces than on platinum, and the
mine d for each successive voltage sweep cycle. The plot of anodic voltage limit could not be reduced during the prep-
Qs vs. Qp is shown in Fig. 2 for a film prepared using 33 aration. The voltammograms of the resulting films showed
sweep cycles. The slope provides a ratio equal to 0.125, and the additional peak at 500 mV along with the peaks at 250
the switching charge/cycle is 0.1 mC/cm2-cycle. The and 800 mV. As with the above acid electrolytes, the Qs/Qp
charge/cycle parameter has been used by Kitani (6) and ratio is constant during the preparation with hydrochloric
Wang (9) as a measure of the polymerization rate and is and trifluoroacetic acid electrolytes and equals 0.125.
found to be in the range 0.06-1.4 mC/cm2-cycle with differ-
ent acid electrolytes. Regarding the efficiency of the reac- Switching reaction.--The switching reaction of polyani-
tion, Oreta and Buttry have shown that the current effi- line prepared with low current/voltage was measured in
ciency for the polymerization reaction (with cycling) is 2M sulfuric acid containing no aniline. The voltammogram
40% where 100% corresponds to 1 electron per aniline unit is reasonably clean and has one oxidation and reduction
deposited (10). peak at 120-250 mV, as can be seen in Fig. 3. The peak for
Polyaniline was prepared in other electrolytes in order the second reaction at 900 mV is also present, although the
to probe the influence of the different acids. Some of these sweep was not extended into this peak during the initial
have been previously used, e.g., hydrochloric (6, 11), nitric analyses because material with an oxidation peak at 500
(6), and perchloric acid (6). Films prepared using hydro- mV is produced. While the voltage used to reverse the
chloric, nitric, fluorosulfonic, and trifluoromethylsulfonic sweep direction is arbitrary, it does affect the coulometric
acid electrolyte had the same electrochemical preparation results because the oxidation of the film appears to be a
characteristics. That is, the anodic voltage limit could be continuous process throughout the voltage range as pro-
reduced during the preparation and the resulting film posed by MacDiarmid (12). The redox peaks for the films
showed only one oxidation peak at 250 mV. The differ- from these preparations are listed in Table I and are la-
ences between these electrolytes was not quantified. Films beled first, second, and third systems in the order of ap-
prepared with hydrofluoric and trifluoroacetic electrolytes pearance in the anodic sweep. The peak heights for the
first oxidation reaction,scale linearly with the sweep rate,
and the cathodic and anodic peak separation remains con-
Table I. Summary of Ep values~ for polyaniline in aqueous acid stant at 130 mV. A voltammogram with this simple form
2.0 i i r i
First system Second system Third system (b) f 9
Acid (2M) Epa Epc Epa Epc Epa Epc
H2SO4 260 140 540 520 900 870 | |
620 580
HCI 250 110 610b 560b 870 830 1.0
HNO3 250 130 520 500 860 830 0
600 570 03
FSO3H 250 120 540 520 870 830
620 580
CF3SO~H 210 130 540b 490b 810 820 0.0
CF3COOH 210 130 530 510 770 740 0 100 150 0 5 10 15
HF 190 50 300 450 610 510 T/ms tl/2/(ms) 1/2

Fig. 5. Chronocoulometric plots resulting from potential steps from

aValues in millivolts vs. NaSCE measured at 50 mV/s scan rate. - 100 mV to 600 (1), 500 (2), 400 (3), and 300 (4) mV for a polyani-
bGenerated by degradation of polyaniline in aniline-free elec-
trolyte. line film (SO0~) in 2M aqueous sulfuric acid.
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1460 J. Electrochem. Soc.: E L E C T R O C H E M I C A L SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY June 1988

has been reported by Tamura by using a film prepared gal- NH2+ ns= 2 NH+
vanostatically (1, 2). The shape and position of the first
peak depend on the acidity of the solution. With increasing [Q~=fnsFFI
sulfuric acid electrolyte, the peak becomes sharper and
shifts linearly to anodic values at the rate of 0.060 mV/pH
unit in the pH range - 1 to 1, with constant ionic strength.
This pH dependence has been reported and ascribed to a (x+2) [~ NH3+ np=2
I~ ~ \~[" § (2)

one electron/one proton reaction (11). Therefore, all of the / ;~ [Op=npFmt]

measurements were made with 2M acid electrolyte in
order to minimize differences resulting from the solution
acidity. differences between the benzenoid- to quinoid-like forms
The v o l t a m m o g r a m for a film prepared with no anodic of the polymer must be a contributing factor.
voltage control shows a peak at 500 mV (second system) as The fraction of the aniline units along the chain which
seen in Fig. 4. This peak is difficult to interpret because it are oxidized (x) was estimated from the switching/
originates in several ways. The use of high current densi- polymerization charge ratio, Qs/Qp. Qs and Qp are defined in
ties during the preparation generates oligomers which oxi- Eq. [1] and [2] and can be related to the electrochemical
dize in this voltage range. This can be minimized by reduc- stoichiometry (n) ratio for these reactions, nJ%. In Eq. [1],
ing the anodic voltage limit or the concentration of aniline. F is the total surface concentration of polyaniline centers,
In addition, voltages anodic of 900 mV degrade the film x is the fraction of the aromatic units affected by the oxida-
and products are generated which oxidize in this voltage tion reaction, F is the Faraday constant, and ns, the electro-
range. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of these chemical stoichiometry of the switching reaction, is con-
signals, it is important to control the voltage and, effec- sidered equal to 2 per 2 aniline units (5). In Eq. [2], mt is the
tively, the current during a preparation, and the voltage total moles of aniline reacted to form the polymer, and np
during analyses. This peak has been reported by several equals 2 per aniline unit. Relating the charge ratio to the
laboratories and is assigned to the presence of ortho electrochemical stoichiometry ratio as in Eq. [3] provides x
coupled polymer (13), and degradation products (11). The equal to 0.25. This value agrees with the above value con-
vol t am m o g r am s for polyaniline films prepared and tested sidering that n~ and np differ by a factor of 2. As mentioned
in the other acid electrolytes are very similar to the above. above, this value will depend on the voltage used to re-
The v o l t am m o g ram s for films prepared and tested in sul- verse the direction of the sweep. This factor may explain
furic, hydrochloric, nitric, and fluorosulfonic acid electro- w h y our value is lower than the values of 0.33-0.42 charges/
lytes are effectively superimposable. The Ep values are repeating unit reported by Genies (22)
listed in Table I. With trifluoromethylsulfonic, hydrofluor- QJQp = xnJnp [3]
ic, and trifluoroacetic acid electrolytes, the oxidation peak
for the polymer is shifted negatively by 40-60 mV, and with
the latter two electrolytes, the presence of the peak at 500
mV could not be avoided. Switching Reaction Rate
The switching reaction corresponds to the oxidationn of
The chronocoulometric response of the reaction was
the pi-system of the protonated aniline units in the poly-
measured by stepping the voltage applied to the electrode
mer converting them from benzenoid- to quinoid-like
from -100 mV to an anodic voltage and back to -100 mV.
structures as shown in Eq. [1] (2, 13, 14). In this equation,
The resulting plots for a film (500A thick) prepared on a
only the protonated structures are considered because
platinum electrode are shown in Fig. 5. The rate of
they are relevent to the solution conditions in this study. switching is strongly dependent on the anodic voltage
Thus, Buttrey shows that in 2M sulfuric acid, ca. 50% of the step, and the response does not have simple Fickian be-
reduced polymer and 70% of the oxidized polymer is pro-
havior (Fig. 5b). The response is initially linear with time
tonated (10). Unlike polypyrrole and polythiophene, the and changes to a t 1/2 dependence at longer times. The ini-
oxidation-reduction reaction of polyaniline produces ben- tial slope for the voltage step to 600 mV is 35 mC/s and is
zenoid- and quinoid-like structures. These structures are the same for films 500-1500A thick. The response is the
coi~formationally different and have been detected spec- same with 2M sulfuric, hydrochloric, or fluorosulfonic acid
troscopically using IR and optical absorption (electro-
electrolyte. Particularly interesting is the fact that the
chemically prepared) (15, 16), and NMR and resonance
same Q-t dependence is observed for the reduction reac-
Ra m an (chemically prepared) (17, 18). The reaction has a
tion (step from 600 to -100 mV) with a small difference in
hysteresis as is observed with many of these polymers (2, the slope, since it is not expected from the shape of the cy-
5, 19). The hysteresis has been ascribed to conformational
clic voltammogram.
changes in the redox polymers (2, 19, 20), to changes in the
The model normally used to describe the switching rate
swelling of the film and to changes in the level of interca- of familiar films such as polypyrrole and polythiophene as-
lation of ions (10, 21). With polyaniline, the conformational sumes the controlling step of the reaction is assumed to be
the rate of mass transport of ionic species in and out of the
film. Semi-infinite diffusion equations, with t 1/2 depen-
2.0 I
dence, are used to fit the experimental results, and the con-
tribution of migration to mass transport is neglected. The
| calculated diffusion coefficients are in the range, 10-l~
cm2/s. This model does not explain the Q-t response of the
15 polyaniline film. Although linear diffusion has not been
observed in electrochemical systems, mass transport con-
trolled p h e n o m e n a with linear kinetics, as opposed to
Fickian, have been observed, e.g., the diffusion of metha-
0 nol into PMMA (23) and aqueous zinc chloride solution (24)
into a glassy polymer. In these systems, the rate is con-
trolled by the constant velocity of an advancing boundary
0.5 resulting from a chemical reaction or a phase transition
and is refered to as Case II diffusion (25). In the case of
polyaniline, if the switching rate is controlled by mass
i i I I transport, it may be limited by a process involving a mov-
0.0 100 200 300 400 500 ing front across the thickness of the film and not by diffu-
t/ms sion of ions. While Case II diffusion is consistent with the
Fig. 6. Chronocoulometric plots resulting from o potential step from linear kinetics, it is not consistent with the recent report by
- 1 0 0 to 600 mV for a polyaniline film (SO0~) in sulfuric acid; (1) Glarum indicating that the charge is developed homogene-
O.1M, (2) 1M, and (3) 2M. ously throughout the film (26).
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Vol. 135, No. 6 POLYANILINE 1461

Table II. Cyclic voltammetry data for polyaniline in several 600

electrolyte solutions

Anodic a Cathodic a 500

Solvent Electrolyte Epb ip/Av~ Epb ip/Av~
Water 2M H2SO4 250 13.5 120 8.5 400
Ethanol 2M H2SO4 380 13 250 12.5
1M CF3COOH/ 170 4.5 80 6 Z
0.1M Bu4NBF4
2,2,2-Trifluoro- 2M H2SO4 370 12 230 7.5
ethanol 1M CF~COOH/ 500 8 260 7
0.1M Bu4NBF4
w 200
Acetic acid 2M H2SO4 420 15 320 12.5
1M CF3COOH/ 380 4.8 200 5.5
0.1M Bu4NBF4
Acetonitrile 2M H2SO4 450 13.5 360 12 100 CH3COOH ?2HsOH
1M CF~COOH/ 540 5.5 260 6.5 CH3CN '~ H20
0.1M Bu4NBF4
40 50 60
aMeasurements made with IR compensation and sweep rates at
10-100 mV/s. ET/(kcat/mol)
bValues in mV. Fig. 8. Plot of Ep~and Epc values from the cyclic voltammograms of
~Values in mA-s/cm~V.
polyaniline films in various solvents (50 mV/s, NaSCE) vs. ET values
from Ref. (29).
A n alternate e x p l a n a t i o n is that the s w i t c h i n g reaction is
c o n t r o l l e d by the resistance of the cell (solution and film). 1
n e e d e d to distinguish b e t w e e n t h e s e possibilities
I f t h e c u r r e n t and the potential applied to the electrode are
related as in Eq. [4], then, for large I R values, the c u r r e n t
will be fairly c o n s t a n t and i n d e p e n d e n t of k0QRed. It will i = koQRed eXp [~ ~--~(E- IR)] [4]
also be insensitive to the o t h e r cell c o n d i t i o n s s u c h as pH,
a n i o n type, and m a g n i t u d e of the potential step. I n d e p e n - T h e acidity of the solution influences the kinetics of t h e
d e n t of t h e model, t h e observations are that t h e s w i t c h i n g reaction. As s e e n in Fig. 6, the s w i t c h i n g t i m e is a l m o s t
t i m e s for polyaniline are in tens of m i l l i s e c o n d s and are identical for 1-2M sulfuric acid electrolyte and ca. 3 t i m e s
significantly less t h a n for p o l y p y r r o l e ( h u n d r e d s of milli- s l o w e r w i t h 0.1M acid electrolyte. With the 0.1M acid elec-
seconds). T h e difference reflects either the h i g h e r m o b i l i t y trolyte t h e t i m e d e p e n d e n c e of t h e reaction has already
of p r o t o n s and anions in polyaniline, or t h e difference in c h a n g e d significantly and is linear w i t h t 1/2 in t h e r e g i o n
cell resistance b e t w e e n the a q u e o u s and aprotic electro- 20-80% reaction. The D/12 v a l u e calculated for this p o r t i o n
lyte. If the resistance of t h e cell is the controlling p a r a m e - of t h e reaction is 7.85 s -I, and D equals 1.9 • 10 10 cm2/s
ter for the s w i t c h i n g rate of t h e film, it m a y also be the con- (500A film). With a m o r e dilute acid solution, 0.001M sul-
trolling p a r a m e t e r for the other polymers, s u c h as furic acid plus 0.1M s o d i u m sulfate, the D/l 2 v a l u e is 1.4 s -1,
p o l y p y r r o l e and p o l y t h i o p h e n e . Therefore, the interpreta- and D e q u a l s 1.4 • 10 -l~ cm2/s (1000A film). F o r compari-
tions b a s e d on m a s s transport and the v a l u e s of t h e diffu- son, O y a m a (27) reports at t u2 d e p e n d e n c e for the
sion coefficients p u b l i s h e d m a y be in error. More w o r k is s w i t c h i n g reaction in p H 1 solution using a film 0.36 ~ m
1The authors wish to thank the referee for comments regarding t h i c k and a D v a l u e e q u a l to 1.2 • 10 -1~ cm2/s.
the effect of IR losses.
Other solvents.--The m a j o r i t y of the e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l
studies w i t h polyaniline h a v e b e e n p e r f o r m e d in a q u e o u s
I I solutions (1-7, 9, 11, 13, 14), a l t h o u g h . t h e p o l y m e r is also
e l e c t r o a c t i v e in m o i s t acetonitrile, p r o p y l e n e carbonate,
and a n h y d r o u s a m m o n i u m fluoride solutions (13, 22). I n
fact, polyaniline is electroactive in several o t h e r solvents.
This is seen in Table II, w h i c h lists t h e Ep and i,/Av values
800 f r o m v o l t a m m o g r a m s m e a s u r e d in alcoholic, c a r b o x y l i c
acid, and aprotic solvents such as acetonitrile. The ip/Av
v a l u e s are for the s w e e p rate range, 10 to 100mV/s. U n l i k e
600 p o l y p y r r o l e (19) and p o l y t h i o p h e n e (28), v o l t a m m o g r a m s
w i t h well-defined w a v e s result only w h e n b o t h organic salt
and protic acid are p r e s e n t in the electrolyte solution.
400 W i t h o u t t h e p r e s e n c e of b o t h electrolytes, v e r y broad non-
d e s c r i p t w a v e s w e r e produced. T h e position and the w i d t h
,,< 100 mV/s of t h e peaks are also sensitive to the solvent/electrolyte
200 80 c o m b i n a t i o n of the solution, and in general, are consis-
40 t e n t l y sharper with sulfuric acid t h a n w i t h the salt/protic
acid electrolyte. This is seen in the v o l t a m m o g r a m s mea-
s u r e d in acetic acid w h i c h are s h o w n in Fig. 7. T h e p e a k
w i d t h s at half heights are 90 and 120-200 m V w i t h the sul-
furic acid and trifluoroacetic acid electrolyte, respectively,
Table III. Thermal gravimetic analysis data for polyaniline films
-400 Electrolyte

-600 H2SO4 HC1 FSO3H CF3SO3H

200 400 600 800 1000 Polarization, mV -100 +480 -100 -100 +480 -100 +480
Decomposition 185 195 185 185 195 110 110
E/mY temperature, ~
Water content, 19 40 18 34 41 <1 <1
Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammogram of polyaniline (1000~) in 2M sulfuric %
acid in acetic acid solution.
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1462 J. Electrochem. Soc.: E L E C T R O C H E M I C A L SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY J u n e 1988

I ' "~L. ' I I I I I 100 switching the film up to 1V in aqueous electrolyte pro-
duced a 70% loss of the electroactivity after four cycles.
90 The total resident time of the film in the voltage region
o-e anodic of the second peak is ca. 24s. In acetonitrile
80 ._~ (Bu4NBF4/CF3COOH) solution, films switched for 80 cycles
showed a 10% decrease in electroactivity. During these
runs the total residence time of the film in the voltage
70 range anodic of the second peak was ca. 1000s. From the
3O \
relative amounts of decomposition and residence times in
\ ......
60 the anodic voltage regions for the two electrolytes, the film
is estimated to be at least 500 times more stable in the non-
aqueous electrolyte. The chronocoulometric experiments
in acetonitrile electrolyte revealed that the switching times
were decreased by a factor of five by changing the voltage
step from 0.5 to 1.4V. However, the switching times remain
,.;- smaller than those in 2M sulfuric acid.

~. -10
Film stability.--The films are quite stable to storage in
the dry state, as measured by the charge in the switching
reaction. Films rinsed with water and stored in ambient
conditions for 40 days remain electroactive and show only
a small broadening in the peak shape. The films are some-
-30 , I , I , I , I , f , I T I , what less stable to storage at 80~ After five days, the films
-40 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280
show a 15% loss in the coulombic capacity and the peaks in
TemperattJre (~
the v o l t a m m o g r a m are broad. Further storage up to 40
Fig. 9. Thermal gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric days reveals very little change. The films are less stable to
plots for polyaniline prepared in aqueous sulfuric acid. storage in 1M aqueous sulfuric acid solution under open-
circuit conditions. At room temperature the open-circuit
potential of the film shifts positive to 650 mV within an
and the difference may result from the presence of small hour. The film changes color but there is little or no loss of
amounts of water with the sulfuric acid. coulombic capacity. Soaking the film for 4h at 80~ re-
The potential for the switching reaction of the polyani- duces the coulombic capacity to 12% and the switching po-
line film shows a rather large solvent effect. In fact, the tential is shifted positive by 100 inV. The main decom-
shift in the Ep, and Epc values appear to respond to both the position pathway for the film must be hydrolysis to
polarity and the basicity of the solvents. The shifts corre- produce benzoquinone product (32). The films are also sta-
late best with the ET values, a solvent polarity parameter ble to the switching reaction, as mentioned above, al-
developed by Dimroth and colloborators (29) from spectro- though m u c h better estimates of the reversibility have
scopic measurements of the solvent effects on the optical been provided by several laboratories from continuous cy-
absorption spectra of phenylpyridinium salts in various cling experiments. For example, Genies finds that electro-
solvents. As seen in Fig. 8, a good linear correlation is ob- polymerized polyaniline can be switched up to 100-2000
served with both anodic and cathodic peak potentials, and cycles with coulombic yield of 1.0 (9), while chemically
the solvent sensitivity is comparable. The Ep values also polymerized polyaniline maintains coulombic capacity of
correlate with the solvent basicity as measured by the pKa 93-96% during 200 sweep cycles with low current density
(30) and the photon transfer quotient (31) values of the sol- (33, 34).
vents. In the pica correlation, the values for the three non- A more direct measure of the thermal stability of polyan-
aqueous solvents are linearly related, while the value in iline was determined by thermal gravimetric analysis of
water is displaced 100 mV negative of the extended films prepared on a thin gold wire. The analyses were car-
straight line. ried out under a helium atmosphere using 5-9 mg film
In these solvents, a second peak is observed in the samples. Polyaniline from sulfuric, fluorosulfonic, and hy-
anodic region as in the aqueous solutions. However, in drochloric acid solutions has a higher decomposition tem-
contrast with the reaction in aqueous solutions where perature, 185~176 than polypyrrole (19) and polythio-
sweeping the potential through the second peak degrades phene (28). These temperatures are listed in Table III.
the film, the film is m u c h more stable. For example, Shown in Fig. 9 is the scan for a film which was polarized

Fig. 10. Scanning electron micrographs of polyaniline films prepared in 2M sulfuric acid (a and b) and 2M hydrochloric acid (c) with controlled
anodic voltage and current density.
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Vol. 135, No. 6 POLYANILINE 1463

at -100 mV before removing the electrode from the cell. Wu, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 121, 187 (1985).
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195~ The films prepared in trifluoromethylsulfonic acid 9. B. Wang, J. Tang, and F. Wang, Syn. Metals, 13, 329
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copy. In the region below 100~, moisture was the only vola- 11. T. Kobayashi, H. Yoneyama, and H. Tamura, J. Electro-
tile observed. anal. Chem.~ 177,293 (1984).
12. W.-S. Huang, B. D. Humphrey, and A. G. MacDiarmid,
The chemical process associated with the exotherm is J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1, 82, 2385 (1986).
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and the aniline dimer, the sulfate salt of protonated p-ami- 195, 109 (1985).
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show an e x o t h e r m with heating. Therefore, this reaction Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 84, 3618 (1962). See references
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Kamisako, J. Electroanal. Chem., 161, 399 (1984).
Surface micrographs.--Literature reports from different 16. W. R. Salaneck, I. Lundstrom, B. Liedberg, M.A.
laboratories describe the polyaniline deposit as a film and Hasan, R. Erlandsson, P. Konradsson, A.G. Mac-
as a powder. As can be seen in Fig. 10a, the first deposit is Diarmid, and N. L. D. Somasiri, Springer Ser. Solid
continuous film which has a surface roughness on the sub- State Sci., 63, 218 (1985).
micron scale and resembles the surface of films previously 17. T. Hjertberg, W. R. Salaneck, I. Lundstrom, N. L. D.
reported (5). These films are adherent, continuous, and Somasiri, and A.G. MacDiarmid, J. Polym. Sci:
covered the 0.5 cm 2 electrode area fairly evenly with no Polym. Lett. Ed., 23, 503 (1985).
visible uncoated areas. No difference was detected be- 18. H. Kuzmany, E. M. Genies, and A. Syed, Springer Ser.,
t w e en films prepared with sulfuric and hydrochloric acid Solid State Sci., 63, 223 (1985).
electrolyte. Ex t en d i n g beyond this film, a fibril structure 19. A. F. Diaz and K. K. Kanazawa, in " E x t e n d e d Linear
forms (13, 35) (Fig. 10b and 10c), which has been noted as a Chain Compounds," Vol. 3, J . S . Miller, Editor,
p o w d e r (6, 9). The fibers have a diameter of ca. 0.1 ~Lm and p. 417, P l e n u m Press, New York (1983).
20. K. Shigehara, N. Oyama, and F.C. Anson, J. Am.
e x t e n d up to ca. 1 ~Lm between branch points. The fiber
Chem. Soc., 103, 2552 (1981).
content on the film can be controlled by the amount of 21. S. H. Glarum and J. H. Marshall, This Journal, 134, 142
charge used in the polymerization reaction. Fiber forma- (1987).
tion occurred with all the electrolytes and there is a varia- 22. E. M. Genies, A. A. Syed, and C. Tsintavis, Mol. Cryst.
tion in the degree of formation with each acid. In particu- Liq. Cryst., 121, 181 (1985).
lar the film prepared in trifluoroacetic acid produced 23. N. Thomas and A. H. Windle, Polymer, 19, 255 (1978).
extensive fibril structure, giving the film the appearance of 24. R . P . Burford and E. Harrauer, ibid., 24, 1001 (1983).
a powder. Removal of the fibril powder from the continu- 25. H. L. Frisa, Polym. Eng. Sci., 20, 1 (1980).
ous film did not alter the voltammogram, except to reduce 26. S. Gottesfeld, E. Ticianelli, and A. Redondo, Abstract
the size of the signal; therefore, both materials have the 1395, p. 1909, The Electrochemical Society E x t e n d e d
same electrochemical characteristic. This is not surprising, Abstracts, Vol. 87-2, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 18-23,
since pressed pellets of the powders (6) or of polyaniline 27. N. Oyama, Y. Ohnuki, K. Chiba, and T. Ohsaka, Chem.
from a chemical preparation (33) have nearly the same Soc. Jpn. Chem. Lett., 1759 (1983).
electroactive behavior as the continuous film. 28. R. J. Waltman, J. Bargon, and A. F. Diaz, J. Phys.
Chem., 87, 1459 (1983).
Acknowledgments 29. K. Dimroth, C. Reichardt, T. Siepmann, and F.
The authors wish to acknowledge the technical assist- Bohlmann, Ann. Chem., 661, 1 (1963).
ance of R. Siemens, E. Hadziioannou, and J. Duran for 30. N. L. Allinger, M. P. Cara, D. C. DeJongh, C. R. John-
their technical assistance. This work was carried out while son, N. A. Lebel, and C. L. Stevens, "Organic Chem-
one of us (JCL) was under sponsorship from Elf- istry," p. 285, Worth Publishers, Inc., New York
Aquitaine. J C L wishes to thank Professor O. Kahn for (1971).
making the necessary arrangements for this sponsorship. 31. "Physical Chemistry of Organic Solvent Systems,"
A.K. Covington and T. Dickinson, Editors, p. 389,
Manuscript submitted Sept. 8, 1986; revised manuscript P l e n u m Press, London and New York (1973).
received Jan. 6, 1988. 32. R. L. Hand and R. R. Nelson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96, 850
IBM assisted in meeting the publication costs of this ar- 33. A. G. MacDiarmid, J. C. Chiang, M. Halpern, W-S.
ticle. Huang, S-L. Mu, L.D. Somasiri, W. Wu, and S.I.
Yaniger, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 121, 173 (1984).
REFERENCES 34. A. G. MacDiarmid, J. C. Chian, M. Halpern, W.S.
1. T. Kobayashi, H. Yoneyama, and H. Tamura, J. Electro- Huang, J. R . Krawczyk, R. J. Mammone, S. L. Mu,
anal. Chem., 161,419 (1984). N. L. D. Somasiri, and W. Wu, Polym. Prepr. Am.
2. T. Kobayashi, H. Yoneyama, and H. Tamura, ibid., 177, Chem. Soc. Div. Polym. Chem., 25, 248 (1984).
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3. A. G. MacDiarmid, S.-L. Mu, N. L. D. Somasiri, and W. 132, 353 (1985).

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