HRM Functions

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HRM Functions


Training and Development

Performance Management

Rewards and Benefits

Health and Safety

Employee-Management Relations


Staffing is the process of planning,

acquiring, deploying, and retaining

employees that enables the

organization to meet its talent needs

and to execute its business strategy.

Staffing Function Activities

The components of the staffing

function include:

Human Resource Planning



Staffing Function Activities

Human Resource Planning

Process of determining an

organization’s human resource


Staffing Function Activities

Recruiting focuses on attracting

people to apply, retaining qualified

applicants in the candidate pool

while they are evaluated, and finally

on enticing the chosen candidates

to ultimately accept job offers.

Staffing Function Activities


Process by which an

organization attempts to identify

applicants with the necessary

knowledge, skills, abilities and

other characteristics that will help

it achieve its goals.

Staffing Function Activities

The goal of the staffing function is

to locate and secure competent


Training and Development

Training and Development


Refers to the activities in

HRM concerned with

assisting employees to

develop up-to-date skills,

knowledge and abilities.

This is a continuous process.

Training and Development

Function Activities

Components of Training and

Development Functions

Employee training

Employee development

Organization development

Career development

Training and Development



Refers to the activities that

introduce new employees to the

organization and their work units.

teach the rules, regulations,

goals, and culture of the


Training and Development


Employee training refers to

present-oriented training that focuses

on individual’s current jobs.

Employee development refers to

future-oriented training that focuses

on employee personal development.

Training and Development


Organization Development

The part of HRM that addresses or

deals with facilitating system-wide

changes in the organization.

Training and Development


Career Development

refers to the lifelong series of

activities that contribute to a person’s

career explorations, establishment,

success and fulfillment.

Training and Development

Training is essential for preparing

employees to be and stay effective in

their jobs and to become

organizational leaders.
Performance management and

rewards must be aligned with training


Training and Development

Goal: is to have competent,

adapted employees who

possess the up-to-date skills,

knowledge and abilities needed

to perform their current jobs

more successfully.

Performance Management

Aligning individual employee’s goals

and behaviors with organizational

goals and strategies, appraising and

evaluating past and current behaviors

and performance, and providing

suggestions for improvement

Performance Management

Providing performance goals so that

employees know what aspects of their

jobs to focus on or the performance

levels expected of them

Rewards and Benefits

Compensation and benefits perceived

as both adequate and equitable that

reward employees for their

contributions to organizational goal

attainment are important to employee

motivation, performance, and


Rewards and Benefits

Total rewards include direct (salary),

indirect (health insurance), and

nonfinancial (feeling appreciated).

The total rewards package is important

to consider, not just the salary.

Health and Safety

Workplace health and safety includes

topics ranging from wellness, fire and

food safety, ergonomics, injury

management, disaster preparedness,

industrial hygiene, and even bullying

and workplace violence.

Health and Safety

Workplace safety involves protecting

employees from work-related toxins,

accidents, and injuries.

Workplace health refers to employees’

physical and mental health.



Employee–management relations

ultimately determine the

employment rights of both

employers and employees.



Labor participation programs,

employee surveys, and other tools

are used in managing

employee–management relations.

How Does HRM Influence

Organizational Performance?

Effective HRM systems increase an

organization’s ability to meet its

goals, enhance its ability to grow

and manage change, and increase

employee engagement, effort, and


How Does HRM Influence

Organizational Performance?

Employee engagement

Refers to the degree to which

employees are fully involved in

their work and the strength of

their job and company


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