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NAME: […………………………………………………………………]
INDEX NO: […………………………………..]


FROM: [……………………………………………..]





Table of Contents
Title Page
Cover Page 1
Dedication 2
Acknowledgement 3
Table of Contents 4
Chapter One: Introduction 5-7
Chapter Two: [Name of Organisation] 8-11
Chapter Three: Activities during the Industrial Attachment 12-17
Chapter Four: Skills and Knowledge Acquired 18-21
Chapter Five: Problems Encountered 22
Chapter Six: Recommendation and Conclusion 23
It is with genuine gratitude and warm regard that we dedicate this work my
In successfully completing this project, many people have helped me. I would
like to thank all those who are related to this project.
Chapter One: Introduction

The general objective of this course is to assign students to collaborate with
institutions on industrial attachment for practical training, skills, and
professional development. Each student will be attached to Institution
Supervisors who will go around the places of attachment and assess students’
performance and progress. There are also supervisors for the students at the
place of attachment who also send their assessments under confidential cover.
Students come back to campus to make a final presentation of their experiences
on attachment and present written reports for assessment.


expose students to the economic world as well as equip students with the
needed hands-on, skills, practicalities, and changeability as well as complexities
associated with the world of work. It introduces students to the nitty-gritty and
the pros and cons of the industry. The industrial attachment scheme doesn’t
only teach students about the economic world, it in various ways prepares and
gives the individual an opportunity to access himself/herself on his readiness to
work. The industrial attachment scheme gives the individual the chance to ask
the very difficult questions of life. Am I ready to work a 9 to 5? Can I handle
the responsibility? Am I ready for responsibility at all? Students often think it’s
a routine of life to work right after completing school. And they often go into
the economic world unprepared but the introduction of this industrial
attachment work scheme gives them practical experience on what to expect in
the world of work. During this period, each student is attached to Institution
Supervisors who will go around the places of attachment and assess students’
performance and progress.
There are also supervisors for the students at the place of attachment who also
send their assessments under confidential cover. Students come back to campus
to make a final presentation of their experiences on attachment and present
written reports for assessment.

The training lasted for two (2) months from 1st October to 29th November
2021 which involved the students, universities, and the industries. The
internship program is meant to assess the intern’s ability in applying the
theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom in a practical situation in their
respective fields ahead of real opportunities as well as increasing their skills and
accustom interns to the working environment in their various fields of work.

It is also a partial requirement for students at the University of Energy and

Natural Resources (UENR) pursuing a Dip. Information Communication and
Technology. The internship program has become the bridge for those who want
to enter the corporate level from university life. Through the internship, I got to
know a real working environment that was very much different from my course


got the chance to work in the department to know about how to assemble
hardware materials of computers to make the computer work and installation of
windows to help especially the financial institutions who by any chance face

The first month I spent at One Time Computers and Accessories at

……………. was more engaged with learning computer parts through
practicalities. The experience helped me realize parts like system unit and
laptop assembling, motherboard repairing, disk burning, and ripping are carried
out in the company.

This, internship duration provided me with the opportunity to broaden my

knowledge and acknowledge my strengths/weaknesses which would be more
helpful to shape my career in the future.

The second month which was November was my final intern month, I got the
opportunity to work on so many computers that were brought by customers and
some institutions. Doing that made me feel like a master in the company
because the owner Mr. Adu gave me the mastery automatic chance to finally
take charge.

This further gave me the confidence to face the world of computer hardware
after schooling. I was taught how to behave with difficult customers, how to
interact with customers, how to speed up the fixing of damaged computers, and
even use the computer to take minutes during the meeting. There were a series
of pertinent meetings where I was told to stand in for the company to bid on an
offer. Using the computer to present the company's products was so fascinating
because the investors were amazed.
Goals of the Industrial Attachment Policy in Ghana:

1. Enhance student's exposure to new scientific and technological

equipment and how to manipulate them
2. Reinforce theoretical instruction through the use of applied learning
3. Provide opportunities to enable students to interact and share experiences
and ideas with those in the industry on issues relating to safety
precautions, industrial health, environmental pollution, and the culture of
work in the industry
4. Empower students in acquiring practical skills and sharpen old ones by
trying their hands on machines and equipment related to their courses of
5. Stimulate students' critical thinking abilities and understanding of the
problems and contributions of industry to national development
6. Help institutions to identify problems associated with their curriculum
and review them to meet current and future workplace requirements.


One Time Computers and Accessories was established in 2020 in Kumasi and
majors in supporting the computers of financial institutions in and around
Kumasi and has emerged as the sole representative of computer solutions.
The company's hallmarks are commitment and dedication with which it has
continued to represent the computer fraternity in its products. One Time
Computers and Accessories, keyboards, laptops, monitors, system units, and
computer hardware in general, in Techiman
It has strategically formed alliances with DELL as the master distributor,
Olivetti, zebra, tally Genicom and Hewlett Packard have ensured NCR remains
at the forefront of its services to its customers.
These alliances ensure that a strong international support network backs the
solutions they provide. They are also recognized as one of the largest DELL
representatives in Kumasi. The network companies in Kumasi always avail
themselves for the company to support in their system fixing in connection with
their over 27 engineers strained by the very best in their fields to ensure a quick
cyber cut response.
Quality, integrity, and reliability are key when it comes to the One Time
Computers and Accessories fraternity. The company has attained the award of
the most trending computer company in the Ashanti Region.
To create a better everyday life for many people through easy and accessible
Some functions of the organization include;
1. Repairs, Assembling, and Maintenance of computers.
2. Sales and Lease of all up-to-date Computers, Computer
peripherals, and other consumables.
3. Disc burning and ripping
4. Software Development and Maintenance e.
5. Laptop and System Unit assembling
6. Windows installation
7. Internet and E-mail Services.
The Organizational Structure of ONE TIME COMPUTERS



Chapter Three: Activities during the Industrial
For the benefits of the industrial training attachment, the intern was subjected to
the following activities as discussed below:

 Attending department meetings every morning from Monday to Friday.

The company used to have meetings with different financial institutions
and network companies of which I was appointed to sit in every meeting.
Notes were taken to implement them in the company for the upliftment of
One Time Computers and Accessories

 Working with different engineers on machines that needed repairs like

pcs, laptops, servers, printers, and adapters. I was always on top of my
game so I was always made to repair all nonworking computer parts to
the best as they were originally made.

 Assisting Engineers with relevant tasks. The company has a link with the
network companies in Sunyani so every 9:00 am; I was always with any
network that faced challenges.

 Testing of new machines purchased by customers. Customers felt the

courage to always being their machines to the company for testing. I had
to be always around to help these stranded customers. Mr master who is
the owner of the company (One Time Computers and Accessories) was
proud of his capabilities.
Due to our competence, I was responding to different calls in several
organizations that needed the services of One Time Computers and Accessories.

These organizations include Banks like Zenith bank, and GCB Bank, Networks
such as MTN Network and Vodafone, and schools like Kessben.

During my industrial attachment, I came across these wonderful workers who

made me feel comfortable with such enormous experiences. The following are
the names of the workers I was engaged with in the projects during my
internship at and how each one of them assisted me in the different fields. Mr
Adu, Michael Osei, Nana Yaw and Frimpong Adade.

The company manager Mr. Osei asigned me to go to different field places

whenever financial institutions needed a hand, worked with me and guided me
doing the TV project, supervised my work in the workshop, and taught me to do
many repairs on different things.

Mr. Adu taught me about System Units and how they are assembled. He taught
me about ATMs, how to repair laptops and PCs, and different machines. He
also taught me how to rip and burn discs.

Another person is his manager, Mr. Michael who further aassisted me in the
workshop, especially with replacing faulty computers and motherboards for
clients. Later he supervised and worked with me every time we went to the field
to do servicing of machines for different clients like printers, PCs, laptops, and
keyboards among others. He again taught me about printers and how to do
preventive maintenance.
Where there is learning taking place, there should be an instructor, for this
reason, the intern was assigned to Mr. Michael as the internal supervisor who
performed the following task:

 He conducted a general orientation for the intern to familiarize the intern

with the working environment.
 He gave the practical assignments to the intern on areas of concern to
measure whether the intern had understood the subject matter.

 The internal supervisor gave an explanation and guidance on issues that

were not perceptible by the intern, such as the mission statement, goal,
and vision of the organization.

 To ensure the quality of service rendered by the student to the

organization and regulate the behaviour of the student and institute
disciplinary action if necessary.

 To complete and return to the university a student’s assessment form.

 The workplace supervisor is expected to take care of any practical

problem that may prevent the student from being a good participant
during the industrial training exercise.

 To ensure that the student understands the relevant policies of the

organization concerning his or her working processes, procedures, and
any other important matters in the organization that may be deemed fit for
the student to know.
 Reviewing and signing on the internship daily reports and the overall
internship report.

 Writes introduction letters for identification of a particular intern when

required at the organization where One Time Computers and Accessories
is going to offer its services.
Chapter Four: Skills and Knowledge Acquired
The knowledge and skills acquired during the course of my attachment at One
Click Computers form the bedrock of my future career development. The
strategies learnt in windows installation, system unit and laptop assembling,
motherboard repairing, disk burning, and ripping and the entire activities will go
a long way in ensuring my application of the knowledge and skills in any entity
and undertaking that I may find myself into. Therefore, I am confident in
applying the knowledge I have learnt in any company that may give me an
opportunity to offer my services in my career.
The profile of skills gained; I have learnt how;

 To rrepair, aassemblee and maintain computers.

 To sell and Lease of all up-to date computers, ccomputer

peripherals and other consumables.

 To delete and create a hard disc partition

 To set a bootable flash drive or CD as a first boot option.

 To enter a machine’s setup.

 To rip an audio CD or DVD disc.

 To copy files to a CD or DVD disc.

 To use organization and planning skills.

 To have the outstanding people skills and communication skills.

 To apply mature personality and can work with minimal

 Important team work is in work place.

 To work in all situations be it under minimal supervision or

under pressure.

 Strategy for utilization of contacts established during the

For the period of attachment at One time Computers and Accessories I was
privileged to have been in the company of the;

General manager

They were friendly; I was indebted for their help and assistance during the industrial
attachment period
The first day of doing new things in new environment is not an easy task because of
new responsibility that is not routinely done but I tried all my best for that the
following are some of the problems encountered during my internship period. There is
no doubt that the internship environment is changing. Jobs that used to be entry level
have turned into internships with no paid vacation or benefits. Any job will have
challenges, but after two months of my own internship experience, I found out that
there are some common intern challenges in my internship

1. Busy working environment.

Because interns are just glad to get a foot in the door, at my internship place sometime
they used to take advantage of me as intern by giving me very long hours of dull
repetitive work which required to work even in the weekend in order to meet the

2. Lack of adequate direction.

Sometimes my supervisor ggave me a project to do and he forgot that I was new in
the field, and even the directions did not quite make sense to me. That went along
with “think boy". Ask ask, ask! Even it is my right as an intern and it is their duty as
a supervisor, it becomes some how a challenge if you didn’t give clear explanations
on what to do and the way of doing such project.

3. Lack of enough cooperation.

Sometimes I faced problem with my co-workers; it was not often to happen but it
arrived that there was no enough collaboration about some staff issues.

4. Instead of constant flow of electricity, were experiencing load shedding which at

times slowed our work.
Chapter Six: Conclusion and Recommendation
I had a wide range of computer skills and possessed knowledge about most
computers and related tasks. The field attachment period allowed me to apply the
knowledge taught by the university. I really enjoyed working on real projects. The
field supervisors were very helpful and offered great guidance. This helped me to
learn a lot and refine my knowledge and skills as indicated throughout this report. I
wish if the time span for internship should be extended. I must propagate on the time I
spent training in One Time Computers and Accessories is one of the best learning and
working experiences in the field of information technology in my life.
Not only did I gain practical skills but also had the opportunity to meet many more
experienced and fantastic people both in and out of Iinformation and
Ccommunications Technology. University of Energy and Natural Resources sends out
students for field attachment with the main objective of enabling the students to get
hands-on real-life experiences in environments they are expected to work in when
they graduate.
One Time Computers and Accessories was well prepared to take on the student for
field attachment in the position of a Repair and Maintenance officer.
 Serious supervision to the workers and students; the organization should increase
and ensure more supervision over the employees in order for them to work
effectively and also to eliminate workers who relax, work lazy and perform
 The intern recommends the university to carry out constant supervision and
monitoring of students during the internship training to encourage them to
perform duties assigned them fully as well as accurately.
 The intern would also recommend the Organization to continue giving internship
placements to as many students as they can for them to have the peremptory spirit
when they get actual job.
The management of One Time Computers and Accessories should buy more
facilities such as computers, vehicles so as to enable smooth running of the
company’s activities and respond to the dynamic competitive environment.

 The university should help students to secure internship positions according to

their respective programs undertaken at the university through giving students’
recommendations in order to ease their training periods and also avoid the ache
gotten by students in search of internship placements.
 The university should not wait until the end of the semester before allocating
students to their supervisors.

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