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6. A force F is given by F = (10i + j)N. (a) Find the exact value of the magnitude of F. 2) (b) Find, in degrees, the size of the angle between the direction of F and the direction of the vector (i+ j). ) The resultant of the force F and the force (-15i + aj)N, where a is a constant, is parallel to, but in the opposite direction to, the vector (2i — 3j). (c) Find the value of a. Question weseen Scheme Marks 6(a)__| Magnitude = 10" +P = JI01 () MIAL Q) 6b) MI ae BI Angle = 45°—a = 39.280... Accept 39° or better MIAI @) ALTERNATIVE 1 Scalar Product (0i+ G+ p=V1I0 +P VP +E cose ML Oi ).G+p=11 BL Us V0 +P VP +P cose MI -=39° or better Al @ ALTERNATIVE 2 Cosine Rule (10 +1°)+(2 +P)- 210 +P VE +P cos? MI (Oi+ G+) = 91 or G+ Y)—M0i+ = -91 BL F = 00 41)+(P 41)-2V10 +P VP +E cosd ML 39° or better Al 6(c) Qoi+ i+ BL atl ari MIAL Solve fora MI a=65 Al 6) a) Notes for question 6 6(a) | Mi Use of Pythagoras ‘AO if'they only give a decimal 6(6) | MI For any relevant trig ratio for @ or (90°— a) BI 45° seen MI Finding the difference between 45° and a or (90°—@) and 45° ‘Al Accept 39° or better 6c) _| BI_Adding the two forces and collecting i's and js. Seen or implied MI For producing an equation in a only e.g. using ratios from their resultant (MO if no resultant attempted and MO if equation comes from equating their resultant to (24 3)). Condone sign error but MO if ratio is upside down, ‘Al Correct equation in a onl ‘MI Solve for a . This is an independent M mark but their equation must have come from a ratio equation obtained from using their resultant Ala=65 A jogger is running along a straight horizontal road. The jogger starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate of 0.4ms~ until reaching a velocity of Yms~!. The jogger then runs at a constant velocity of Vms~! before decelerating at a constant rate of 0.08ms~ back to rest. The jogger runs a total distance of 880m in 250s. (i) Sketch the velocity-time graph for the jogger’s journey. 2] (ii) Show that 37? — 1007+ 352 = 0. [6] (iii) Hence find the value of V, giving a reason for your answer. BI Question Answer Marks | AOs Guidance @ y Bi | 3.1b | Comect trapezium shape “Must start at the origin and stop on the f axis v BL 3.1b | Axes labelled correctly with V and 250, marked o 20 2} Gi) Acceleration 0.4 and deceleration 0.08 give time BI 3.4 _| Either of these intervals obtained intervals of 2.5V and 12.5V respectively ‘Three time intervals: 2.5V, 250 — 15V and 12.5¥ MI 3.4 | Three time intervals found, in terms of | At least one interval Y. summing to 250 must be correct, ‘Area under their -r graph = 880 MI | 14 _| Attempt at aea of tpezium or two triangles plus rectangle 432.57 xV +V(250-157) + }x12.5P xV =880 Al | 24 |e; unsimplified correct equation in 7” Attempt simplification to required form Mi | 1.4. [Dependent on both previous M marks; mist courtly remove factions in their equation and obtain result ofthe form aV? +bV +e=0 3? 1007 +352 At | 22a [AG 16) CF -8HT—=0 MI_| 1 | Attemptto solve their term quadratic [Or BC = oP =4 af V =4 only, as V =88 is far too high (eg. it equates to covering a distance of 100m in less than 4 seconds) | AL | 3.2b | Or ‘mathematical reason (e.. time taken to decelerate from larger speed is gueater than 250, so not possible) vims"') O 1(s) T- The diagram shows the velocity-time graph for a train travelling on a straight level track between stations A and B that are 2km apart. The train leaves A, accelerating uniformly from rest for 400m until reaching a speed of 32ms~!. The train then travels at this steady speed for 7’ seconds before decelerating uniformly at 1.6ms~, coming to rest at B. Find the total time for the journey. [5] Question Answer Marks | AO Guidance ‘Time for tain to decelerate is f = Br | 34 Time for tain to accelerate is = OO 2 Tea Br | 34 M1 | 3.3. | Setting up an equation for the area ‘mdemeath the curve equal to either 2000 or 1600 327 +4(32)y =1600>T =... AL 1.1 | Fully correct equation for their , or | T=40 4((25+20+7)+7)(32)=2000 and attempt to solve for T Time=4 +1, +T AL) ou At time ¢ = 0, a stone is thrown vertically upwards with speed 19.6ms from a point A which is / metres above horizontal ground. At time ¢ = 3s, another stone is released from rest from a point B which is also / metres above the same horizontal ground. Both stones hit the ground at time t= T seconds. The motion of each stone is modelled as that of a particle moving freely under gravity. Find (i) the value of T, (ii) the value of h. (7) @ w EITHER: '=-19.60+3)+4e(¢+3) and ider ol h=-19. or4er" and tery a s | -196r+ter OR ~9.60+9+F9(+3) T=45 =Hor lL MIAIAL MIAIAL MI Al MI AL a Notes for qu3 First M1 foruse of » =ut 4 af (or any other complete method) to produce an equation in Jy and Tondy ot } and ¢ only for stone 1 or 2, correct no. of terms but condone sign errors Fist Al for a correct equation for stone 1 (g does not need to be substituted but if itis it must be 9.8) Second AI for a correct equation for stone 2 ‘NB. Both A marks can be eamed if they use s (instead of hor -h) in one of the two equations and then use s consistently in the other equation. NB. When /i and T-are used in any equation, they must be used comectly (including sign of i) to obtain A maaks di) Second MI for eliminating /, Third Al for T= 4.5 ai) Third MI for using their Tor ¢ value in one of their equations to obtain an hivalue Fourth Al forh= 11 or 110 4. At time f= 0, a particle is projected vertically upwards with speed u from a point A. The particle moves freely under gravity. At time 7 the particle is at its maximum height H above A. (a) Find Tin terms of u and g. (2) (b) Show that y = 25 2g Q) The point A is at a height 3H above the ground. (c) Find, in terms of 7, the total time from the instant of projection to the instant when the particle hits the ground. (4) MIAL 4) @ ” Given answer" MIAL (b) @) © MI a DMIAL al o @alt ser MI Totatime= 7+ ars BH DMIAl 8 2 rer Al =74+27=3T @ [8] Notes for Question 4 ‘Question 4 Tn this question, condone sign errors in a suvat equation for the M mark, but a missing term is MO or ‘an incorrect term is MO. An incorrect svat fornala is MO Allow use of symmetry of motion. eg. in (a), using v =u + at, either O=u—gT or u Question 4a) M1 for use of staf to obtain an equation in 7, and g only. Al for T= u/g correctly obtained. Question 4b) M1 for wse of sivas to obtain an equation in Hw and g only. Al for H= 12g correctly obtained (giv rer) yestion 4(¢) Warch owt for t/ T confusion (N.B. if only 7s used, MODMO) First MI for a complete method to find the rora/ time in terms of w, g, H ot T= O+er either 3H=-u = 1s ¢° or 4H =e gh and e+ 7 or: visu" +6gH and y= -u+ gr with v eliminated Secon MI, dependent on first M1. for producing an expression, in terms of w, g, Hor T, for the total time, by solving a quadratic First Al for any conrect expression for the total time in terms of w, g, Hf or T. Second Al for 37 eso 2. A particle P moves on the x-axis. At time ¢ seconds the velocity of P is yms~! in the direction of x increasing, where v=(t—2)3t-10), ¢20 When r= 0, P is at the origin O. (a) Find the acceleration of P when ¢ = 3 (3) (b) Find the total distance travelled by P in the first 3 seconds of its motion. (6) (©) Show that P never returns to O. Q) aa Differentiation of v (having multiplied out). an | Needevidence of correct method but condone a vo3F -16r420>.4= 61-16 slip. AL | Comect differentiation of their 3 term quadratic 123 at | sou By) Taf MI | Tniegration of v zi A2 | cao Condone missing C. -1 each error 1=0.s anr__| Sttategy for total distance - needs to include 1=2,s=8-32440=16 use of ¢=2 ey peeois ‘a | Comect simplified Distance = 16+1=17(a) a |= (6) 2 | cpap lsr an an [Stone mNbsoRe rr 12057 -81+20= (¢-4)' +4244, (or =0) so no solutions, sos is never ze10 | ‘Greguivalbat angumentiior 526: again pI nae fro sous hu __| Considers when P saps eon Towards O 12, v0 sos never decreases agin - no retum A Ta 6. Un this question i and j are horizontal unit vectors due east and due north respectively| Two forces F, and F, act on a particle P of mass 0.5 kg. F, = (4i— 6j) N and F, = (pi + qj) N. Given that the resultant force of F, and F, is in the same direction as (a) show that p — 2g =-16 Given that g = 3 (b) find the magnitude of the acceleration of P, (5) (c) find the direction of the acceleration of P, giving your answer as a bearing to the nearest degree. 3) Gia) __ | Gi-6))+ i+ gh) = 4+ pi+(G-OF MI ep) 22 qo 11 DMI AI 2g=12=4ep p-2q=-16 GIVEN ANSWER Baral ) BI OR IRI= Cor Hy MI VB 0 Al feRy Cr 05a =Va5 MI i80 = 134mm a= is =13.4m" [Al @) © aad MIAL Bearing “180° 63.4" = 243" (nearest degres) i a3) Notes for Qué ‘Allow column vectors throughout (ay First MI for adding the two forces, with i's and j’s collected, seen or implied ‘Second DMI, dependent on first MI, for an equation in p and g only. Allow 1 or-1 or- 2. instead of 2 22 T 1 First AI for a correct equation in any form ‘Third DM, dependent on the second M1, for (at leastjone correct intermediate line of worki Second Al for correct given answer ob), BI for p= (0 seen or implied EITHER First MI for use of F=0.Sa with their resultant foree (must be «sum of the two forces) First Al for a=—124—6 ‘Second MI (independent) for finding magnitude of their a Second Al for Ji80 0c or 13.4 or better 9 Acar passes three posts P, Q and R, ona straight horizontal road. The distance PQ = 50m. The distance QR = 100m. The car, moving with constant acceleration, takes 2 seconds to travel from P to Q and 3 seconds to travel from Q to R. (a) the acceleration of the car, 8) (b) the speed car at the instant it passes Q. GB) (Total for question 9 is 6 marks)

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