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Macmillan edt el page 2 My dream place page 3 Places to live, Sele alae lela fek-le[omo} PNA irl el t-let=ty page 12 Do you know? page 14 Projects page 15 a I ayTIBRENY Hello! Welcome to Places! Like all the Topics Magazines, it's full of exciting photos and articles about the topic. Some of the places in it are old and others are new. There are private places and public ones, too. All these places are interesting in different ways. Read the articles, look at the photos and find out more about all these places. There are projects with every article, too. Look for the “Places Focus” symbol. It indicates things to do on your own, with a friend, or in a group. The Magazines are not only for reading — they are for personal research, too. Explore different places in your town and take photos and do drawings. Share your information with the other people in your class Do the projects. Reading is just the first step. Enjoy exploring ‘Places’ with us! Best wishes, We . Susan Holden Check it out My dream place Doors: going out and coming in Places to live, work and play Connecting places: bridges Connecting places: tunnels Animal places Strange places: a song Do you know? Projects Topics chatrooms You can find the key vocabulary for every article in the WORD FILE on the same page. The pictures will also help you to guess the meaning in context. There is a summary of useful vocabulary on the Check it out page. Finally, you can use the Macmillan Essential Dictionary to check the new vocabulary. There is a list of useful website addresses on page 2. Remember that websites change. Be selective! DeLee] | places _ apartment HE bungalow caravan Ed castle cottage flat cave earth ‘mountain home house hut ocean sea sky palace tent trailer home HE | space underground waterfall bathroom bedroom erage kitehen living room office playroom sitting room study abbey cathedrat church park pavement EH playground mosque synagogue temple sidewalk HEI square street ancient beautiful big dark enormous exciting historical large tight ' modern new nosy old private public classroom resource centre. school auiet scary small kindergarten _college* computer centre* nursery school laboratory Ilab]_ library nee aeecaoa Tiyectaitia (211 “center attic cellar corridor downstairs stairs upstairs garden grass lawn path terrace yard “My dream place? Well, it’s ie spoce. In fact, it's « website. Sok guess it's a virtiod place T cam go there amy time. And, of cause, I com change it, too! Size, shape, coloues, the things in it... L com change them all. It's easy! Thea coolly private place My frien bave o Pee este st Sc cat ontey ‘other people ait. I juct change the password! Tim ceohly in control. It's a great place. bbe in controt (v}_ To have the power to make decisions, dream desire forthe future, keep people out (¥) To stop other people from entering, notice sign to give information. password ‘special word to enter aiplace. share (v) To divide something with another person. sleepover To stay the night at your friend’s house, virtual On a computer: in.cyberspace. ORS going and coming in Entrances and exits Every building has a door. A door is a eee eae Cre eon kur Ti rs ene ete a cet eg BOCA eka eS COR ucrd Here is a collection of different doors, NU anette NCA eer ECC ca aay cere aU oe Teen TURES 'WORD FILE ers eer The way out of a place. cee See ees DO Ree ee Pe ue) Brae crey Different places, different doors SS eR ees mC ee size and materials depend on the place. Some doors are PS RU A RCL ACCU oL oe ee CER Rm Ce ee re Od CW RCN Le cs UL] Cer RUC The door of a bird cage looks pretty, but it's strong, too. Ri hula ana DERM ie Se eee se nC Ron Rae nes Different doors, different feelings Se Cs Cn icc ce eC le eee Raa age WS CSS ese eee rend The door opens... and you enter a new world! Then there’s the doctor's door. When you're waiting outside it, Ss UR Muar COR ae CR) matter with me?” When you come out of the same door, you often feel quite different! 'WORD FILE feel excited (v) To be very happy and enthusiastic. er) To come down to earth es Cr eee! purist Pod Reone Cece? ponte eee) Pr Sal eM cd DVRS TD BCC Cae Ma So TN aC Rcd pee ee eu Cee ed through, like glass. Places to live, work of some buildings. Look at these photos, for example. Which one is a parliament building? An opera house? An art gallery? It's sometimes difficult to guess the use Ahotel? | AMEDD 0 rey teresing ing yo you ik : Architects and builders want to make good places for people to live or work in. They Pe also want to create beautiful buildings. 'WORD FILE architect The designer of a building builder The person who constructs a building. cardboard box A container made of thick paper. doorway The entrance to a building person or object. '& office building A block of offices, wh trailer home A mobile home. typical Conforming to a type. identity (Vv) To recognise @ | trailer home caravan | Different climate, different buildings Home or tourist attraction? AUJUE Vem VeLeli Lm ney CBs eo) Where is it? What's its name? climate The type of weather heat Hot temperature. materials The substances that make an object reflect (v) To throw the light and heat back Look at a typical building in your town. What's special about it? shade The areao shutters A cover steep Nearly: the sun \dow, usually wood or metal tical drapes curtains conNECTING PLAC Tiesto) age a ea RR g eT nue ee Bae AMM ‘Some old bridges have shops on them. They're good places for tourists! Artists ~ and tourists — love this bridge! ‘Some bridges can open for ships. ee cs ‘Some modern bridges connect the city arr Cee CRE oe So eee jurse, some bridges are sad places. swan af ere o} This bridge connects an old prison with $2 eect rcs 23 roa Pre Pe execution place A place to kill prisoner aaa pats Pere ogee a Pa ee eras et) Peer NEW BRIDGES CC ore RS ee Ce : + materials and methods. Designing and building bridges is exciting work! , if Deore ee eee eee acu bai ea eee Bee ere Rr ec {isolated parts of the country, This bridge is really amazing! eae cena Height ofthe tallest towers. Sd Height of the traffic rom the ground. 270 metres eee uaa Cec Why are they special? Dee a Ce md Country below looks very small, and the sky is very et I Sete 6 te ae Rene oer enrmienes Ce tue ead ‘the road moves up. The other Ce ed Cas Teel athe architect The person who designs a building Cr eee rs eens Cee ence So Oe Cea te rebuild (v}_ To build something again. , a et ee Scientific ideas and machines. Abridge is a symbol of “normal life. But sometimes bad weather, or war, destroys it and people want to rebuild it quickly. In this way, it also becomes a symbol of hope for the future. Connecting [oe p la ces: Bridges go up into the air. Tunnels go under the ground. They both connect places. But you feel different in a tunnel. On a bridge, you're like a bird. In a tunnel, you're DEW ee eC ee ad Pe ee eed Sometimes, on one side of the tunnel, Tee ea ue RU cums SE nem Te connects two different worlds! Some tunnels connect two different countries. They usually go under high CR Cee Suu cea Ce ee ee ua Bielsa tunnel, in the Pyrenees, goes PoE ea are exciting: they connect different eure Countries like Spain and Switzerland Oe cee eked tunnels, too. They connect towns and See ce SUE CRU us Se Ree MT mC te too. But these often create new traffic problems. Cer en RCC a Cm a Pra a e malen New York, Paris and London. TN Ce Gna rece They help to reduce traffic problems on the roads. However, in an old city like Athens or Rome, it's eR ree Mae A Cee metres, the planners discover an ancient building. Peer am Lou cad Pucca rT { CSU CeCe Cray Py AO Se eed TOO ORO eu eu) CeO aoe De ay still have frescoes on the walls. Pesach) De Ue Urey Cee ed thousands of monuments from See ecu ac Ciood A Holes in the ground Oe pene ue down into the ground. Characters in Ce emg PO TR cee eee COE Cen Puen RR eae) REE ark Paar cicy Res ed RES eee ee ay Ce rm Ce ee ce See cee eee hee See ee ud SO nae Rud 'WORD FILE co’ oe) ees A painting made directly onto wet een Ree event. ee eer Covered with rocks. eee ee eet tees Se eer) eee Daa network rocky ao ad ey ord pes Pues cores od cer od ear a) eens Te . Look at this snail. Italways _Nowits head is inside. Now i's outside again. Perhaps the snail wants to go Fe a toa new place. There's only one problem... There's a with its house. Now its head frightened. LL eae Deer Birds usually make nests. There are lots of different kinds of nests. These depend on the type of bird. There ae tidy Dee ad banks and even in old shoes. And not al nests are new. ‘Sometimes birds use old ones! Ce Cc er eed Ee oe a) LS Lead Oe Reed UU Ua Peete vorrei Pe cg EPR erent este Cee ere Tey ones eens OTe ea untidy The opposite of “tidy x P ab “€ x rae 4 SGT POPE Ts) Fe aa FS Cat ene - } Res aa Te group? ree si eH e rc bee kc Bare Ce Ld Ste Laue Cet raid We all live in a yellow submarine Sle gue Cet rue OU ELC) DSU eu a Le ORCC Een on Cg We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine ae ERO e ud BT TU te Cu UE Cec eI Cen ecu Cee ea Ce ery RMU R Ces POUL Cet ny Ue re cic! Sole Lum mer urd We all live in a yellow submarine Pole Une Cre aru’ PER ces ccd RATT CCT a What songs or poems are th Bec ao ae re 4 (Answers on page 16.) 1, PUZZLE PIX Make words from the jumbled letters. Then match the places and the pictures. 2 GEBRID b TANIUNMO © NACEO a evac © LUNNET { TREEST 9 PRAK h TIRASS | por J WONWID 2. PLACES FACTS Can you guess the place? Sometimes there are two possibilities. This mountain sometimes has fire at the top. People walk on it (in the U.S.I! People walk on it (in Britain}! A big public garden. This room is under the house. This piece of land has water all around it. The room to prepare food. There are a lot of books in this room. Do you like camping? You can steep here. Go outside. Look up. You can see this place! 3. WORD BOX Find 11 places here. Any problems? Look at Check it out on page 2! No@<0C0Ce® Eo re>rpomzr4ron orenvmsy eee er Cg Ly monrrovcare >mrEoomra>a zpozuncéEnxzEaO

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