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THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - 2015/16 COURSE: AGA 2110 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FARM ANIMALS DURATION: THREE (3) HOURS INSTRUCTIONS: CAREFULLY READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SECTION ANSWER EACH SECTION IN A SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK WRITE THE NUMBER OF EACH ATTEMPTED QUESTION BEGIN EACH QUESTION ON A SEPARATE PAGE SECTION A INSTRUCTIONS: | ANSWER QUESTION ONE AND ANY OTHER QUESTION FROM THIS SECTION QUESTION ONE A. Briefly describe the following terms as used in anatomy and physiology of farm animals; {19} i, Haemocytoblast iv. Proventriculus ii, Broad ligament v. Syrinx iii, Zymogen B. With regard to farm animals only; i. Name the basis for and briefly describe two adaptations of the respiratory system . 14] ii, What are the types uteri found in farm animals? PI iii, Name the fluid compartments that make up total body water. 2 iv. What is the role of organs accessory to the digestive system? [2] QUESTION TWO With regard to reproduction in farm animals, i, What are the functions of the reproductive system? [2] ii, Briefly discuss the two-cell two-gonadotrophin theory [4] iii, What are the stages of the oestrous cycle in cattle? [4] iv. Name four organs commonly called accessory glands in male animals. [4] v. When is puberty said to be attained in male and female animals. 14] vi, Name they types of placentae. 2 QUESTION THREE With regard to the integumentary system of farm animals, i, iv, Use a labelled diagram to show the main features of this system. [4] Briefly describe two basis for thermoregulation. 14] What is the role of melanocytes? 2] Animals lose or gain heat in various ways. What do the subscripts Page 1 of 2 E, R, C, & G in the equation M - Ee + Ex + Ec + Eo S =O represent? [4] v. What are the types of feathers found in birds? 2] vi. What two structures are associated with the integument? What role do these structures play? 14] QUESTION FOUR With regard to farm animals, +i, Name three components of blood and state their functions. 6] ii. Using examples, state what prevents blood or lymph from flowing back in vessels? [4] iii, By what three mechanisms is animal body pH regulated? i] iv. Using examples, state the difference between sterility and infertility. 14] v. What is the difference between external and internal respiration? i] vi. What are the functions of microorganisms in ruminants? [2] SECTION B CHOOSE ANY TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION AND WRITE THE ANSWERS IN A SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK. EACH QUESTION IS WORTH TEN (10) MARKS. QUESTION ONE Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It is made up of cells closely packed and arranged in one or more layers. Describe in detail the two types of epithelial tissues and give examples of each of the two epithelial tissues. QUESTION TWO ‘The cell is said to be a basic unit that makes up all tissues, organs and systems hence the properties of the cell are equated with those of life. List down the cell properties and give a brief account on three of the listed cell properties. QUESTION THREE Muscles can be divided into three main groups according to their structure, e.g.; a) Smooth muscle tissue b) Skeletal muscle tissue. ¢) Cardiac (heart) muscle tissue. Write short notes on each of the three types of muscles mentioned above. QUESTION FOUR Write short notes on each of the following; a) Endoskeleton b) Classification of the skeletal bones ©) Functions of the bone Be brief in your answering END OF EXAMINATION Page 2 of 2 COMPUTER NUMBER:..... THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENC AGA 2110 ANATOMY AND PLLYSIOLOGY OF FARM ANIMALS FINAL PRACTICAL EXAMINA TION WEDNESDAY. 21) SEPTEMBER 2016 Instructions: You are allowed three (3) minutes per question Question One Reler to specimen label a. entity the parts om the specimen fabelled! \ 1 B, v1 c i D " ' Uy b ) Il hy Question Two (a) List the five basic senses found in farm animals A. . | B ve i CG. i b . . i 1 col IL (b) List the components of taste Ane ce . (y B cececeesssee E eee i D . Hi Question Three a. Yoware provided with a Snellen chart, .V normal eye is typically supposed to clearly vee letter Hof the last row of the ebart at 3m from the chart, Using your hunel, cover one eye to sve at which distance you ean clearly see letter H then calculate your visual acuity [2] (b) What is visual acuity? (2] (e) Briefly discuss why birds have better visual acuity than other vertebrates sueb as pigs? [2] (@) Define near point. [2] Question Four (a) What is a reflex? (b) How are deep rellenes tested? (c) Suetching the muscle spindle in the quadriceps musele by striking the patellar ligament with a refle, hammer is referred w ats Question Five aL Define the following i Heart rate [2] ji, Blood pressure iti Cardiac output [2] te Cardiac output when heart rate is 137 beats/minute and stroke volume is bh Cal 45m beat {2 Name the equipment used to measure blood pressure, Question Six Examine the mode! provided a. Wdentily the regions of the vertebral column labelled A to | A. an ll B. . (1 c fon il oe coll Kr : i b. Write the names of the first two bones in region A n Seven a, Identity the part labelled A. [2] b. What is the function of Extensors? [2] Most museles have attachments (@ two different bones. Phe least movable attachment is called the : 7 voll Question Eight Examine the specimen provided. Identity parts labelled A t0 G. A a . ell] Bo. oe seeeeed H Ce . i dD, fe 1] 1 . 1] I pon seed] Question Nine a. Identity parts labelled A to T \, {1 B. i ¢ 1) Db, [1] t [I | i b. What is the role of the part labelled F? Question Ten a. Wentify the parts labelled 10 A i) B. . Hy c 1) D, (1) L U1 b. Name three farm animal species in whieh these organs are found I (1 2 . 1 [hy Question Eleven View and name the specimen provided undler the migieseope b. What is the major function of the specimen shown in question 1 (a) above’ Question Twelve Identiy the speeimen provided and name the labelled r ions. [5 Specimen A.

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