Mechanical Ventilation in Septic Shock

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Mechanical ventilation in septic shock

Article  in  Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology · January 2021

DOI: 10.1097/ACO.0000000000000955


3 319

3 authors:

Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro Besen Bruno Tomazini

Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Hospital Sirio Libanes


Luciano Cesar Azevedo

University of São Paulo


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CE: Swati; ACO/340206; Total nos of Pages: 6;
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OPINION Mechanical ventilation in septic shock
Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro Besen a,
Bruno Martins Tomazini b, and Luciano Cesar Pontes Azevedo a,b

Purpose of review
The aim of this study was to review the most recent literature on mechanical ventilation strategies in patients
with septic shock.
Recent findings
Indirect clinical trial evidence has refined the use of neuromuscular blocking agents, positive end-expiratory
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pressure (PEEP) and recruitment manoeuvres in septic shock patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Weaning strategies and devices have also been recently evaluated. The role of lung protective ventilation in
patients with healthy lungs, while recognized, still needs to be further refined. The possible detrimental effects
of spontaneous breathing in patients who develop acute respiratory distress syndrome is increasingly
recognized, but clinical trial evidence is still lacking to confirm this hypothesis. A new concept of lung and
diaphragm protective is emerging in the critical care literature, but its application will need a complex
intervention implementation approach to allow adequate scrutiny of this concept and uptake by clinicians.
Many advances in the management of the mechanically ventilated patient with sepsis and septic shock
have occurred in recent years, but clinical trial evidence is still necessary to translate new hypotheses to the
bedside and find the right balance between benefits and risks of these new strategies.
acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, sepsis, septic shock

INTRODUCTION ARDS. However, specific recommendations for inva-

Invasive mechanical ventilation is a lifesaving sive mechanical ventilation in septic shock are usu-
organ support used for patients with sepsis or septic ally not available and the evidence comes mostly
shock. Reasons to institute invasive mechanical from clinical trials in critically ill patients, which are
ventilation include, but are not limited to reduced usually applicable to septic shock.
level of consciousness secondary to septic enceph-
alopathy or as manifestation of hypoperfusion;
acute respiratory failure either from primary lung
injury from pneumonia or secondary acute respira-
tory distress syndrome (ARDS) from sepsis itself;
and intubation due to a perceived risk of clinical Many septic shock patients undergo invasive
worsening to allow for a timely intubation [1]. All mechanical ventilation for reasons other than respi-
organ support strategies may come with its own ratory failure and ARDS, such as decreased level of
downsides, though, either because of its precise consciousness. In these patients, a meta-analysis
and specific adjustments or, in the case of mechan- showed that lung protective ventilation is associ-
ical ventilation, due to downstream consequences, ated with lower odds of mortality with an apparent
such as sedation, paralysis, immobility, infection
and other issues. a
Medical Intensive Care Unit, Disciplina de Emergências Clı́nicas, Hos-
In this review, we present recent developments pital das Clı́nicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de
in the management of septic shock patients who São Paulo and bHospital Sı́rio Libanês, São Paulo (SP), Brazil
need invasive mechanical ventilation at some point Correspondence to Luciano Cesar Pontes Azevedo, Hospital Sirio-
during the disease course. Septic shock is the most Libanes, Rua Prof. Daher Cutait, 69, São Paulo 01308 060, Brazil.
common cause of shock in critical care units and Tel: +55 (11) 3394 5739; e-mail:
emergency departments and infections, pulmonary Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2021, 33:000–000
or not, are common reasons for a patient to develop DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000955

0952-7907 Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Swati; ACO/340206; Total nos of Pages: 6;
ACO 340206

Intensive care and resuscitation

acidosis was higher in the low tidal volume group.

KEY POINTS These results are somewhat expected and underpin
 Patients with septic shock without acute respiratory the complex physiology behind minute-volume and
distress syndrome (ARDS) should undergo low tidal respiratory drive regulation in clinical practice and
volume ventilation, although forceful reduction of tidal highlight the need to update the causal model
volumes is sometimes not achievable and neither behind these hypotheses.
desired in patients with acidosis or a higher The translation of these results to patients with
respiratory drive. septic shock without ARDS requires an important
 The best standards for mechanical ventilation of septic consideration: one must be cautious of applying
shock with ARDS include low tidal volume ventilation lung protective ventilation at any cost to patients
limiting plateau pressure (with as needed short-term without ARDS in the context of metabolic acidosis.
neuromuscular blockade to achieve the desired targets), In these patients, the best compromise may be to use
titrated high positive end-expiratory pressures (for slightly higher tidal volumes and respiratory rates
paO2/FIO2 ratios < 200 mmHg), prone positioning (for
while measures are taken to correct the metabolic
paO2/FIO2 <150 mmHg after a 12-h stabilization
period) and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acidosis (such as resuscitation, bicarbonate or renal
refractory cases in experienced centres. replacement therapy). For patients who are not
mechanically ventilated, not accounting for this risk
 Side effects of ventilation strategies should be may lead to the unwanted outcome of peri-intuba-
considered in all patients with septic shock, especially
tion cardiac arrest [4], which is strongly associated
the effects of low tidal volume ventilation on blood pH
and the effects of high PEEP and recruitment with worse outcomes.
manoeuvres on the venous return and right
ventricular dysfunction.
 Airway driving pressure is a promising target of WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS
mechanical ventilation under intense scrutiny, but head- SYNDROME
to-head comparisons to the current standards of care
are still warranted before its widespread The institution of invasive mechanical ventilation
recommendation as the main target of lung in patients with septic shock and ARDS should aim
protective ventilation. for low tidal volume ventilation, which is the stan-
dard of care for ARDS for nearly two decades now.
 Spontaneous breathing is increasingly recognized as a
potential mediator of lung injury, but the risk-benefit Low tidal volume ventilation is characterized by a
profile of strategies to blunt spontaneous breathing is tidal volume of 4–8 ml/kg while limiting the plateau
still uncertain and the concept of lung and diaphragm pressure at 30 cmH2O [5]. This strategy requires
protective ventilation is emerging in the literature to increased respiratory rates, initially in the range of
address this important research question. 25–30 bpm to maintain adequate minute-volumes,
avoiding respiratory acidosis. For those patients
with ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to
fractional inspired oxygen ( paO2/FIO2) below
dose-response relationship [2]. The PReVENT trial 150 mmHg for more than 12 h (with a need of
addressed the question whether low tidal volume >60% inspired oxygen), early institution of prone
ventilation would benefit patients intubated with positioning for at least 16 h is recommended [5,6].
normal lungs [3]. In this trial, 961 patients were Furthermore, where severe hypoxemia ensues, pro-
randomized, of whom 25% had pneumonia or sep- vided adequate patient selection, venous-venous
sis. To allow physiological separation, the authors extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO)
aimed to achieve 6 ml/kg target of tidal volume in is now part of the standard-of-care in centres with
the intervention group and 10 ml/kg target of tidal sufficient expertise [7,8].
volume in the control group, with ventilatory Many advances in the understanding of the
adjustments to ensure plateau pressures were not ventilatory management in patients with ARDS
excessive in the control and that the level of support have been done, but these advances are still in
was not low in the intervention group. Under con- different phases of translation to clinical practice,
trolled mechanical ventilation, physiological sepa- and many have yet to prove their efficacy in prop-
ration in the tidal volume was possible, but under erly designed and adequately powered clinical trials.
pressure support ventilation, reductions of tidal vol-
ume were harder to achieve, and physiological sep-
aration was small. Ultimately, the trial did not show Driving pressure
beneficial clinical effects of one strategy over Airway driving pressure [DP, i.e. plateau pressure
another, although the risk of acute respiratory (PPL) minus positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)]

2 Volume 33  Number 00  Month 2021

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CE: Swati; ACO/340206; Total nos of Pages: 6;
ACO 340206

Mechanical ventilation in septic shock Besen et al.

has become another potential target of lung protec- septic shock, this is specifically relevant, as patients
tive ventilation since the publication of a reanalysis who have an impaired venous return may have a
of ARDS trials [9]. A mediation analysis suggested detrimental effect of high PEEP. Furthermore, right
that DP was the major mediator of outcome, instead ventricular dysfunction as a manifestation of septic
of low tidal volumes and PPL themselves. Lowering myocardial dysfunction [15] may be worsened by
the DP below a specific threshold can be achieved the PEEP titration strategy.
through PEEP titration – and recruitment – while Advanced monitoring techniques can also be
maintaining the same tidal volume, which we will used for PEEP titration. Oesophageal pressure meas-
discuss later. Another way to control airway driving urements can provide an estimate of pleural pressure
pressure is to further reduce tidal volumes with the and therefore separate lung and chest wall mechan-
DP being the main target of ventilation instead of ics, which may contribute differently to compliance
blood pH (within the tidal volume and PPL con- in different patients. The EPVent-2 study tested the
straints). Although lowering driving pressure below hypothesis that an oesophageal pressure PEEP titra-
a specific threshold may improve lung protection, its tion strategy (to avoid negative pleural pressures)
effects on other highly correlated variables still need would be beneficial when compared with a usual
further evaluation. Recently, a pilot study compared high PEEP/FIO2 table strategy [16 ]. The trial did not
a driving-pressure limiting strategy to a usual low show any beneficial effect of this strategy, either in
tidal volume ventilation strategy in patients with primary or secondary outcomes. Electrical imped-
ARDS. They included 31 patients and the authors ance tomography (EIT) could also allow individual-
could achieve physiological separation between ized PEEP titration through directly observing
groups (4.5 cmH2O mean difference on DP between overdistension and lung collapse, but clinical trials
groups), suggesting that a larger trial would be feasi- are still needed to translate this technique to
ble [10 ]. The main side effect of a driving pressure clinical practice.
limiting strategy was an increase in respiratory rate,
which did not fully compensate for paCO2 and lead to
higher paCO2 levels, although the risk of severe acute Recruitment manoeuvres
respiratory acidosis (defined as pH < 7.1) was not Recruitment manoeuvres have been widely used in
different between groups. This highlights the need patients with ARDS with moderate to severe hypox-
for a larger trial comparing these strategies before emia. Of the trials of PEEP titrating strategies, the
widespread use of DP as a target in clinical settings. LOVS trial used short recruitment manoeuvres (sus-
tained inflation to 40 cmH2O for 40 s) and did not
show deleterious effects of the strategy [12]. The ART
Positive end-expiratory pressure titration trial included 1010 patients and it showed that,
Current recommendations are that high PEEP levels compared with standard lung protective mechanical
should be generally applied to patients with moder- ventilation strategies, the open lung approach with
ate-to-severe ARDS [5,11]. However, how to best recruitment manoeuvres and staircase decremental
achieve this high PEEP strategy is a matter of debate. PEEP titration resulted in lower survival (hazard
Without advanced respiratory monitoring, one can ratio 1.2; 95% CI 1.01–1.42, P ¼ 0.041) [17].
titrate PEEP based on FIO2 levels only (using PEEP/ Recently, results of the phase II PHARLAP trial were
FIO2 tables). Although this is probably well toler- published. The trial was prematurely interrupted
ated, the driving pressure reanalysis suggests that after the results of ART were published with only
PEEP could be titrated based on its effects on respi- 115 of a planned 340 patients included [18]. There
ratory system compliance [9]. Uptitration of PEEP was no difference in mortality or barotrauma, but
resulting in a lower DP may be beneficial; on the the authors showed a decreased need of adjuvant
contrary, some patients will increase the DP with therapies for hypoxemia and a higher incidence of
PEEP increments and this is probably harmful. arrhythmias. A subsequent analysis of the ART trial
Finally, some patients will sustain the same DP while also showed that a cluster of patients characterized
increasing PEEP, which could be desired or not by pneumonia as the cause of ARDS and requiring
depending on the observed effects on oxygenation vasopressors was responsible for the deleterious
and haemodynamics. In any scenario, however, effects observed in the trial; furthermore, no benefi-
especially when translating these results to patients cial effect on survival was observed in the other
with septic shock, the haemodynamic effects of clusters of patients [19 ]. This evidence is important
high PEEP levels should be monitored for tolerance. in treating patients with septic shock, as this type of
High PEEP levels might lead to hypotension or recruitment manoeuvre (staircase decremental)
increased vasopressor use and most trial protocols should be avoided in this population, especially in
suggest a reduction in PEEP in such cases [12–14]. In patients with pneumonia. A possible strategy is to

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CE: Swati; ACO/340206; Total nos of Pages: 6;
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Intensive care and resuscitation

use short-term recruitment manoeuvres, but warranted to achieve effect estimates appropriate
this should be reserved for cases of refractory hyp- to this patient population.

Sedation and paralysis monitoring under

Neuromuscular blockade neuromuscular blockade
Since the publication of the ACURASYS trial [20], Monitoring NMB is also a matter of discussion.
the routine early use of neuromuscular blockade Recently, a single-centre study compared train-of-
(NMB) in patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS four (TOF) monitoring to clinical monitoring in
became a centrepiece in treatment. However, the patients with ARDS. Clinical monitoring was as
ACURASYS trial was the only trial showing a efficacious as TOF to provide the desired ventilator
mortality benefit on the use of NMBs. The PETAL adjustment but resulted in lower use of atracurium
network designed and conducted the ROSE trial, (roughly 25% reduction) [23 ]. Another commonly
which was prematurely stopped for futility after used monitor for patients undergoing NMB is the
1006 patients were included [21 ]. The trial bispectral index, which may be inaccurate to moni-
objective was to reevaluate the beneficial effect tor sedation depth in this scenario [24]. Caution
of routine use of NMBs in moderate-to-severe should be exercised if one relies on its values alone
ARDS. In the ROSE trial, patients in the control to avoid awareness.
group were exposed to a high PEEP strategy,
known for its beneficial effects in patients with
spontaneous breathing. NMBs were allowed in Spontaneous breathing
cases of nonprotective ventilation or severe asyn- Spontaneous breathing in patients with ARDS is
chrony. With this design, 17% of patients in the currently a highly active line of investigation. Many
control group used NMBs compared with 97.4% researchers have shown the potential deleterious
in the intervention group. Ultimately, there was effects of strong spontaneous efforts, mainly in
no difference in mortality, but patients in the experimental models [25]. However, experimental
control group had higher time under light seda- clinical trial evidence in humans so far is scarce and
tion, especially during the first 48 h. The risk of an analysis of the LUNG-SAFE cohort has shown
acquired weakness was not statistically signifi- that spontaneous breathing was not associated with
cantly different between groups. ROSE is the larg- higher mortality; on the contrary, it was associated
est trial addressing the NMBs in ARDS question, with hastened liberation from mechanical ventila-
but it is subject to some limitations and contro- tion [26]. Although spontaneous breathing may be
versy, especially because 655 patients were deleterious to the lungs, the only current treatment
excluded from the trial due to previous use of that can overcome spontaneous breathing is the use
continuous infusion of NMBs. of NMBs. Although its short-term use has been
After these results, the use of NMBs should shown to be well tolerated within reasonable clini-
probably be considered on each case basis, instead cal grounds, prolonged NMB (i.e. more than 48–
of routine utilization. NMBs should be reserved for 72 h) comes with many downsides: the need for
patients with moderate-to-severe hypoxemia ( paO2/ prolonged deep sedation, commonly with benzo-
FIO2 < 150 mmHg) who after deep sedation cannot diazepines and inherently associated with a high
achieve lung protective ventilation parameters risk of Delirium and immobility, with their known
(tidal volume  8 ml/kg or plateau pressures long-term consequences for survivors of critical ill-
30 cmH2O) or who present with severe asynchrony ness. Therefore, the best course of action in patients
such as breath stacking [22]. with low compliant lungs and strong spontaneous
Further trials are desired in this scenario to efforts after the first 48–72 h of deep sedation and
address the duration of NMB, whether it should paralysis is a matter of debate and clinical trials in
be fixed or stopped upon hypoxemia improvement this scenario are urgently needed.
and a maximum duration of its use. The finding of
good functional outcome with few adverse events
during ICU stay in patients using it for up to 48 h Lung and diaphragm protective ventilation
certainly should not be generalized for longer peri- The concept of lung and diaphragm protective
ods of time, for which the side effects could be more ventilation stemmed from the literature on the
common and change the risk-benefit profile of the possible harms of spontaneous breathing together
intervention. Furthermore, as septic shock is a risk with observations of diaphragm dysfunction in
factor for the development of ICU-acquired weak- the critically ill, both from over assistance and
ness, further studies in this subpopulation are under assistance [27]. This led to renewed interest

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Mechanical ventilation in septic shock Besen et al.

in the evaluation of respiratory system mechanics Conflicts of interest

in spontaneously breathing patients (such as PPL BMT and LCPA received research grants from Aché
and DP analysis) [28] and also to interest in respi- Laboratorios Farmaceuticos. LCPA received speaker fees
ratory drive and patient effort evaluations, from Baxter and Pfizer outside the submitted work.
such as P0.1, pressure-muscle index (PMI) and BAMPB has no conflicts of interest.
negative pressure swings during expiratory pauses
[29]. This concept is still in development and its
translation to clinical practice will need further REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
studies [30]. READING
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been highlighted as:
& of special interest
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