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No matter where in the world we go, there are ethical and nonethical decisions being

made. In the workforce there is a “Code of Ethics” that employees are meant to follow, which
sets the organization ethical guidelines and practices, to avoid any trouble. Disobeying the
“Code of Ethics” in your job could lead to your termination and getting fired. This is how
important ethics are to companies. Following the “Code of Ethics” can only boost a person’s
moral and build a person up because it shows they care about what they do and want to do
their task as efficiently and effectively as possible.
I personally cannot remember being in an ethical situation, but if I was then I would I
like to take my time, figure out what my decisions are and what is right thing to do. Some of the
factors that may occur could be what the company want to do and what the repercussions will
be if I disobey. I would want to do what is best for the company but if someone is breaking a
rule that causes an ethical situation then I feel like it is my job to address the situation to the
person and higher ups and get everything sorted out. There are many examples in the real
world about the ethical situations that occur in the business.
In class, there was an article about a murder and how an Amazon Echo could have been
used to solve the case but Amazon did not allow the detective to see the audio recording from
that day and time. Amazon wanted to protect their customers privacy and without their
consent Amazon made the ethical choice to not release the recording. In our discussions, I
thought that Amazon should have given the audio to the detective because it is being used for a
murder and I would think that Amazon would want to help out, but I do understand why they
didn’t. Amazon doesn’t want to have to face legal issues by releasing the audio invading their
customers privacy. This article was really intriguing and makes one question their ethics.
I never really thought about my own ethics. I just did what I thought was right and
stayed humble and grateful for everything I get. I think that my ethics are pretty similar to the
ones discussed in class in I accept all responsibilities, criticism, and will always respect others.
Our class wasn’t able to come agreement on what the most “ethical” decision would be. I think
that the most “ethical” decision is one that puts the client or customer first. A company isn’t
really a company without their clients and customers so putting those people first can ensure
that your company will last.
The “Virtue of Ethics” is related to the murder case that Amazon refuses to give the
audio through the use of honesty, fidelity, and responsibility. Amazon uses honesty and fidelity
to ensure the public that their information and data isn’t being made public and they do
respect their customers privacy. It is Amazon’s responsibility to ensure all of these things are
met and continue to meet these standards. These three “Virtues of Ethics” I believe are the
most prevalent, but that doesn’t discredit the other “Virtues of Ethics”. The other ones I just
see less involved than the three I picked. I think there are other ethical virtues that could be
used on this study but I do not know any. This article shows the ups and downs of the Amazon
echo and there are still a lot more to learn about this device and what ethical concerns it will
bring up.

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