LET - Prof. Ed.: Educational Technology, Principles and Methods of Teaching, Field Study and Practice Teaching

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LET| Prof. Ed.

: Educational Technology, Principles and Methods of

Teaching, Field Study and Practice Teaching
Which is an important factor in differential instructional process?

Student-led conferences 

Entry level indicators 

Error analysis 

Record keeping performance assessments 

Miss Lee's objective is to focus students' attention on quickly create interest in a problem or
concept. She should make use of _____.

task group 

tutorial group  

Philips 66 A

panel discussion 

The audio-visual experience is an opportunity for the teacher to guide students for more fruitful
learning. Learning will be more effective if the learners ________.

participate actively through open discussions. 

are told to remember and memorize facts. 

are given quizzes immediately after the presentation. 

listen attentively and jot down notes. 

Which does not belong to the group?

multi-disciplinary approach 

content-based instruction 

thematic approach 

cooperative learning 

To nurture creativity of learners, the teacher should be _________.


an all-powerful authority 

flexible in terms of time, pace materials, techniques 

a repository knowledge with the "right answer" 

What is the best way to reduce the plateau in the learning curve.

Provide better space and rest periods during learning. 

Introduce new materials in the learning situation. 

Use another form of motivation for learning. 

Use a variety of situations in the learning process. 

Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?

Avoid classroom routine; they make your students robots. 

Maximize discipline time. 

Minimize discipline time. 

Employ a reactive approach to discipline. 

Proper selection is the first concern of a teacher who plans to use some audio-visual devices. Which
of the following criteria must be considered by the teacher?

I. Suitability of the material for the intended purpose

II. Availability of the material

III. Quality

IV. Cost

I, II, and IV 

I and III 

I, II, III and IV 

I, II, and IV 

For metacognitive functions, which will work best?



inductive reasoning 


What should a teacher do for students in her/his class who are not on an expected grade level?

Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to
bring them up to a grade level. 

Give them the same work as the other students because they will absorb as much as they are capable

Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed. 

Push them to perform in order to attain desired grade level. 

A sound device for classroom managers is "Nip the problem in the bud." What does this mean?

Reinforce positive behavior. 

Be proactive in management approach. 

Treat minor disturbance calmly. 

Assume a reactive posture in classroom management. 

The blinking underline on a computer that indicates the “active” or “working” point file is the?




For a lesson on subject-verb agreement, you want to proceed deductively. How will you do it?

Let them play a game relevant to subject-verb agreement followed by a drill. 

Give examples, then ask students to state the rule on subject-verb agreement. 

Give a pretest then teach based on pretest results. 

State the rule, then give examples. 

Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?

Flexible to suit varied activities. 

Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time. 

A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement. 

Any set arrangement to suit varied learning styles. 

Individuals differ from each other in their interest, abilities, needs and their learning style at any
given point in time. Which type of instructional program may best enhance the academic
achievement of students?

traditional instructions 

remedial instructions 

adaptive instructions 

computer-assisted instructions

Which of these “combination of classes” is organized in places where the required number of pupils
of the same grade levels has not met the required number to make up a separate class thus the
teacher apportions class time for instruction to every grade level within the class?





The lesson is on the pros and cons of capital punishment. Mr. Milan wants to do high level thinking
and to develop a view of capital punishment from different perspectives. Which technique will be
most appropriate?


Panel Discussion 

Role playing 


Which is in accordance with the "withitness" principle of classroom management of Kounin?

Student is with his teacher in everything he teaches. 

Both parents and teachers are involved in the education of children. 

Students agree to disagree in class discussions. 

Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom

Any change should be made on the basis of evaluation. Which of the following points to this

Facts should be collected. 

Judgments are based on facts. 

Place for revision is based in terms of judgment made. 

Grades are arbitrary assigned. 

The main reason for the use of remedial teaching is to ________.

Guide the child to correct his own errors in all types of learning. 

Re-study something which was wrongly taught. 

Guide the child to look for the proper procedure to learn what is taught. 

Provide more opportunities to repeat what was taught for better mastery. 

Teacher Henry gave his first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of
some words. Which method did he use?

The language experience approach 

The rebus method 

The Spaulding method 

The whole language approaches

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