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Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary

neutral mass spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities
D.M. Zayachuk a,⇑, Cs. Buga b, V.E. Slynko c, A. Csík b
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera St, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI), H-4026 Debrecen, Bemter 18/c, Hungary
Institute for Problems of Material Science NASU, Chernivtsy Branch, 5 Vilde St, 58001 Chernivtsy, Ukraine

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We review, summarize and augment our recent studies on the problem of using Secondary Neutral Mass
Received 12 September 2019 Spectrometry method for analyzing PbTe, SnTe and GeTe binary tellurides specimens. The experimental
Accepted 6 October 2019 results are discussed with reference to the chemical diversity of the studied compounds, preferential
Available online xxxx
sputtering of their constituents manifesting itself differently in the different tellurium compounds; the
large differences in atomic masses of the telluride components; and the morphology of the sputtered sur-
Keywords: faces, which has been characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the XVII International Freik
Preferential sputtering Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems.

1. Introduction In this report we present the generalized and augmented results

of our studies on the PbTe, SnTe and GeTe crystals analyzed by
Before the wide practical applications of any new material type SNMS method. The effect of preferential sputtering, influence of
a detailed structural and chemical analysis is required, including large differences in the atomic masses, as well as the formation
quantitative determination of the sample composition and ele- of a dimple texture and various types of three-dimensional struc-
mental content. For such analysis a widely applied method is the tures on the sample surface under Ar+ ion beam sputtering with
Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry (SNMS) [1]. In a SNMS different energies (from 50 to 500 eV) is discussed [5–8].
method the neutral particles, sputtered from the surface, are used
to quantify the content of solids. To be analyzed, the sputtered 2. Experimental details
neutral particles are post-ionized by energetic electrons.
Measured intensities of sputtered species fluxes in the SNMS Determination of quantitative composition of any type of sam-
conditions depend on the properties of sputtering surface (i.e. insu- ples with different structure and quality is always a crucial point of
lator, conductor), in particular, the chemical composition of sput- scientific work. As mentioned above several factors affect the
tering target and its ion-modified surface morphology [2]. On the results of SNMS measurements. Therefore we have studied the
other hand, they depend on the different characteristics of the sputtering processes of different tellurides samples (PbTe-SnTe-
detected elements, such as their masses, the surface binding ener- GeTe sequence) by the Ar+ beams in the SNMS conditions. The
gies, the neutral-to-ion conversion factors in the plasma, as well as crystal ingots grown from vapor phase, from melt by the Bridgman
the mass spectrometer parameters [3]. To convert the experimen- method as well as synthesized from high-purity initial materials
tally measured intensities of the signals into the element concen- were used for investigations. The details and conditions of synthe-
trations, all these factors should be taken into account. In sis of ingots described in Ref. [6]. The composition of the studied
practice, they are covered by the so-called relative detection factor samples was verified by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX)
(RDF) of the sputtered species [4]. method. In all cases, within the accuracy of the method, it corre-
sponds to the stoichiometric one.
Different parts of the crystal ingots were used for the sputtering
⇑ Corresponding author. experiment. There were: i) the flat end of the crystal ingot grown
E-mail address: (D.M. Zayachuk). from vapor phase, which had a very high structural quality and
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the XVII International Freik Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and

Please cite this article as: D. M. Zayachuk, C. Buga, V. E. Slynko et al., Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary neutral mass
spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 D.M. Zayachuk et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

(1 0 0) crystallographic orientation confirmed by X-Ray diffraction It is clearly seen that the preferential sputtering manifests itself
measurement [8], ii) the natural lateral surface of crystal ingots differently in the different tellurium compounds. Two periods of
grown by different methods, and iii) the surfaces processed the process of their sputtering are particularly revealing. First of
mechanically during cutting of the crystal. them is the initial 1–2 min of the process when the ratio Itot(Te)/
Sputtering experiments were carried out on INA-X type SNMS Itot(Pb, Sn, Ge) is changing rapidly. Another one is the period after
system produced by SPECS GmbH, Berlin. The sample (mounted about 3rd–5th minutes of sputtering, when the intensities ratio is
in front of the argon plasma) is set to negative potential and argon practically constant.
ions are accelerated out of the plasma towards the sample at a nor- The change of intensity during the sputtering at the initial stage
mal angle of incidence and sputter the surface. The post-ionization shows that in the case of PbTe samples sputtering of the metal con-
was performed by Electron Cyclotron Wave Resonance plasma. In stituent of the crystal lattice is preferential. In contrast, it can be
the direct bombardment mode, Ar+ ions are extracted from low seen that in the case of SnTe and GeTe the non-metals atoms are
pressure plasma and bombard a negatively biased (50. . .550 V) sputtered preferentially.
sample surface with a current density of 1 mA/cm2, performing The constant values of the intensities ratio at the late stages of
a controlled surface erosion. The sputtered area was confined to a sputtering process and their significant difference from the unity
circle of 2 mm in diameter by a Ta mask. Post-ionized neutral par- indicate the fundamental role of RDF. The relative detection factor
ticles are directed into a quadruple mass spectrometer Balzers QMA of the sputtered species (DTe(Me)) plays significant role in the for-
410 by electrostatic lenses. mation of the ratio of the experimentally measured integral inten-
The samples after sputtering experiment without any modifica- sities Itot(Te)/Itot(Me) for the PbTe, SnTe, and GeTe samples. By
tion of the surface were moved into the SEM vacuum chamber for measuring the depth of sputtered crater by profilometer (Ambios
further analysis. A Hitachi S-4300 CFE scanning electron micro- I type) and investigating the sputtered surfaces by SEM we have
scope (SEM) equipped with Bruker type Energy Dispersive X-ray estimated the sputtering rate of the studied compounds. Its magni-
(EDX) analyzer was used for study the surface morphology of sam- tude under sputtering energy of 350 eV was 2.3 nms1 for GeTe,
ples after ion sputtering. 2.7 nms1 for SnTe, and 3.5 nms1 for PbTe. Taking into account
the values of lattice constants of the compounds, this corresponds
to the thickness of the sputtered layer in order of 103 elementary
3. The most important experimental results
cells during the 3 min of sputtering. Thereafter we have all reasons
to suggest that the constant value of the Itot(Te)/Itot(Me) ratio occurs
It is well known that the sputtering of polyatomic solids is pref-
when the macroscopic quantity of material is sputtered.
erential [9]. Preferential sputtering of any multicomponent solid
If a macroscopic quantity of any AB diatomic material is sput-
occurs primarily due to its differences in atomic masses of con-
tered, in order to satisfy the mass conservation the ratio of the sput-
stituents. In the sequence of tellurides PbTe-SnTe-GeTe the metal
ter yields of its constituents YA/YB must be equal to the ratio of their
component/tellurium masses ratio varies considerably. The quality
bulk concentration [10]. The actual composition of the synthesized
of the crystals of different tellurides, that can be grown, also varies,
materials and the grown crystals of SnTe and GeTe are close to sto-
primarily due to significant differences in their phase diagrams.
ichiometric, for PbTe the component content corresponds to each
From this point of view in our work the main focus was on the
other with high accuracy. Consequently, the ratio of bulk
study of the influence of the IV-VI crystalline matrix composition
concentrations of the components in all the studied samples is
and surface quality on the ratio of the sputter fluxes of metal and
equal to one. Since IA =IB ¼ ðY A =Y B ÞDA ðBÞ [3], the difference between
tellurium atoms. The aim was to determine a possible procedure
Itot(Te)/Itot(Me) and unit at the late stages of sputtering points to the
for quantification the composition of various specimens from the
important role of RDF DTe(Me). In more detail the issue of RDF of Te
measured intensities ratio of metal/telluride elements.
to others elements will be described in the Discussion section.

3.1. The effect of the IV-VI crystalline matrix on the features of the
preferential sputtering of the investigated compounds 3.2. The effect of the surface quality on the sputtering spectra of the
investigated compounds
The IV-VI crystalline matrix has a significant effect on the nat-
ure of preferential sputtering of the investigated compounds. As The analysis of the results obtained from the sputtering of PbTe
an example, this effect is illustrated by the data presented in sample surfaces under the same conditions showed that their sput-
Fig. 1(a). tering spectra can differ greatly. The data relating to sputtering of

Fig. 1. (a) Ratio of the measured integral intensities Itot(Te)/Itot(Me)for the PbTe, SnTe, and GeTe samples sputtered by Ar+ ion beams with energy of 350 eV vs. sputtering time.
(b) The ratio Itot(Te)/Itot(Pb) of integral intensities of Te and Pb sputtering for different PbTe samples vs. sputtering time at the sputtering energy of 50 eV: the solid symbols of
different shades of gray show results of sputtering mechanically treated surfaces, the hollow symbols of different shades of red and pink show results of sputtering natural
surfaces of the ingot grown from melt by the Bridgman method. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

Please cite this article as: D. M. Zayachuk, C. Buga, V. E. Slynko et al., Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary neutral mass
spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities, Materials Today: Proceedings,
D.M. Zayachuk et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

two different types of sample surfaces, namely the natural lateral the process of sputtering, this constant value of the ratio Itot(Te)/
surface of the ingot grown from melt by the Bridgman method Itot(Pb) is less than one.
and the surfaces treated mechanically, which are presented in
Fig. 1(b), illustrate these differences. To determine their nature 4. Discussion
we examined the morphology of the sputtered surfaces by SEM.
Comparison of the SEM results with the corresponding surface Based on the data presented above and obtained in our previous
sputtering spectra is shown in Fig. 2. From this we can conclude works [2,5,8] we concluded that there are several problems with
that surface texture produced during ion-solid interaction (forma- quantification of the sputtered spectra of the lead, tin, and germa-
tion of a dimple relief and three-dimensional surface structures) nium tellurides targets. They arises because formation of surface
plays important role on the formation of the intensity ratio of sput- morphology induced by ion bombardment is strongly affecting
tered constituents. the detectable value of sputtered particles. Under impact of sput-
To determine experimentally the direction of change (increase tered surface with non-smooth morphology there is no unambigu-
or decrease) of the ratio of the intensity of the sputtered metal ous relationship between the concentration of tellurides
and non-metallic components of the investigated compounds components and the ratio of signal intensities. Furthermore, the
under influence of a complicated architecture of the sputtering sur- stability of the sputtering rates does not exist because the mea-
face it is necessary to achieve a smooth sputtered surface in the sured intensity varies with the change in the angle of impacts.
process of ion-solid interaction. It is natural to assume that forma- As it is mentioned in Section 3.1, for any diatomic solid (with A
tion of dimple relief on the surface has a significant effect on the and B components):
sputtering process and thus on the sputtering rate. The right value
of intensity ratio in case of sputtering metal and non-metallic com- IA Y A
¼ DA ðBÞ ð1Þ
ponents could be experimentally determined only if the ion-solid IB Y B
interaction provides practically smooth sputtered surface. We
According to Sigmund’s linear cascade theory [9] the ratio of the
were able to achieve this by sputtering the high-quality (1 0 0)
partial sputter yields Y of A and B elements are determined by their
crystallographic surface of the crystal ingot grown from a vapor
surface concentration NS, surface binding energy U, mass M and for
phase in a free volume. SEM picture of the sputtered surface and
the beam energy EU is:
its sputtering spectra are shown in Fig. 3.
As can be seen, if a structurally perfect PbTe crystal surface is  2m  12m
sputtered, no 3D surface structures are formed even after long time ’ S ð2Þ
sputtering. We also do not observe the typical dimple relief as in
the case of sputtering of the surfaces with lower quality of crys- where m is the exponent in the low energy power cross section, a
tallinity (Fig. 2). Only some etching chains observed which can quantity close to zero. Thus, if the concentration of the components
be attributed to the emergence of dislocations at the surface. of the solid is fixed, the ratio of their sputter yield must also be fixed
The ratio of intensities Itot(Te)/Itot(Pb) noticeably changes only regardless of the sputtering energy. Accordingly, the ratio of the
during the initial, approximately 10 min of sputtering, and then intensities of the sputtered species should also be fixed, if the RDF
tends to a constant value. It should be emphasized that, in contrast is constant.
to the natural surfaces of the crystal ingot grown from melt by the It is usually accepted that for a given plasma and sputtering
Bridgman method, as well as the mechanically treated surfaces conditions RDF is independent for the actually analyzed sample
(Figs. 1 and 2), for a surface which remains practically smooth in [11] and bombarding ion energy, if the oblique take-off technique

Fig. 2. (a), (c): SEM pictures of the sputtered lateral (a) and mechanically treated (c) surfaces of PbTe ingot grown from melt by the Bridgman method. (b), (d): Corresponding
to the SEM pictures, respectively, the ratio of the integral intensities Itot(Te)/Itot(Pb) vs. sputtering time. The sputtering energy is 350 eV.

Please cite this article as: D. M. Zayachuk, C. Buga, V. E. Slynko et al., Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary neutral mass
spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 D.M. Zayachuk et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. (a) SEM pictures of the sputtered (1 0 0) crystallographic surface of the PbTe crystal ingot grown from a vapor phase. (b) Corresponding sputtering spectrum as the
ratio of the experimental integral intensities Itot(Te)/Itot(Pb) vs. sputtering time. The sputtering energy is 350 eV.

is used [12]. For the materials being studied in this investigation This is fully consistent with the data presented in Fig. 1a and the
this assumption is not valid. We assume that relative detection fac- results of our previous studies [2].
tor DTe(Pb, Sn, Ge) depends on the sputtering energy (through the
dependence of the impact angle) and can vary from sample to sam- 5. Conclusions
ple depending on the morphology of the sputtered surface.
In the SNMS conditions DTe(Me = Pb, Sn, Ge) can be written as Applicability of Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry method
[1,13]: for analyzing the crystals of binary tellurides PbTe, SnTe, and GeTe
was examined. It is shown that there are several problems with
GTe T Te aTe converting measured intensity ratio of sputtered constituents into
DTe ðMeÞ ¼ ð3Þ
GMe T Me aMe the quantitative values of their concentrations. There is no unam-
biguous relationship between the concentration ratio of the tel-
lurides components and the ratio of the intensity of their
where GX denotes the fraction of the flux of sputtered species X col-
sputtered signals. Also the ratio of the telluride components signal
lected by the mass analyzer, TX is the mass spectrometer transmis-
intensities when the sputtering energy is changed is not constant.
sion for X , and aX is the neutral-to-ion conversion factor of the
To solve the problem of quantitative composition determination, it
species X in the plasma.
is necessary to introduce an adjustment to the magnitude of the
The ratio aTe/aMe of the neutral-to-ion conversion factors in the
relative detection factor (DTe(Me = Pb, Sn, Ge)), which depends on
plasma first of all depends on the ratio of the ionization energies.
the sputtered surface morphology, bombarding Ar+ ions energy
The ionization energies of Pb, Sn, Ge, and Te is equal to 7.4167,
and must be determined separately in each individual case.
7.3439, 7.8994, and 9.0097 eV, respectively [14]. Consequently, in
the process of SNMS analysis a smaller fraction of the sputtered
Te atoms is counted than of the sputtered Pb, Sn or Ge atoms. So,
the ratio aTe/aMe must lead to a lower than one DTe(Me).
The work is supported by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00041 project,
In the case of PbTe, as one can see from the data in Figs. 1–3,
which is co-financed by the European Union and the European
DTe(Pb) is lower than one only for the high quality vapor phase
Regional Development Fund.
sample, whose surface remains practically smooth in the process
of sputtering. For all others samples, whose surfaces are covered
by 3D structures in the process of ion-solid interaction, DTe(Pb) is References
larger than one. Thus we conclude that deviation of the
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Please cite this article as: D. M. Zayachuk, C. Buga, V. E. Slynko et al., Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary neutral mass
spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Please cite this article as: D. M. Zayachuk, C. Buga, V. E. Slynko et al., Analyzing of lead, tin and germanium tellurides by means of secondary neutral mass
spectrometry: Features, problems and possibilities, Materials Today: Proceedings,

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