25 Seo Words

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When one hyperlinks a website into a body of the
text the word they attach the link to is called
an anchor text. A user clicks on an anchor text for it
Anchor Text
to redirect them to a different webpage. This
is important for SEO practitioners (see what we did
there?) because search engines look for these links
to determine which are more authoritative than the
Alt text refers to the text description of an image
that signifies what the image contains. You cannot
see the alt text when you look at a photo because it
Alt Attribute Text (or Alt Text)
is hidden in the backend of the webpage where the
photo is placed.

Alt-text is an effective way to boost your search

engine ranking because it allows images on your
website to be found during a search.

Five factors are considered in authority rank:

Authority Age of the page

Page’s traffic trends
Backlinks profile
Quality of page content
Technical SEO (site speed, schema, etc)
These five reasons help explain why “.edu” and
“.gov” websites have higher authority over other
pages, like “.com” or “.net.”

Bots are programs designed to index, collect and

analyze website information website faster than a
human can. It’s estimated that bots make up 60%
of online traffic. As SEO practitioners, we can use
bots to quickly gather and analyze information, of
our own website and others. Bots also allow for
updated content to immediately be shared with the
online community.

Along with being an HTML element, title tags are

crucial for SEO. They help companies accurately
describe what their websites contain on search
Title Tag:
result pages and browser pages. Optimizing title
tags for each page allows, users and search engines
to quickly gauge the content it includes, allowing
pages to be easily linked and ranked.
A meta description follows a title tag in terms of
description of a page. It is a sentence or two that
describes briefly what that page or website
Meta Description

The more relevant a meta description is to a search

query, the more likely it will appear in the search
results page, below the page title. An accurate and
SEO-friendly meta description will keep your page
relevant through the millions of searches
happening every minute.

Keywords are the words or phrases on the website

that allow it to be found. For example, if you
wanted to find this blog via search engine results,
the keywords might be something like “SEO Terms”
or “ChatterBuzz Media Blog.” Notice these are not
creative titles, yet are precise and describe exactly
what the page contains. Keywords that are vague or
that yield too many results are ineffective.

Resources like Google Keyword Planner will help

you determine which keywords you should target.

As they name implies, long tail keywords are

keywords, just longer. They contain usually three
to four words that are commonly used during
Long Tail Keyword
search.. For this blog post, a good long tail keyword
might be “Top 25 SEO Terms” as opposed to just
“SEO Terms.”  Using the longer version allows you
to better target users who are overwhelmed with
too many options from a shorter keyword.

Keyword density refers to the number of times a

keyword appears on a webpage compared to the
total words. While this used to be an easy way for
Keyword Density
pages to rank higher, new search engine algorithms
have made this tactic almost useless. However, we
can use the same keyword density-measuring
tactics to make sure we are not overusing the same
keywords on our page.

Domain rank or domain authority refers to how

well a whole domain will rank on search engine
results. It is calculated by a combination of link
Domain Rank or Domain Authority
metrics: linking root domains, number of total links
and others on a 100-point scale. This measurement
then can be interpreted to see how one website
compares to others.
It is one of the most important numbers known to
SEOs. The greater your DA, the more likely you are
to have strong traffic and high rank.

Domain authority is based on numerous factors.

Primarily, however, these are link profile factors
such as how many backward links are pointing to
your website and how authoritative those sites are.

It is very difficult to gain a DA number of 100. Sites

like Facebook and Google have it, so don’t be
disappointed if you never hit 100. Once you start
achieving 50+ going up this scale will get harder and
DA is difficult to influence directly. You can’t change
your DA score like you can change your meta tags.

Domain trust is a measurement of a website’s links

from other trusted websites. These websites
include those with a “.edu” or “.gov” ending, as
Domain Trust
mentioned earlier. If your website has links from
some of these pages, it will be seen as more trusted
by the search engine. In the image below, you can
see websites gaining domain trust through links
from berkeley.edu.

Also on a 100-point scale is the measurement

of page rank or page authority.  Instead of ranking
how a whole domain will rank in search engine
Page Rank or Page Authority
results, this is a metric of how an individual page
will rank in the results. The inherent relationship
between page rank and domain rank is why each
page on a website should be SEO optimized.
These terms refer to a page’s attribute to pass or
not pass on link authority to linking websites. As
noted before, the more links a website has, the
Do Follow and No Follow
better it ranks. However, when a website has a “No
Follow” attribute listed, it does not pass that
authority back to the linking website. Websites
such as Wikipedia have a No Follow attribute along
with 90% of blog comments out there.  It sends
spammers a message that you will keep you from
accidentally passing PageRank on to lower-quality
“neighbors” on the web.
A 301 redirect refers to the method a website uses
to tell a search engine that a page location has
permanently moved somewhere else on the
301 Redirect
website. We can use this redirect to pass on link
authority or ranking power to the new page.
However, it’s also important to note that 301
redirects may take anywhere from one day to one
month for a search engine to pick it up.
Often, a page’s content might become indexed on
other places on the website. This can, in turn,
create duplicates of content on the same website.
Canonical URL
However, the canonical url is always the single
most authoritative version. When creating links and
making sure a website is SEO optimized, we have to
make sure the canonical URL is used.
Headings are another HTML tag that allows for
content to become SEO optimized. Tags range from
H1 to H6, with the lower number tags being the
most important. When creating a page, you should
only have one H1 tag, followed by other tags to
structure the page as a whole.
Outbound links are places where you link to other
sites.While outbound links are not inherently
important, you can still link from to sites with
Inbound Links
higher authority to possibly increase your search
rank. Some search engines calculate rank with
outbound links, and some websites might link back
to yours if you link to them. So it could be a win-win
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page, or the
page where results are shown for a search query.
On a SERP, you can analyze a great amount of
information: such as keywords used, title and meta
descriptions attributes, and other SEO related
metrics with browser plug-ins.
Breadcrumb navigation is a navigational technique
used to help search engines and users understand
the relationship between pages. It identifies where
Breadcrumb Navigation
you are on the website and what is related to the
page you are on. An example for this blog might
look something like the two examples below
A sitemap for a website is a file where you can list
the pages of a website and attributes if they are
accessible to crawlers. It’s important to optimize a
website’s sitemap in order for search engine
crawlers to accurately find and rate your site.

Backdoor linking is a simple process at a glance but

can be very confusing. Essentially, it is posting a link
on one website that links back to yours. It can also
Backdoor Linking
entail posting a comment on a blog or being listed
in a directory. However, to create a worthy
backlink, you have to make ensure the following:  it
has value added content, the content is easy to find
and it has a long shelf life. This way you know your
backlink will remain on the desired website and will
drive traffic back to you. To identify where your
site’s backlinks are, you can use tools such
as https://ahrefs.com/ and http://www.spyfu.com/.
Doorway Links, or Doorway Pages, are forms of
web spam on search engine queries. They are also
generic and are very often created to mimic the
Doorway Linking
success of other links. They have less prominence
today than a couple of years ago because Google
and other search engines have reworked their
algorithm to avoid them.
A deep link refers to a link on your page that links
to another page on your site. This simply drives
traffic from one page to another and has no direct
Deep Link
correlation to SEO. Deep links are used with a
newer piece of content on your web page that links
to older content so the newer content will rank
higher in search.
Index or No Index refers is when you direct a
search engine to either index or not index the page.
Basically, with a “no index” HTML tag, a search
Index or No Index
engine can find our page, but a human cannot
through search engine means. Instead, we can
directly link a user to a page that is “no index” if we
want them to visit the page. Pages that should
include a “no index” tag include employee-only
pages, promotion pages, and completion pages.

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