Marcelo - M2 - Lesson 2 EDUC

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Francis Michael S.


BPED- First Year

September 23, 2022


Safety Issues How to observe this is your How to observe this is your
studies? future teaching practices?
Trailing Cables Cables are used to link In my future teaching I’ll
computers together almost practice the practice of making
universally. People could get sure the cords are neatly tucked
hurt if these cables were just away so no pupils trip over
set on the ground. Since gravity them. Any accidents that could
is everyone's worst enemy and result in injury could be avoided
it only takes one mistaken step with such a plan
to learn that you’ve fallen while
working at height, proper
precautions must be taken to
prevent tripping and falling. My
plan is to have the ICT manager
properly untangle and tidy the
cables to prevent any future
Spilt Drinks or Food If liquids are spilled on a I plan on enforcing the policy of
computer or any other electrical not allowing students to bring in
equipment, the tool could be any outside food or drinks into
damaged and the user could the ICT lab in any future
receive an electric shock. I’ll be teaching. By taking this
sure to tell whoever is in charge measure, I can head off any
of the ICT lab that they can’t potential disasters in the future.
allow any outside food or drink
in there. Because “prevention is
better than cure,” I reasoned
that this method may shield
users from electric shocks and
protect equipment from being
Overloaded Power Sockets Overheating and fire might Before allowing my students to
result from plugging in too use the computers, I will always
many wires to a single outlet. As double-check the sockets to
a student who cares about the make sure they aren’t
safety of those who may be overloaded. I’ll carry this kind of
involved in potential incidents, I practice with me everyday
will be sure to advise whoever is because this could prevent
in charge of the ICT lab to terrible tragedy.
double-check the amount of
plugs in a socket and to not
overload them.
Heavy Falling Objects Monitors, the system unit, In my future teaching, the first
printers, and other peripherals things I’ll do is request that we
are all examples of bulky install catching platforms under
computer hardware. They pose the desks to ensure that
a risk of personal injury if they students and staff are protected
fall on someone’s head. I plan in the event of a desktop
on speaking with the ICT lab’s collapse. A high price tag may
supervisor about locking down accompany this method, but it
the equipment to prevent this could be worth it if lives are
from happening. To prevent spared.
injury, I will have them set up
catch platforms below the
equipment that could prevent it
from toppling over.
Eye-Strain Students like me who spend When you use a computer for
long periods of time in front of a long periods of time, you risk
computer screen often get eye developing eye fatigue and
strain. I’ve reached the point of strain.
no return with the agony, so I’m Users who encounter this issue
going to treat myself to some typically observe the
eyewear that will perhaps surveillance from a safe
alleviate the strain. distance.
That's why it's so tiring and
uncomfortable trying to focus
while your eyes hurt. In my
future teaching, I plan to
require that all students bring
along a pair of special glasses
designed to alleviate eye strain.
Back and Neck Ache Back and neck ache are real Working at a computer for
things, and I’ve felt them. The lengthy periods of time can
discomfort prevents me from promote poor posture, which
concentrating on my work. Each can lead to aches and pains in
time I feel pain, I make sure to the back and neck. In my future
take a break and straighten my teaching, I will remind my pupils
posture. to take breaks from their
computers and to sit up straight
to avoid developing painful neck
and back problems
Repetitive Strain Injury Shoulders, elbows, forearms, Repetitive stress injuries occur
wrists, and hands are all when the same motions are
susceptible to repetitive strain repeated repeatedly. Repetitive
injury because they are utilized stress injury (RSI) in the wrist
so frequently. I’ve been through can be caused by prolonged
something similar to an injury typing and mouse use. To avoid
before. My wrist was where it injuring my students in my
was located. My wrist started future teaching, I plan to urge a
hurting and tingling from all the break before continuing with
mouse clicking I had been activities like these in the
doing. Each time the agony got classroom in the future.
too much, I’d stop what I was
doing and give myself a break.

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