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Comparing Ancient Law Codes

Directions: Read the following

documents and answer the
processing questions that follow
using complete sentences.
Remember to answer all parts of
the question.
About 1750 B.C.
Mesopotamia was
conquered by Hammurabi,
who established his capital
at Babylon on the
Euphrates. To help unify
his empire, he collected
existing Mesopotamian
laws into a single code of
around 300 specific laws.
The code regulated not
only crime but also a
variety of other areas. He
engraved this Code of
Hammurabi on stone
pillars (or stelas) and
placed them throughout
his empire. The following
regulations from
Hammurabi’s Code deal
with marriage and the
family, personal injury,
and trade.
How fair or unfair does Hammurabi's Code seem to
What general moral principle underlies many of the women?
Mesopotamian Law Questions specific regulations in the code of Hammurabi? ● It isn’t fair.
Answer in complete sentences ● Its along the lines of if I do something bad,
unfair, unequal to someone else I must pay
back my actions somehow.

● It's not fair because when a woman breaks the
code she gets a punishment. When a man breaks
the code he only needs to pay silver.

What class system is indicated in Hammurabi’s Code?

● If people are in the same class they get the same type Why do you think Hammurabi’s stela (the image on
of damage they have done. If its a class lower than the very first slide with the activity’s instructions) was
you have to pay a big amount to pay back you topped by a carving of him and the sun god Shamash?
damage. If a slave then a small amount needs to be ● I honestly have no clue but I’m guessing it has
paid. something related to showing how people got
punished equally to the wrong they have done.
How does this structure affect the law?
● It’s effective because it teaches these people
how it is to get a taste of their own medicine.
The Ten
According to the “Book
of Exodus in the Bible,
the Jews were rescued
from slavery in Egypt
by their leader Moses
with God’s help.
Afterwards Moses led
them through the
desert to Mount Sinai to
meet with God. In this
passage from Exodus,
God uses Moses as an
intermediary to give the
Jews the Ten
Commandments, the
core of their religious
How are the Ten Commandments organized? What does this passage from Exodus indicate about
● They were separated into two stone tablets. 5 on God’s character and standards of justice?
Answer in complete sentences each. They went in the order of God first, then
The Ten Commandments
● God’s character is portrayed as a higher being
respecting your family, then respecting the that should be the only one you believe in and
community. he even says he is jealous of the other godly
beings that aren’t real and how people praise
What types of behavior are dealt with in different and pray to them as if that statue was a god.
● The behavior is in the order of respecting god
and your parents then showing kindness to
people around and knowing what good is from

The first commandment forbids the making of a In general, is it a good or bad thing to attempt to
“graven image.” What is being prohibited? depict spiritual beings in art? Why or why not?
● Graven image meaning not to have any other ● I don’ t think there is anything wrong with
idea or picture of god then just what he is. expressing what estimation you have of a godly
being as long as it’s respectful and and culture
Explain two ways these documents are similar Explain two SIGNIFICANT differences between these
1. They both have rules and regulations. In the 10 documents (be sure to explain the difference in the
Answer in complete sentences
Comparing the documents
commandments it has rules of believing in one context of each document individually
god and respecting other people. In the 1. Both documents have laws for completely
Mespotamian law it talks about how people different reasons. The 10 commandments were
get equal act that they did, so it kept people rules to stay faithful to God. The Mespotamian
from doing any of those things. law were just laws to avert chaos.

2. They also helped keep their community from 2. The Mespotamian law had punishments that
chaos. Both had an effect to help keep people safe and involved getting your hands cut off and death. While
less dramatic. the 10 commandments acted as guidelines to prove to
God your faith.

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