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Year 2 Stats and Mechanics - Chapter 1: PMCC (Part 1)

Question 1
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

The Product Moment Correlation Coefficient between  and  is 0.95 .

Suggest the type of correlation between  and  .

[ ] Negative correlation

[ ] No correlation

[ ] Positive correlation

Question 2
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

h="271">  17 31 28 39 20
27 30 22 25
 17 31 28 39 20 27 30 22 25
 31 23 23 18 29 22 25 28 27
Use your calculator to find the Product Moment Correlation coefficient for these data.
Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places.

 = ..........................

Question 3
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

h="181"> 1 2


3 11 39 142 205

The data above is coded using  = and  = log

Use your calculator to find the Product Moment Correlation coefficient for the coded
Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places.

 = ..........................

Question 4
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.



4 8 14 22 67
The data above is coded using  = log and  = log

Use your calculator to find the Product Moment Correlation coefficient for the coded
Give your answer correct to 3 decimal places.

 = ..........................

Question 5
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

Gary compared the total attendance,  , at home matches and the total number of goals,  ,
scored at home during a season for each of 12 football teams playing in a league. He correctly

 = 1022500  = 130.9  = 8825

The product moment correlation coefficient for these data is 0.763

Interpret the value of the correlation coefficient.

[ ] The teams with low attendance scored more goals

[ ] There is correlation

[ ] The teams with high attendance scored more goals

(1 mark)

Question 6
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

A meteorologist believes that there is a relationship between the height above sea level, ℎ m,
and the air temperature,  °C. Data is collected at the same time from 9 different places on the
same mountain. The data is summarised in the table below.

[You may assume that  ℎ = 7150 ,   = 110 ,  ℎ = 7171500 ,    = 1716 ,

 ℎ = 64980 ,  = 371.56 ]

The product moment correlation coefficient for this data is 0.952 .

State whether or not your value supports the use of a regression equation to predict the air
temperature at different heights on this mountain. Give a reason for your answer.

[ ] It supports the use of a regression equation

[ ] It does not support the use of a regression equation

(2 marks)

Question 7
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

A meteorologist believes that there is a relationship between the daily mean windspeed, 
kn, and the daily mean temperature,  °C. A random sample of 9 consecutive days is taken
from past records from a town in the UK in July and the relevant data is given in the table

The meteorologist calculated the product moment correlation coefficient for the 9 days and
obtained  = 0.609

State what is measured by the product moment correlation coefficient.

[ ] The linear association between  and 

[ ] The linear association between  and 

[ ] The linear association between  and 

(1 mark)

Question 8
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

A bank reviews its customer records at the end of each month to find out how many
customers have become unemployed, , and how many have had their house repossessed, ℎ ,
!"#$$ &"$
during that month. The bank codes the data using variables  = and  =
% '

The results for the 12 months of 2009 are summarised below.

  = 477  = 5606.25   = 480  = 4244   = 23070

The product moment correlation coefficient for  and  is 0.818

The bank claims that an increase in unemployment among its customers is associated with an
increase in house repossessions.

State, with a reason, whether or not the bank’s claim is supported by these data.

[ ] The bank's claim is supported

[ ] The bank's claim is not supported

(2 marks)

Question 9
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding.

Barbara is investigating the relationship between average income (GDP per capita),  US
dollars, and average annual carbon dioxide (() ) emissions,  tonnes, for different countries.

She takes a random sample of 24 countries and finds the product moment correlation
coefficient between average annual () emissions and average income to be 0.446 .

Barbara believes that a non-linear model would be a better fit to the data. She codes the data
using the coding * = log #$  and + = log #$  and obtains the model + = 1.82 + 0.89* .
The product moment correlation coefficient between + and * is found to be 0.882 .

Explain how this value supports Barbara's belief.

The value is .......................... 1

(1 mark)

Question 10
E415: Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, including effect of coding. E359: Use and
interpret the equation of a regression line.

Barbara is investigating the relationship between average income (GDP per capita),  US
dollars, and average annual carbon dioxide (() ) emissions,  tonnes, for different countries.

She takes a random sample of 24 countries and finds the product moment correlation
coefficient between average annual () emissions and average income to be 0.446 .

Barbara believes that a non-linear model would be a better fit to the data. She codes the data
using the coding * = log #$  and + = log #$  and obtains the model + = 1.82 + 0.89* .
The product moment correlation coefficient between + and * is found to be 0.882 .

Show that the relationship between  and  can be written in the form  =  - where
and . are constants to be found, correct to 2 significant figures.


(5 marks)


Question 1
Positive correlation

Question 2
 = -0.942

Question 3
 = 0.990

Question 4
 = 0.973

Question 5
The teams with high attendance scored more goals

Question 6
It supports the use of a regression equation

Question 7
The linear association between  and 

Question 8
The bank's claim is supported

Question 9
"[closer OR nearer] AND to "

Question 10
= 0.015 , . = 0.89

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