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Cloning is a very controversial subject, even though most people

don't know enough about it to make an informed decision. First,

I will define cloning, and tell you the process of cloning. Then, I
will touch base on cloning animals cloning and the bad effects
of it .Lastly, I will explain the some different religious view on
cloning and what my personal opinion is on cloning. Although
people think cloning is just a copy, cloning is actually more
complexed than just a copy, but in my personal opinion I am
against cloning.

The definition of cloning on is “propagate (an

organism or cell) as a clone” which is right. Making a clone
typically isn’t reproducing another exact replica. The only thing
that may be the same about the clone and the original is the
DNA that the original obtains. The clone might look different
and act different. For example, when two cats were cloned the
clone of the original was different than the other. Different
temperaments, Different Appearance Etc. But the only thing the
same about them was that their DNA was the same. The process
of cloning first takes place when the nucleus of the donor egg is
then removed with the empty egg, the clone source DNA is
injected into the donor’s egg. Next the egg rapidly divides,
repeating this process over and over into a multicellular clump.
Next cells start to become a group and eventually form a
specific organ such as heart, liver, and kidney. Stem cells are
harvested from the embryos of 100 cells or more and finally the
embryos continue to grow in size and in complexity resulting in
an identical replica in genes of the original.

Secondly, cloning as it does have good effects and outcomes

also has bad effects and outcomes and the bad outweighs the
good in t...

... middle of paper ...

...ome test subjects. Cloning isn’t right for animals because they
don’t have an opinion of their own nor can they state it. There is
also a very low success rate of only 5% out of 100 that are
successfully cloned. There is also a loss of government funds
and money. Cloning may be good in some cases, but in this case
I don’t agree with animal cloning. There are so many defects
among cloning that may happen and may get passed through us
by consuming a cloned animal. I wouldn’t want my food to have
diseases or disorders.

All in all people think cloning isn’t just a copy of something, but
yet there is so much more to it than just creating a duplicate. The
process of cloning is a very long process: which goes from the
nucleus, to the embryo, and then is grown then birthed. Cloning
is so complexed and so new to scientists. There is so much more
to learn about cloning.

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