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 Fuel consumption is a major expense for the airline industry, so expect to see significant
ongoing innovation around greener aircraft

 Batteries, electric motors.

 While battery technology may not entirely replace traditional fuels given energy
density differences, electric motors are more efficient in energy to work conversion.
This is opening up opportunities for hybrid engines.
 Electric motors are smaller than gas so this is a opening for new types and shapes of

 New wing technologies: wings that have the ability to morph their shape for
greater efficiency in flight.

Increased autonomy
The introduction and spreadness of ADS-B and WAAS will allow vehicles to follow more
optimized flight paths, rather than be confined to the air corridors that currently exist.
First LIDAR image

 Technology associated with autonomy will migrate into aircraft and drones, such as
greater use of fly-by-wire, cameras/LIDAR, image recognition, etc. to avoid power
lines, tree limbs, etc.

 Even everyone thinks the opposite, a self driving airplane might be easier than self-
driving cars, since the airspace is more controlled (no pedestrians and bicycles, less
risk of unexpected things happening, etc.), less dense, and time pressures (e.g., “time
to collision”) are less severe.

Quantity > Quality

Everybody thinks that this is the future of seating in planes but the
Issues with this is:

 The airplane have to be „taller“ in order to accommodate these seats and that means
worst aerodynamics.

 In the event of crash, or even a hard emergency landing, there is a risk that the upper
decks could come down and crush those on the lower deck.
I found this on internet and its is like so logical that I need to include this in the presentation:

 The same as the future of any and all physical objects: oblivion.

 In a historically very short time (maybe 100 years, maybe 150) the entirety of man-
made material infrastructure on Earth will become obsolete, along with the current
mechanism our genes have used to propel themselves through time for millennia.
 Good riddance, too.

Accommodate – ubytovať
far-fetched – pritiahnute za vlasy
viable - realizovatelné

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