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Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests

a a
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering , University of Sheffield ,
Sheffield S1 4DU, U.K.
Published online: 24 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: S. A. BILLINGS & Q. M. ZHU (1994) Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests, International
Journal of Control, 60:6, 1107-1120, DOI: 10.1080/00207179408921513

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INT. J. CONTROL, 1994, VOL. 60, No.6, 1107-1120

Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests

S. A. BILLlNGSt and Q. M. ZHUt

New higher order correlation tests which use model residuals combined with
system inputs and outputs are presented to check the validity of a general class
of nonlinear models. The new method is illustrated by testing both simple and
complex nonlinear system models.

1. Introduction
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

Model validation is an important step in system identification since this is

often the final check on the goodness of fit of any identified model. While linear
models provide concise and efficient approximations to a wide range of linear
systems they fail to describe nonlinear systems adequately. Nonlinear models are
therefore increasingly used to approximate a wide variety of systems with
complex dynamics. Model validation can also be divided into two main areas,
linear model validation and nonlinear model validation.
A number of methods have been developed for linear model validation.
Correlation based validation involves computing correlation functions composed
of model residuals and system inputs and testing if these lie within preset
confidence intervals. Bohlin (1971), Box and Jenkins (1976) and Soderstrom and
Stoica (1990) studied the auto-correlation function (ACF) of the residuals and
the cross-correlation function (CCF) between inputs and residuals, and Pearson
(1900), Bohlin (1971) and Baglivo et al. (1992) investigated chi-squared (I)
tests. Recently Cressie and Read (1989) reviewed the literature on goodness of
fit testing using the i
test. Model-comparison based validation involves applying
statistical tests to compare models pairwise and to select the best model with the
minimum or maximum statistic value. Representative approaches are the F test
(Wadsworth and Bryan 1974) and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
(Akaike 1974). An alternative viewpoint has recently been introduced by
Hjalmarsson (1993) who considered the effects of model uncertainty and
ill-defined model terms as part of the model validation process.
Unfortunately, nonlinear model validation is not as straightforward as linear
model validation. Several of the methods developed for linear models have
obvious drawbacks for nonlinear model validation. For example, Bohlin's ACF
and CCF tests cannot diagnose all nonlinear terms in the residuals (Billings and
Voon 1983), and the itest and model-comparison based tests can involve a
combinational explosion because of the enormous number of possible terms in
nonlinear models. Billings and Voon (1983, 1986), Leontaritis and Billings
(1987) introduced higher order correlation functions and an extension to the 1
tests to overcome some of these problems.
Correlation-based model validity tests have an advantage compared with

Received 1 July 1993. Revised 4 October 1993.

t Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield SI 4DU. U.K.
0020-7179/94 SlO.OO© 1994 Taylor & Francis Lid
[ 108 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

model-comparison based methods because it is possible to diagnose directly if an

identified model is adequate or not without testing all the possible model sets.
Model comparison methods, however, may involve testing over the vast combi-
nations of models which are possible when the system is nonlinear and complex.
But traditional correlation based model validity tests can sometimes exhibit
reduced diagnosis power.
In the present study, new tests, designed to enhance the power of correla-
tion-based tests while simplifying the computations for nonlinear models, are
derived based on higher order correlation functions composed of residuals,
inputs and, in particular, outputs. The characteristics of the new tests and the
relationship to previous tests are investigated and the application of the tests to
both simple and complex nonlinear system models is demonstrated.
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2. Correlation tests using residuals and inputs

In order to understand the development of correlation based model validity
tests and the derivation of new tests, linear model validation is initially
considered and then nonlinear model validation issues are progressively intro-
duced. One of the new tests presented is based on two higher order correlation
functions, a higher order residual auto-correlation function and a higher order
cross-correlation function between the residuals and input.
All the tests in § 2 and 3 are applicable for all choices of input signal design.
The case where the input is gaussian white is a worst case example because
when the input has these properties many omitted model terms, which should
contribute to the tests, can average out to zero (Billings and Voon 1983).
A 8180 (single-input and single-output) linear discrete time model can be
expressed as
y(l) = II(yt-l, II'-I, 10 '- 1) + E(t) (2.1)
where t( t = 1, 2, ... ) is a time index and

y:~: : [y(t =1), , y(t =r)]]

u - [u(t .1), , u(t r)] (2.2)
,- 1
10 = [E(t - 1), , E(t - r)]
are output, input and residual vectors respectively, with delayed elements from 1
to r.
fi( • ) is a linear function which satisfies superposition and homogeneity
11(y'-1 + y'-2, U,- I + U'- 2, 10 ,- 1 + 10 '- 2) = fi(y'-I, U'- I , 10'- 1)
+ fi(
1 y , U 1-2 ,101-2)
fi(O'yt-l, O'U '- I, 0'10 '- 1) = O'ft(y'-I, U'- I, 10 ' - 1) (2.3)
A typical parametric realization of (2.2) is the ARMAX (AutoRegressive
Moving Average with eXogenous input) model

y(t) = L[O'jy(t - j) + f3ju(t - j) + AjE(t - j)] + 10(1) (2.4)


Ideally, the residual 10(1) should be reduced to an uncorrelated sequence denoted

Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1109

by e(t) with zero mean and finite variance. Therefore, correlation-based model
validity tests are used to check if
e(t) = e(t) (2.5)
This can be done by testing if all the correlation functions are within the preset
confidence intervals. When (2.5) is true, Bohlin's test (1971) shows that
2: (e(t) - e)(e(t - r) - e)
<Pu( r) = -'---=

2: (e(t) - e)2

{I, r=O
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

0, otherwise
2: (u(t) - u)(e(t - r) - e)
<Pur(r) = N N 1/2 = 0, Vr (2.6)
[(~I(U(t) - U)2)(~?(t) - ef )]
where <Pu( r) and <Pur( r) are the estimated normalized residual auto-correlation
function and cross-correlation function between the input and residuals respect-.
ively. The overbar denotes the time average operation to give
_ 1 N
e = - 2:e(t)
_ 1 N
U =- 2:u(t)

For large N the correlation function estimates given in (2.6) are asymptotically
normal with zero mean and finite variance (Soderstrom and Stoica 1990), the
standard deviations are 1/'1/N and the 95% confidence limits are therefore
approximately 1·95/'1/ N. To illustrate the method, consider three typical res-
iduals, from an ARMAX model, as examples

el(t) = e(t - 1) + e(t»)

e2(t) = u(t - 1) + e(t) (2.8)
e3(t) = yet - 1) + e(t)
where the input u(t) is an uncorrelated persistently exciting sequence with zero
mean and finite variance and the noise e(t) is defined above. <Pa( r) can be used
to check for delayed noise terms like e(t - j) in e(t). Similarly, <Pur(r) can be
used to check for u(t - j) terms in e(t). When the residuals include delayed
outputs like yet - j) both ct>rlr) and <Pulr) will give an indication that e(t) is
correlated because yet - 1) is auto-correlated and cross-correlated with the
Using simple algebraic operations, the first example in (2.8) gives
1110 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

<PEIEI(') =
j (2.9)
f 0, otherwise
<PUE I(') = 0, 'iT
where p = 1/2.

For the second example

<PE,E,( r) = g: ,= 0
, =1
<PUE,( r) = {b: otherwise
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

? )1/1
(1 +-;?-
is a constant.
In summary, Bohlin's and Box and Jenkins' approach is to determine
whether there is evidence of an inadequate model and also to suggest ways in
which the model may be modified or improved.
For nonlinear models the validity tests are not as simple as in the linear case
because nonlinear terms can exist in the residuals. Consider a SISO nonlinear
discrete model
yet) = In(y'-I, U'-I, £H) + £(/) (2.11)
where the output, input and residual vectors have been defined in (2.2).
However, the nonlinear function In(') will not, in general, satisfy the superposi-
tion and homogeneity principle. A typical parametric expression for (2.11) is the
polynomial NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Average with eX-
ogenous input) model (Billings and Leontaritis 1981, Leontaritis and Billings
yet) = 2.CYjp/t) + Bet) (2.12)

where Pj(t) denotes nonlinear terms such as PI(t) = yet - I)u(t - 1), P2(t) =
u 2(t)£(t - 1) and P3(t) = £3(t - 3).
Simple nonlinear residuals may take the form of terms such as
£](t) = e(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t)
Bit) = u(t - l)u(t - 3) + e(t)
£3(/) = u(t - l)e(t - 2) + e(t)
£4(t) = yet - I)e(1 - 2) + e(t)
and so on. The simple ACF and CCF test are now no longer sufficient (Billings
and Voon 1983) and new tests have to be developed. One approach would be to
use multidimensional correlation functions such as <PEEE('10 '2)' <PuuE('I, '2) and
<PuEE('1o '2) to check for £I(t), £2(t), and £3(t) respectively in (2.13). This
Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1111

approach however involves two-dimensional correlations and this causes an

enormous increase in the computations. This could be extended to a three-
dimensional correlation function ct>m€('r), i2, i3) for the case
£(t) = e(t - l)e(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t) (2.14)
but this is clearly unrealistic in practice. Alternatively, an n dimensional
correlation function can be projected into a single index higher order correlation
function with n points. This approach leads to the introduction of two higher
order correlation functions
2: (£2(t) - £2)(£2(/ - r] - £2)
ct>€,€'(i) = ----
2: (£2(/)
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

- £2)2




ct>,o,o( r) can be used to detect delayed nonlinear noise terms like

e(t - 2)e 3(t - 5) and ct>~',o(i) can be used to detect delayed nonlinear input
terms like u(t - l)u(/ - 2). Both ct>,o€'(i) and ct>u'€'(i) should detect other terms
such as u(t - l)e(t - 1), y(/ - l)u(/ - 1) and so on in the residuals. When the
residuals £(t) are reduced to a sequence which is uncorrelated with all linear and
nonlinear combinations of past inputs and outputs then ideally

I, r = 1 )
ct>€,€,( r) ., { 0, otherwise (2.17)
ct>u'€'( r) - 0, Vi
This follows because for large N and assuming ergodicity
ct>€,€,(i) = £[£2'(/)£2'(t - i)]}
ct>u'€'(i) = £[u 2'(t)£2'(t - i)]
where £[ .] is the expectation operator and

£2'(t) = £2(t) - £[£2(t)] 1

[£[[£2(t) - £[£2(t)]]2W/2
2(/) 2(t)]
u2'(t) = u - £[u
[£[[u 2(t) - £[u 2(/)]f lF/2
1112 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

are normalized. When e(t) = ~(t) these tests yield

<P£'£'(i) = E[e 2·(t)e2·(t - i)]

= E[e 2·(t)e 2·(t - i)]
E [(e ·(t ))2] = 1, i = ° (2.20)
= { E[e 2·(t)]E[e2·(t - i)] = 0, otherwise
<Pu'£'(i) = E[u 2·(t)e2·(t - i)]
= E[u 2·(t)]E[e2·(t - i)] = 0, Vi

To illustrate these tests consider the first two examples in (2.13). For the first
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

1, i=O
a '(i) - PI> i=2
'A../"£,£, - Pz = PI'

<Pu'£~( i) =
1 0,
0, Vi
i =5

_ e4 ? _ (e 2 ) 3
Pl- O<lpll<I and O<IPzI<I
[(e4)2 + 4(?)3 + e 4 _ (?)4 _ (e 2)2jl/2 '
are constants. For the second example

r = I,
22 ()
<P£,£, { 0,
r = °
1, i=O (2.22)
A.. , '(i) = PI, r = 1
wu £, Pz = PI> i=3
10, otherwise

is a constant.
The tests correctly identify the missing terms in both cases since either
"* ° "*
<Pt:',,'(r) 0, i"* or <Pu't:'( r) 0, V r. The two tests can also be used to
diagnose omitted linear model terms in the residuals. Applying the tests to the
first two linear residual examples of (2.8) gives

<Pt:~t:~( r) = {~;, ~ : ~
0, otherwise
) (2.23)

<Pu'Z;~(i) = 0, Vi
where PI = (e 4 - (?)2)/2(e'l + (e 2f ) is a constant. For the second example
Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1113

¢dd( T) = {~: T = 0
otherwise )
= {~:'
T =1
¢u'd( T) otherwise
PI = [1 + ? - (ezy + 47?] 1/1
u4 _ (7)2
is a constan t.
The disadvantage of these tests is that the higher order correlation functions
can sometimes exhibit less power when the noise and input variances are small
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

because the fourth and higher moments become small. Billings and Voon (1986)
used a combination of five tests to try to increase the discriminatory power. An
alternative solution may be to introduce delayed output terms to form more
powerful higher order correlation functions while maintaining the computational
simplicity. This is presented in the following section.

3. Correlation tests using residuals, inputs and outputs

Two -new tests based on higher order cross correlation functions between the
output and residuals and between the output, residuals and input, are presented
to enhance the power of correlation-based model validity tests. These two tests
2: «(\'(1) - iY)(E2( t - r) - ?)


(\'(t) = y(t)E(t) )

iY = yE = ~ ~ y(t)E(t). (3.2)
N t= !

In the ideal case where the residuals are zero mean and uncorrelated with all
linear and nonlinear combinations of past inputs and outputs these tests yield

¢a.', r) = k 2'
{ 0,
T = 0
¢aU"( T) - 0, Vi
1114 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

Where k 2 is a constant to be defined in (3.6) and these results can be proved by

considering the output of (2.11)
yet) = mV- 1, u'-l, 10'-1) + €(t)}
= Yet) + €(t)
which consists of the one-step-ahead predicted output plus residual. Therefore,
(3.1) can be written as
tP",c'( r) = tP(F)C'( r) = k 1tP(yC)C'( r) + k : tPc'c'( r) }
tP"," 2( r) = tP(YC)II'( r) = k, tP(YC)II'( r) + k2tP1I2C2( r)
N )1/2
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

( ~l(y(t)€(t) - y€)2


and therefore (3.5) becomes

tP",Ar) : k2tPC2:',(r)} (3.8)

tP"," 2( r) - k 2tPn-( r)
which are the same (except for the constant k 2 ) as the correlation functions
presented with only residuals and inputs in (2.15).
If the model is inadequate, tP(yc)c2( r) and tP(YC)1I2( r) will test the correlation
between the one-step-ahead predicted output from the identified model and the
residual. These enhance the tests based on residuals and inputs only. It should
be noticed that unlike the traditional normalized ACF test where tPu(O) = 1 is
not affected by the amplitude of the residual, the new test tP(YC)c2(O) is affected
by the residual to produce tP(yc)c2(O)/ k 2 = 1 in the ideal case when the one-step-
ahead prediction and the residual are uncorrelated but can be ItP(yc)c2(O)/k21 < 1
For large N the correlation function estimates given in (3.1) are still
asymptotically normal with zero mean and finite variance from the assumption
of the central limit theorem (Bowker and Lieberman 1972) and the standard
deviations are 1/'1/N and the 95% confidence limits are therefore approximately
An associated i- test can also be developed. Define
€2(t) _ 102
wit) = N 1/2 (3.9)
_ 10 2)2]

Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1115

1 N
/-I, =- La(t)w,(t) (3.10)
N ,= !
aCt) = [aCt - 1), a(t - 2), ... , a(t - sW
aCt) = y(t)E(t)
1 N
- L~(t) = r2 (3.11)
Assuming all odd order moments of the random variable E(t) are zero gives

1 [N
E[/-I,] = -E La(t)w,(t) = -
] IN
E[a(t)]E[w,(t)] = 0SX!
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

N 1=1 N,~l

E [ /-1,/-1,T] -_ 1 2I
-r (3.12)
sx s
From the central limit theorem (Bowker and Lieberman 1972) the random
vector is asymptotically normal with zero mean and variance given by (3.12).
The random vector /-I, can be normalized as

_ VN
- r/-l,Is x s (3.13)

which is asymptotically zero mean with unit variance. Then the variable
d ,-
- T -
~,~, -

is asymptotically x? distributed with s degrees of freedom where s is the

dimension of the vector rr(r). This statistic d, provides an alternative basis for
nonlinear model validation. The confidence interval of d, is given by
d,<ky(s) (3.15)
where ky(s) is the critical value of the x? distribution with s degrees of freedom
and y is the significance level for the model acceptance region. Similarly, a x?
statistic for the input test in the residuals can be developed by assuming the
worst case where the input is a random sequence with odd moments all zero.

1116 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

The previous X- test (Leontaritis and Billings 1985) for nonlinear models
suffered from the necessity to test several possible missing model terms before
any confidence that the model had been properly validated could be established.
The new test gives a rule to choose test terms y(t)e(t), u 2(t), e2( t) only.

4. Applications
Three simulated systems were selected to demonstrate the new model
validity test methods. Each data sequence was of length 1000, and the input for
the first two simulated systems was a uniformly distributed uncorrelated se-
quence with zero mean and variance 1·33 and the noise sequence was an
uncorrelated normally distributed sequence with zero mean and variance 0·36.
Example 1: This simulated system consisted of the model
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yet) = u(t - 1) + e(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t) (4.1)

Assuming that an inadequate model has been estimated so that the residuals
e(t) = e(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t) (4.2)
Fig. l(a) shows that the results obtained from using the simple linear ACF and
CCF tests give a false indication that the model has been properly identified
because <pu(r) = OCr) and <pu£(r) = O. Figure l(b), however, shows that the
results obtained using the new tests <p(y£)£'( r) and <p(y£)u'( r) give a correct
indication that the model has been incorrectly identified. Close inspection shows
that <p(y£)£'( r) is outside the confidence intervals at two points r = 2 and 5.
Example 2: Consider the model
yet) = U(I - 1) + u(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t) (4.3)
and assume a residual of the form
e(t) = u(t - 2)e(t - 5) + e(t) (4.4)

+1. +.. <1:) +.. ()r.)


20 - 1 10

-1. -1.

+1. +<y.).2<1;) +1. +<YOo2<l<.)

20 - 1 10

-1. (b) -1.

Figure 1. Validation tests for example one: (a) ACF and CCF tests; (b) new tests.
Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1117

_1. +ee(1:) -I. +..<k)

20 - 1 10

-1. (a) -1.

-1. +<y.).2<k) +1. +<YO Ul<I<)

20 - 1 10
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

-l. (b) -l.

Figure 2. Validation tests for example two: (a) ACF and CCF tests; (b) new tests.

Once again, the linear ACF and CCF tests, Fig. 2(a), fail to detect the nonlinear
residuals. The new tests <P(y£)£2(r) and <p(y£).,,(r) in Fig. 2(b) are plotted to show
that <P(y£)<2( r) and <p(y<)u2( r) are outside confidence intervals at r = 5, 2 respect-
Example 3: Consider the nonlinear rational model
yet - 1) + u(t - 1) + yet - l)u(t - 1) + yet - I)e(t - 1) ( )
() +et
1 + y2(t - 1) + u(t - l)e(t - 1)
which is of a form that often appears in the chemical and related fields (Ford et
al. 1989, Dimitrov and Kamenski 1991) and was used by Narendra and
Parthasarathy (1990) to study the approximation of severe nonlinearities using
neural networks.
Simulated output data were generated using the model of (4.5) with an
uncorrelated uniformly distributed (zero mean and variance of 1·0) input
sequence and an uncorrelated normally distributed (zero mean and variance of
0,01) noise sequence. Only the input and output data were available for
identification. The resultant identification using the nonlinear rational model
identification algorithm (Zhu and Billings 1993, Billings and Zhu 1994), which
included model term selection and associated parameter estimation, produced
the results in the Table. Figure 3(a) and 3(b) show the measured output, the
one-step ahead model predictions and residuals respectively and Figs 4(a) and
4(b) show the linear ACF and CCF tests and the new tests respectively.

S. Conclusions
The important problem of validating nonlinear models has been investigated
and two new correlation-based tests have been proposed. The new tests are
based on correlation functions defined in terms of the system outputs and these
1118 S. A. Billings and Q. M. Zhu

0,25[+ 1

-.20[+Q;l-------_.L-- .:.-_..:...._ _..;....._-:-=-\

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

0.25[+ 1

~ ~
-,20[+ I 1000

0.3&E+ 0 ,

~\ ~ I ~~j~~.~~~ ~ ~


Figure 3. System outputs, model predictions and residuals: (a) measured outputs; (b) one
step ahead model predictions; (c) residuals.

appear to provide improved discriminatory performance compared with earlier

tests based purely on residuals and inputs. Although only simple nonlinear
polynomial and rational model examples have been used as illustrations, largely
to enable the results to be related back to the omitted model terms, the new
tests should be applicable to a much wider class of nonlinear models including
neural networks.
Nonlinear model validation using correlation tests 1119

~.. (t) +1. ~lj(t)


20 - 1 10

-1. -1.

+1. ~(y<).l(t) +1. ~(y<) g2(k)

20 - 1 10
Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 07:45 22 February 2015

-1. (b) -1.

Figure 4. Validation tests for example three: (a) ACF and CCF tests; (b) new tests.

Terms selected Parameters estimated

u(t - I) 0·996
yet - I) 1·016
yet - I)u(t - 1) 0·980
yet - l)e(t - 1) 1·015
y2(t - I) 0·998
u(t - I)e(t - I) 0·925
Noise variance 0·011

Rational model estimates.


The authors gratefully acknowledge that this work is supported by SERe

under grant GR/H3528.6.


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