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INSID Learning English is fun and easy with... No.70 - ¤ 5.15 with CD

can “match”
Hot English.

The mystery of the stones
The Trouser
Listen to the story
More linguistic errors
Dr House
The key to his success

grammar, error correction, jokes,
anecdotes, cricket, trivia, slang,
phrasal verbs, business English.
¡Aprovéchate del verano!
Cursos de inglés para
particulares y empresas.

Cursos Intensivos
de Inglés ora tu inglés
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Un curso intensivo con Hot English Language
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Ofrecemos cursos de medio día, un día, dos

semanas y un mes durante los meses de julio y agosto. Todos los cursos
son para particulares y empresas.
¡Saca provecho del verano y mejora tu inglés al mismo tiempo!

Mejorarás el nivel del inglés. Garantizado.

Cada curso será impartido por un ponente altamente cualificado e incluirá:

• Un manual para la clase con el programa de estudios.

• Un certificado
Notas claras y concisas sobre el curso.
• Una copia en DVDal final de cada curso.
• de las presentaciones que se graben.

Cursos Intensivos
Hay cursos de inglés general e inglés de negocios.

Inglés de negocios
• Negotiation Nudge (Negociaciones)
• Meeting Bolt Push
Presentation (Presentaciones)
• Telephone Treat (Inglés por telefóno)
• Business Blast (Inglés de negocios)

Inglés general
• Listening Blitz (Audición y Pronunciación)
• Grammar

Spark (Repaso de gramática)
• Social English(Eliminación
Error Terror de errores)
• Writing Jolt (Redacción en inglés)
Splash (Inglés coloquial)

Llámanos ¡Ya! y obtén un descuento del 15%. Además,

una suscripción gratis por un año si consigues que tu empresa haga un curso
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Consulta Hot English Language Services si deseas recibir más información sobre
nuestras tarifas y condiciones: (00 34) 91 455 0273 •
What is Hot English?
A funny, monthly

Editor’s intro
magazine for
CD index improving your
English. Real English
1 Hello in genuine contexts.
2 Grammar Fun Slang. Business
English. Functional
3 Dr Fingers’ Error Correction Clinic Hi, everybody, and welcome to another issue of Hot language. US English. Cartoons. Humorous articles.
4 Story Time English. It seems as if our article on Bushisms was very Easy to read. Helpful glossaries. Useful expressions.

5 Cricket appropriate. The not-so-smooth-talking president Fun. Something for everyone. Readers from 16 to 105
years old. From pre-intermediate to proficiency. A
6 Hot English radio ad made another one of his famous gaffes when he great exercise pack, complete with useful grammar
7 Basic English told the British Queen that she was last in America in and vocabulary-based worksheets. Fun material
8 Quiz for teachers. Fantastic 60-minute audio CD. Great
1776 (he meant to say 1976). In response, she began a website with listenings, archive, games and exercises:
9 Stupid Criminals speech by saying, “I wondered whether I should start All the English you’ll
10 Dr Fingers’ Grammar this toast by saying, ‘When I was here in 1776...’” You can ever need! Where can you find Hot English?
In shops and kiosks all over Spain. If you cannot find
11 Weird Trivia read more of Bush’s famous sayings in this issue of our it in your local kiosk, please call and we’ll organise
12 Social English magazine, plus you can hear some on our blog. This it for you.
13 Jokes month, we’re also looking at television star Dr House
14 Graffiti
and why he’s so popular. Incidentally, Hugh Laurie, who
Hot English radio ad
Typical Dialogues
Dr Fingers’ Vocabulary Clinic
plays the part of Dr House, is actually a famous comedy
actor from Britain. However, his American accent is so
18 Quirky News
good that many Americans don’t even know that he’s
19-20 Bar chats British. Talking about America, we’re also looking at the
21 Song mystery of the Zodiac, a serial killer from the late 60s
22 Dumb US Laws and early 70s. There’s a new film about him too.
23 Hot English radio ad We’re also looking at a new urban tribe of British Rafa Mania
24 Dictionary of Slang teenagers: hoodies. Find out what they do, what they
25 Idioms wear, and why they’re called hoodies. As we’re getting
26 The Trouser Snatcher
27 Office Humour
close to summer, we thought we’d also have a little look
at two very summer sports: tennis and cricket. 26
28 Business English Don’t forget to listen to the second part of our Victorian
29 Fluency practice murder mystery: The Trouser Snatcher. Who is stealing
30 Goodbye those gentlemen’s trousers?
And in our ever-growing blog, you can see Tony Blair in
Magazine Index a funny video, and you can learn how to speak foreign The Zodiac Killer
languages with comedienne
3 Editorial Catherine Tate. Plus, there’s
4 Grammar Fun
lots, lots more. Anyway, have a Bushism n
a great month. All the best, an incorrect or funny phrase or
expression that President Bush says
not-so-smooth-talking adj
9 Dr Fingers’ Error Correction Clinic not so fluently
10 Story Time a gaffe n
11 Cricket something you say that causes
12 Basic English ever-growing adj
13 Tennis Special always increasing
Spinal Tap
to feel like an outsider exp
17 21 things to do in the US
to have the sensation that you are
18 Quiz different to others
PS Thinking of studying
19 Strange book titles
20 Stupid Criminals English abroad this year? We can find the best language
21 Dr Fingers’ Grammar course for you in Britain, Ireland and the States. For more
22 Trivia Matching information, or
23 Weird Trivia contact our sales team:
24 Crossword & Answers PPS The text for Fluency Practice (track 29) is on a PDF on
25 Subscriptions the homepage (
26 Zodiac Doctor House
27 Social English
28 Wordsearch & Joke
29 Jokes & Graffiti Word of the month – “military brat” Newsletter -
30 Spinal Tap
32 Vocabulary A “military brat” is a person whose parent or parents For teachers and learners
Are you a teacher or learner of English? Would you
33 Backissues were in the armed forces during the person’s like to receive free content to use in class every
34 Typical Dialogues childhood. Psychologists have studied this group of month? Get the Hot English newsletter! Just send us
an e-mail to:
35 Dr Fingers’ Vocabulary Clinic people as they are unique. They frequently move Write “learner” or “teacher” so we know which
36 Stonehenge from country to country, they have an absent parent, newsletter you want.

37 Quirky News and often live under the threat of parental loss in
38 Bar chats times of war.
39 Opinion form & Song As adults, military brats share many of the same
40 Dumb US Laws English Classes
positive and negative traits developed from their Are you looking for an English-language course?
42 Dictionary of Slang mobile childhoods. They have had experiences that Does your company need classes?
43 Idioms Contact or call
many other people can never enjoy, but they also live 91 455 0273 for more information.
44 Dr House
more unstable lives, and find it hard to settle down.
45 Phrasal Verbs
Many even feel like outsiders in their own country.

46 Bushisms
Incidentally, the word “brat” is often used as an insult
47 Radio Play / Office Humour
for a naughty or badly-behaved child. For example, Advertising
48 Fairtrade
49 Books unfinished “She is such a brat.”; “I wouldn’t like to look after (00 34)
50 Business English those brats for more than a minute.” 91 455 0274

All material in this publication is strictly copyright, and all rights are reserved. Reproduction
This symbol tells you that And this symbol tells you without permission is prohibited. The views expressed in Hot English Magazine do not
the article is recorded on there is an exercise for the necessarily represent the views of Hot English Publishing, S.L., although we do think it must be
awfully humiliating to have one’s trousers removed in public, hoodies are terrifying beasts, and
the CD. article in the Exercise Pack. blogs and pods are a lot of fun. or I 
The section that makes grammar easy, interesting and fun.

a r f u n

The passive voice: future

Grammar fun

CD track 2 Englishman
In this month’s grammar fun section we’ll be looking at the
passive voice with future tenses.

To start with, look at these two 3) The teacher will explain the
sentences: exercise. (active)
a) She will direct the film. The exercise will be explained (by
b) The film will be directed (by her). the teacher). (passive)
The first sentence is an active
sentence, with “she” as the main these
4) This programme will generate
subject. We use an active verb to say bills won’t thousands of jobs. (active)
be paid until
what the subject does. we sell some Thousands of jobs will be generated
Sentence “b” is a passive sentence. (by this programme). (passive)
Notice how the object “the film” has
become the subject of the sentence. 5) They will understand this message.
We form future passives with “will be” This message will be understood (by
+ a past participle. For example: them). (passive)
Will be eaten, will be taken, will be
shown, will be given, etc. 6) They will renovate these old
buildings. (active)
We use the passive voice when the These old buildings will be
object of a sentence becomes the Here are some more examples of the renovated (by them). (passive)
subject. For example: future passive.
a) She will complete the work. 7) This new system will reduce our
b) The work will be completed by her. 1) They will do something about the production costs. (active)
As you can see, in sentence “b” (the situation. (active) Our production costs will be
passive sentence) “work” has become Something will be done about the reduced (by this new system).
the subject of the sentence. situation (by them). (passive) (passive)

We form negatives by using “won’t” or 2) They will invite you to the party. 8) We will not purchase the new
“will not”. For example: (active) computer. (active)
a) We will not pay the bill. (active) You will be invited to the party (by The new computer will not be
b) The bill won’t be paid. (passive) them). (passive) purchased. (by us). (passive)

message will
be understood these old
the job perfectly buildings will
will be by them. be completely
finished by renovated.
a different

 I or

Do you want to learn English in

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How website broadcasting will change our lives. By Olivia Saucier

Download the sound file. Load it onto your MP3 player. And
listen. That’s the simplicity of the podcast. They’re on our Information box – top podcasts
favorite websites, and they’re changing the face of radio. In Here’s the guide to the top six podcasts on the
short, a podcast provides us with what we want to hear, when internet.
we want to hear it and where we want to hear it. 1. this WEEK in TECH
A discussion of the latest digital technology.
What is a podcast? 2. Science Friday
Basically, a podcast is a digital sound file (usually an MP3) that A weekly discussion of the latest news in science, technology, health,
and the environment.
can be downloaded from the internet onto our computers 3. Wall Street Confidential
and then onto our MP3 players. “Podcast” combines the words Top financial commentators look at the day’s market action and discuss
“iPod” and “broadcast,” even though the technology was not stocks and trends on Wall Street.
invented (only inspired) by Apple’s iPod music player. 4. ChinesePod
Learn Chinese with free daily MP3 audio podcasts.
5. Phone Taps: Elvis & The Morning Zoo
Podcasts Hilarious joke phone calls.
What? Sound files 6. Slate Magazine Daily Podcast
on websites that A look at the news, politics, and culture.
you can put onto
your MP3 player. And of course we can’t go without mentioning the Hot English podcast:
Where? On English language listenings graded into four different learner levels.
internet sites and Just click on the icon that says “Blog and
blogs. pods” and choose the MP3 file you want to listen to.
How? Just click on
the icon, and save with lessons available for download on academic websites.
the sound file onto
your computer. Being absent from class will never be the same again. And
Then, transfer it to language learning sites have podcasts for use in class or as part
your MP3 player. of a self-study programme.

The pod market

Marketers quickly saw the promotional value of podcasting.
What pod? In the US, sports-related podcasts are extremely popular, and
The uses of this amazing new technology seem endless. there are official and unofficial links to every possible team
Politicians use podcasts to update their websites with with a fan-base. Film and music producers also use
recordings on campaign news and policies. Preachers them. These days, many big movie or CD releases
and religious movements offer podcasts of sermons have podcasts for fans to learn more about the
for church regulars who can’t attend the actual film or band. It seems that any business can use
services. it to their benefit to get the word out about a
Arts websites offer audio tours of museums that product. Best of all, podcasts aren’t subject to
you can listen to, as well as cultural city guides. the rules of media governing bodies. Quite
So, before you travel, you can download hours simply, podcasts are free from regulations, free
of commentary about your destination, save it for everyone to enjoy, and free to grow at an
to your iPod, and then listen to it as you stroll unstoppable pace and change media as we
through the tourist sites. know it.
Schools have also taken advantage of the new tool,

Now I don’t
have to
listen to my an MP3 file n
mother. a sound file that is compressed
so it is smaller than the original
sound file
to broadcast vb
to put on the radio, television, etc
to update vb
to receive or download the latest
version of a programme
a recording n
a video, CD, MP3, DVD of something
a preacher n
a member of a religious
organisation who talks to groups of
people about religious issues
a sermon n
a formal talk given in a church
to attend vb
to go to a place or event
to stroll through phr vb
to walk in a place casually and with
no particular objective
Trabaja &

Phrasal Verbs
Trabaja en Inglaterra y aprende Inglés.
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Para más información, llama al 91 455 0273

Correo: O visita nuestras
oficinas en C/Fernández de los Ríos, oficina 2A, Madrid 28015. Hot English Publishing S.L.

Metro: Moncloa


The clothing that most frightens Britons.

Are teenagers a problem in your country? In Britain, gangs of teenagers known as “hoodies” are
terrorising the country. Let’s find out more about them.
What? say?’ and he came back with 10 people with hoods, you
So, first of all, what is know, these fellas with hoods on. He came at me in a very
a hoodie? Basically, a intimidating manner.”
“hoodie” is a word that
can be used to refer Pro-hoodies
to a sweatshirt with a But Prescott isn’t the only minister to have
hood. However, the word joined the debate. The new leader of the
“hoodie” can also used to Conservative Party, David Cameron, has
refer to a young person called for more understanding. He even
who wears the hood over his or her head, covering the face. suggested that people should “hug a
Gang of teens with this clothing on (a gang of hoodies) can hoodie”. Defending himself,
be found in towns and cities all over Britain. These gangs i ONLY
Cameron added that
of hoodies stand on street corners, smoking, drinking and hUG! he wanted “to
causing trouble. These days, hoodies are seen as a symbol understand what’s
of social disorder. gone wrong in these children’s lives”.
He asked, “What is it that brought
Anti-hoodies that young person to commit
Some people are already taking that crime at that time? What’s
action against hoodies. Many the background to it? What
schools have prohibited the use are the long-term causes of
of hoods in school and class; crime?”
and a shopping centre in Kent
(the Bluewater Shopping Centre)
has banned the wearing of
hooded tops and baseball caps.
Hoodie views
We asked some British people what they
They say that these items of thought about hoodies. Here’s what they
clothing obscure the face and are said:
“I don’t think hoods are intimidating,
One government minister recently talked about his but maybe that’s because I’m a guy.
experience with hoodies. John Prescott, (the deputy prime Hoods are stylish.” Joe, 15.
minister) said, “I went to a motorway cafe about a year ago
and some kid said something to me. I said, ‘What did you “I think hoodies are fine they shouldn’t GLOSSARY
ban them or anything.” Mary, 14. a sweatshirt n
clothing you wear over the upper
“I don’t have a problem with people part of your body, often to keep you
warm when you do sport
wearing a hoodie with the hood up a hood n
when the weather is bad, but I can’t see part of a jacket that covers your
the need to wear one inside or when head
the weather is nice.” Shirley, 34. to cause trouble exp
to make problems for others; to
commit minor crimes
“It’s cold outside. People should wear a shopping centre n
something on their heads to keep a large building with many shops
in it
warm. Are balaclavas to be banned as intimidating adj
well?” Michael, 17. frightening
a kid n
“Why would you ban a hoodie? a child
to hug vb
Seriously, once you ban something, to hold someone in an emotional
people will have all the more reason way
to rebel. Take alcohol, for example.” the background n
Peter, 15. your background is the kind of
education you have had, and your
social origin
Now that it has been made such an a guy n inform
issue, anybody who wants to commit a man/boy
a balaclava n
a crime will put on a hoodie and the
clothing that covers your head and
teens will get the blame. Rachel, 18. face to keep you warm
an issue n
What do you think? an important subject that people
are talking about or discussing

 I or
Dr Fingers’error corection clinic

Dr Fingers’ error
The section in which Dr Fingers corrects typical

English errors. CD track 3 British man &
other person

Activity Error Analysis

Read the sentences, find the errors and correct the 1. We use the preposition “to” with the verb “to apologise”.
sentences. Then listen to the CD to check your answers. 2. You explain something to someone.
Good luck! Afterwards, you can read the error analysis 3. We use the present simple after “as soon as” when referring to a future action.
section. 4. You apply “for” a course.
5. A romantic meeting with someone is a “date”. You have “appointments” with doctors/
1. He apologised me. dentists, etc.
6. To fight verbally is “to argue”. To have a civilised chat about a topic is “to discuss” that topic.
2. They explained me the situation. 7. The verb “to rise” is non-transitive – ie it doesn’t need an object.
3. I’ll do it as soon as I will arrive home. For example, “The sun rises in the east”. The verb “to raise” is
transitive and is used with an object.
4. She applied a one-year journalism course. 8. We often use possessive pronouns when referring to parts of
the body: my arm, my leg, etc.
5. I have an appointment tonight with a man I met at 9. With the verb “to hurt”, you say the part of the body first followed
by the verb.
work. 10. The verb “to arrive” doesn’t usually need a preposition when used
6. They were discussing all night. with “here/there”.
11. In English, you “go home” with no preposition.
7. They want to rise the price of petrol. 12. The construction is “as” + adjective + “as”.
8. She broke the arm when she fell down. 13. We use the present simple after “when” if it is referring to a
future action.
9. It hurts me the head. 14. We use the present simple following the word “after” when referring
to a future action.
10. She’ll arrive to here at 6pm. 15. For negative sentences, you need to use “either”.
11. They went to home very late.
12. She isn’t as tall that her friend.
13. I’ll pay you when I will have the money in my
14. She’ll do it after she will see the film. Tefl Certificate Course
15. I don’t have a car and I don’t want one as well.
4-week intensive
externally moderated and
accredited by
Course fees € 799
which includes:

Hot English
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offer the best
TEFL course
in town.
Guaranteed job*
free Hot english resources pack**
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Welcome and farewell lunch

Weekly metro tickets
Tel: (00 34) 91 455 0273
Hot English Publishing S.L.

e-mail: The friendliest Tefl in town
* For all those who successfully pass the course. ** This includes 12 copies of Hot English magazine,
and a year’s subscription to the Powerpack (full of teaching ideas).
CD track 4 British

T i m
woman & US woman

St o r y
Story Time

Jokes, stories and anecdotes as told by native English speakers.

Lucky woman Grave news

A woman tells her friend, “My Visitor: Why are you crying?
husband is an angel”. And her Zoo keeper: The elephant is
friend replies, “You’re lucky. dead.
My husband is still alive.” Visitor: He must have been a GLOSSARY
an angel n
very special elephant. a messenger from God. Traditional
angels have wings and a harp
Letter to an ex Zoo keeper: No, not really. “That’s strange”, but not sweetheart n
My Dearest Susan, Visitor: So, what’s up? wanting to be rude he replies, darling; honey
to break off phr vb
sweetheart of my heart. I’ve Zoo keeper: I’ve got to dig his “Yeah, not too bad thanks.” to stop a relationship
an engagement n
been so sad since I broke grave. After a short pause, the man a commitment to marry someone
off our engagement. Simply hears the voice again, “So, devastated adj
emotionally destroyed
devastated. Won’t you please Mobile call what are you doing, mate?” to forgive vb
consider coming back to me? A man walks into a public Unsure of what to say, and to stop being angry with someone
who has done something bad
You hold a place in my heart toilet. He sees two cubicles, somewhat reluctant to go what’s up? exp
what’s wrong? What’s the problem?
that no other woman can fill. one of which is already into details, the man replies, to dig vb
I can never marry another occupied. So, the man goes “Erm, just sitting here on the to make a hole in the ground
a grave n
woman quite like you. I need into the other one, closes the toilet. How about yourself?” a hole for dead bodies
you so much. Please forgive door, undoes his trousers Then, the man hears the voice a cubicle n
a room in a toilet where you can
me and let’s make a new start. and sits down. A few seconds for the third time, “Sorry, mate. sit down
occupied adj
I love you so. Yours always and later, he hears a voice coming I’ll have to call you back if a toilet is “occupied”, someone
truly, John. from the cubicle next to him, later. There’s some idiot in is using it
to undo your trousers exp
PS Congratulations “Hello mate, how are the cubicle next to mine who to open your trousers so you can
on winning the you doing?” keeps answering everything take them off
rude adj
lottery. The man I say.” not polite
mate n inform
thinks, my friend
Marriage advice reluctant adj
if you are “reluctant” to do
Marriage counsellor to female something, you don’t really want to
client, “Maybe your problem is do that thing
to go into details exp
that you’ve been waking up to explain something with lots of
grumpy every to call someone back exp
morning.” to telephone someone who
telephoned you
Client to a marriage counsellor n
marriage a type of psychologist who helps
married couples with problems
counsellor, “No, to wake up grumpy exp
two meanings: to wake up in a bad
I always let him mood; to wake up a person called
sleep.” Grumpy (one of Snow White’s seven
dwarfs – the angry one)

Get your cinema tickets at:

C/Doctor Cortezo 56 Madrid or by phone: 902 22 09 22
On our web page: C/Salvador Espiriú 61
Centro Comercial “El Centro de la Villa” Port Olimpic (08005)

10 I or
CRICKET Learn all about cricket – England’s summer sport.

CD track 5 British man
Match each object with its corresponding picture. Answers on page 24.

A Cricket bat B Ball C Team D Field E Bails

Cricket rules
Here’s another
F Stumps G Wicket H Batsman I Fielder explanation to the
rules of cricket.

4 1 You have two sides,

one out in the field
and one in.
Each man that’s in
the side that’s in,
5 1 goes out.
1 1 2 1 3 1 And when he’s out,
he comes in,
And the next man
goes in until he’s out.

6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1
Cricket – how to play
Now read our explanation on how to play cricket.
known as the wicket. OK
so far?
Once the game starts,
the two teams take
turns to bat. Batting
consists of trying to hit
the ball with the bat
(logically). While one
team is batting, the other
team is fielding, which
consists of standing in
the field trying to catch
Cricket is England’s summer sport. The rules the ball. Basically, a player from team A bowls
are very complicated, but obviously not so (throws) the ball to a player from team B. The
complicated that an Englishman can’t learn player from team B, with a bat in his/her hand
them. Basically, there are two teams of eleven swings the bat and attempts to hit it. If the ball
players each. You play the game on a grass field, goes far, then the player from team B must run
and at the centre of the field, there is an area of from one end of the pitch to the other. Each
very flat grass called the pitch, which is about time he or she does this is called
20 metres long and 3 metres wide. a “run”. Meanwhile, the players
At one end of the pitch there are three wooden in the field must try to catch GLOSSARY
sticks called stumps. And on the ball or stop the other player grass n
a green plant that grows on the
the top of these three stumps from running from one end of ground
there are two small pieces the pitch to the other. The team to swing vb
to move something from one side
of wood called bails. Both that scores the most runs wins. to another in a smooth movement
to attempt vb
the stumps and the bails are Simple! Now try it for yourself. to try or I 11
Basic English
CD track 7 - British man

& Irishwoman

Banks a n d m o n e
Basic English

A tip/gratuity A safe
A wallet

Useful Expressions – Money

Listen and repeat these useful expressions.

What you say What you hear

• How much is it, please? • That’ll be six pounds, please.
• What’s the total amount? • I don’t earn very much.
• Are you going to buy it? • It didn’t cost very much. A bank
• How much are you going to • It was really expensive. A purse A calculator
• How much do you earn a Speaking
month? Now use these expressions
• How much have you got in to practise asking and
savings? answering questions.
• How many bank accounts
do you have?
• Did you save any money
last month?
• Shall we go shopping? Banknotes
• How much did that cost
• Where did you get that?
• Was it expensive/cheap?
• I’ll get this one. / I’ll pay for A price tag
this. A bank vault
• Lunch is on me. / I’ll get
• These are on me. / I’ll pay
for these.
• How much do you spend
each month on X?
Credit cards A cashier (“teller” US English)

Chip and PIN technology

Currency conversion

A cheque

A coin A piggybank A cash-point or “ATM” A bureau de change

12 I or
Film Information: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
This film, the latest Jesse James film, tells the story of the outlaw and the young, tormented gang
member Robert Ford who shot Jesse James in cold blood. The film stars Brad Pitt (as Jesse James), and
Casey Affleck (as Robert Ford). It is directed by Andrew Dominik. Other films about Jesse James include:
The 1921 silent film Jesse James Under the Black Flag (starring Jesse James’ own son).
The 1939 film Jesse James (starring Tyrone Power).
The 1972 film The Great Northfield, Minnesota Raid (starring Robert Duvall).
The 2001 film American Outlaws (starring Colin Farrell).

All about Spanish tennis champion Rafa Nadal. By Camille Koué
He is only 20 years old, but a threat to other champions.
he’s ranked number 2 in the His killer forehand has so Information
world in professional tennis. He much spin that his opponents Box French
already has 19 singles titles to are immediately put on the
Rafa has met
his name, including the 2005 defensive. His powerful some hostility
and 2006 French Open Grand backhand, his strong legs, and during his
Slam titles; and he has already his very muscular upper body matches at the
earned over $9 million in prize all contribute to his power. Of French Open. He is
money. He’s the face of Nike course, there are many other often booed both
and Kia Motors. Young girls love professional tennis players with during and after the
him. And he’s feared by many these qualities, but what Rafa match, especially
male tennis players. His name is has is an insatiable appetite when playing
I’m going to win. Rafael Nadal. for victory. He is willing to go against and beating
I’m going to win.
I’m going…
to the very depths of himself, to French players. Some
A true champ suffer, to fall, to do whatever he commentators on
Rafael Nadal is known more has to do to win every point. French television
affectionately as Rafa. He was openly say they want
born in Manacor, Mallorca in True strength Rafa to lose.
1986, and he still lives with his But there’s something else.
family whenever he isn’t on What is even more threatening, GLOSSARY
tour. He was introduced to the and what makes the other ranked number 2 exp
sport of tennis by the man who players really nervous about considered to be the second best
tennis player
has been his coach ever since: playing Rafa, is the fact that a Grand Slam title n
a big and important tennis
his uncle, Toni. Since January they know that he is willing to tournament, such as Wimbledon
2005, Rafa has been the only stay on the court as long as it a coach n
a tennis trainer
Rafa Trivia person to beat World number 1 takes. Other players just don’t to beat vb
Nadal’s full name is Rafael Nadal Parera. Roger Federer in a Grand Slam, have this stamina. Whether to win against
to make something your top
He was born on 3rd June 1986. and he’s the only person since it’s a lack of physical fitness priority exp
He is 182 cm tall and weighs 75 kilos. to convert something into the most
He plays with a Babolat AeroPro Drive that time to win Grand Slam or more commonly a lack of important thing for you
racket. titles other then Federer. willpower, most players in a right-hander n
a person who plays with his/her
He plays left-handed although he was
born right-handed. Rafa started playing tennis at the end succumb to Rafa’s right hand
His current world ranking is 2. the age of 3 when his uncle, energy, enthusiasm and his a backhand n
hitting the ball by moving your
His tennis idol is
fellow Spaniard
Toni, put a racket in his hand. never-ending passion. At right arm from left to right across
your body
Carlos Moyá. Rafa grew up loving both the his best, Rafa simply tears a threat n
His hobbies are sports of tennis and football, his opponents apart both a danger
fishing, football a forehand n
and Playstation. Carlos Moyá but it wasn’t until the age of 12 mentally and physically. He hitting the ball by moving your
He is the only player besides number- that he decided runs them around the court, right arm from right to left
to put someone on the
one-ranked Roger Federer to win a
Grand Slam title since Marat Safin won
to make wearing them down; and as defensive exp
to put someone in a position of
the Australian Open in January 2005. tennis his top time passes, Rafa shows inferiority and danger
priority. The no sign of fatigue an insatiable appetite for
something exp
natural right-hander himself, which has a a great desire for something
plays left-handed psychological effect on willing to exp
ready and waiting to
tennis because his opponents too. stamina n
great physical or mental energy
his uncle Toni The most amazing thing is willpower n
thought that that Rafa is still young, still strong determination
to succumb to something exp
Rafa’s backhand growing, and still learning unable to resist temptation
could benefit from a about his strengths and to tear someone apart exp
to destroy someone completely
stronger left hand. weaknesses. With so to wear someone down exp
to make someone tired
much time ahead of to look forward to something exp
The killer instinct him, we all have to be excited about something that
will happen in the future
There are many a lot to look to boo vb
things that make Rafa forward to. to shout “boo” at someone as a way
of saying you don’t like them or I 13

A look at England’s top tennis tournament. By Camille Koué

Wimbledon is unique in the world of tennis. equal pay, and this year Wimbledon has
Let’s look at the events, the people, and fallen in line saying that all players will
the unforgettable moments of this special receive the same amount of money. This is all
English tournament. quite a change from 1968, which was the first
year that Wimbledon players were actually
paid anything at all. That year the men’s
champion, Rod Laver, won £2,000, while Billie
Jean King, the ladies’ champion, won only
£750. This year both the men’s and women’s Rod Laver
singles champions will each receive £700,000.

Attendance rates
Another number that has been rising
steadily is the attendance rate. In 1877 the
total attendance for the final was 200 people.
However, in 2005, more than 30,000 people
showed up for the final between Roger
Federer and Rafael Nadal. Wimbledon has Billie Jean King
The start only missed 10 years of competition since
The first Wimbledon took place in 1877 at 1877, all because of wars. From 1915-1918
the All England Club. There were a total of there were no Wimbledon competitions due
22 entries and they were all men because to World War I; and World War II put a halt to
women weren’t allowed to play in those the Wimbledon Championships for six years
days. The Ladies’ Singles was not established (from 1940-1945). In fact, during World War
at Wimbledon until 1884. II, the Wimbledon grounds were used by the
Today, there are 256 players, with an equal fire brigade and ambulance service.
number (128) of women and men. This
Rafael Nadal
year, in fact, is the first year that women and This year
men will receive equal prize money at the These days, Wimbledon is once again a home
Wimbledon Championships. for champions. This year, Roger Federer will
be going for his fifth straight Wimbledon
Money Singles title, and is still ranked number 1 in
Equal pay in the world of professional the world. He will very likely be holding up the
tennis has been an on-going struggle with trophy on the last Sunday as, on grass, Roger
arguments on both sides. Some say that is still unbeatable. Amelia Mauresmo, who
women should get equal pay even though in has lost her position as number 1 in the world,
many tournaments, including all of the will be defending her title for the first Amelia Mauresmo
Grand Slams, they have to win 2 time at Wimbledon. However, her
out of 3 sets to complete journey to the finish line will be GLOSSARY
weren’t allowed to exp
a match, instead of 3 much more difficult. Mauresmo weren’t permitted to
an on-going struggle exp
out of 5 like the men. still hasn’t defended a Grand Slam a fight/argument that has been
Others say title, and she often suffers from happening for a long time
to fall into line exp
that if women nerves. The Championships this to do what everyone else is doing
to rise steadily exp
want equal year will run from 25th June to to increase slowly but surely
pay, they 8th July, and it promises the attendance rate n
It’s the number of people who go to
need to play an mine! to produce what watch the game live
equal amount of we have all come to put a halt to something exp
to make something stop
tennis. Either way, to expect from his fifth straight title n
his fifth consecutive title (one after
more and more Wimbledon: great the other)
tournaments have tennis, hard battles to be ranked number 1 exp
to be considered the best
been changing their and well-deserved unbeatable adj
prize money rules to Roger Federer champions. if someone is “unbeatable”, no one
can win against them

14 I or
Let’s look at some Wimbledon trivia.
Wimbledon was the host of the tennis games Bjorn was up two sets
in the 1908 Olympics, and will again be the to one when the fourth
host of the tennis games in the up-coming set went to a tie-breaker.
2012 Olympic Games in London. The tie-breaker lasted
22 minutes and had
The All England 34 contested calls,
Croquet Club was which set a record for a
founded in 1868. Wimbledon final. The
The club changed tie-break went back and
Bjorn Borg
its name to The All England Croquet and forth between match
Lawn Tennis Club in 1877 when they started points for Borg and set Martina Navratilova
hosting the Wimbledon Championships. In points for McEnroe, until
1882 “croquet” was dropped from the club’s finally McEnroe took the
title since the club was almost exclusively for tie-break and the fourth
tennis. However, it was re-instated in the title set. In the end, Borg
in 1899, and the club finally became The All ended up winning the
England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. match 1-6 7-4 6-3 6-7
8-6 on his eighth match
Pete Sampras and point. This made him the
John McEnroe
W.C. Renshaw first person to win five
both have the Wimbledon Singles’ titles in a row.
most Wimbledon
Men’s Singles’ During 1996,
Pete Sampras Boris Becker
Championships the Wimbledon
at 7 each. Martina Navratilova has the most crowd got an
Wimbledon Ladies’ Singles’ Championships unexpected GLOSSARY
the host n
at 9. The youngest Wimbledon Singles’ surprise during the person or country organising
Sir Cliff Richard
Championship winners are Boris Becker, who a rain delay an event
croquet n
won in 1985 at the age of 17, and Charlotte on centre-court one afternoon when Sir Cliff a game that consists of hitting balls
through arches on a grass pitch
“Lottie” Dod who won in 1887 at the age of 15. Richard gave an impromptu performance to beat vb
The oldest Wimbledon Singles’ Championship of the song Singing in the Rain. His backing to win against
a set n
winners are A. W. Gore who won in 1909 at singers included Martina Navratilova, Pam a match consists of 2 to 5 sets, and
the age of 41, and A. Sterry who won in 1908 Shriver and Conchita Martinez. each set consists of at least 6 games
a tie-breaker n
at the age of 37. if the score reaches 6-6, there are a
series of points known as tie-break
Wimbledon started using points
In 1975 Arthur Ashe, who Hawk Eye, an electronic in a row exp
was ranked 6th in the line-calling device, the second seed n
world, was able to beat in 2003, but only for the second best player
up adj
the number-one ranked contested calls. if a player is “up” by a certain
amount of points, he/she is
player, Jimmy Connors, winning by that amount
in an unforgettable four- Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam to have a contested call n
a shot that is disputed – no one is
set match. This made a very strict dress code, which says that all sure if it is in or out
Ashe the first African- players must wear clothing that is almost a rain delay n
if there is a “rain delay”, the game
American in history to entirely white. However, the dress code has stops because it is raining
Arthur Ashe a backing singer n
win the Wimbledon been relaxed since 1877 when a sign on the a singer who accompanies the
championship. clubhouse door read, “Gentlemen are kindly main singer
a line-calling device n
requested not to play in shirtsleeves when a machine that determines if a ball
In 1980 the men’s final produced an ladies are present”. Today Wimbledon officials is in or out
a dress code n
unforgettable tie-breaker in the fourth have gone so far as to permit sleeveless the rules which say what clothes
you can wear
set. Bjorn Born, who had won the last four shirts during the Championships, such as the in shirtsleeves n
Wimbledon Singles titles in a row, was ones that have been made famous by Rafael in a shirt but without a jacket
a sleeveless shirt n
playing the second seed John McEnroe. Nadal. a shirt with no sleeves (no arms) or I 15
Steffi Graf
not easy for me
Tennis Quotes

to live with – knowing

that I’m Number 1 because
she [Monica Seles]
was attacked.”

Here are a few words from some of the greatest tennis players of our time.
“I didn’t start a war. but I never forget my Steffi Graf, in 1994, referring
Nobody died.” mother’s birthday.” to her former rival, Monica Tennis excuses
Boris Becker, putting his Australian tennis star Mark Seles, who was stabbed the Here are some good
excuses for those
1987 Wimbledon loss into Edmondson. 1977. previous year during a tennis
moments when you
perspective. game. find yourself in a
“I started when I was difficult situation on
4, but I didn’t play the court.
seriously until I was 8.” It’s too hot/windy/
Kathy Rinaldi, a 14-year- bright.
old tennis whiz kid, after The players on the
reaching the 1981 French other court are
Open quarterfinals. annoying me.
The court is too
“I didn’t aspire to be a slow/ fast.
good sport; ‘champion’ The balls are too
was good enough for me.” slow/fast/bright.
Boris Becker Monica Seles This racket is too
England’s Fred Perry,
“People don’t seem to who won three straight “When you become a top new/old/small.
understand that it’s a Wimbledons (1934-36). player, you think that I’ve got tennis

damn war out there.” nothing else and nobody elbow.

I’ve got a cramp.
Jimmy Connors. 1973. “I want to reach absolute else matters. You can
My back hurts.
perfection. And I think I tell everybody on earth,
I ate too much
“I don’t go out there to can reach it.” ‘Listen, I’m playing tennis,
before the match.
love my enemy. I go out All-time tennis great Steffi I don’t have time for you.
I drank too much
there to squash him.” Graf, who won 22 Grand Slam I’m in the semifinals of last night.
Jimmy Connors. 1973. singles titles. 1991. the US Open.’ ”
Former world number one,
“New Yorkers want “What is it that Mats Wilander. 1995.
blood.” Americans see in Agassi? GLOSSARY
Jimmy Connors, on the rowdy I think he’s short, hairy, damn exp inform
this word is used for emphasis, to
U.S. Open spectators. 1976. balding and stupid.” show anger/shock, etc
to squash vb
Louise Evans, of the Australian to destroy. Literally, to put pressure
Associated Press, talking on something so that it breaks, etc
ferocious adj
about US tennis star Andre wild and savage
Agassi at Wimbledon. 1993. a whiz kid n
a child who is very clever and very
good at something
a good sport n
someone who deals with a difficult
situation in an honest and calm
to reach vb
Mats Wilander to arrive at a certain level, place
or stage
“It became 24 hours a day. balding adj
When I slept, I suspected in the process of losing hair from
your head
Jimmy Connors
a secret camera under to stab vb
to push a knife into someone’s
“I am the best tennis the sheet. The more I body
player who cannot play worked to live up to my harassed adj
stressed; under pressure
tennis.” nationalistic obligations, tough adj
Andre Agassi
Ion Tiriac who carried his the more harassed I strong
to handle vb
country to the Davis Cup final “It’s not easy for me to became. It’s tough to to deal with a difficult situation
tennis elbow n
in 1969, 1971 and 1972 with live with – knowing that handle at age 23, but a medical condition in which the
fellow Romanian, Ilie Nastase,. I’m Number 1 because much harder at 17 and 18.” outer part of your elbow (the joint
in the middle of your arm) becomes
she [Monica Seles] was Boris Becker, on being a painful
“I know I look ferocious, attacked.” German icon. 1991. cramp n
a pain in your muscles

16 I or
american 21
Twenty one things you must do and see the U.s.a.

Amercian 21
This is another part of our series on 21 things to do in the US.
By Ayelet Drori (US English)
The Niagara Falls. in the cheering, eat hot dogs and drink beer.
See the Niagara Falls You’ll be a true American star.
from a helicopter. It’s
really the best way Shopping
to see the crashing Visit the Mall of America, the biggest shopping
falls of Niagara on mall in the United States, with hundreds of
the border between shops. It has an amusement park called Camp
upstate New York and Canada. Plenty of Snoopy (to honor the Minnesotan cartoonist,
companies fly over the three falls, which are Charles Schultz), a walk-through Aquarium and
known as The American Falls, The Bridal Veil the LEGO play centre for kids and adults. After GLOSSARY
to get drenched exp
Falls, and the Horseshoe Falls. More than a day’s shopping, spend some time at Jillian’s to become very wet
150,000 million gallons of water flow over High Life Lanes, playing a favorite American a highway n
a large road with many lanes (lines
the falls per second. The view from the edge pastime: bowling. Plan your trip at of traffic)
is equally as impressive. However, even on to stretch vb
if something “stretches” over an area, it
sunny, warm days, remember to wear rain covers that area
gear so you don’t get drenched. A canoe trip a time zone n
the world is divided into many
There are more than different areas that are either ahead of
the time in Greenwich, England (GMT
A roadtrip a thousand rivers – Greenwich Mean Time) or behind it
Take the classic road trip on the all-American and lakes in the area to get your kicks exp inform
to have your fun
highway, Route 66. This highway stretches between northeastern brand-new adj
very new; something you have just
from Chicago, Illinois, to Los Angeles, Minnesota and Ontario Canada, known as The bought
California, crossing eight states and three Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. It’s to wander through phr vb
to walk in an area with no particular
time zones on the way. Once called America’s quiet, free of tourists, and well worth a visit. objective
Main Street, the two-lane highway is not All forms of motor vehicle are prohibited, and downtown adv
in the centre of town
included on maps any more, but most there’s no electricity or telephone line; and light-hearted adj
fun; not serious
Americans know exactly what and where it is. some of the lakes have no roads either. During cheering n
Have a look at for links winter, when the lakes and rivers are frozen the noise made by people supporting
a team
to motels, diners, or historical sites along the over, you can camp there, but you’ll need to freeze over phr vb
way. And just take Nat King Cole’s advice and specialized equipment including cross country to become ice (the surface)
cross country skis n
“get your kicks on Route 66”. skis, snowshoes and a warm sleeping bag. For skis used to travel over land/
more information visit
Park stroll
Visit the brand-new park in the heart
of Chicago: Millennium Park. It has an
amphitheatre designed by Guggenheim-
architect Frank Gehry for free concerts and a
botanical garden to wander through. The best
sculpture in the park is the Cloud Gate, with
its bean-like shape which reflects downtown
Chicago and the people who are walking
under it. For more information, check out the
American football -ATRÓCULA%52
Go to an American football game at a university. 6IVIENDA%52
Find out something about the teams that are
playing, and decide which one you want to #ALENDARIO
support. Afterwards, you can make sure your 3UMMER 
clothes match the team colors. It’s a great way !CEPTACIØNEN5NIVERSIDADES &ALL 
to make friends… and a few enemies (but all SIN.ECESIDADDE4/%&, 3PRING 
in a light-hearted way). During the game, join 3PRING 


QUIZ Are you self-centred?
CD track 8 US woman &
British woman

Do you often think about other people? Or are you so selfish that you only care about yourself and your

own needs? Do our quiz and find out whether you are self-centred or not. Quiz Analysis on page 24
1. Y
 ou’ve just entered a bar  ou’re stranded on a
4. Y
with some friends. What desert island with a group How about
moving over
do you do? of people. You find a so that i can
a) I ask everyone what they coconut tree. What do lie down.

want, and go and order you do?

the drinks. a) I get all the coconuts
b) I rush up to the bar and and share them with the
get myself a drink quickly. others.
b) I secretly take all the
2. A
 work colleague has just coconuts and hide them
found out that he has a so I can eat them later.
terrible illness. How do
you react? 5. Y
 ou see an elderly
a) I tell him how sorry I am, gentleman drop his
and ask if he’d like to talk wallet in the street. What
about it. I also offer my do you do?
assistance for anything a) I run after him and give
he may need. the wallet to him.
b) I tell him how I’ve been b) I put my foot on the
feeling a bit ill recently wallet, and then, when
too. no one’s looking, I slip it
into my pocket. 7. A
 friend has just lost her 8. Y
 ou’ve been out walking
3. W
 hat’s your favourite job and is feeling a bit in the mountains with
topic of conversation?  friend’s relative has just
6. A depressed. What do you some friends. You’re all
a) W hatever anyone else died. What do you do? do? very hungry and you’ve
wants to talk about a) I comfort him or her. a) I spend an afternoon just arrived home. What
– the latest news, a b) I tell him or her about all helping her find another do you do?
bit of celebrity gossip, my relatives who have one. a) I offer to go out and buy
anything really. died. b) I tell her how fantastic my a takeaway for everyone.
b) ME! job is. b) I sneak off to the kitchen
and stuff myself with
everything in the fridge.
I’m starving!
to rush up (to a place) exp
to go to a place very quickly
the latest news n
the most recent news
gossip n
information about people’s personal
stranded adj
if you are “stranded”, you cannot
leave a place because of bad
weather, an accident, etc
to share vb
to give everyone in a group a
part of something
to drop vb
if you “drop” something, it falls
from your hand, pocket, etc
a wallet n
an object men use to carry money,
credit cards, etc
to slip something into your
pocket n
to put something into your pocket
with one smooth movement
a relative n
an uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, etc
to comfort vb
to help someone feel less
worried, sad, etc
a takeaway n
a meal you buy and take with you
to eat at home or somewhere else
to sneak off phr vb
to leave a place secretly without
telling anyone
to stuff yourself exp
to eat a lot more food than you need
starving adj
very, very hungry

18 I or
Strange Book Titles
A look at an unusual literary competition.

book titles
What’s the strangest book you’ve ever read? What about the book with the strangest title?
Just recently, there were prizes for the strangest book titles of the year.
An unusual prize Ukrainian Tractors
Would you read a book called Proceedings of the Second Talking about books with
International Workshop on Nude Mice? Maybe not, but this unusual titles, how
book was actually the 1978 winner of the literary world’s about this one?
A Short History of
most unusual competition: The Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Tractors in Ukrainian.
Oddest Title of the Year. This is basically a humorous literary It’s a 2005 novel by
award given to the book with the most unusual title. It is Marina Lewycka and
it’s won a number
presented by the British magazine Bookseller. Nominees are of prizes. It’s about a
selected from submissions sent in by librarians, publishers, Ukrainian immigrant family living GLOSSARY
nude adj
and booksellers, and the final winner is voted for by the in a village in England. The story is with no clothes on
public. told through the eyes of Nadia, the odd adj
daughter of an 84-year-old widower, strange
an award n
Nikolai. Nikolai falls in love with a
And the winner is… much younger
a prize
a nominee n
This year’s winning title was The Ukrainian a person who is named as a possible
immigrant, winner for a prize
Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern stray adj
Valentina. But
North America: A Guide to Field Nadia and her
lost; with no owner
a shopping cart n
Identification by Julian Montague. sister aren’t a metal object with wheels that
The book basically takes a look happy about people use to carry food in a
at abandoned shopping carts. this. The story a dairy cow n
is mixed with a cow that is produced in order to
As a reviewer on Amazon writes, Nikolai’s writing give milk
“Montague’s language, coupled with his beautiful of a book about breeding n
keeping animals for the purpose of
photography, gives the lowly carts individual personalities.” the history of producing more animals
With 1,866 votes out of the 5,500 cast, Shopping Carts beat tractors. a grave n
a hold in the ground for dead bodies
the favourite How Green Were the Nazis?
Second prize went to Tattooed Mountain Women and Spoon
Boxes of Daghestan, while Better Never To Have Been: The
Harm of Coming Into Existence took third place.
Also in the competition was the book with the longest
title, Delicious Ice Cream, Di Mascio of Coventry, an Ice Cream
Company of Repute, with an Interesting and Varied Fleet of
Ice Cream Vans; and the truly fascinating Proceedings of the
Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium, whatever that

Past winners
Past winners of the competition include:
• People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach
Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do
About It by Gary Leon Hill (2005).
• The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories by Alisa Surkis and
Monica Nolan (2003).
• Developments in Dairy Cow Breeding: New Opportunities
to Widen the Use of Straw 1998).
• Reusing Old Graves: A Report on Popular British Attitudes
by Douglas Davies and Alastair Shaw (1995).
• Highlights in the History of Concrete (1994).
• American Bottom Archaeology by Charles J. Bareis and
James W. Porter (1993).
• How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W. Trimmer (1992).
• Versailles: The View From Sweden by Elaine Dee and Guy
Walton (1988).
• Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality by Glenn C.
Ellenbogen (1986).
• The Book of Marmalade: Its Antecedents, Its History, and Its
Role in the World Today by Anne Wilson (1984).
• The Joy of Chickens by Dennis Nolan (1980).
Will you be reading any of these books?
stupid criminals CD track 9 - Englishwoman &
British woman
Stupid criminals

Here’s another part in our series on really stupid criminals.

Snake Surprise
A thief who stole two snakes from a pet shop got a nasty
surprise. Jim Langer stole two pythons and placed them
in a hidden bag down his trousers. However, as Langer
was driving home, one of the snakes escaped from the bag
and bit him on the leg. Fortunately, the snakes weren’t
poisonous, but Langer was unaware of this and rushed to
the local hospital.
Police later arrested Langer at his home. Apparently, he had
bought an iguana from the same shop just two days before
the snakes were stolen, and had paid with his credit card.
Langer was charged with theft and receiving stolen
property. The snakes were returned to their glass cage in
the shop.

Bad Spelling
A suspect in a series of bank robberies was caught because
of his poor spelling. Jim Deletria consistently confused
the words “dye” and “die” in robbery notes given to bank
tellers, police said. A note used in one robbery read, “If
a die pack [sic] explodes, so will you.” The same wording
had been used on notes in other robberies. Deletria, 39,
was arrested by armed officers during one robbery. Police
later charged Deletria with three other robberies after
confirming the notes from the other robberies had also
been written by him.

Never Return
A man was arrested for bank robbery after returning to
the scene of the crime. The robbery took place at 5pm.
Professional robber Eugene Silver walked up to the drive- GLOSSARY
a nasty surprise n
through bank and taped a note on the window. The note a terrible, horrible and unexpected
said that an explosive device would be detonated if tellers trousers n
did not give him cash. clothing you wear to cover your legs
poisonous adj
Bank employees gave Silver a “poisonous” snake can kill you if
$21,066. Silver, 36, fled in a green it bites you
to rush vb
vehicle with a cardboard sign over to go very quickly
poor spelling n
the licence plate that said “lost”, someone with “poor spelling” can’t
and duct tape over the make of write words correctly
dye n
the vehicle. a chemical used to change the
colour of fabric/material/hair, etc
Silver drove 3 miles out of town, to die vb
changed clothes in his car then to stop living
a bank teller n
walked back to the bank to retrieve a person who works in a bank
the note. A police officer saw Silver serving customers
a dye pack n
take the note down and told him to a type of mini-bomb that explodes
and covers people/things with a
stop. Silver ran back to his car but chemical substance
was captured as he was getting into the car. Police found a a drive-through bank n
a bank that you go to in your car.
brown bag full of the stolen money in the car. You stay in your car while you do
your transactions
to tape vb
to stick something to a place with
sticky tape (a transparent strip of
material used for sticking paper, etc)
to flee vb
to escape; to run away; to leave
a licence plate n
the numbers and letters on a car
that identify the car
duct tape n
a strong strip of tape used to tying
or holding things together
the make of the vehicle n
the type of car
to retrieve vb
to take something from the place
where you left it

20 I or
CD track 10 -

Dr Fingers’grammar clinic
pompous Englishman

the verb

“to get” clinic@hotenglish


Dear Dr Finger
I am having som
Please send your questions or stories to: many, many m e trouble with the verb “to Many thanks, eanings. Please could you ex get”. It has man
plain some of thy,
Solar Tower.
Hello, everybody, and welcome to
my grammar clinic.
Dear Mr Tower, Winning/scoring (goals)
Thank you very much for your e-mail. Of course, I would be To achieve something:
delighted to help you with this complex, but very useful a) He got first place in the competition.
verb. OK, let’s get started. Here are some of the main uses. b) They got ten goals.

Acquire/buy “To get” can mean to acquire or buy: Contract (an illness) To catch a disease/illness:
a) They got a new house. a) He got ill after eating the food.
b) He got a bonus last month. b) She got a cold.

Receive To be given something: Convince To stimulate or cause someone to do something:

a) I got sixteen presents for my birthday. a) They got me to come earlier.
b) The film got very good reviews. b) She got me to buy a new television.

Arrive To reach a destination Understand To understand a joke/story, etc.

a) She got home early. a) I didn’t get the joke.
b) He got into Paris at 9pm. b) Did you get the ending of the film?

Bring/fetch To bring something to a place, or to take To get + adjectives

something back: With adjectives, “to get” can mean “to become” or to change
a) Could you get me a newspaper from the shops? into something:
b) Could you get me that pen that’s on the table? a) She got dressed.
b) He got married last month.
c) They got lost.
d) We got divorced.
e) They got cold.
f) She got angry.
g) He got sick after drinking the contents of the bottle.
h) She got claustrophobic in the small space.

“To get” can be used as a kind of informal passive:
a) They got taken to prison. / They were taken to prison.
b) She got robbed. / She was robbed.

Get used to + gerund

To become accustomed to doing something:
a) We got used to living with no sunlight during the winter
b) Although it was painful at first, I got used to not being
with her.

Listen to Dr Fingers’ views on everything from language Well, kind readers, I really hope my explanations have
learning to culture. Watch some funny videos. Write in with helped you.
your comments. Read other people’s opinions. Join in the Yours, Dr Fingers.
chat. Just visit Please send your questions or stories to: clinic@
Get blogging! Hot blogging! or I 21
Trivia Matching Exercise


See if you can do this matching exercise. Look at the list of things (1 to 13),
and the photos ( A - M ). Write a letter next to the name of each thing in the list below. Answers also on page 24

1. Silver ____ D K M

2. A wreck ____

3. A wine cellar ____

4. An elephant ____

5. A werewolf ____

6. A milkman ____
7. Flip flops ____

8. A Dalmatian ____ B
9. A pyramid ____

1 0. A movie ____

11. An earthquake ____

1 2. A tomb ____

1 3. A fire ____



22 I or
Weird Trivia
CD track 11 - Irishwoman &

Weird Trivia
This is another part in our mini-series on strange facts. Whoever thought the world was so incredible?
The body of a seventy- * The Seven Wonders of the World
kilogram person contains I. The Great Pyramid of Giza (2650-2500 BC), built as the 5th-6th centuries AD.
about two milligrams of silver. the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. V. The Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
II. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (600 BC), (351 BC), which was about 45 metres tall. It was
The wreck of the Titanic holds which had walls 90 kilometres in length, 24 metres destroyed by an earthquake in AD 1494.
thick and 97 metres high. It was destroyed by an VI. The Colossus of Rhodes (292-280 BC), a giant
the oldest wine cellar in the earthquake in the 1st century BC. statue of the Greek god Helios. It was roughly the
world. III. The Temple of Artemis (550 BC), which was a same size as today’s Statue of Liberty. It was also
temple dedicated to the Greek goddess, Artemis. It destroyed by an earthquake in 224 BC.
An average person will eat burned down in 356 BC. VII. The Lighthouse of Alexandria (3rd century BC),
IV. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (435 BC), which which was between 115 and 135 metres tall. It too
the weight of six full-grown was about 12 metres tall. It was destroyed by fire in was destroyed by an earthquake in AD 1303-1480.
elephants during his or her

The movie An American

Werewolf in Paris was filmed in

Sean Connery has worked as

a milkman.

People from Niger are known

as “Nigeriens”; and people
from Nigeria are “Nigerians”.
Don’t confuse your “e”s with
your “a”s. Brazil borders every country Croatia. If only Cruella de Vil
in South America except Chile had known that.
About 20 million flip flops and Ecuador.
are produced every year The only one of the Seven
in Mombassa, the second- In Brazil about 40 percent Wonders of the World* that i used to
be a milkman.
largest city in Kenya. of all vehicle fuel is ethanol. still survives is The Great i used to be
james bond
What good environmentalists! Pyramid of Giza. Most of as well.
The ancient Egyptians the other “wonders” were
thought it was good luck to Australians have about destroyed by earthquakes
enter a house with your left 380,000 square metres of land or fire.
foot first. per person; however, 91% of GLOSSARY
a wreck n
them live in urban areas. A group of Egyptian tombs the remains of a ship that has been
destroyed at sea
Only about 4% of Egypt can is called a Necropolis. a wine cellar n
be used for agriculture. Domestic cats can run at Incidentally, the word a room underground that is used for
storing wine
about 30 miles per hour. “necropolis” is often used to a milkman n
a person whose job is to bring food
Cleopatra wasn’t Egyptian, refer to burial grounds which to your house in the morning in
she was Greek. The Dalmatian dog is from are near centres of ancient order to sell it
flip flops n
civilizations. The oldest open shoes that are often worn in
necropolis in the world is the swimming pools or at the beach
ethanol n
Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni a type of alcohol that can be used
to power a vehicle. It produces very
in Paola, Malta, which dates little pollution
back to 2,500 BC. And now an earthquake n
a violent movement of the earth
you know where the term a burial ground n
“necrophilia” comes from. an area where dead bodies are
placed as part of a ritual

The Hot English Exercise Pack

Do you really want to improve your English?
Great exercises for
The Hot English The photocopiable exercise sheets
students. There are
Exercise Pack
are great for self-study and for use
worksheets on verb forms, in class. See our subscription page
prepositions, word forma- (page 25) for more details.
tion, phrasal verbs, idioms, Do you really want to improve your
slang, missing words, English?
vocabulary… and lots, lots more. Then order the Exercise Pack NOW! or I 23
Crossword Answers on page 33

4: To take something from

the place where you left it =
to retr____
5: An informal word for a
friend = a p____
6: To possess = to o____
9: A snake that could kill
you if it bit you = a pois____
10: To hold someone in an
emotional way = to hu____
11: To throw away or eliminate
because you no longer need
it = to disc____
12: A mini-magazine with
information about a product
= a bro____
15: A large area with many
shops in it = a shop____
18: A show that is very
popular = a hi____ show
19: An objective = a go____
20: A piece of information
that helps you solve a
mystery = a cl____
22: An important subject that
people are talking about = an
25: A type of car = a m____
of car
26: A person who works in a
bank serving customers = a
bank tel____
28: If an ex-prisoner is in this
situation, he/she has escaped
Across documentary someone from prison = on the r____
3: Angry and in a bad mood 16: To go somewhere quickly 32: To go to a place or event 29: If you walk with this, you
= gru____ = to r____ somewhere = to att____ a place or event walk with difficulty because
7: The kind of education that 17: A piece of furniture for 34: To mix up = to jum____ you have a bad leg = a li__
you have had and your social books = a boo____ 30: A stick that helps you
origin = your bac____ 18: Part of a jacket that you Down walk = a ca____
8: To give something you wear over your head = a 1: The amazing idea of X = the 33: A chemical that changes
have to another person and ho____ brai____ of X the colour of skin/hair, etc =
to take what they have = to 21: A large group of fans = a 2: Frightening = intimi____ a d____
sw____ huge foll____
13: To understand = fig____ 23: To run way = to fl____
out from a place
14: An electrical device for 24: A formal talk given in a one
making sounds louder = an church = a ser____ B_ TH.
am____ 27: To say hello to someone =
15: A documentary that to gre____ someone
seems to be serious but that 31: To use someone for your
is really a joke = a spo____ own advantage = to ex____

Cricket Typical Dialogues

1F 2H 3D 4A 5B 6C 7I 8E 9G 1. Gordon is an irritating player who is probably

Jokes 2. In the end, Sam uses the tennis machine to
1F 2C 3H 4A 5E 6G 7B 8D attack Gordon.

Trivia Matching Quiz Analysis

1G 2J 3H 4A 5F 6L 7C 8B 9D 10K 11I Mostly “a” = You are kind and thoughtful and
12E 13M sensitive to other people’s needs.
Mostly “b” = Are you aware of the presence of
other humans in the world?

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The Zodiac killer
Zodiac Killer

San Francisco he was killing in order to create slaves to

There’s a tiny island in Lake Berryessa just serve him in paradise. Worse still, the notes The movie
The film stars Jake
north of San Francisco. It’s the perfect place contained threats of bombs and explosions. Gyllenhaal and Robert
for relaxation underneath the lone tree that “He was like a terrorist. That was his motivation. Downey Jr, and is
provides shade from the sun. Now the island is He must have been thinking, ‘I have brought directed by David Fincher
known as Zodiac Island. The name was given a city to its knees’,” said Curt Rowlett, a writer (Se7en).
after an unpremeditated attack in September on serial killers.
1969 on two young people: Cecelia Shepard, Many experts believe that the last genuine
22, and Bryan Hartnell, 20. The Zodiac tied Zodiac letters were sent in 1974. One was a
them up and then stabbed them both in cold critique of the then recently-released horror
blood. Then, he walked away, briefly stopping film The Exorcist. “I saw and think The Exorcist
to write on Hartnell’s car door, “By knife”. was the best satirical comedy that I have ever
Shephard died a day later, but, incredibly, seen,” the Zodiac wrote. Then the Zodiac went
Hartnell survived. silent.

New Evidence
“This is a solvable case,” said Jake Wark, one
of the best-known Zodiac experts. “We have
handwriting samples and we have DNA.” But
Jake Wark isn’t the only person obsessed with
the crime. There are many hundreds who are
still investigating the murders, often giving In brief
up their jobs and spending time and money Who? A serial killer who
on investigative work. As part of the build-up operated in northern
Californian known as The
to the release of the film Zodiac last month, Zodiac.
more than 100 of the amateur investigators Famous for? Killing
gathered at a San Francisco cinema for a couples in the 1960s and
More killings meeting. It was organised by Tom Voigt, one 70s and sending cryptic
Soon after that there were more killings, of the researchers whose website, receives up The mystery? He has
mostly of young couples - a total of five dead to four million hits a month. “The interest is never been caught.
and two wounded. The Zodiac killed for the huge,” said Voigt.
last time on 11th October 1969. He rode in a
cab driven by Paul Stine. The Zodiac gave an Why?
address in the Presidio Heights area of San One thing is certain: if The Zodiac is alive, the GLOSSARY
Francisco and, as the car got to the junction of interest in the killings must to stab vb
to push a knife into somebody
Washington and Cherry Streets, he shot Stine please him. He was primarily a cab n
a taxi
in the head and left the scene. But the Zodiac motivated by fame and power to spot vb
to see; to notice
had been spotted. A police swoop in the area (not sex, desperation or a police swoop n
if there is a “police swoop”, many
narrowly missed catching him. It was a close anger). Experts say that police go to a place suddenly to
make arrests
escape. he found pleasure from to taunt vb
to say bad things about someone’s
becoming feared and weaknesses or failures
Notes famous. “As a society we to boast about vb
to talk about the things you are
All during the investigations, the Zodiac give serial killers what they really good at
to bring a city to its knees exp
taunted the police. He sent letters, notes and want,” an expert explained. to cause a city to stop functioning;
to put the people in a city in a
cards to the police, newspapers and even a “We put them on T-shirts, desperate situation
solvable adj
local lawyer. He often introduced himself with and the front of People that can be solved; that has a
the phrase, “This is the Zodiac speaking…” magazine. We make them a build-up n
the preparations for the launch of
He would boast about the deaths and claim into celebrities.” a film, etc

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26 I or
Social English

At the g a r a g e

Social English
CD track - 12 Englishwoman
& US woman
Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: at the
garage (also known as the “petrol station”, the “filling station”, and in US
English as the “gas station”). Listen and repeat these expressions.
What you say • W hich exit is it for What you hear
• Is there a garage near Liverpool? • Leaded or unleaded?
here? • What’s the traffic like? • Petrol or diesel?
• I’d like sixteen litres of • I think we’re lost. Could • Shall I fill it up?
diesel, please. you tell me how to get • How much would you
• I’d like 20 litres of the four- here? like?
star unleaded, please. • I think I took the wrong • Y  ou need to take the third
• Fill it up, please. / Fill it exit. turning on the left.
with super, please. • H ow do I get into the • It’s exit number 65.
• Could you check the tyre town centre? • Traffic is pretty heavy
pressure, please? • Is there a motel near this morning.
• C ould you check the here? • You need to go back
water, please? Could you • C an I leave the car here, along this road then take
check the oil, please? please? the second turning on
• Is this the road to • H ow do I get back onto the right.
Birmingham? the motorway? • It isn’t far.
• W hich turning do I need • S o, you drive on the left • That’ll be 40 pounds,
to take for Manchester? here, do you? please.

IT was
diesel you
wasn’t it?

Part II Now listen to this social English four-star unleaded n
petrol with no lead (pb) in it
dialogue. In this conversation, Sally is at the to fill something up phr vb
garage getting some petrol for her car. She is to put liquid in a container so the
liquid reaches the top
talking to the petrol station attendant. the tyre pressure n
the amount of air in the tyres
a turning n
Sally: Morning. where a road goes to the left or right
Attendant: Good morning. Shall I fill it up for you? an exit n
a place on a motorway where you
Sally: Erm, no, just 20 litres of unleaded please. can leave it
pretty heavy exp
Attendant: OK. quite heavy
Sally: Where can I get some oil, please? a crossroads n
a place where two roads meet
Attendant: There’s some in the shop.
Sally: OK. Oh, and could you check my tyre
pressure, please?
Attendant: Sure. I’ll do it just as soon as I finish here.
Sally: I was just wondering. What’s the best way
to get to the town centre?
Attendant: Just follow this road till you get to a
crossroads. Turn right, and then follow the
road into the centre.
Sally: OK, that’s sounds easy enough. Thanks.
Attendant: All done. That’s 25 pounds, plus 5 pounds
for the oil, please. If you could just drive your
car over there, I’ll check your tyre pressure.
Sally: OK. Thanks a lot. or I 27
Answers on page 33
& Cartoon

1. The small, round objects you use to play

tennis with = tennis b______.
2. The object you use to hit the tennis balls
See if you can identify the word. = a tennis r________.
Then, try to find the words in the Wordsearch. Good luck! 3. The area where you play tennis = the
(Read the vocabulary page 32/33 before doing this. Answers on page 33) c_________.
4. The large material object with little holes
in it that divides the court in two = the
5. The spectators who watch the tennis
game = the cr________.
6. A game in which there are two players in
each team = do__________.
7. The man who stands at the edge of the
court and watches where the ball lands =
the li_________.
8. The official judge who keeps the score,
etc = the um________.
9. An electrical device that fires tennis balls
at you = a tennis ma______.
10. If each player has three points (40-40), it
is known as = de______.
11. The player who wins the next point after
deuce has = the ad________.
12. Something that is wrong according to
the rules of tennis = a fa________.
13. A shot that is produced by moving the
racket across your body from left to right
(if you are right-handed) = bac________.
14. A shot that is produced by moving the
racket across your body from right to
left (if you are a right-handed player) =
15. A high shot that goes over your
opponent’s head = a l_______.
16. The first shot that each player takes = the

Tattoo parlour by Daniel Coutoune

i thought
I’ve done he said
your girlfriend’s stacey!!!.
name, now I’m just
about to draw the
So, how’s
the tattoo

Oh, I’m so
excited. You
It’s coming know TRACEY is
along nicely. going to love

28 I or
Little Jokes Graffiti prefer to
Here are some
more examples
of British toilet graffiti.

Little Jokes
Graffiti &
People ask me if I’d . I say
CD track 13 - British
woman & Englishwoman

Match each joke beginning go to hell or heaven

ce and
(1 to 8) with its ending (A-H). Then, listen to check hell because it’s ni
your answers. Answers on page 24 warm down there.
We ma CD track 14 -
y be Englishman
be al a l
one. E one. We m
i’m always
in a rush.
thoug it ay
ht is her way, not
stag t
gerin he
Painting is the art of
protecting flat surfaces from
the weather and exposing them
to the critics.
Please put your br
ain in gear
before engaging yo
ur mouth

To err is GLOSSARY
lly foul
but to rea uires a
staggering adj
incredible; hard to believe

req to put your brain in gear exp

1. How do you prevent a summer
cold? things up ter. to start thinking

to engage your mouth exp
to start using your mouth to speak
to err vb
2. How do you avoid falling hair? to make a mistake

y. Nobody’s
I’m a nobod efore, I’m
to foul things up exp
to create a mess and lots of
perfect. Th
3. Why did Johnny toss a glass of
water out of the window? PERFECT !
4. Did you ever see the salad
dressing? it isn't easy
to clean this
graffiti off,
5. What person is always in a hurry? you know.

6. What kind of table has no legs?

7. What colour is the wind?

8. What do you know about the

Dead Sea?

A: No, but I saw the banana peel.

B: Blue (blew). POWERPACK

C: Get out of the way.
D: Dead? I didn’t even know it was
sick. • Ready-made classes to motivate your students.
• Real news, real people, real English.
• Up-dated every two weeks.
E: A Russian. • Based on the lastest teaching
F: Catch it in winter. • Authentic listenings.
to toss vb • Integrated grammar syllabus.
G: A multiplication table. to throw
salad dressing n
a sauce you put on salad
Sign your school up NOW! and get a 20% discount!
to peel vb
H: He wanted to see a “water fall”. to take the skin off fruit or I 29
this is
Spinal Tap

AC/DC. Iron Maiden. Black

Sabbath. Judas Priest. They’re
all heavy metal bands that
you’ve probably heard of.
But what about Spinal Tap? the Freddie Mercury
I’m a real
They are basically a fictional Tribute Concert. rock star.

band who were the stars of In 2000 the band

a documentary called This is launched a web site
Spinal Tap. Now, the band has named Tapster where
become world-famous; and their song Back from
in July they’re re-forming for a the Dead was made
special concert. available for download
Fake fame In 2001, the band
Spinal Tap first starred in a spoof “reunited” once again for
documentary called This Is Spinal Tap the nine-city Back from the Dead
(1984). The band members are David Tour that began
St Hubbins (Michael McKean), Nigel in Los Angeles,
Tufnel (Christopher Guest) and Derek California. And in
Smalls (Harry Shearer). 2007, Spinal Tap
The documentary was accompanied will reunite once
by a This Is Spinal Tap album of the again, this time
same name. As the interviewer (Marti to help combat
DiBergi) says at the start of the fake global warming. “They’re not that
documentary, “When I heard that Tap environmentally-conscious, but
was releasing a new album called they’ve heard of global warming,” said
Smell the Glove, and was planning their a band spokesperson. “Nigel thought
first tour of the United States in almost it was just because he was wearing too
six years to promote that album, I much clothing – that if he just took his
jumped at the chance to make the jacket off it would be cooler.” For the
documentary – the “rockumentary” concert, the band have released a new
– that you’re about to see. I wanted to single called Warmer than Hell.
capture the sights, the sounds, the
smells of a hard-working rock band, on
the road.”

Real fame
Much of the humour in the
documentary comes from the band
members. They are a bit stupid,
and very full of themselves. The
documentary is basically a parody of GLOSSARY
the heavy metal music industry and a fictional band n
a band that doesn’t really exist in
its musicians. However, ironically, the reality
band has become a cult phenomenon, a spoof documentary n
a documentary that seems to be
and although they were originally serious, but is really a joke
a fake band, they actually have fake adj
not real
many real fans. And the actors who to jump at the chance exp
to accept immediately the opportu-
portrayed the fictional band members
Spinal Tap At a glance nity to do something
have played real concerts and released Who? Spinal Tap are a fake heavy metal band.
full of yourself exp
with ideas that you are the best
real music, blurring the line between A spoof documentary was made about them to blur the line exp
fact and fiction. called This is Spinal Tap. to cause the dividing line between
two things to disappear
Humour? Much of the humour comes from
global warming n
the way the band members take themselves
Reunited so seriously, and their perception of
the process by which the earth’s
temperature is increasing because
Spinal Tap “reunited” in 1992 for themselves as rock guitar heroes. of pollution, etc
an amplifier n
the album Break Like the Wind. A Famous for? Their amplifiers with the an electrical device for making
volume button that goes up to number 11
promotional concert tour followed, (not the traditional 10).
sounds louder. Guitars are con-
nected to amplifiers. Also known
which included an appearance at as “amps”

30 I or
Spinal Tap
Trivia Spinal Tap Quotes
Here is some Spinal Tap trivia. Here are some Spinal Tap quotes.

Spinal Tap once appeared

in a Simpsons episode. After e’re lucky.
Derek: W .
a pretty poor onstage ah e
David: Ye an, people should b
performance (during which re k : I
 m e kn o w.
De s, you
a riot breaks out), Spinal envying u
Tap are killed in a tour bus I e n vy u s.
accident. Derek: Ye
a vi d : I d o.
In September 2002, the Shorter k : M e too. e between
Dere ch a fine lin
Oxford English Dictionary : I t’s su
David d cl e ve r.
included the following stupid, an
expression: “Up to eleven”: up [Nigel Tufnel is sho
wing the int
to maximum volume. Nigel: The numbers erviewer his special amp.]
This was a reference to Nigel’s all go to
across the board, ele eleven. Look, right
amplifier that had volume controls that went ven, eleven, eleve
and... n
to 11 – beyond the usual maximum of 10. Interviewer: Oh, I
see. And most am
go up ps
to ten?
Nigel: Exactly.
Interviewer: Does
that mean it’s loude
Is it any louder? r?
Nigel: Well, it’s on
e louder, isn’t it?
It’s not ten.

te guitars.]
his favouri
e in te rv ie wer one of
g th
In the game Guitar Hero, a message is el is showin to it.
[Nigel Tufn The sustain, listen .
displayed on an amplifier with the controls on ig e l: hing ng.
r: I don’t h ea r an yt were playi
the amp ending at 11. One of the messages ough, if it ause
Interviewe Well, you would th lease the album... bec
reads, “Eleven IS louder than ten”. N ig e l: t g o n n a re r is se xi st.
no ve
In Guitar Hero 2, players can play Spinal Tap’s r: They’re that the co xy? I
Promote they have decided wrong with being se
song Tonight I’m Gonna Rock You Tonight. After W h at ’s
l, so what?
the song is played successfully, the drummer
Nigel: Wel n there’s no...
of the band explodes. mea Interviewer: David
r: Sex-IST! St. Hubbins... I mu
Promote …IST! I’ve never heard an st admit
D a vi d : ybody with
that name.
David: It’s an unus
ual name. Well, he
an unusual saint. He was
’s not a very
well-known saint.
Interviewer: Oh, the
re actually is, er... the
was a Saint Hu re
David: That’s right, bbins?
Interviewer: What ye s.
was he the saint of?
David: He was the
patron saint of qu
footwear. ality
The three members of Spinal Tap are also the
members of another fake band: The Folksmen.
The Folksmen originally appeared as the
warm-up band for some of Spinal Tap’s live GLOSSARY
an onstage performance n
concerts, but eventually became the subject a concert on a stage (a raised
of their own documentary called A Mighty platform)
Wind. a warm-up band n
a band that plays in a concert before
Spinal Tap has had a succession of the main band
drummers, all of whom have died in unusual a live concert n
circumstances: one died in a gardening a concert that is played in front of
accident; another choked on vomit,; and an audience
to choke exp
a third was killed by spontaneous human if you are "choking", you cannot
combustion. breathe because you have some-
thing in your throat
vomit n
food that your stomach rejects
p] spontaneous human
f Spinal Ta
if th is is the end o e end can be combustion exp
a reporte ink that th
a process by which a person sud-
[Asked by ll, I don’t really th e end because w y denly starts burning for no apparent
id : W e b e in g th n yo u tr reason
Dav lf as whe
as of itse ke saying if to envy vb
assessed nd feel like? It’s li universe, you say, oes if you “envy” someone, you want
e e td
does the late the end of th , then how - wha ops, what they have
o e st
to extrap e is indeed infinit ay, and then if it pping sustain n
u n iv e rs a ll th e w at’s st o if the sound of a musical note has
n? How fa
r is d wh
t’s behin n to
that mea ping it, and wha ow, is my questio
“sustain”, the sound can be held for
p a long time
st o u k n
what’s e n d ? y o the cover n
at’s the
it? So, wh the front of an album with an image
u . and text on it
yo or I 31
Vocabulary Tennis

Learn some useful words and expressions to talk about tennis.

Tennis balls – the small, A tennis machine Shots – the movements you
round objects you use to – an electrical device that make with the racket and
play tennis with. fires tennis balls at you your body when you hit the
automatically so you can ball. Every player has shots
practise tennis on your own. that they prefer.

Doubles – a game in which

there are two players in
A tennis racket – the object each team.
you use to hit the tennis
balls. A knock-up – the time
before the game where you
warm up by hitting the ball Net!
to one another.

A linesman / lineswoman
– the person who stands
at the edge of the court
and watches where the Scoring – the system Backhand – a shot that is
ball lands. Linesmen often designed to show how produced by moving the
provoke the players by many points each player racket across your body
confirming bad line calls. has. from left to right (if you are
The court – the area where Scores of zero to three right-handed).
you play tennis. points go like this: love, 15,
Standing like
this helps me 30, 40. So, a score of 3-0 is Drop Shot – a shot that falls
40-love. just next to the net. Most
If each player has three irritating!
points (40-40), it is known
as “deuce”. The player who Forehand – a shot that is
wins the next point has produced by moving the
Net – the large material the “advantage”. If the racket across your body
object with little holes in player with the “advantage” from right to left (if you are
it that divides the court in loses the point, it is deuce a right-handed player).
two. It often gets in the way Umpire – an again. If the player with
of the perfect shot. official judge the advantage wins the Lob – a high shot that goes
who keeps the next point, he/she wins the over your opponent’s head.
score during game.
a match and The first player to win at Serve/service – the first
infuriates least six games, and at least shot that each player takes.
irascible two games more than his/ The style has changed
players by calling “out!” or her opponent wins a set. A over the centuries. In 15th-
“fault!”. match often consists of 5 century Britain, the ball was
sets. often thrown up between
The crowd – the spectators A ball-boy / ball-girl – the the player’s legs by a tennis
who watch the tennis game, young person who stands A fault – something
moving their heads from at the back of the court or at that is wrong GLOSSARY
to land vb
side to side as they follow the sides and who collects according to the rules when a ball “lands” on the ground,
the ball. the balls during a game. of tennis. A foot fault is when it touches the ground after being
in the air
Ball-boys are also great your foot goes over the line to infuriate vb
targets for irate tennis while you are serving; and to make really angry
an irascible player n
players. a double-fault is when you a player who gets angry easily
a target n
make two bad serves. something which someone tries
When the ball goes out of to hit
irate adj
the court, the other player angry
may shout “out!”; and if it hits spin n
if a ball has a lot of “spin” on it, it
the net, they will shout “net”. turns round and round very much

32 I or
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Typical Dialogues A tennis match
Listen to this dialogue and learn some useful vocabulary

CD track 16 - Englishmen
and expressions.
Sam: I can’t believe this. (Sam serves again).
In this conversation, Gordon and Sam are Gordon: Net!

FREE coffee
playing tennis. Listen to the conversation Sam: That never touched the net.
and answer these two questions.
Gordon: Yes, it did.
1. What kind of player is Gordon?
2. What does Sam do in the end?
Sam: There’s no way that was net.
Gordon: Yes, it was net. Second serve. with Hot
Answers on page 24 Sam: I can’t play like this. (Sam serves
Gordon: Foot fault!
Get a 25% discount
Sam: What? on your copy of Hot
Gordon: These balls don’t have much bounce Gordon: Foot fault. Your foot went over the English, and buy
yourself a coffee with
on them. line. Love-30. the change. Buy your
Sam: Come on. Throw me a ball so I can Sam: This is ridiculous. I’ve had enough of copy of Hot English at
serve. this. (Sam starts dragging the tennis the Hot English shop
Gordon: I’ve got to re-string this racket. machine onto the court). (C/Fernández de los
Sam: Get on with it! Gordon: What are you doing? Ríos 98, 2A – metro
Gordon: (Gordon hits a ball to Sam). Here you Sam: I’m getting the tennis machine. What Moncloa) and pay just
are. (As Sam serves, Gordon coughs does it look like? 4 euros (retail price
5.15). With the 1.15
loudly). Out! Gordon: Erm, why? If you don’t mind me
euros you save, you
Sam: Oi! That’s not fair. You coughed. asking. can buy a lovely cup of
Gordon: It was definitely out. Sam: Because I can’t stand playing with coffee and enjoy your
Sam: (Sam serves again). Yes! What a shot! you any longer. (Sam aims the tennis copy of Hot English in
Gordon: Out! machine at Gordon). FIRE! (Sam fires style.
Sam: No way! That was never out. the balls at Gordon).
Gordon: Love-15. Gordon: Help! Stop! Please, no! Ow! Ow! Ow!

you can not

be serious.
it was on
i'm telling the line.
you that your
service was

bounce n
if a ball has “bounce”, it has a lot of
air in it and goes up high when it
hits the ground
to re-string a racket exp
to change the strings (the pieces
of nylon in a criss-cross pattern) on
a racket
to cough vb
to force air out of your mouth
love-15 n
a score of 0-15
net! exp
this is what people shout if the ball
touches the net when serving
a second serve n
if a player serves badly, he/she has a
chance to serve again
a foot fault n
if a player places his/her foot over
the line when he/she is serving, it is
a “foot fault”
to drag vb
to pull
a tennis machine n
an electrical device that throws balls
at you so you can practise
a court n
the area where a game of tennis
is played
I can’t stand… exp
I hate

34 I or
Dr Fingers’Vocabulary Clinic:

Social English
CD track 17 - Irishwoman
& Englishman women

Here are some more useful collocations* for you to learn.

The images will help you associate the expression with its meaning. This month: Success
if we here is a
put half our singer whose
chips on black career is on
and half on the up…
red, we stand
a chance..

if i perfect
my swing, i
could be right
up there with
the best.

Stand a chance (of doing Be right up there with

something) somebody or something
To have an opportunity to do/be To be as good/famous/beautiful, etc Be on the up
something; to be a in a good as someone else. If you are “on the up”, you are
position to do/be something. “Three months ago no one had becoming more and more famous
“If we do everything we said we’d do, heard of Marlene Saunders, but or successful.
I think we stand a good chance of right now she’s up there with all the “He’s a young singer and actor who
succeeding.” other top models.” is on the up.”

i started my if you play your

own paperclip cards right, you
you’ve got straightening could be doing my
it made here. business job in a year.
great beer, nice when i was
weather… unemployed.

Go from rags to riches If you play your cards right…

Have got it made To start poor but be rich eventually. If you do what you are supposed to
To be in a situation in which you will “Last year he was working in a coal do… If you do things correctly…
be famous or successful for certain. mine. But right now he’s a world- “You’ll get the managing director’s
“She’s beautiful and talented. She’s famous singer. He went from rags job next year if you play your cards
got it made.” to riches.” right.”

we’re way
* Collocations
our invention ahead of the A collocation is a sequence of two or more
has just won pack with our
first prize. innovative words that go together to form fixed
expressions (“heavy rain”, for example).
Learning lots of collocations will improve
your level of English, and help you with
exams such as First Certificate, Advanced
and Proficiency, which test your knowledge
of these things.
Be on the crest of a wave a coal mine n
a tunnel in the ground where there
To be enjoying a period of great is coal (a black substance used for
success. Be ahead of the pack burning)
rags n
“After their record-breaking album To be more successful than your old, broken clothes
the crest of a wave n
sales and successful concert tour, competitors. the top part of a wave (an area of
the group are on the crest of a “At this stage of the election, our high water in the sea)
the pack n
wave.” party is ahead of the pack.” a group of people. Literally, a group
of dogs or I 35
The mystery behind England’s most famous stones.

St o n e h e n g e

Information Box
Stonehenge US
There is a full-size
replica of Stonehenge
in the state of
Washington. It was built
by Sam Hill as
England’s most famous and Stonehenge is a landing site first came to the British Isles in a monument
most mysterious stones are for aliens. 55 BC ruled them out. Some to honour
at Stonehenge. They consist In 2001, as part of an claim that the site was built by the dead of
World War I. Hill was
of huge rocks (“menhirs”) in a archaeological experiment, the Druids. However, Celtic
mistakenly informed
circular formation constructed an attempt was made to society only came into being
that the original
near the city of Salisbury. transport a large stone (the after the year 300 BC, which Stonehenge had been
Archaeologists think the stones same size as those from also rules them out. used as a sacrificial
were erected between 2500 Stonehenge) along a land site. He constructed
BC and 2000 BC – more than and sea route from Wales Modern Celts the replica to remind
4,000 years ago. Who took the to Stonehenge. Volunteers Despite this, modern Celts people that “humanity
rocks there? And why? pulled the stone for some have quickly claimed the is still being sacrificed
miles with great difficulty site as their own. They hold to the god of war”.
over land using modern festivals and ceremonies
roads. But once the stone at different times during
was transferred to a boat, the the year; and celebrate the
stone (and the boat) sank. summer solstice there,
when the sun shines directly
The history through the centre of the
How? Many archaeological structure. This has led some Information
There’s a lot of mystery experts have written about to claim that the stones were Box UNESCO
surrounding the stones. Stonehenge. Henry of an area of sun worship and The site and its
Was it a burial ground? An Huntingdon was the first to therefore had a religious surroundings
astrological observation write about the monument purpose. were added
point? No one knows for sure. around 1130. He Whoever was responsible to UNESCO’s list of
But the biggest mystery of was followed World Heritage Sites
all is how the stones arrived by Geoffrey in 1986. The name
there in the first place. They of Monmouth, Stonehenge comes
are very big. They’re very who was the from the Old English
heavy. And experts say they first to refer words “stān” meaning
came from hundreds of miles to Stonehenge’s “stone”, and “hencg”
away. associations with King meaning “hinge”.
There are many legends Arthur. In 1655, the architect for Stonehenge, modern-day
associated with the stones. John Webb argued that estimates of the manpower GLOSSARY
a burial ground n
Some say that the wizard Stonehenge was a Roman needed to build Stonehenge an area where many dead bodies
Merlin asked a giant to build temple, dedicated to Caelus put the total effort at millions are placed
a legend n
the structure for him, or – the sky god. By the early and millions of hours. a very old and popular story
a wizard n
that he transported them 19th century, John Lubbock Certainly, the will to produce a man with magic powers. Merlin
magically from Mount attributed the site to the such a place must have been and Harry Potter are wizards
a landing site n
Killaraus in Ireland. Others Bronze Age, based on the strong. But who built it? And a place where airplanes or space
say it was the Devil. There bronze objects found nearby. why? The mystery remains. ships can come to earth
to rule something out exp
are even some who say that So, the fact that the Romans to eliminate something from your
a Druid n
a priest (a religious leader) from
Celtic society
to come into being exp
to be born; to start
the summer solstice n
the day of the year with the most
manpower n
a will (to do something) exp
a big desire to do something
a sacrificial site n
a place where people are killed in
honour of a god
a replica n
a copy
a hinge n
a piece of metal or wood used to
join two things together so that
one of them can swing (move from
side to side) freely

36 I or
CD track 18 - Englishwoman

& British woman

Quir k y N e w

Quirky News
m around the world.
Unusual news stories fro

Missing Mates
Dog Day

n escaped convict has asked the government to
let him go back to the prison he had escaped
from. Why? Because he was missing his friends.
Vassil Ivanov, 37, had been on the run since a prison
break in March 2005. He said, “I couldn’t stand it

ustomers in a shop in China are being greeted by any more. I had been inside for nine years, and I just
a dog. Store owner Mo Chin dresses her pet dog couldn’t get used to life on the outside again. I missed
up in jeans and a T-shirt to welcome and attract my pals here and I was miserable as a free man.”
customers. Wardens at the Stara Zagora prison in Bulgaria
The dog sits on the front step of the shop. “He is immediately took Ivanov back into the prison where
very polite. When a customer comes in, he barks in he will serve the remaining two years of his 11-year
welcome,” the owner said. How civilised! sentence. He is likely to serve extra time for escaping.


Fake Detectives Plastic Ban

to greet vb
to say hello to someone
the front step n
an area that is raised above the
ground and that is just in front of a
door. You walk on it to enter
polite adj
with respect for others
to bark vb
dogs “bark” (make a sound) when
they are happy or angry
to let vb
to permit
on the run exp
if an ex-prisoner is “on the run”,
he/she has escaped from prison
I couldn’t stand it exp
I hated it
to get used to exp
to become accustomed to
a pal n inform
a friend
he is likely to exp
he will probably
to pose as exp
to act as if you are someone who
you aren’t

a store detective n
a security guard in a shop
hree girls have been arrested after town in the English county of Devon a shop-lifter n
posing as store detectives. The has banned all plastic bags. All a person who steals things from shops
fake adj
three girls followed shop-lifters out shoppers in Modbury, Devon, will not real; a copy
ID abbr
of the shop. Once outside, the “detectives” be given biodegradable bags. The scheme an identity card
showed fake ID cards, and demanded the is the first of its kind in Europe. The idea is to let someone off with a caution
goods, before letting the shop-lifters off the brainchild of wildlife camerawoman to permit a convicted person to go
with a caution. German police said the Rebecca Hosking. She was moved by the free, but on the condition that he/she
does not commit any more crimes
girls, aged 12, 14 and 16, were arrested in impact of plastic rubbish on marine life to ban vb
to prohibit
their apartment with £900 in cash. They when filming in Hawaii. The reusable bags the brainchild of exp
also found several mobile phones, digital are imported from a factory in Mumbai the amazing idea of
moved adj
cameras and MP3 players, adding that the and printed in the UK using water-based affected (emotionally)
girls “looked older than they were”. organic ink. ink n
a chemical substance used for writ-
ing or printing or I 37
Authentic conversations by native speakers CD tracks 19/20 -
to help improve your listening skills

British bar chat US bar chat

Bar chats

Wimbledon Podcasts
Listen to these two British people talking about Listen to these two Americans chatting about
Wimbledon. podcasts.
Jane: So, you going to watch Mary: Hey, how’s it going?
Wimbledon this year? Greg: Hey, how are you?
Petra: Erm…no. Mary: I’m well.
Jane: Why not? Greg: OK.
Petra: Well, you know, Mary: Er, have you heard about this latest podcast?
erm, it’s boring, Greg: No, I haven’t, how does it work?
er, I like playing Mary: Well, I just heard about it, so I’ve been downloading
tennis but just not lots of different files, different chats, political talks,
really watching it on the news, the BBC, things like that.
television. Greg: Right.
Jane: What about all the main Mary: It’s great. I was just listening to it on my way over to
tennis players? the bar.
Petra: Yeah, I’m really sorry, but they do absolutely Greg: Well, I don’t know, erm. I’m not really the type of
nothing for me. Erm, and plus the fact I think it’s person who really, like, you know, with all these
shameful the fact that, you know, everyone’s so different things like internet and stuff like that. I
happy women are getting paid the same this year. don’t know how that stuff works.
What about women in previous years? Mary: But it doesn’t interest you at all?
Jane: Well, I actually think women shouldn’t get paid the Greg: Well, I hate reading and I never watch TV, so I really
same. don’t even know what I would need it for.
Petra: You what? Mary: Well, it’s not reading or watching TV. It’s more like
Jane: Well, they don’t play as many… they don’t play as the radio but a story, kind of like a… I don’t know, a
long as the men do. Men have to play often, you series but listening to it on the podcast.
know five or six sets. Greg: Well, I hate speeches as well, and I’m not really much
Petra: That’s because they’re slow anyway. into politics.
Jane: No, it’s because they, well, they have to exert a lot Mary: OK. What do you like to do in your free time?
more energy. And I don’t see why women should Greg: I like a wild party. I talk to the girls on the metro rail,
get paid the same amount. subway or tube, and, er, let me see… erm, you know,
Petra: Yeah, but can you… I just like to be on the street all day. I like to go to
Jane: Well, women only play two or three sets right; men the gym. Is there anything I can do with that in the
play five or six sets, so, of course, they should get gym?
more money for that. Mary: Sure, of course you could listen to it while you’re on
Petra: Now how do you, you do you... I still don’t the treadmill.
understand what you’re saying. You’re just making Greg: On the treadmill? So, I’m supposed to listen to
it up, aren’t you? some, some guy tell me, or some person tell me,
Jane: No, men currently get more money. somebody, anybody tell me how to lose weight
Left: No, they don’t. No, no. Now they get the same. while I’m jogging or something. Is that what you’re
Right: Oh, OK. Well, I think they should get more than the saying?
women do because they play for longer Mary: Well, you could just be listening to a story or the
news or some political debate. What do you talk to
these girls about if you don’t read, or anything?
Greg: Well, basically I just talk about me. You know, that’s
why I guess I don’t have one now.
Mary: OK. I’ve got to go. GLOSSARY
Greg: All right. Bye. to download vb
to take from the internet and to put
onto your computer
stuff n inform
a treadmill n
GLOSSARY a machine in a gym for running
to do nothing for you exp to jog vb
to have no effect on you to run as part of an exercise
shameful adj programme
bad; terrible
to exert a lot of energy exp
to use a lot of energy in order to do
to work something out phr vb
to calculate something; to under-
stand something
to make something up phr vb
to invent something (a story)

38 I or
Readers' survey

Reader survey
and Song
a FREE 12-month
subscription tothe
to roll your eyes exp
if you “roll your eyes”, they go from
one side of your head to the other as
(5 levels, with readings, a sign that you don’t like something
sweat n
listenings and grammar) liquid that comes out of your body
when you are hot
in gasps exp

with short, quick breaths
ust answer the following questions (see a soul n
a spirit
below), and send your ideas by e-mail flight n
the action of running away or escap-
to CD track 21- Irishman ing from a place
to stare vb
Include your name, profession, age, e-mail

to look at something continuously
for a period of time
address, postal address, postal code and city. to see through someone exp

Offer lasts until 31st July 2007. Only those

to understand someone’s true
who answer ALL the questions (including to despair vb
to feel sad and depressed about
negative points) will receive the FREE something
I can’t bear exp
subscription. it is too much for me
a dot n
There will be a special prize (to be a circle of colour

announced) for the most original or useful Conversations to venture out phr vb
to go somewhere that might be
by Garrett Wall
dangerous but exciting
© Garrett Wall 2007 a tear n
a drop of liquid (a small amount)
that comes out of your eye
1. W
 hat is your general
Rolling my eyes, the sweat starts Alone in my room again, with the
opinion of Hot English to form, silence I can’t bear,
magazine? In this kitchen they call a café, The telephone won’t ring for me,
Turning my head, I’m falling again, But I don’t really care,
2. What do you like about it? With no one to catch me this time. The city lights, the yellow dots,
Like sirens without sound,
Write three things. Words come in gasps, like souls in Tempting me to venture out into
their flight, the promised land.
3. What do you dislike about Filtered down through the air,
it? Write three things. Faces that stare with eyes that see But where do I go tonight?
through me, Your face is everywhere,
In this place where the lonely Tears are rolling down from your
4. Which articles or sections did despair, eyes,
you enjoy reading? Name three and say why you liked In con… conversations, And the pain that I left you there,
them. In con… conversations. In con… conversations,
In con… conversations.

5. Which articles or sections did you NOT enjoy reading? Garrett Wall – his new album.
Name three and say why you didn’t like them. Available in shops and online.

6. T he most useful type of articles for me are… give three


7. Is there anything else that you would like to see in the

8.In which areas would you like to see more content?

(music, film, slang, exercises, grammar, funny stories,
news articles, vocabulary, dialogues, expressions, etc)

9. Do you have any suggestions for making the magazine


10. Is there anything that was in Hot English before that
you really liked? What? Why did you like it?

11. Do you have any other comments about Hot English
CD track 22 - British man

& Irishwoman

Dumb laws

 ersons may not
wear hoods in
public. (Georgia)

 ars may not be

Here are some more driven through
crazy laws from the US. playgrounds or
These ones are from on sidewalks.  ou may be arrested
Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho (Georgia) for vagrancy if you do
and Illinois. (US English not have at least one
spelling)  hicken must be eaten
C dollar bill on your person.
with the hands. (Georgia) (Illinois)
It is against the law to tie
a giraffe to a telephone T hough it is illegal to spit T he law forbids eating
pole or street lamp. from a car or bus, citizens in a place that is on fire.
(Georgia) may spit from a truck. (Illinois)
 ne man may not be
O I t is illegal to give a dog
on another man’s back. I t is illegal for a chicken to whiskey. (Illinois)
(Georgia) cross the road. (Georgia)
It is illegal to drink beer
I t is prohibited to cut off a  oins are not allowed to
C out of a bucket while
chicken’s head on Sunday. be placed in one’s ears. sitting on the curb.
It is also illegal to carry a (Hawaii) (Illinois)
chicken by its feet down
Broadway on this day.  ou may not fish from a
Y Humming on public
(Georgia) camel’s or a giraffe’s back streets is prohibited on
or its neck. (Idaho) Sundays. (Illinois)
 ne may not place a dead
bird on a neighbor’s lawn. T he carrying of Wheelbarrows with “For
(Georgia) concealed weapons is Sale” signs may not be
forbidden, unless some chained to trees. (Illinois)
Rocks may not be thrown are exhibited to public
at birds. (Georgia) view. (Idaho) It is unlawful to change GLOSSARY
clothes in an automobile a lawn n
an area of grass that is cut short and
with the curtains drawn, is very tidy
a hood n
except in case of fire. a part of a coat you can use to cover
your head
(Illinois) a sidewalk n US
the area next to a road where you
can walk. A “pavement” in British
No cyclist may practice to spit vb
to force liquid out of your mouth
“fancy riding” on any city a truck n US
a large vehicle for transporting
street. (Illinois) goods
to fish vb
to try to catch fish
a concealed weapon n
a gun, etc that is hidden
vagrancy n
how's this a way of life in which someone
for "fancy" moves from place to place because
riding? they have no permanent home
to forbid vb
to prohibit
a bucket n
a large container for water
the curb n
the edge of the pavement next to
the road
to hum vb
to sing a song with your lips closed
a wheelbarrow n
an open cart with one wheel for
carrying things in the garden
to chain vb
to fix one thing to another thing
with a chain (metal rings connected
drawn adj
if the curtains are “drawn”, they are
fancy riding n
doing tricks or dangerous things
while riding a bicycle

40 I or
The Web School
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Dictionary of slang
CD track 24 -
English accents
Dictionary of

Here we’ve got some examples of how to say things in different situations.
fun slang


Situation Formal Relaxed Informal i'm going

to get forty

I need some shut-

eye; I’m gonna head i've been
out boozing
You are very tired. off to the land of
I require some rest I need to get some all week.
You want to go to nod; I’m gonna catch
and repose. sleep.
sleep. some zees; I need 40
winks; I’m gonna hit
the sack.

it was
a real
They were out booze-up.
Your friends went out They went out boozing; they were
They went out
last night, drinking partaking of on the razz; they
heavily. alcoholic beverages. drinking. were really knocking
it back.

Your friends had a Large quantities

They drank lots of It was a real
party and drank a lot of alcohol were
alcohol. booze-up.
of alcohol. consumed.

he's been
hitting the

A friend has a drink She’s been on the

problem. She claims bottle again; she’s
She has been She’s been drinking
to have stopped, but been hitting the
partaking of alcohol. again.
you saw her drinking bottle again. i don't
again. have the
bottle to tell
her i crashed
the car.

i need
to get the
before i do
A friend wants
He doesn’t have the
to terminate
bottle to tell her; he
a relationship.
He is too cowardly to He isn’t brave isn’t man enough to
However, you don’t
tell her. enough to tell her. tell her; he doesn’t
think he has enough
have the guts to tell
courage to tell his
Please note that some of the words
in this glossary box are literal
translations of parts of idiomatic
You want to ask a expressions.
friend, Michael, a a wink n
the opening and closing of an eye,
favour. You aren’t I asked Geraldine to I asked Geraldine I asked Geraldine to often as a form of communication
sure how he will ascertain Michael’s to find out whether sound Michael out; I a sack n inform
react. You ask willingness to assist Michael would help asked her to get the the bed. Literally, a material bag for
potatoes, etc
another friend, me. me or not. lowdown. a beverage n
Geraldine, to find a drink
out. to booze vb inform
to drink alcohol
guts n
courage. Literally, the inside
stomach of a human body

42 I or
This month we are looking at some more insect (and small animal) idioms.
CD track 25 - British man
& Irishwoman

i can’t walk any
more. I think i’ve
got a stomach

A bug (informal)
A stomach bug A tiny hidden microphone which transmits what people
An illness which is caused by small organisms such as are saying.
bacteria. “Look, there’s a bug on the phone. They bugged the
“I’ve got a bit of a stomach bug.” phone.”

we made
a beeline
for these
fancy dress

Nit-picking Make a beeline for (someone or

If someone is nit-picking, they are irritating you by something)
concentrating on small, minor and irrelevant details. To move quickly and directly towards a particular
“I know there are lots of mistakes in the report, but stop person or thing.
nit-picking for a while and focus on the overall effect.” “She arrived at ten and made a beeline for the food.”

A hive of activity Stir up a hornet’s nest

A place with a lot of work going on and lots of things To create a situation in which a lot of people are very
happening. angry; to create trouble or difficulties.
“It was only seven in the morning, but the office was “His remarks on the role of women in the workplace
already a hive of activity.” have really stirred up a hornet’s nest in feminist circles.” or I 43
House Rules
Dr House

dr house and his growing number of fans

With ratings of the show House rising weekly, it seems like television audiences have come down
with House fever. By Johnna Swartz (US English)

The grumpy doctor

House tells the story of Dr House (Hugh Laurie), a brilliant
diagnostician who solves weird medical mysteries that
most normal doctors couldn’t figure out. He’s assisted
by an unrealistically attractive medical team including Dr
Cameron (Jennifer Morrison), Dr Foreman (Omar Epps),
and Dr Chase (Jesse Spencer). But Dr House is no ordinary
television doctor: he walks with a cane, he’s grumpy, he’s
mean, he insults everyone in his sight (including his own
patients), and he almost kills his patients in every episode
before curing them. So why’s he so popular? he manages to say all of the clever things that we could
never think of. Plus, you can’t ignore the interesting plots
Rising stars and Golden Globes and medical mysteries that form part of every show. In
House premiered in the United States in 2004 and quickly fact, the creators of the show modeled Doctor House on
began to gain attention. Now in its third season, the show Detective Sherlock Holmes, a famous character from British
boasts great ratings and plenty of awards. In the United literature who solved crimes by using small clues and logic.
States, House has recently managed to make it to Like Holmes, Dr House uses small medical clues to solve
the list of the top five most-watched television mysteries such as why a patient won’t stop bleeding or why
shows of the week, even beating hit shows such a perfectly normal woman is suddenly paralyzed.
as CSI. So far, the record number of viewers for one And then there’s the third theory: Dr House is hot. Despite
episode is 27 million people. And House is just as his attitude, his limp, and his sometimes scraggly
successful abroad as it is in the US. It has a huge appearance, many find Dr House an attractive leading
following in many European countries, often man. Whatever the reason for the show’s rising popularity,
breaking records for its number of viewers. one thing remains clear: the doctor is in the house.
Plus, critics seem to be just as big fans of House as the
viewers. Hugh Laurie has won two Golden Globes for GLOSSARY
diagnostician n
his acting, and the show itself has received many Emmy a doctor who specialises in medical
nominations and an award for writing. diagnosis and identifies diseases,
weird adj
Solving mysteries strange and unusual
to figure out phr vb
Although Dr House enjoys solving medical mysteries, to understand
a cane n
the real mystery here seems to be how a cranky a stick used to help someone walk
and insulting doctor has managed to win the grumpy adj
angry and in a bad mood
hearts of television audiences. We may never mean adj
know for certain, but there are several theories. cruel and not kind
to boast vb
One is that Dr House’s character is much more to have something very good and
unique and interesting than the characters a hit show n
you would normally see on television. He’s a show that is very popular
a huge following n
intelligent but he is definitely not the typical a large group of fans
dreamboat doctor, and he has an unusual cranky adj
weakness: drug addiction. Plus, although to win the hearts of exp
to do something that makes people
he’s always insulting people, he’s also like/love you
usually right about everything. I may be
a dreamboat doctor n
grumpy, but the perfect doctor: handsome, rich,
I have a huge intelligent, etc
The writing? following. to jumble up phr vb
to mix up
Others say it’s the writing and Dr House’s a clue n
something that helps you find the
humorous insults that make the show so great. solution to a problem
Take one episode when Dr. House says, “Like I a limp n
if you walk with a “limp”, you walk
always say, there’s no ‘I’ in team. There’s a ‘me’ with difficulty because you have a
though if you jumble it up.” pain in your leg, or a bad leg
a scraggly appearance n
Maybe we like Dr House so much because with old, broken clothing

44 I or

Phrasal Verbs
This month we are looking at some more phrasal verbs with the verb “to throw”. We generally use
the verb “to throw” to refer to the action of using your hands to make an object fly through the air. For
example, “I threw a plate at his head.” Now let’s look at some phrasal verbs with the verb “to throw”.

Throw something back to someone Throw about/around (a ball)

To return something to someone by To play with a ball, throwing it from one
throwing it to them person to another.

throw it back
to me properly
this time.

let’s throw
the ball
around in
the park.

Throw back (a drink) Throw off (calculations/estimates)

To drink the contents of a glass or If your calculations are “thrown off”, they
container very quickly. are affected, varied, altered or changed.

were thrown
off by a broken


Throw out (a petition/suggestion) Throw together (food)

To reject a suggestion or petition for To use the food you already have in the
a case against someone. fridge or the kitchen in order to prepare
something quickly.

It was thrown
together from

i threw the case

out because i
thought it was
frivolous. or I 45
George "Dubya" Bushisms

the funny things the U.S. President says

This is the second part of our two-part series on George W. (Dubya) Bush quotes. Enjoy!
“You know, when I campaigned here in
2000, I said, I want to be a war President. No
President wants to be a war President, but I
am one.”
So, George, what do you want to be? 2006.

“The point now is, how

do we work together
to achieve important
goals? And one such
goal is a democracy in
Germany.” Why can’t
I talk like
Now the Germans are going to be really Tony?
pleased to hear about that, George. 2006.

“I was not pleased that Hamas has refused to

announce its desire to destroy Israel.” “Rarely is the questioned asked: Is [sic] our
Israel probably "weren't pleased" either. 2006. children learning?”
Probably because it’s grammatically wrong
(“are our children learning?"). 2000.

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know

it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that, that
says, ‘fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
Fool me, you can’t get fooled again’.”
I’m sure that’s exactly what they said. 2002.

“I aim to be a competitive nation.” “And so, what General Petraeus is saying,

Oh, do you. And what will you call this new some early signs, still dangerous, but give me,
nation? Bushland? 2006. give my chance a plan to work.”
What? 2007.
“There are some who feel that the conditions
are such that they can attack us there [in Iraq]. “One of the things I’ve used on the Google
My answer is bring ‘em on.” is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see
Oh, George, you are so macho! 2006. – I’ve forgot the name of the program – but
you get the satellite, and you can, like, I kinda
“Families is [sic] where our nation finds hope, like to look at the ranch. It reminds me of
where wings take where I wanna be sometimes.”
dream.” How cute. It makes me all Googly. 2006. GLOSSARY
a goal n
And where you have an objective
completely lost us with to refuse vb
to say that you will not do
your mixed metaphors. something
I aim to be exp
2000. my objective is to be
bring ‘em on exp
You can let them come; tell them to come
“I know how hard it is for you to put food on listen to
me on the
– we are waiting
your family.” Hot English
macho adj
a word used to refer to a man
But what about some food on the table? 2000. who is conscious and proud of his
a wing n
“I know the human being and fish can coexist birds use their “wings” to fly
to fool vb
peacefully.” to trick
And so said the prophet, Bush. 2000. shame on you exp
an expression used to tell someone
to feel shame (embarrassment) for
what they have done
“They misunderestimated me.” wanna abbr inform
Let’s get this straight: did they under-estimate want to
how cute exp
you? Or did they misunderstand you? 2000. how nice

46 I or
CD track 26 - various

The Whitechapel
CD track 27 - Englishman
English accents

Trouser Snatcher

Office humour
& Radio play
A radio play by Mark Pierro and Ian Coutts.
Pap Here are some funny things that people have said
about work.
• POheople always say that hard work never killed anybody.
yeah? When was the last time you ever heard of
anyone who “rested to death”?
Hot English is proud to present
the Whitechapel Trouser Snatcher –
• B
 eing punctual in our office was
of no benefit whatsoever. There
on the cutting edge of technology
if you are on the “cutting edge”
a six-part Victorian murder mystery. was never anybody around to of something, you are involved
in its most important or exciting
appreciate it. developments
an ulcer n
Episode II
• Ocutting
an area of pain on your body or
In the last episode we met Inspector Nottingham Forest and ur office was always on the inside it, often in the stomach

his trusted Sidekick Hamilton the Academical. They were edge of technology. Not only did we have
investigating the foul and horrid murder of a Victorian city computers that spoke and listened, some of them even
gent whose breeches were torn off him in a public place. got ulcers.
In this episode, our heroes meet the only witness to the foul
Now sit back and enjoy the story.
• Dmost
id you ever notice how the people who complain the
about not having enough time to do all their work,
are the same ones who always stop and tell everyone that
The scripts they don’t have enough time to do all their work?
For the full script of this episode, and any previous episodes,
please download the files from the homepage of our

you know, it's best

hard work never not to take
killed anyone. the risk. or I 47

Are you concerned about the third world? Worried that the things
you are buying might have been produced by child labour?
What you need to do is buy goods with the Fairtrade label.
What is it? And how does it work?
What is it? the idea. These events poverty cycle.
The aim of Fairtrade is consist of “makeovers” But the arguments in favour seem
clear: to get a better (swapping ordinary clothes to be stronger. “Fairtrade focuses on
deal for Third World for Fairtrade clothing), and ensuring that farmers in developing
farmers, businesses “food exchanges” (changing countries receive an agreed and
and producers. The idea your favourite brand of tea, stable price for the crops they grow,
is to ensure that people in coffee or jam for a Fairtrade as well as an additional Fairtrade
poor countries are paid a fair alternative). premium to invest in social projects or
price for their goods or labour, and business development programmes,”
are not exploited. Goods that comply Fair? said Ms Maybin a Fairtrade
with these criteria are given the The Fairtrade label is spokeswoman. “The
Fairtrade tag, which is placed on the increasingly common; farmers and workers
product. This process is monitored by but some observers involved in Fairtrade
the Fairtrade Labelling Organisations question how effective always talk about how
International. It ensures that farmers it really is. They claim much they, their families
are not at the mercy of the large the movement doesn’t and their communities
multi-nationals, and are then paid address key issues benefit,” she added.
a decent wage so they can invest in such as mechanisation Will you be buying
education for their children. and industrialisation Fairtrade goods?
– changes that might
The situation allow farmers in the GLOSSARY
These days, there are more than developing world a label n
a piece of paper on a product with
2,500 product lines in the UK that to stop doing back- information about that product
carry the Fairtrade mark. The famous breaking work and to get a better deal n
to negotiate a better agreement
clothing store Topshop sells Fairtrade really move out of the with someone so you receive more
clothing. Marks and Spencer has more money
to exploit vb
than 600 Fairtrade cotton farmers Fairtrade Hypocrites? to use people for your own benefit
a hooded top n
in the developing world producing One major British bank has recently been accused of misleading clothing worn on the upper part of
chinos for men, jeans for women, the public with their Fairtrade label. The main text on one the body with a hood (a piece of
of their investment brochures says the following, “Nobody material that covers the head)
and hooded tops for the kids. The can guarantee your investments will always do well. But we to swap vb
supermarket chain Sainsbury’s sells can assure you they’ll always do good.” They go on to claim
to give someone what you have and
to take what the other person has
Fairtrade chocolate and coffee, and that they will, “avoid investing in companies that have a poor a key issue n
recently announced that the only environmental record or are primarily involved in armaments, a very important question
back-breaking work n
gambling, the fur trade, tobacco or pornography. We also avoid
bananas it will sell in future will come investing in companies that conduct or commission animal
heavy labour that is hard and
from Fairtrade producers. testing for cosmetic or toiletry purposes or make use of child the poverty cycle n
In 2006, Britons spent £290m on labour.” being trapped in a situation of
being poor
Fairtrade food, furniture and clothing, However, the text in the small print reads, “A company that crops n
derives over 10% of its turnover from any one of these activities food grown for eating such as cereal
which is an increase of 46% on will not be invested in.” a brochure n
the previous year. There are also So, in other words, your investments are not “always” doing a mini-magazine with information
about a product
Fairtrade events at schools, colleges, good – 10% of the time they could be supporting weapons turnover n
universities and workplaces up and production, pornography or child labour… which is nice to the total amount of money a
know. company receives during a period of
down the country to help promote time (not profit)

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48 I or
Unfinished books

Some of the books that never get finished.
Do you read much? A recent survey suggests we’re reading less and less. And we’re finding it
increasingly difficult to finish books.
The unwanted club from a publishing house said, “It seems
What do you think Salman Rushdie, Top ten non-fiction titles that people buy some books just to make
Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho and Fyodor which Britons can't finish their bookshelves look good, rather
1. The Blunkett Tapes, by David Blunkett
Dostoyevsky all have in common? 2. My Life, by Bill Clinton
than actually buying a book that they
Well, aside from the fact that they’re 3. My Side, by David Beckham want to read.”
all published writers, they are also 4. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance She added, “Far too often, people are
members of a new club: authors of Approach To Punctuation, by Lynne Truss buying books because they think they
5. Wild Swans, by Jung Chang
books that Britons claim they cannot 6. Easy Way To Stop Smoking, by Allen Carr will be good for them, rather than
finish. In a recent survey on books, there 7. The Downing Street Years, by Margaret because they think they’ll enjoy them. It
were some interesting findings. Thatcher seems that there are certain books that
For one, the survey of 4,000 adults found 8. I Can Make You Thin, by Paul McKenna everyone buys because the whole world
9. Jade: My Autobiography, by Jade Goody
that 32% couldn’t finish the fourth book 10. Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze?: And 114 has read them.”
in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter Other Questions, by Mick O’Hare
and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling. Excuses
Another book on the list was James Joyce’s 1912 novel The findings suggest that in the digital age, attention
Ulysses, which runs to more than 1,000 pages. It came in spans are getting shorter, with four out of 10 respondents
at third place. Surprisingly, the online survey also included admitting they are unable to concentrate on long novels.
the Louis De Bernières novel Captain Corelli’s Mandolin. The Many also revealed they found it hard to make time for
book has sold more than 2 million copies since 1994, but it reading. Top reasons for this included; feeling tired (48
seems that not many people are capable of finishing it. percent mentioned this), watching TV (46 percent), or
playing computer or interactive games (26 percent).
The author of the report said, “The research illustrates that
Book decoration the pressure of finding time for reading is the main factor
There were more interesting when it comes to discarding a book unfinished.”
results in the survey. Fifty-
There are
still 436 five per cent of those polled Booksellers
pages to
go! said they buy books for But in the end, who really cares? The book industry is happy
decoration… and that they because people are buying books anyway. And readers are
have no intention of actually happy because they can decorate their shelves and give a
reading them. A spokeswoman good impression of themselves.
Interestingly, half of the top 10 non-fiction
books people buy but don’t read are
autobiographies. My Life, by Bill Clinton,
and My Side, by David Beckham, both made
the top three. And these are the books that
publisher’s often pay the most for.

a survey n
a series of questions to understand
people’s opinions and ideas
a finding n
Top 10 fiction titles which Britons can't finish a result
1. Vernon God Little, by DBC Pierre to poll vb
2. Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire, by JK Rowling to ask people questions in order to
know about their opinions
3. Ulysses, by James Joyce a bookshelf n
4. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, by Louis De Bernières a piece of furniture in which you
5. Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell place books
an attention span n
6. The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie an ability to pay attention to
7. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho something. If you have a “short
8. War And Peace, by Leo Tolstoy attention span”, you find it difficult
9. The God Of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy to pay attention
to discard vb
10.Crime And Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky to throw away or eliminate because
you don’t need it any longer or I 49
Business English

CD track 28 - US woman &

Useful Business Expressions Business Dialogue


This month we are looking at some typical words, Now listen to this business English telephone dialogue.
expressions collocations and forms related to the word
“money”. Listen and repeat the following expressions. Nigella: Nigella here.
Ann: Hi, Nigella. This is Ann. Remember me?
Money Nigela: Oh, yes. Erm…
1. They made a lot of money last year. Ann: You know what I’m calling about, don’t you?
2. They don’t earn much money from direct sales. Nigella: Yes, yes. The outstanding debt.
3. She was a high-earning broker with money to burn. Ann: Yes, that’s right. So, about that repayment
4. The formula in Hollywood is simple: money talks. scheme...
5. We’d like to think we’re getting our money’s worth. Nigella: Yes, we’ve come up with a new financial plan to
6. This product is a real money-maker. pay back the money.
7. On the money markets, the dollar was weaker against Ann: With some excellent rates of interest, I trust.
the euro. Nigella: Does 10% sound good to you?
8. Popcorn and soft-drinks are a real money-spinner in Ann: Per month? Sounds great?
cinemas. Nigella: I was thinking more along a sort of annual basis.
9. The Chancellor wants to reduce inflation by controlling Ann: Not good enough. We want to get our money’s
the money supply. worth, you know.
1 0. They asked the bank to lend them some money. Nigella: 15%. I can’t go any higher than that.
11. We want to pay the money back as soon as possible. Ann: We get rates like that from
1 2. They came to us with a good money-making scheme. the bank. GLOSSARY
a broker n
1 3. Name your price – money is no object. Nigella: OK. 20%. And that’s my a person who buys or sells shares for
1 4. They owe us a lot of money. final offer. other people
money to burn exp
Ann: No, put your money with extra money that you don’t
know what to do with
where your mouth is or money talks exp
you’ll be picking up your money is the most important thing
to get your money’s worth exp
teeth with a broken arm. to receive something of value
Get my point? because you have paid money for it
a money-maker n
Nigella: Perfectly. an idea that creates money
the money markets n
Stan: We’ll be seeing you, all the banks and institutions that
Nigella. Bye, bye. deal with loans, shares, etc
a money-spinner n
something that creates a lot of
the Chancellor (of the Exchequer) n
the government minister in charge
of finance
the money supply n
the amount of money in circulation
in a country’s economy
a money-making scheme n
an idea that makes money
pay up now, money is no object exp
or we will money is no problem; we will pay
have a small what is necessary
accident to owe vb
with the car if you “owe” money, you must pay
that money to someone
an outstanding debt n
money that you owe someone and
that you haven’t paid yet
a repayment scheme n
a plan for paying back money that
you owe
to put your money where your
mouth is exp
to pay/buy what you promised to
get my point? exp
do you understand?

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