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Macmillan x forte eli g jeycle lou telat] Mellin page 3 a (eT got =e) page 5 People and clothes page 10 “ Do you know? jeyc\e lemmas Projects page 15 en MACMILLAN Hello! Welcome to People! Come and meet some interesting people. Look at their photos, read their ideas and discuss their opinions. You can do projects about people, too. There are suggestions for these with every article. Look for the “People Focus” symbol. It indicates things to do on your own, with a friend, or in a group. The Topics titles are not only for reading — they are for personal research, too. Find out more about different people — your friends and family as well as famous people. Share your ideas with the other people in your class. Do the projects. Reading is just the first step. Enjoy ‘People’ with us! Best wishes, v- . Susan Holden Check it out Personal identity My life: past, present and future Heroes | have a voice! Statues People and clothes Time for a change! Asong to a special person Do you know? Projects Topics chatrooms You can find the key vocabulary for every article in the WORD FILE on the same page. The pictures will also help you to guess the meaning in context. There is a summary of useful vocabulary on the Check it out page. Finally, you can use the Macmillan Essential Dictionary to check the new vocabulary. There is a list of useful website addresses on page 2. Remember that websites change. Be selective! The same generation brother cousin stepbrother stepsister Two generations aunt child Ising.1 dad daughter mom mother nephew niece son stepdaughter stepmother stepson Three generations grandchilé grandchildren grandfather grandmother grandson great aunt sister children [pL father mum ES parentis) stepfather uncle granddaughter grandparent{s} great uncle best friend boyfriend enemy fiancéle| friend girliriend husband partner wife Relationships (verbs) dislike ike love Describing people (personality) soit tinaty ni ia) fy wi ea ae unrtenaty Describing people (appearance) dark tai ta short tal thin Tateta tein Wells te ind out more about the topics in ‘People’ on these website ence ec Cue Statues: The Statue of Liberty - Fascinating facts: Aree (Us oT COO Rc eee DOC eee aL) err iet Cn gs you can do at different ages in dif rag Cea Who am I? What a strange question! Me, of course! It's not really strange, We all have different roles. For example, think about your family. You are a child, a grandchild, a brother, a sister... It depends on the relationship. To some people, you are young, To others, Pesos Oh, I see. You mean. different people have different “views” of us? Ae ea eee acted That’s a difficult question! Hey - what akout famous people? It’s true for them, too, isn’t it? I mean, we see Madonra - but her kids see "Mum". Exactly, Remember, we often see people as stereotypes. for example, teenagers are “difficult”. Business people eee ee ee cr em er eae ee Mm, I see what you mean. It’s the same with nationalities, too, isn’t it? Ztalians, Brazilians, British people. There are lots of stereotypes. That's right! Most people have many personalities and roles. Talk to them. Find out about them. roar personality Your personal identity Telationship Connection between people Draw a diagram of all your different oie The character that an actor portrays. ¥ roles. Which is your favourite one? stereotype A very simple idea about a person or nationality E tavorite Mom > PAST, PRESENT ANO FUTURE ——— People often ti to write about their lives and their thoughts. They do this in a diary. These diaries are usually private. Sometimes they have a lack and a key. They're “top secret”. (ON THE INTERNET Blogs are a kind of diary, too. People write about their lives on a website. They add photos, too. Other people can add their own comments and questions. So, blogs are personal and public. You can make a lot of friends ~ and ‘enemies - through a blog! Doa class survey. Who has a diary? Who has a blog? Who has something different? 3K FAMOUS DIARIES Some diaries are famous. Do you remember the movie “Bridget Jones’ Diary”? Or the “Princess Diaries”? These are the secret thoughts of Princess Mia. You can read about her friends, and all her problems at school and with her family. ‘Some people want to remember their favourite websites, CDs or T-shirt slogans. They record these every week. Sometimes they include photos. Here's an example. Some of the words are ‘teen speak"! Guess the meaning. /Answers on page 14. Pa ce Dr ee ‘Afamous person? No, not always, OM aes LET'S LOOK AT SOME POSSIBLE HEROES. THEN WE CAN DECIDE. National heroes First, there are national heroes. For example, France has Joan of Ar. Italy has Giuseppe Garibaldi. Latin America has Che Guevara. The U.S. has George Washington... Of course, a hero isn't always a soldier. There's Nelson Mandela. He's a hero. And Mahatma Gandhi. Oh, and not all heroes are men! What about Mother Teresa in Calcutta? She's a heroine. red ‘Ahero is a brave person: someone with strong ideas. In fact, lots of heroes aren't famous. Sometimes, ordinary people do brave things. They rescue people ina fire. Or in an accident. You can find “everyday heroes" in the co as William, a 13-year-old junior | high school student, drowns-in an attempt to save a classmate Personal heroes There's another kind of hero, too. My hero! Your ideal person. For example, some film stars are heroes for their fans. from death. ~~~ — ‘Then there's your best friend, or your hoyfriend or girlfriend, Perhaps these ‘are your personal heroes. WORD FILE brave Courageous. everyday hero Anormal person you admire. Not a famous person. rescue (vl To save somebody from a dangerous situation. villain Avery bad person. WHAT ABOUT YOU? WHO ARE YOUR HEROES? AND WHO ARE THE VILLAINS? | have a voice! PRO RU UuC CnC ea ule mE Le Co the same month, the same country. Bet eres er ee a) Dae Cen ee Rie ea Ros ae Recor ey ORC (G=Group) (C=children) BOR CU ot BOs Be a BU Ue OCC ke aT) Rs Rene Re oe) Cleese RRC od > > A ooo St URE a une ae Se eee Ce eee ee eM ee ee Sen ec ee ee OU me aU NRT Sew ese ee Cee Re oe ee) Ce ee oe Cee ee Rc CO ee is Ct eC een ey Ea Se Mme ng f nt Sen ee ee ec Cece COPE re eae ae Gr to these children. me Ore a eect ceo ree many children die before their Sth birthday. Most of her eee eee cet ag education and good medical facilities”. Aminata is a presenter on the "Voices of Children” radio programme. Ree Enos L. eget a oes fi, PL RR eee} 2 ie Me concert in Edinburgh. They discuss Ce oR cy lei ee oe) | eal eG ace ares RU Se Cod Ree ae Cee DOE Ce caine lose Tk) Ce Cary CRC BA ae CoN Cems eae Nae RK TOGETHER! j Wcystalrnirs rr] Omer i governance The process of governing Preriio cobs eae Ce ea ey Eo eas we What problems are important for you and your friends? nn aCe ee CU SDE ee Ue ae usually of famous people: explorers, politicians. They remind us about history. Sometimes, of course, people forget the story behing the statu ee ea est se s RELIGIOUS STATUES Some statues are connected with religion. Some of these are in the open air ~ and they're CC Re ae Cec ace Se CCR ae cs ze a. ip toe See es SS US Uomo “people” from Easter Istand in the Pacifi Caer aes a ES are between 10 and Ryo ee noe LO Cention eee ee CoM Rr CB <3 Breton es that culture front these “people”! % CCS eC SUC nC POE eae TOC OR Uo et Ch CW Cnn metal, plastic or fiberglass. They often put their statues in unusual places. Circe CE ies hte. ey Ata disappear (v) To. go out of sight. Nobody can see it Ce OU Ee as ee er ee Cn esr frightening Making people nervous and atraid. rie) ener ort} Very soft, wet earth. It makes a solid shape when it dry CC) ee cee Pie Sk ST) fiberglass ree onc od ed eerie’ STATUES ON THE BEACH DSS nee ecto tt ae aU Oa CS ie We eC en Cte nce Te a Ce oe . r ui SUC Cun ecomo SCS neo IBGREEN STATUES eect ee tan erry eee ee kee Bio eel ee ar alec SEES ek un rena imior her. Decide the material, the place and the style to show your person: Choose a perspp and design a statue of hi 10 & How many school uniforms can you find in your town? What are the good and bad points about them? EP TUES Uay In many countries, students wear uniform at De ee Uso A led evade POC et a Seca cn) Tce Couns ST uae te friends go there. So the Pee group. We feel good in it ome ee cg Pre eure OU UE ety Catered Pe eer ecu ener eee sa “Uniform? No thanks! [want to look like MEI” “Clothes are personal We express our personality through our clothes. | don't want to look like all the other people in my school! No way!” “People in uniform are invisible! 1 Nobody notices 4\) Gd the individual.” WORD FILE individuat style belonging to one person. {to bel invisible No one can see this thing or person. personal differences The small differences each person makes. personality Personal character and identity uniform The same (clothes) as other people. eee aS eet Pe Ue a ere Ei tavorite favourite ge WE eo RO Lucca Ts ru hg RUE ecco ee ec ad Ree rae r different? And what about your Dae en Ce ass rca Ts Pee an SS aed eas So og Oe eu COE ee Le A ued CO Ra Cc er eee as Se eee SE oe eae body piercing... Some actors and De eee CoO ene cue Cree ec Ce Cee emt a een — change during our lives. Our appearance changes. Our i eee ee RY CCE Crea Se ae Ce a cr ens Coan 7 a Cent onc peters =S color >< colour polenta oT aie a he Aa 4 22 =e ey as Reta tne a a Fo a i Andrew (or Ondrej, Andrea, Sete pions rn Fs Dabige sich perss alan pe savant gc or with friends? A sa #E ence aa ea Loghremuitotivad oe ae F ee ee “eerie is old. Perhaps they prefer name ) rie Se eee ee teed ata a5 Ener ee anys BS 5 ae Rese te De Me nT aes iT oc eee Ce Asongto a special person Se ue eu ete ne cee oe boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends. Sometimes the words are about the Se een ek COR Me mR Ce ae nu a er Ee Re ee Uichelle, ma belle. These are words that go tgether well, chelle. ¢ Michelle, ma belle. Sont des mots quiwontyfrts bien ensemble, Mrbs bien ensemble. I love you, I love" you, I love you. That's all want to say. 41/1. 71nd te way I will say the only Words I know thet You'll understand. I need you, I need you, I need you. Ipneed tovmake you see, Oh, what you mean to ne Until do I'm hopinghyou Know what I mean. I love you. I want yous I"vant yobs I think you I'11 get to you someh: Until I do I'm telling you so You'll understadas I will say the only Words I kni You'll understand, my Michelle. Pee eect cern Find other songs or poems about or toa 7) cl 1“ People quiz Who are these people? My Your mother’s father: Your sister’s mother. Your father’s sister. Your aunt’s husband. Your cousin's mother. Your uncle's son. Your brother's brather. Here are parts of some of the pl What is the article? What's the page number? arm foot hand head legs (Answers on page 16.) 9s in the articles. Match these pairs. The words are all in Check it out on page 2. dark fat friendly polite tall unfriendly thin short rude Statue survey Pro ie cts Do a survey of all the statues in YOUnGINE J {or part of the city]. Who are the PeOpiaas Why are they famous? Are the statues beautiful or ugly? Are they old or modennm Individuals How big are they? Present your reseanelt in groups. Collect pictures of interesting people. Make a collage of them. Think of a slogan. “Favourite things” diary Use the frame on page 4 Record your personal likes and dislikes for four different weeks. Compare your data with other people Design a uniform Design a new uniform for your school (male and female]. Think about colours, materials, and cost. Remember that people are different shapes and sizes! Heroes Choose a hero. Research facts about him or her. Design a poster or a website to present your hero. Organise a class exhibition of all your heroes. Uniforms and work How many types of people wear uniforms? How many different uniforms can you see in * your city? Make a note of the people's jobs. Use your voice! een eae . Meth ellen Family tree : a Research your family. Draw a family tree. Put in names, dates and any interesting information Anna: Hil Do you like this photo? Min... What is it? Theyre statues! It's for our Statues Project. Or this one. No, | lke the first one. ‘Anna: Me too! They're statues and they're modern, They're different from the other ones. Mm. But there's a problem... ‘Anna: Why? Ben: Well, what are the statues? Anna: Two giraffes, of course, Ben: And what's the project? ‘Anna: Statues, Ben: Yes, Statues of what? ‘Anna: Oh - people! So. Ben: Sorry! But it’s a great photo. Anna: Huh! Bye! Facts Check Page 3: Page 13: Page 14: Look at Page 3 again. It's about our different roles and identities, isn't it? Well, Shakespeare has the same idea! “All the world’s a stage ‘And all the men and women merely players. ‘They have ther exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.” “As You like It” Act 2. 1599 BYE FOR NOW! That's the end of ‘People’ Don't stop finding out about different people. See you in another Topics title. Best wishes, Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP Adivision of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 13: 978-1-4050-9497-9 ISBN 10: 1-4050-9497-4 Text © Susan Holden 2006 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008 First published 2006 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Prata Design Cover design by Topics - The Creative Partnership, Exeter Cover photographs with kind permission of AFP Author's acknowledgements ‘The author is very grateful to Donn Byrne for discussing the initial ideas with her and commenting on the draft texts. She would also like to thank Ernst Reitermaier of the Gemueseorchester, Vienna, for permission to use the copyright information and photos on pages 6 and 7; Aureo DeFreitas for the information about the Amazon Youth Cello Chor and the photos on pages 12 and 13; anc Neusa Tonint and Amélia Maria Fernandes Alves of the Brazilian Embassy, London, for their help. ‘The author and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their material: Text about ‘The Amazon Youth Cello Choir’ based on BBC Radio 4 Broadcast, and, reprinted by permission of Aureo Freitas and BBC Scotland. Text about ‘Vienna Vegetable Orchestra’ and originel recording of their music on the CD, reprinted by permission of Ernst Reitermaier (wwwyegelableorchestra.orgl. Text about Franz Ferdinand and 8 Lines from You See Her by Franz Ferdinand, reprinted by permission of Supervision Management. The author and publishers would like to thank the following for permiazion to reproduce their photographie material. Getty Images: photos on pages § and 20 Corbis/Stockphotes: photos on pages 4, 8, 9, 10, 11,16, 21 and 22 Tyba: photos on pages 12 and 13 all other photos. Printed and bound in Spain by Edelvives 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 09876546321 AGE GROUP ePaeey TU ae ae Eerie Le Per inars TITLES er Places Cerna Our cy Sports aca ence Pas Ud eT leila) CCT CT CCTs Travel & Tourism ISBN 1-4050-9490-7 9731 il Macmillan PEST (la) The Topics series presents factual information in a modern magazine format. It offers challenging insights into the modern intercultural world from a teenager's viewpoint. Written in direct, up-to-date English, the texts anc illustrations are closely integrated for maximum impact. pease) © The reader's personal experience is placed at the centre of the reading process. The articles present a variety of text-types, styles anid formats. Topics related to science, history and the arts provide specialised information and viewpoints. Word File glossary of key vocabulary on zach page gives essential "while reading” lexical support, with common American and British English differences noted. Check it Out section provides an up-to-date checklist of specialist language, plus useful websites. Mini-projects and Investigation Points at the end of each article encourage the readers to research further. ‘4 Projects section provides ideas for more extensive projects, A light-hearted Quiz page gives more opportunities for discovery and fun.

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