Roles of The Teacher As A Curriculist

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What are the roles of teachers as the curriculist in the classroom and the school?

The roles of a teacher in the school is that they're the one's who implement the curriculum, but
the roles of a teacher as a curriculist doesn't end up as just by implementing the curriculum.
They are responsible in giving life to the curriculum. Teachers are the one's who evaluate the
curriculum and teacher will learn from the curriculum what is the skills that is needed to be
taught. They have so many roles as a curriculist, they're the one's who encourage children to
learn, they motivate them and they educate children in their classroom

"Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own

-Lilia Katz

Reading the quotation above, I suddenly remember my grade 10 teacher when she says that "If
you tell a child not to touch a hot plate and he does, he will understand “hot”. I just understand
the skin-deep meaning of that before but by giving now a deeper thinking, I realized that you
should not/you don't have to put your children's hands in the hot plate for them to understand!
Learning is a gradual process. They can learn some things through their own experience and
some are coming from our advice. They are still kids and they don't need to learn the way we

The point here is implementing curriculum doesn't just end with a teacher giving a learner
some educative experience but we don't need to let the children experience everything just so
they learn.let them enjoy their childhood while learning and that is one of the beautiful thing
we have in our education system. I am so proud that I enjoyed my childhood while learning!

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