Respuesta Unit 8 VIDEO (Lesson F)

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Centro Cultural Colombo Americano

Independent Work
Lesson F


Student’s Name:

Write the answers to the exercises in the video lesson that your teacher assigned to you.

1. What do you think is happening?


They are students.

They watch what the teacher does on the board and listen to his explanation.

2. Key vocabulary-

Read the sentences. Match the bold words (1-4) with the pictures (a-d).


1. This port has a lot of ships. (b)

2. You have to train many years to be a ship pilot. (d)

3.The waterways are narrow. (a)

4.The waves at the beach are very big. (c)

3.Watch the video. Chek your answer for Exercise 1.

Respuesta: 1 is correct.

4. Circle the correct option.


1.Port Revel is in Italy / Argentina / France.

2. Port Revel ships are 10 / 25 / 75 times smaller than real ships.

3. Port Revel gets about 100 / 200 / 300 students every year.

4.Most of Port Revel’s students are ship builders/ ship pilots / engineers.

5. The ship pilots in the class are from Russia, Brazil, and Spain / Cambodia / Canada.
Centro Cultural Colombo Americano
Independent Work
Lesson F

5. How Often do these things happen? Circle the correct frequency adverb.


1.At Port Revel, people sometimes practice on real ships.

2. Port Revel always trains ship pilots.

3. The ship pilots practice sometimes together

4. Arthur de Graauw often asks ship captains to test his mini ships.

6.Students A: Imagine you are a ship pilot.

Students B: Imagine you build mini ships at Port Revel.

Ask and answer the questions below. Try to use frequency adverbs in your answers.

-Where do you work?

Respuesta: I always work as a ship pilot in the port of Barranquilla.

-What do you usually do in your job?

Respuesta: I always exchange information with the captain of the vessel traffic on site.

I often write in a report the distance between ships when docking.

I never fix boat damage.

-Do you like your job? Why or why not?

Respuesta: I like it because it's great I always have to drive the boat to the entrance or exit of the port.

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