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Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

Powerful DFM checker, efficient documentation process, and intelligent

panel design

Cadence® Allegro® PCB Designer Manufacturing Option is a comprehensive, powerful, easy-

to-use suite of tools that makes it efficient and cost effective for PCB designers to streamline
the development of a release-to-manufacturing package for their products. The Manufacturing
Option includes three modules: Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Checker, Documentation Editor,
and Panel Editor.

Finalizing the PCB design data for unknowingly be sacrificed when the • Insufficient spacing between SMD
release-to-manufacturing is a critical manufacturer alters the source design or through hole pads or parts
and often fragile step within the files prior to production.
• Copper, mask slivers, and pin holes
new product introduction (NPI)
The Manufacturing Option’s DFM
process. The Allegro PCB Designer • Acid traps, solder bridge potential,
Checker module is a powerful, yet
Manufacturing Option and its isolated or starved thermal reliefs,
easy-to-use suite of manufacturing
three key modules—DFM Checker, and trace antennas
analysis toolsets. It is designed
Documentation Editor, and Panel
for engineers and designers • Insufficient mask spacing,
Editor—assist designers with an
who appreciate the benefits of missing paste, missing solder
efficient and successful handoff to
manufacturing analysis and want to mask, extra mask areas, or poor
manufacturing by ensuring that the
conduct it in a robust environment, mask-to-pad ratios
design adheres to all manufacturer’s
with ease and sensibility at all phases
rules, and that the fabrication • Overlapping, coincidental,
of the PCB design process. DFM
assembly intent is clearly specified in or redundant drills, mill path
Checker offers comprehensive analysis
the PCB manufacturing documentation errors, and poor drill-to-board
for all major PCB design tools, Gerber
package. thickness ratios
files, intelligent manufacturing files,
and NC data to ensure the content Design Analyzer
DFM Checker
supplied to the manufacturer will
Manufacturing flaws discovered by minimize costly delays. Design Analyzer correlates features
manufacturers prior to production within a PCB design—such as
DFM Checker identifies design content minimum trace width/spacing, number
result in costly time-to-market delays
with the potential to result in low of layers, board size, and drill/via
as designs need to be updated and
manufacturing or assembly yields, or technologies—to the requirements
reprocessed to address these issues.
costly scrap, including: of your preferred PCB fabricator. This
While manufacturers are fully capable
of addressing minor issues, their • Insufficient spacing between design correlation guarantees submitted
resolutions are rarely fed back into the objects including pads, tracks, designs will be fabricated without
source CAD data, resulting in same copper, drills, and vias of all types hidden costs or unexpected delays.
set of iterations of modifications on including blind, buried, laser, and Design Analyzer’s design reports
future design revisions. In worst-case back drilled contain all of the information required
scenarios, design intent can by a PCB fabricator for cost and
• Insufficient annular rings of pad, delivery estimates of the fabricated
copper, or mask PCB. Working collaboratively with the
Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

Silkscreen-related analysis includes ink

over pads, ink over mask exposures, and
other checks. Less-than-minimal part
spacing, pad spacing between adjacent
parts, and minimal spacing between
component pads and adjacent vias, drills,
and copper objects are examples of
component-related analysis.

Figure 1. Use of hierarchical rule sets helps identify defects, avoiding costly bare
board scrap

report in hand, PCB fabricators can make PCB Fabrication Analysis

recommendations for design changes
Fabrication analysis will detect specific Figure 3. Silkscreen-to-solder-mask spacing
that result in significant cost and time
design content that might have an violation
savings while maintaining design intent.
adverse effect on PCB fabrication.
Design Analyzer bridges the gap between Error Charting
Features such as less-than-minimal
engineer and PCB fabricator by extracting
spacing, acid traps, minimal annular rings, Large-scale analysis can often result
key information about the PCB and
minimum features sizes, and copper and in a large number of reported failures.
presenting it in an easy-to-read format.
mask slivers are just a few examples of Viewing the results of large-scale analysis
Hierarchical Rule-Set-Driven Analysis the fabrication analysis available. Drill- in chart form allows you to get to the
related analysis includes minimal distances root of the failure and quickly ascertain
Manage the myriad of checks and the
between drills, pads without drills, mill a remedy. Charting allows you to review
analysis process by creating rules sets.
path errors, coincident or overlapping specifics of the failures to identify trends
Checks are organized into layer types and
drills, and others. or unexpected results. DFM Checker’s
sub-categories to simplify the selection
charting feature reports the exact nature
of checks to perform and the setting of
of the error and the PCB features related
corresponding parameters. Define the
to that error. The charting function
type and order of a group of checks (rule
groups common errors so they can be
set) to be performed. Analysis can include
quickly identified and resolved.
netlist or layer comparison, design rule
verification, fabrication, and assembly Crossprobing with Allegro
checks on the entire design, a specific PCB Editor
layer, or a region of the design. This
dramatically reduces set up and execution The Manufacturing Option’s DFM Checker
of the analysis. Analysis rule sets can be module is tightly integrated with Allegro
saved and recalled for use on any design. PCB Editor to walk through errors. Select
Rule sets can be defined for a specific PCB Figure 2. Acid trap violation errors within DFM Checker and it zooms
technology, vendor capability, or unique into the error location within Allegro
PCB Assembly Analysis PCB Editor. This expedites the process of
design requirement.
Assembly analysis will detect specific finding and correcting errors in the source
For many designs, different regions or PCB content that might have an adverse PCB design. DFM Checker adds DRC
layers of a PCB have unique constraints effect on PCB assembly. Solder and markers in Allegro Constraint Manager
and subsequently require custom analysis. paste mask features—such as less-than- with details of the violation.
Use unique rule hierarchy to tailor an minimal mask spacing, missing masks,
analysis to bare board construction, board extra mask, minimal mask annular rings,
density, or component technology. and mask-size-to-pad-size ratios—are
examples of mask analysis available. 2
Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

necessary to not only build the product • Tight integration with Allegro PCB
today, but also any repeat builds in the Editor enables simple click-through
future—eliminating any guesswork. passing of design data to expedite the
drawing creation process
The Manufacturing Option’s
Documentation Editor module is a • Intelligent automation saves hours, if
PCB documentation-authoring tool not days, creating PCB drawings for
that intelligently automates your fabrication, assembly, and inspection
documentation creation process to
• Automatic creation of component
produce complex PCB documentation in
assembly views, drill pattern view,
a fraction of the time versus traditional
details, and parts lists derived from
methods. Documentation Editor enables
the Allegro PCB CAD data, eliminates
you to quickly create the manufacturing
manual drawing of tedious document
drawings that drive PCB fabrication
and assembly.
• Design changes made in Allegro PCB
Utilizing the Allegro PCB CAD data,
Editor are automatically propagated
Figure 4: Crossprobing between errors and Documentation Editor creates intelligent
Allegro PCB Editor to all effected drawing elements,
linked PCB views, drawing details,
dramatically reducing time spent
document notes, drill charts, parts lists,
updating documentation due to the
Allegro PCB Editor and other crucial documentation details.
design changes
The result is documentation that more
accurately articulates instructions for Drawing Creation
the successful fabrication, assembly,
and inspection of PCBs. The completed Standard or custom drawing elements are
documentation release package contains easily added by dragging and dropping
all the data necessary to build, view, and from a palette of drawing-specific
archive the final product. elements, such as sheet borders, title
Allegro Constraint Manager
blocks, PCB views, drill charts, detail
Documentation Editor includes the views, text boxes, and note blocks.
following key features: Elements added to your drawings can be
easily relocated, resized, and customized.
• Creation and placement of unlimited
Each element can be scaled, formatted,
Figure 5. Missing solder mask views of the PCB. Each view can
and transformed (rotated, mirrored,
have its own display settings and can
flipped, etc.) independent of each
Documentation Editor be formatted independently of the
source data.
PCB documentation creates the
manufacturing specification for an
electronic product. Comprehensive
documentation records the engineering
“intent” of a design specifying the
form, fit, and function of the PCB.
Documentation drives the procurement
process, aids manufacturing engineering,
and is used in final inspection to
verify that the product was built to
engineering’s specification. It also gets
archived to ensure later production runs
can be repeated with the same level of
consistent quality. PCB documentation
must capture all of the information

Figure 6. Produce complex PCB documentation in a fraction of the time 3
Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

ECO Updates Minimize

Documentation Rework
All drawing elements in Documentation
Editor are derived from the source Allegro
PCB CAD data. Opening the revised
design in Documentation Editor allows
you to perform lightning-fast engineering
change order (ECO) updates by simply
refreshing the source computer-aided
design (CAD) data. When refreshed, all
drawing elements, such as PCB views,
tables, details, parts lists, drill charts, etc.
are updated with the new design data.
All user customization for each element
is maintained during the refresh, further
minimizing documentation rework.
Figure 7. Drawing-detail wizards automate the layer stack-up, finger chamfer, and Pack and Release
V-score drawing

other. There is no limit on the number define any drawing item as a mechanical Users can select drawings and files and
of elements that can be placed on component and store it in a “gallery” for compress them with an integrated viewer
a drawing. re-use. Mechanical components can also for use with users who do not have a
be associated to electrical components to viewer or do not wish to install one.
help automate correct parts list quantity Template Customization Toolkit
Fabrication and Assembly Drawing calculations, particularly when assembly
Tools variants are also used. Documentation The Template Customization Toolkit
Editor can construct a mechanical allows custom template creation and
The drawing tools include support for component in a number of different enables template tool pallet and format
adding PCB views to fabrication and ways: Manually using Documentation template dialogs.
assembly drawings. You can drag and Editor’s drafting tools, by importing DXF
drop views of the board outline, top/ Automation Toolkit
objects from a mechanical system, or by
bottom side of the PCB, drill pattern, importing any digital image file (JPEG, The Automation Tool Kit enables VB
drill chart, integral parts list, component BMP, etc.) that the user wishes to depict scripting tools to automate the process
coordinate charts, and many others. as a mechanical component. of creating PCB documentation. You
Drawing detail templates automate the can reduce the process of creating
creation of detail views of via stack- Design-Driven Documentation
documentation to a few clicks for a PCB.
ups, layer stack-ups, finger chamfers,
Documentation Editor drawing content
V-score, and several other common Panel Editor
is derived directly from the Allegro PCB
drawing element types. Component-
CAD data. Components, pins, assembly
assembly PCB views can be filtered by Electronics manufacturers often panelize
mounting sides, layers, vias, nets,
variant, or can apply variant status in single-board designs into arrays or
assembly variants, part attributes, drill
parts lists. You can also create assembly- sub-panels to facilitate their PCB
holes and symbols, and other critical
process documentation for process- assembly process. PCB CAD tools are
design data are imported to ensure
driven PCB assembly, and easily create very good at designing the single-board
document accuracy. External content
color-coded drawings for each assembly design or “one-up” PCB, but lack the
such as JPEGs, BMPs, GIFs, and TIFFs
process, process step charts, and process- necessary functionality to design the
can be imported and incorporated in the
based parts lists. Advanced capabilities varied complexities and details that are
drawings. OLE objects, audio, and video
also include drawing functionality for required for panels. Documenting the
files can also be imported and linked
geometric dimensioning and tolerance finished panel and adding features such
within the documentation and stored
(GD&T), coordinate dimensioning, blind/ as pinning holes, fiducials, score lines, and
with the documentation release package.
buried via support in via stack ups, PCB breakaway tabs can be difficult and time
In addition, Gerber and DXF files can be
views, and drill charts. consuming in today’s CAD and computer-
imported and exported.
aided manufacturing (CAM) tools.
Mechanical Component Support
The Manufacturing Option’s Panel Editor
Documentation Editor understands that module intelligently automates the
PCBs are comprised of both electrical complex process of panel definition and
and mechanical components. Users can documentation, simplifying the design 4
Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

Figure 8. Automatically create panel arrays of PCBs on a panel documentation drawing

process. This solution enables designers • Automatic NC milling definition allows Ease of Drawing Creation
to quickly create electronic manufacturing the route path around a PCB to be
PCB designers often turn to CAM tools
documents that clearly articulate the defined within a panel as well as the
for their PCB assembly panel design,
panel specification and instructions for breakaway tabs, then the NC milling
tools created specifically for the CAM
successful fabrication, assembly, and can be automatically applied to all
engineer at the PCB fabricator that most
inspection of their designs. the PCBs within the panel as well as
PCB designers find difficult to use. The
merged route information for one
Panel Editor includes the following key Manufacturing Option’s Panel Editor
unified NC milling path
features: module is designed for ease of use, with
• Panel Drawing Detail wizards use drag-and-drop drawing elements—
• Automatic array creation in spreadsheet
the existing PCB and NC milling data including PCB views, charts, details, text
or auto-calculate mode using imported,
to automatically depict mill tab and boxes, and note blocks—that are treated
intelligent Allegro PCB design data
V-score details as drawing elements and can be quickly
results in an optimized panel that
added and modified. Each element can
includes as many PCBs as possible • Web Publisher allows for the creation
be independently scaled, formatted, and
of PCB release packages in HTML
• Allows quick placement of top, bottom, transformed (e.g., rotated, mirrored,
drill pattern, or custom panel arrays on flipped). There is no limit on the number
a drawing, as well as drill charts, note • Flip panel support of elements that can be placed on a
blocks, mill, and V-score details drawing.

• Panel-level drill and coordinate charts

allow the user to place a drill and
coordinate charts reflective of all the
PCBs contained in a panel to define
all components, hole sizes, locations,
symbols, and quantities for the entire
panel. All of the formatting capabilities
of the single-instance PCB drill and
coordinate chart are also supported for
panels. In addition, any pinning holes
added to the panel are automatically
included in the drill chart. Coordinate
charts or the panel can be exported
in CSV format to drive pick-and-place

Figure 9. Panel Drawing Detail wizards use the existing PCB and NC milling data to
automatically depict mill tab and V-score details 5
Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option

Data Importation Cadence Services and Support

The Manufacturing Option’s Panel Editor • Cadence application engineers can
module uses the Allegro PCB CAD data answer your technical questions by
in the IPC-2581 format to drive the panel telephone, email, or Internet—they can
definition and documentation creation also provide technical assistance and
process. External content such as JPEGs, custom training
BMPs, GIFs, and TIFFs can be imported
• Cadence certified instructors teach
and incorporated in the drawings. OLE
more than 70 courses and bring
objects, audio, and video files can also
their real-world experience into the
be imported and linked within the
documentation drawings and stored with
the documentation release package. In • More than 25 Internet Learning
addition, RS274X files can be imported Series (iLS) online courses allow you
and DXF can be imported and exported. the flexibility of training at your own
computer via the Internet
Always Up-to-Date ECOs
• Cadence Online Support gives you
The panel definition and all drawing
24x7 online access to a knowledgebase
elements are derived from the source
of the latest solutions, technical
Allegro PCB CAD data and always remain
documentation, software downloads,
linked to that source data. These links
and more
allow you to perform lightning-fast ECOs
by simply refreshing only the source CAD
data. When refreshed, all instances of
the original Allegro PCB CAD data (array
instances, PCB views, tables, details, drill
charts, etc.) are refreshed to display the
new design data changes. All unique user
settings defined for each instance are
maintained during the refresh, further
minimizing ECO documentation rework.

Cadence Design Systems enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the
creation of today’s electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP, and expertise to design
and verify today’s mobile, cloud, and connectivity applications.

©2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence, the Cadence logo, and Allegro are registered trademarks of Cadence
Design Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are properties of their respective holders.
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