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Berries — like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or raspberries

Tart cherries - Sweet or purple potatoes - rutabaga - Beets - celeriac - Parsnips -

Cranberries - kiwi - citrus fruits - melons

Low-carb veggies
1. Broccoli 2. Cauliflower 3. Mushrooms 4. Peppers 5. Chard or collard greens 6. Asparagus 7. Kale
8. Spinach 9. Green beans 10. Arugula 11. Leeks or onions 12. Tomatoes 13. Brussel sprouts 14.
Avocado 15. Turnips 16. Cabbage 17. Carrots (moderate carbs)

Eggs & dairy

18. Cage-free eggs 19. Full-fat unsweetened yogurt or kefir 20. Raw whole milk 21. Hard cheese, sour
cream and heavy cream Cheeses low in carbs include blue cheese, cheddar cheese, goat, feta, Swiss,
parmesan and asiago.

Meat & seafood

22. Salmon 23. Haddock 24. Trout 25. Halibut 26. Sardines 27. Anchovies 28. Mackerel 29.
Tuna or cod (in moderation)

Nuts & seeds

30. Chia seeds 31. Flaxseeds 32. Almonds 33. Walnuts 34. Pumpkin, sesame or hemp seeds

35. Cashews and Brazil nuts (and just about all other nuts or seeds too)

Oils & fats (all have zero carbs)

36. Coconut, olive, hemp, flaxseed, walnut or avocado oil

37. Butter or ghee 38. Palm oil 39. Lard

Condiments, herbs and spices

40. Herbs like turmeric, ginger, oregano, rosemary, basil, real sea salt, pepper, etc. 41. Hot sauces

42. Apple cider vinegar and most other vinegars in small amounts (balsamic, white, red, etc.)

43. Cocoa powder (raw and unsweetened) 44. Mustard (just avoiding honey mustard)

45. Soy sauce, tamari or coconut aminos 46. Bone broth (whether to drink alone or use in recipes)

No-carb drinks

47. Teas including green, black, oolong or white 48. Coffee 49. Herbal teas (ginger, chamomile,
honeybush, peppermint, chai, etc.) 50. Fresh pressed vegetable juices or green smoothies

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