Research Proposal Template

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I. Title

Write a tentative title for your thesis. It must be precise and concise. (Maximum 15
A Correlational Study on Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence
and Self-Efficacy in Educational Leadership.

II. Problem or Hypothesis

State precisely and clearly what you intend to investigate. (Maximum 100 words)
This study will view at the association between transformational leadership and two
potential antecedents: educational leaders' self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. The.
overall population of this research for this inquiry is PreK-12 educational leadership,
whereas the target group is PreK-12 educational leaders employed in international
in Klang Valley. The research sample will draw specifically from various international

1 Thesis Proposal – School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia

schools in Klang Valley. The PreK-12 students from international schools in Klang Valley
will be the unit of study.

III. Review of Related Literature

Write a critical summary and an assessment of the current state of knowledge or current
state of the art in the intended area of investigation. (Maximum 500 words)
Transformational leader is the capability to alter an organisation such that it evolves into
anything greater (Carleton et al., 2018). Furthermore, transformational leadership
required the leader to develop new leaders from all levels of base of supporters (Curtis,
2017). While Anderson (2017) stated that transformational leadership is not a panacea
for educational leadership, it has received widespread recognition for its good influence
on school leadership over the previous decade. The study expanded on earlier research
by addressing a gap in existing research on self-efficacy and emotional intelligence as
they pertain to transformational leadership in PreK-12 education (Carleton et al., 2018).
The predictor factors associated with the criterion variable transformative leadership
were self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. Since experts discovered a correlation
between the variables in higher educational leadership, there is still a gap in existing
research concerning the relation of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence,
and self-efficacy in other environments of educational leadership, as revealed by
Carleton et al. (2018), Decker and Cangemi (2018), and Cobanoglu and Yurek (2018).

IV. Procedure or Method

Briefly describe how you plan to investigate the problem you have identified. Your
description may consist of an outline of research techniques or procedures. (Maximum
500 words)
This study will look at transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and emotional
intelligence in the setting of international school in Klang Valley consisting of PreK-12.
The goal of this quantitative predictive correlational study is to determine if and to what
degree there is a predictive link between self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and
transformational leadership among PreK-12 educational leaders in international school in

2 Thesis Proposal – School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Klang Valley.For this study, quantitative technique will be the appropriate strategy since
it was employed when statistical analysis was required to draw conclusions about how
variables were connected to one another (Tracy, 2019). A qualitative technique
investigates the significance of people's experiences, cultures, or a specific topic or
situation (Daniels et al., 2019; Stogdill, 1974). As a result, a qualitative technique would
be unable of providing the necessary numerical representations of the degree to which
variables were statistically connected to one another. Furthermore, a qualitative
technique would be inappropriate for answering the research questions or serving the
objective of this study. As a result, a quantitative approach is selected in accordance with
the research objectives and the goal of this study.

V. Selected Bibliography

List a representative sample (no more than 10) of the primary bibliographic sources you
plan to use in your thesis. Provide full citations for each source listed.
1. Anderson, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in education: A review of
existing literature. International Social Science Review, 93(1), 1-12.

Carleton, E. L., Barling, J., & Trivisonno, M. (2018). Leaders’ trait mindfulness and
transformational leadership: The mediating roles of leaders’ positive affect and
leadership self-efficacy. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 50(3), 185- 194.
Curtis, G. J. (2017). Reexamining the relationship between thinking styles and
transformational leadership: What is the contribution of imagination and
emotionality? Journal of Leadership Studies, 11(2), 8-21

4. Daniels, E., Hondeghem, A., & Dochy, F. (2019). A review on leadership and
leadership development in educational settings. Educational Research Review, 27,

5. Hesbol, K. (2019). Principal self-efficacy and learning organizations: Influencing

school improvement. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation,
14, 33-51.
Sun, J., Chen, X., & Zhung, S. (2017). A review of research evidence on the
antecedents of transformational leadership. Education Science, 7(1), 1-22.
Thomas, L., Tuytens, M., Devos, G., Kelchtermans, G., & Vanderlinde, R. (2020).

3 Thesis Proposal – School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Transformationalschool leadership is a key factor for teachers’ job attitudes during
their first year in the profession. Educational Management Administration &
Leadership, 48(1), 106-132.

8. Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting

analysis, communicating impact (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

9. Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting

analysis, communicating impact (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wirawan, H., Tamar, M., & Bellani, E. (2019). Principals’ leadership styles: The role
of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation. International Journal of
Educational Management, 33(5), 1094-1105.

SIGNATURE : _________________________

DATE : 5/7/2022

4 Thesis Proposal – School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia

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