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OF A 21st
(a continuation)

BY: Banario, Maria Nativity G. | PTC-B

“The teacher shares the responsibility of
reconstructing society. He acts as a
social reformer. Quality teachers for
quality education and many events
are taking place around the world to
promote that ideal from the
grassroots on up to the highest levels of
8. Collaborates
Technology allows collaboration between teachers and
students. It provides powerful new tools to assist
communication beyond the classroom. Creating digital
resources, presentations, and projects together with other
educators and students will make classroom activities resemble
the real world. Collaboration should go beyond sharing
documents via email or creating PowerPoint presentations.
Collaboration globally can change our entire experience.
9. Forward Thinker
Effective 21st-century educator thinks about their student's
future and is aware of the career opportunities that may arise
from them. They are always planning to ensure that no child
gets left behind so they focus on preparing today's children for
what's to come in the future.
10. Lifelong Learner
Teachers don't just expect their students to be lifelong learners,
but they are as well. They stay up-to-date with current
educational trends and technology and know how to tweak
their old lesson plans from years before to make them more
11. Promotes Project-Based Learning
As today’s students have access to authentic resources on the
web, experts anywhere in the world, and peers learning the
same subject somewhere else, teaching with textbooks is very
20th-century. Today’s students should develop their own driving
questions, conduct their research, contact experts, and create
final projects to share, all using devices already in their hands.
Students compare information from different sources, give
feedback to peers, and convey their own ideas. All they need
from their teacher is guidance.
12. Innovates
Teachers should expand the teaching toolbox and try new ways
they have not tried before, such as teaching with social media
or replacing textbooks with web resources. Not for the sake of
tools but for the sake of students.
13. Connects
Connect with like-minded individuals. Today's tools allow us to
connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Simply connect via
social media: follow, join, ask.
14. Builds Positive Digital Footprint
Maintaining professional behavior both in class and online will
help build a positive digital footprint and model appropriate
actions for students. Be proficient with technology. Living in
this time gives us an opportunity to contribute and share our
unique points of view. Teachers guide students on how to use
social media, how to produce, publish important content, and
create shareable resources. Digital literacy is very often
defined as ‘literacy in the 21st-century’.
15. Advocates for the Profession
Teachers are an advocate not only for their students but for
their profession. Today's teachers are being watched with a
close eye because of all of the changes in curriculum. Instead
of sitting back, 21st-century teacher takes a stand for
themselves and their profession. They pay close attention to
what is going on in education and they address these issues
They also advocate for their students. Today's classrooms are
filled with children who need someone to look out for them,
give them advice, encouragement, and a listening ear.
Effective teachers share their knowledge and expertise and act
as a role model for their students.

21st-century teaching means teaching as you have always

taught but with today's tools and technology. It means utilizing
everything that is important in today's world so that students
will be able to live and prosper in today's economy, as well as
having the ability to guide students and to prepare them for
the future.
“We need technology in every classroom
and in every student and teacher’s hand,
because it is the pen and paper of our
time, and it is the lens through which we
experience much of our world."


““A journey of a thousand miles begins with

a single step.”

Thank you for listening!
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