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3 R D O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 B Y S R A B A N T I D A S G U P TA

A slice of life
Exploring the story of a family in South Asia

Brief: Illustrating a mini-comic with themes of identity, mental health, death, loss, and
grief juxtaposed with the present

A mixture of auto-ethnographic documentation, recollection of memories, and

imagined conversations with the lost parent. Parallel to these encounters, run ongoing
conversations over the phone with the other parent going through his life. His values,
his rationales, and his struggles – Illustrate a story of a community with a certain
mindset formed due to the circumstances one grew up in.

I want to incorporate spaces that embody meaning and can be used as a metaphor. One
such space is Brion Cemetary designed by Carlo Scarpa.
3d model of Brion Cemetary to situate conversations with the lost one

The present is situated as experienced by the narrator without being too self-indulgent.
Picking the moments that can tell the narrator’s attitude to life and situations can point
out the kind of culture one comes from and situate the context of the psyche of the
person, from which the reader is experiencing the world. The narrator only acts as an
anchor through whom we have the access to this anthology of stories.
The present world – abode

Extracting views of the room for reference

Exploring visual styles

References –

Corridors by Sarnath Banerjee

Kari by Amruta Patil

Maus by Art Spiegelman

Waking Life by Richard Linklater

Films by Satyajit Ray and Ghatak (depiction of the Bengali diaspora)

Length – 32 pages

Method –

Interviewing family members (Recording with a voice recorder)

Subconscious writing (Morning pages)

Photography of immediate surroundings to capture the present

Outdoor sketching/ Street drawing/ Drawing the natural world around

Recording thoughts – Keeping a diary for noting conversations

Figure studies of family photos to flesh out characters

Medium –

Printmaking – Experimenting with different techniques to explore image making

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