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Ancient Mesopotamia

by Gavin Jackson and Matthew

geography and
-Mesopotamia is in Southwest Asia (the Middle East) in what today is called Iraq

They lived on a small patch of an island called the fertile crescent with the two rivers called
Tigris and Euphrates on either side from the Taurus mountains in the north to the Arabian
desert to the south and the Zagros mountains in the east.
- They also had cities, the cities were called Ur, Uruk, and Babylon
- The Syrian Desert and the Arabian Desert were the two deserts next to the patch of land
- Ancient Babylon was a great city that had giant walls and had a network of canals and tons of
green crops
- Everyone had 3 story homes
- The streets were very narrow and most were unpaved
- The alleys also served as a garbage dump and people threw their trash out the windows of
there 3 story homes
-In the ancient mesopotamia every city had there own god
- The city of Babylonians Marduk was the ruler of that city,
-Marduk also had 50 different titles
-Most people who lived in babylonians pictured there god Marduk him with his pet dragon
-Nergal was a evil god he was the god of the underworld
- He brought war and famine to people who lived in Kuthu
-Tiamat was the god of sea
-people drawn her as a huge dragon
-Marduk defeated Tiamat in a battle

-They used the rivers for irrigation and dug trenches

-They invented the wheel and the first sailboat and the first plough
- They also had cities, the cities were called Ur, Uruk, and Babylon
- They developed agriculture which in return gave them enough food for the entire tribe or colony.
- They invented the chariot, maps, and metallurgy. they also were the first people to break bricks
- They were also the first people to write down laws
There was a king and nobles military officers were in charge of local -governments the
most crucial advisor was the chief or staff people were free to move from city to city Kings
were not gods That were an unusual form of government that came pretty close to a
democracy chief and staff decided who can talk to the king King Pass laws and everybody
expected to learn it and obey
-Akkadian was the first empire to rul all of Mesopotamia
-it lasted 200 years from 2100 Bc to 2300 Bc
One of the ways they got there resources was by trading that is one of the
ways they got resources they did not have naturally.They build docs on the
south side so the boats can dock then unload and load their goods. There was
a lot to buy, like fruits and vegetables, bread and cheese, coats, gold jewellery and wine
made from a fruit called dates
Job sp

Men and women both worked in Mesopotamia, and most were involved in
farming. Others were healers, weavers, potters, shoemakers, teachers and
priests or priestesses. The highest positions in society were kings and military
officers. Women had almost the same rights as men

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