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Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872

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Methods to evaluate serogroup B meningococcal vaccines: From

predictions to real-world evidence
Ray Borrow a,1, Muhamed-Kheir Taha b,1, Marzia Monica Giuliani c, Mariagrazia Pizza c,
Angelika Banzhoff d, Rafik Bekkat-Berkani e,∗
Meningococcal Reference Unit, Public Health England, Manchester, United Kingdom
Institut Pasteur, Invasive Bacterial Infection and National Reference Center for Meningococci and Haemophilus influenzae, Paris, France
GSK, Siena, Italy
GSK, Marburg, Germany
GSK, Rockville, MD, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Serogroup B meningococci (MenB) remain a prominent cause of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD).
Accepted 28 July 2020 The protein-based multicomponent 4CMenB and the bivalent MenB-FHbp are the only currently avail-
Available online 31 July 2020
able vaccines against MenB-caused IMD. Efficacy studies are not possible, due to the low incidence of
Keywords: IMD. Therefore, the vaccines’ immunogenicity has been evaluated against several target strains chosen
Meningococcal serogroup B to quantify complement-mediated killing induced by each vaccine component in the serum bactericidal
Strain coverage antibody assay. However, due to the wide genetic diversity and different expression levels of vaccine anti-
4CMenB gens across MenB strains, vaccine performance may differ from one strain to another. Here, we review
MenB-FHbp the methods used to predict MenB strain coverage for 4CMenB and MenB-FHbp. Phenotypic assays such
hSBA as the meningococcal antigen typing system (MATS, 4CMenB-specific) and the flow cytometric meningo-
Typing coccal antigen surface expression assay (MEASURE; MenB-FHbp-specific) were developed. Genomic ap-
proaches are also available, such as genetic MATS (gMATS) and the Bexsero antigen sequence type (BAST)
scheme, both 4CMenB-specific. All methods allow tentative predictions of coverage across MenB strains,
BAST including that afforded by each vaccine antigen, and are rapid and reproducible. Real-world data on vac-
cine effectiveness are needed to confirm predictions obtained by these methods.
A Video Abstract linked to this article can be found on Figshare:
© 2020 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Background qualae, whether physical or neurological;5 for instance, amputa-

tions are reported in up to 8% and hearing loss in up to 19% of
Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is a serious condition IMD survivors who experienced the disease in infancy or child-
caused by Neisseria meningitidis. The incidence of IMD fluctuates hood.6 While effective antibiotics against N. meningitidis are cur-
considerably from one region to another and over time, while re- rently available, there is growing evidence of an increase in an-
maining relatively low worldwide. In the last two decades, 0.01 timicrobial resistance worldwide.1 Considering all these elements,
to 3.6 cases/10 0,0 0 0 persons were estimated globally.1 IMD inci- IMD continues to be an important health concern.
dence is the highest in infants, and a second, lower peak is ob- Twelve meningococcal serogroups (Men) are identified, with
served in adolescents,2 which is also the age group with the high- six of them (MenA, MenB, MenC, MenX, MenY, and MenW) re-
est meningococcal carriage rates.3 IMD can be a deadly disease if sponsible for nearly all IMD worldwide.7 The prevalence of these
untreated and is associated with high case-fatality rates of 4.1– serogroups varies with geographical and socio-economic status and
20.0%, even with prompt treatment.4 Survivors can suffer afteref- over time. Implementation of MenACWY vaccination has drastically
fects with long-lasting consequences and serious permanent se- decreased the occurrence of IMD caused by MenA, MenC, MenW
and MenY in the Americas, Australia, Africa, and European coun-
tries. MenB is now one of the major causes of IMD in these regions,

Corresponding author. albeit with an evidenced trend of decreasing incidence.1,8,9 .
E-mail address: (R. Bekkat-Berkani).
Contributed as first author.
0163-4453/© 2020 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872 863

Vaccines against MenB dependent lysis of reference meningococcal isolates in the pres-
ence of external sources of complement. Since the structure of the
Mono- or polyvalent meningococcal vaccines against MenA, capsular polysaccharide is highly conserved within the meningo-
MenC, MenW and MenY have been available for many years, with coccal serogroups, polysaccharide-based vaccines which show ade-
polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines preferred over polysac- quate immune responses against reference strains are very likely
charide due to their ability to induce better booster response, long- to provide protection against all strains belonging to the same
term immunological memory and herd protection.10 The develop- serogroups. Indeed, a titre of ≥1:4 in serum bactericidal antibody
ment of vaccines against MenB has been more challenging due (SBA) assays using human complement (hSBA) was found to in-
to the poor immunogenicity of the MenB capsular polysaccharide. dicate protection against MenC-caused IMD;24 this threshold has
This prompted the design of protein vaccines, based on meningo- been extended and used for the licensure of polysaccharide-protein
coccal surface-exposed proteins able to induce bactericidal anti- conjugate vaccines against other meningococcal serogroups. The
bodies across the diversified MenB strains. availability of this established correlate of protection allows predic-
Two MenB vaccines are now licensed for use in several coun- tion of efficacy against MenACWY strains based on the immune re-
tries worldwide. The multicomponent vaccine 4CMenB (Bexsero, sponses to reference strains. However, evaluation of protein-based
GSK) contains four antigenic constituents: factor H binding protein vaccines remains more challenging because MenB vaccines target
(fHbp) variant 1 presented as a fusion protein with GNA2091 ac- proteins that show high variation in their sequence and/or levels of
cessory protein, neisserial heparin binding antigen (NHBA) fused expression. Since protection against a certain meningococcal strain
with accessory protein GNA1030, Neisseria adhesin A (NadA), and is only possible if that strain expresses antigens cross-reactive with
outer membrane vesicles (OMV) obtained from the N. meningitidis those contained in the vaccine, evaluation of the protection af-
epidemic strain NZ98/254, expressing porin A (PorA) serosubtype forded must therefore account for the wide genetic diversity of
P1.4. The second vaccine, MenB-FHbp (rLP2086; Trumenba, Pfizer) MenB strains, which impacts the level of expression of (surface)
contains lipidated fHbp of the subfamilies B (corresponding to vari- antigens through gene regulation, phase variation and sequence di-
ant 1) and A (variants 2 and 3). In most countries, 4CMenB vaccine versity.25 Addressing this issue lead to novel, specific methods pre-
is approved for use in individuals from 2 months of age and older; dicting SBA activity against genetically diverse strains, accounting
the MenB-FHbp vaccine is approved in individuals 10 years of age for each and all vaccine components. These methods allow conser-
and older. In the United States (US), both MenB vaccines are in- vative estimates of protection, based on prediction of strain cov-
dicated for individuals 10–25 years old. Both vaccines have been erage, defined as the proportion of disease-causing meningococ-
found to be immunogenic and well tolerated in the age groups for cal isolates killed by post-vaccination immune sera in hSBA, in
which their use has been approved.11,12 a specific region and period of time. These methods are in gen-
eral accepted by regulatory authorities and constitute an innova-
Introduction of MenB vaccination in national immunization tive solution for the evaluation of MenB vaccines. However, the
programs best practice to demonstrate vaccine effectiveness remains eval-
uation in real-life settings, which can only be performed follow-
4CMenB has already been introduced in the national immu- ing implementation of MenB vaccination in national immunization
nization program of several countries, such as the United King- programs.
dom (UK, September 2015)13 and, more recently, Ireland (Decem- Here we review the methods used to evaluate the protective
ber 2016),14 Andorra (October 2016),15 Italy (January 2017),16 San coverage of current MenB vaccines across circulating IMD-causing
Marino (2017),17 Lithuania (July 2018),18 and Czechia (May 2020).19 MenB strains. A plain language summary on our findings is pro-
Portugal and Malta plan to introduce 4CMenB in 2020, while re- vided in Fig. 1.
gional introduction is underway in other countries such as Spain
(e.g., the Castile y Leon region20 ), or already implemented in Aus- hSBA: the current correlate of protection for meningococcal
tralia (South Australia).21 In Australia, government-funded MenB vaccines
vaccination is also offered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children and for people of all ages with high-risk medical condi- Bactericidal antibodies were first associated with protection
tions, starting with July 2020.22 against meningococcal disease almost a century ago, by Heist
In the UK, the first country to introduce a vaccine against MenB et al..26 However, Goldschneider et al. were the first to propose a
in the national infant vaccination program, a 2 + 1 schedule is correlate of protection in 1969, by testing SBA activity in sera col-
used, with administrations at 2, 4, and 12 months of age. At three lected from infants and adults using a hSBA against MenA, MenB
years since introduction, a 75% reduction in MenB IMD cases in and MenC strains.24 An increase in SBA activity against MenC
infants was reported, corresponding to an incidence rate ratio be- strains was found to be associated in most cases with the appear-
tween observed and expected cases of 0.25 (95% confidence inter- ance of immunoglobulin (Ig) G and IgM antibodies against the in-
val: 0.19–0.36). Protection is believed to be afforded at least until fecting strain. Of note, while the mounting of hSBA titres ≥1:4 was
the end of the third year of life.23 considered as protective, titres <1:4 were not necessarily indica-
tive of susceptibility to disease.24
Assessing protective efficacy against meningococci through This complement-mediated bactericidal killing assay became
strain coverage the gold-standard for evaluating successful immunization and pro-
tection against meningococci. Since variations in the assay proto-
Vaccine efficacy is defined as the percentage reduction in dis- col can severely impact the results, the assay conditions must be
ease incidence in a vaccinated versus a non-vaccinated population, defined and validated, in alignment with guidelines developed by
under optimal conditions, such as a randomized clinical trial. How- a panel of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) in
ever, this is not feasible for IMD, for which the incidence is very 1976.27
low and evaluation of vaccine efficacy would require the enrolment The limited availability of human complement to assess SBA
of very large, impractical numbers of individuals. Consequently, the was recognized very early in the development of meningococcal
licensure of meningococcal vaccines was not based on vaccine effi- vaccines and alternative sources were sought. In the assessment of
cacy assessments and relied on immunogenicity results. Immuno- polysaccharide vaccines against MenA and MenC, baby-rabbit com-
genicity data were generated by assays which detect antibody- plement28 was considered an acceptable alternative. After assess-
864 Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872

Plain Language Summary

What is the context?

• Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is an uncommon and life-threatening disease that can
progress to death in only 24 hours. There are currently two licensed protein-based vaccines
against the bacterium Neisseria meningidis serogroup B (MenB), a leading cause of IMD:
4CMenB (Bexsero, GSK) and MenB-FHbp (Trumenba, Pfizer).
• Due to low disease incidence, it is not possible to assess vaccine efficacy in clinical trial
sengs prior to licensure. Instead:
- vaccine performance is assessed with immunogenicity assays that measure how vaccine-
induced anbodies react against a limited number of MenB strains, used as reference
- in addion, other assays can esmate possible vaccine protecon against large numbers
of circulang MenB strains;
- vaccine effecveness can be determined following implementaon of MenB vaccinaon
into naonal immunizaon programs.

Review highlights & take-home message

• We compared four methods used to predict possible vaccine protecon against MenB
strains (MATS, MEASURE, gMATS and BAST).
• While not without limitaons, these methods can complement the currently established
bactericidal anbody assay by providing large-scale, rapid and reproducible predicons of
possible vaccine protecon.
• Infant immunizaon programs with 4CMenB show the true vaccine effect against invasive
meningococcal disease observed in real-world sengs. This will allow for correlaon of
predicve laboratory methods with actual protecon against IMD.

Fig. 1. Plain language summary.

ment of the SBA assay using baby-rabbit serum as complement the choice of complement profoundly impacts the assay results for
(rSBA), the WHO recommended the following immunogenicity- MenB strains; for instance, it has been shown that IgM antibodies
related criterion for licensure of meningococcal polysaccharide vac- against the MenB capsular polysaccharide are bactericidal in the
cines: ≥4-fold rise (increase of ≥2 dilutions) in SBA titres in ≥90% presence of rabbit, but not human complement.36
of the immunized adult individuals, when tested against target
strains.27 Later on, it was noted that higher rSBA than hSBA titres hSBA for the assessment of MenB vaccines immunogenicity
against MenC strains were observed for the majority of sera, and
rSBA titres of ≥1:8 or ≥1:128 were proposed as threshold of pro- Given the large number of serotypes, serosubtypes and se-
tection.29,30 Nevertheless, no clear correlation between hSBA and quence types of circulating MenB disease-causing strains,37-39
rSBA titres has been shown to date.31 analysing the immune response of vaccination against each sep-
The rSBA was subsequently used in the licensure process of arate MenB strain by hSBA is not feasible. Therefore, during the
meningococcal vaccines in the US and the UK. The WHO later rec- clinical development of MenB vaccines, immune responses were
ommended that hSBA/rSBA titres of ≥1:4/≥1:8 be used as thresh- evaluated against antigen-specific reference strains. For 4CMenB,
olds of protection against disease in the clinical development and four strains, chosen to allow testing of SBA directed against each of
licensure of MenA vaccines as well.32 However, the impact of com- the four major vaccine antigens, were used most often, especially
plement source on the assay results is recognized and still dis- in phase 3 trials: 44/76-SL for fHbp, 5/99 for NadA, NZ98/254 for
cussed in depth.33,34 While for MenACWY vaccines both sources PorA, and M10713 for NHBA. The latter only became available in
are used, human complement is considered the only acceptable the later stages of the clinical development program and up un-
source of complement for evaluation of MenB vaccines.35 Indeed, til that point, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was
used for the assessment of immune response.11 For MenB-FHbp,
Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872 865

four primary test strains were used, harbouring fHbp subfamilies considered as covered if the RP is higher than a positive bacteri-
A (PMB80 and PMB2001) and B (PMB2948 and PMB2707). These cidal threshold (PBT),52 corresponding to a previously-established
strains, heterologous to the fHbp variants included in the vaccine, minimum RP value predictive of killing in the hSBA for each anti-
were selected based on several criteria, such as their representa- gen.53 PBT values correspond to a 80% probability that the strain
tiveness of fHbp diversity in US and European IMD-causing MenB is killed in hSBA by pooled sera from 4CMenB-immunized infants
strains and a low-to-medium surface expression of fHbp.40 The im- when the strain is covered by only one antigen and a 96% probabil-
munogenicity data obtained throughout the clinical development ity of killing for MenB isolates positive for two or more antigens.52
of 4CMenB41-44 and MenB-FHbp45 demonstrate the vaccines’ abil- The assay has been used to predict 4CMenB coverage for more
ity to induce SBA killing against reference strains and to potentially than 30 0 0 strains in several countries. Coverage estimates varied
provide protection against other MenB strains expressing antigens worldwide from 66% to 91%54,55 (Fig. 3).
similar to the vaccine components. However, in view of the great It is important to note that the MATS ELISAs use polyclonal an-
diversity and the temporal changes observed worldwide for MenB tibodies for both the capture and detection of fHbp, NHBA, and
strains, the use of a limited set of reference strains is insufficient NadA, providing an enhanced determination of the immunological
to derive protection against other strains. However, testing against and cross-reactive properties of a given antigen. However, MATS
a large number of strains by hSBA would require a large amount does not account for a potential synergistic effect for two or more
of sera from vaccinated individuals, which is especially challenging vaccine components, nor for OMV components other than PorA,
in the case of infants and children. Moreover, several sources of which leads to an underestimation of strain coverage compared to
complement are needed as distinct strains may behave differently assessment by hSBA. This was shown by comparing MATS predic-
with complement sources. Thus, some strains can be complement- tions with hSBA results in a panel of 40 MenB strains, selected
sensitive to multiple human complement sources, although the from a set of 535 isolates collected from England and Wales from
reason behind this is not fully understood. Lipooligosaccharide ex- July 2007 to June 2008. The selection method ensured that the 40-
pression (immunotype and degree of sylilation) and lack of PorA strain panel was representative of the large set of circulating iso-
expression have previously been found to impact SBA activity.35,46 lates in terms of MATS phenotypes and strain genotyping profile.56
In addition, the measured SBA may be influenced by the serendip- MATS was found to be a conservative predictor of strain coverage
itous presence of naturally-acquired antibodies to the tested strain by 4CMenB in infants and adolescents, with a predicted strain cov-
in the human sera used as complement source that even if non- erage of 70%, whereas hSBA results showed a coverage of 88% for
bactericidal alone can synergize with those present in the tested the same strain panel. Therefore, MATS has an 78% accuracy and
samples and contribute to complement activation. The polymor- 96% positive predictive value when compared with hSBA.56 It was
phism of human factor H (a key regulator of the alternative com- suggested that MATS might also underestimate the contribution of
plement pathway),47 the level of expression and the polymorphism NadA to 4CMenB strain coverage, which was found to be very low
of proteins other than those included in the vaccine which can (≤2.5%) across MenB strains collected worldwide.57-63 . This might
contribute to complement activation,48 or the complement protein be due to differences between in vitro and in vivo NadA expres-
composition, which may vary from one individual to another49 are sion. A study evaluating transcription regulation of the nadA gene
several other factors impacting the behaviour of strains with dif- in MenB strains showed that while some strains exhibit low lev-
ferent complement sources. els of NadA expression (undetectable by MATS) in vitro, infection
Another drawback for the use of hSBA in evaluating the strain in vivo might upregulate NadA expression and therefore results in
coverage of MenB vaccines is the limited availability of suit- efficient killing by 4CMenB-induced anti-NadA antibodies in the in-
able human complement. The complement should be collected fant rat model.64
from healthy individuals who did not acquire antibodies against In addition, due to the constant evolution of MenB strains,
meningococcal strains through immunization or naturally-acquired the sequence and level of expression of 4CMenB components in
immunity. To address these limitations, the use of endogenous disease-causing isolates is likely to vary over time, thus MATS pre-
complement as source was recently proposed and used to estimate diction must be re-evaluated periodically to ensure it reflects the
strain coverage of a vaccine containing 4CMenB components across current epidemiological trend. For instance, a phase variation in
a panel of 110 IMD-causing MenB isolates circulating in the US.50 the nadA gene was found to affect expression of NadA in meningo-
coccal strains circulating in the UK between 2010 and 2016. This
Methods for prediction of MenB vaccines strain coverage impacted MATS estimates since strains with low expression levels
are not predicted as covered by this method.65
MATS MATS is specific to antigen components in the 4CMenB, and
therefore cannot be used for the assessments of other vaccines.
The meningococcal antigen typing system (MATS) was devel- Furthermore, MATS is a phenotypic method that requires cultured
oped in 2010 to estimate coverage of MenB strains by 4CMenB. The isolates and cannot be used for non-culture polymerase chain re-
method is 4CMenB-specific and combines three antigen-specific action (PCR)-confirmed IMD cases.
sandwich ELISAs that measure both immunological cross-reactivity
and quantity of the antigens for fHbp, NadA and NHBA, with geno- MEASURE
typing and phenotyping information for PorA (Fig. 2, Text Box 1).
MATS has been previously described in detail.51,52 Briefly, the The flow cytometric meningococcal antigen surface expression
overall vaccine coverage is estimated by assessing ELISA reactiv- (MEASURE) assay was developed in 2010 for assessment of strain
ity for fHbp, NHBA and NadA present in the lysate of MenB strains coverage by MenB-FHbp.66 The assay has been previously de-
and genotype of PorA for the presence of the variable region 2 P1.4 scribed in detail.67 Briefly, a monoclonal antibody MN86-994-11
that matches the PorA serosubtype of the vaccine’s OMV compo- was identified as highly specific for fHbp across diverse MenB iso-
nent. A MATS-positive strain is a strain predicted to be covered by lates expressing fHbp subfamily A or B. MN86-994-11 was used for
antibodies directed against at least one of the four antigens con- the detection of surface-expressed fHbp by flow cytometry, and
tained in 4CMenB. In MATS, ELISA reactivity of each strain is com- a mean fluorescence intensity of 10 0 0 was found to correspond
pared to that of three reference MenB strains, specific to each of to approximately 30 pg of surface-expressed fHbp/μg of total cell
the fHbp, NadA and NHBA antigens. The difference in reactivity is protein. This value was correlated with 91.2% probability of the iso-
calculated as the relative potency (RP) of each strain. A strain is late to be killed in hSBA by MenB-FHbp immune sera, thus pro-
866 Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872

Fig. 2. Schematic representations of methods currently used to assess immunogenicity and predict MenB strain coverage for protein-based MenB vaccine.
Note: ∗ A titre of ≥ 1 : 4, in serum bactericidal antibody (SBA) assays using human complement (hSBA) was found to indicate protection against MenC-caused invasive
meningococcal disease24 and this threshold has been extended and used for the licensure of vaccines against other meningococcal serogroups.
Identify antigen-encoding genes predicted to be positive in MATS.

viding a cut-off for predicting susceptibility to bactericidal killing or the UK) more than 50% of cases are confirmed by PCR only.68,69
(Fig. 2, Text Box 1).67 Therefore, an alternative method was developed, using antigen
While providing a rapid and reproducible estimation of the genotyping to predict vaccine coverage and thus enabling the
MenB-FHbp strain coverage, MEASURE also has several limitations. testing of the complete range of epidemiologically-representative
First, strain susceptibility to bactericidal killing was determined MenB strain panels. Genetic MATS (gMATS) was defined by assess-
for MenB-FHbp only, and the method is not applicable to other ing the level of correlation between MATS coverage estimates and
vaccines. Moreover, in contrast to MATS, MEASURE was devel- antigen genotyping for each of the four antigenic components of
oped to measure surface expression of fHbp variants in meningo- 4CMenB.55 Thus, gMATS complements MATS predictions with data
coccal strains, but does not assess antigenic diversity, and so generated by genotyping (Text Box 1).
it does not account for antigenic cross-reactivity between fHbp In gMATS, genes encoding fHbp and NHBA are PCR-amplified
(sub)families/variants. The use of this specific monoclonal antibody and sequenced, or their sequences are extracted from the whole
allows for detection of a single conformational epitope conserved genome sequence (WGS) when available. Antigen-specific pre-
across different variants. Similar to MATS, MEASURE cannot pre- dicted strain coverage by gMATS is defined by identifying peptide
dict the percentage of individuals with SBA activity following vac- IDs significantly associated with MATS coverage/non-coverage for
cination, and cannot be used for non-culture PCR-confirmed IMD that antigen. For fHbp and NHBA, only peptide IDs present in ≥5
cases. isolates were considered for the analysis. Peptide IDs for which
the percentage of MATS-covered strains is >60% or <40% are con-
gMATS sidered predictors of coverage or non-coverage, respectively, while
peptide IDs not meeting either of the two criteria are designated as
Culture-confirmed IMD isolates are not always available, mainly “unpredictable”. In total, 16 fHbp peptides and nine NHBA peptides
due to early antibiotic treatment, and in some countries (e.g. Italy
Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872 867

Fig. 3. MATS and gMATS predictions for 4CMenB coverage across MenB strains collected worldwide. MATS, meningococcal antigen typing system; gMATS, genetic MATS;
MenB, meningococcal serogroup B.
Note: Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals for MATS and lower/upper limit estimates for gMATS.

Text Box 1. Comparison of different methods for prediction of MenB vaccines strain coverage.

were identified as predictors of coverage. The presence/absence of ered if the sequence of the antigen-encoding gene corresponds to
the nadA gene can be scored, but this does not allow to predict peptides predicted as “not-covered” on the basis of MATS, and un-
coverage as NadA is believed to be artificially under-expressed in predictable in the remaining cases. Finally, when predicting strain
strains when grown for MATS analysis. Therefore, NadA is always coverages, half of the unpredictable gMATS strains were assumed
considered as not contributing to coverage in gMATS. Coverage for to be covered, as 49% of them were found to be MATS-positive.55
PorA is defined as in MATS (PorA variable region 2 match with Strain coverage for 4CMenB by gMATS was evaluated in a panel
peptide 4) (Table 1). A strain is considered as gMATS-covered if of 3481 invasive MenB isolates from 13 countries and was con-
the sequence of the antigen-encoding gene corresponds to pep- cordant with MATS results; 84.5%, 81.5%, 100% and 100% of strains
tides predicted as “covered” on the basis of MATS, gMATS-not cov- could be predicted as fHbp, NHBA, NadA and PorA-MATS covered
868 Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872

by gMATS, leading to an overall estimate of 81.3%. gMATS vaccine

gMATS, genetic meningococcal antigen typing system; BAST, Bexsero Antigen Sequence Type; fHbp, factor H-binding protein; NS, not specified; NHBA, neisserial heparin binding antigen; NadA, Neisseria adhesin A; NA, not
strain coverage predictions ranged from 57% to 87% across 13 coun-

tries and were similar with those predicted by MATS (Fig. 3).55



Similarly to MATS, gMATS underestimates strain coverage as as-
sessed by killing in hSBA and does not account for cooperative ef-
fects between the antigens, nor for the contribution of the NadA
antigen or minor OMV components of 4CMenB. Another limitation

of gMATS is that coverage cannot be predicted for new alleles of

the fhbp and nhba genes, for which MATS data are not available.
variant 1
All other

All other


However, the assay presents the major advantage of not requiring


bacterial isolates and is therefore not limited to culture-positive
cases55 (Text Box 1).


The Bexsero Antigen Sequence Type (BAST) scheme is a WGS-


based scheme established and implemented in the Neisseria




PubMLST database ( The method

evaluates association of genetic lineage (sequence type [ST], clonal
complex [cc]) with 4CMenB antigen components and MATS70,71
(Text Box 1). Coverage is estimated by examining antigen pep-
tide sequences present in both the vaccine and an epidemiological
Peptides 6, 13, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 30,

dataset and genotype-phenotype modelling. However, the method

Peptide 213 and all variant 2 and 3

31, 43, 47, 58, 112, 114, 120, 122,

presents some inherent limitation in predicting coverage, mainly

due to the fact that the dataset of MATS data on fHbp subvari-
ants and NHBA peptides was quite limited when the assay was de-
veloped (2011) and therefore all fHbp subvariants and NHBA pep-
tides described later are considered as “unknown” in BAST. This is
particularly true for NHBA, as strains are predicted to be covered
160, 187, 253

by NHBA only when the encoding gene is an exact match for the
PorA VR2=4
Not covered

peptide contained in the vaccine, resulting in a significant under-



estimation of coverage prediction by BAST. Exact match for PorA

VR1 7.2 is also assessed, despite the fact that the epitope is non-
immunogenic. Peptides/variants considered as covered in BAST are
reported in Table 1.
BAST strain coverage predictions are available for isolates col-
lected from the UK and Ireland during 2010–2014, for which cov-
erages of 22.8–30.8% and 66.1% were predicted by BAST exact
Peptides 1, 4, 13,

matches and by genotype-phenotype modelling, respectively.71

14, 15, 37, 232

In certain regions in Australia, annual coverages of 44–91% were

PorA VR2=4
Any variant

predicted by BAST and MATS, from 20 0 0 to 2014.70,72 In addi-

Peptide 2
Antigen peptides/variants considered in strain coverage prediction by gMATS and BAST.

tion, the European meningococcal strain collection genome library


(EMSC-GL) for the epidemiological year 2011–2012 was character-

ized with the BAST scheme. The EMSC-GL comprised 799 meningo-
coccal strains causing IMD, submitted by 16 European countries, of
which 65.7% were MenB. Predicted BAST strain coverages varied
from 0 to 97.1% across countries, for an overall estimate of 52.4%.73
Peptides 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 21, 113, 243
110, 144, 224, 232, 245, 249, 252, 510

In a recent study in Poland, across 662 typed isolates, 292 BAST

profiles were identified and strain coverage due to exact match
Peptides 1, 2, 4, 14, 15, 37, 89, 90,

was estimated at 39.7%, while the gMATS prediction was 86.6%.74

Of note, the gMATS coverage was similar to the 83.3% coverage
predicted by extrapolation of MATS data for a subset of strains col-
lected during 2010–2011.55
As for MATS and gMATS predictions, the difference in reported
estimates of strain coverage obtained with the BAST scheme (that
PorA VR2=4

scores exact matching with the four major vaccine antigens) re-
flects changes over time and across geographical areas in the epi-


demiology of MenB-caused IMD. This method enables constant

applicable; PorA, porin A.

surveillance of 4CMenB antigens in the circulating strains, with-

out requiring a live isolate, therefore covering non-culture cases.
Moreover, it allows comparisons (albeit limited) with strain cov-
erages for other vaccines. For instance, in the EMSC-GL study, a
strain coverage of 3.4% was predicted for the bivalent MenB-FHbp,

based on exact peptide matches for the vaccine’s fHbp variants in

Table 1



the tested isolates, for which SBA data were available; no overlap
of coverage was observed between the two vaccines within the Eu-
Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872 869

Table 2
Predicted strain coverage and observed impact in real-world settings for 4CMenB.

Clinical trials/prediction methods,% (95% CI) Real-world settings,% (95% CI)

Years hSBA MATS gMATS Years Impact∗ Vaccine effectiveness

UK 2007–2008 88 (72–95)56 73.1 (57–87)55 73.2 (64–82)55 2015– 75% 59.1%

2014–2015 NA 66.9 (52–81) 72.3 (60–85)55 2018 (−31.1–
2015–2016 NA 73.0 (56–83) 73.3 (59–88) 87.2)23
Canada 2006–2009 NA 66.2 (46–78) 72.3 (64–80) 2014–2018 86% 79% (−231–99%)76

UK, United Kingdom; hSBA, serum bactericidal assay using human complement; CI, confidence interval; MATS; meningococcal antigen
typing system; gMATS, genetic MATS; NA, not available. Note: ∗ Impact was defined as percentage reduction in MenB-caused invasive
meningococcal disease incidence from pre-vaccine introduction (UK)/ pre-vaccination campaign (Canada).

ropean genomic library.73 However, as is the case for gMATS, BAST MATS vaccine strain coverage predictions were 66% and 66–
is limited by the continuous evolution of MenB isolates, generat- 73% for Canada and the UK, respectively.55,58,59,80 However, vac-
ing new STs, new alleles or combination of alleles encoding the cine effectiveness estimates from these countries seem to indi-
four vaccine antigens. In addition, cross-protection or phenotypic cate a greater coverage for 4CMenB than that predicted by ei-
expression data on which BAST relies are very limited, it is im- ther method (Table 2). Moreover, MATS and similar/complementing
portant to correlate this analysis with other functional assays. For methods have limitations which do not allow them to fully pre-
these reasons, the accuracy of BAST is lower than for gMATS. How- dict vaccine effectiveness, nor indeed to accurately predict strain
ever, the BAST scheme can also be enhanced in the future to in- coverage. Inherently, MATS is a conservative predictor of 4CMenB’s
clude new STs expressing vaccine antigens or to allow predictions breadth of coverage, but can be complemented with gMATS to pro-
adjusted for cross-protection or synergistic effects between vaccine vide more accurate estimates, even for non-cultivable strains. In
components. For instance, a novel OMV typing (OMVT) scheme addition, phenotypic data on the expression of vaccine antigens
was recently developed. Based on WGS, unique OMVTs were iden- may still be needed to allow the updating of genomic methods
tified and grouped in a relatively small number of OMVT clusters, such as gMATS and BAST.
for which a non-overlapping associations with BASTs was shown.75 While all these methods have been developed to predict cover-
This association further supports the presumption that immune age against MenB strains, they can potentially be extended to other
and/or metabolic selection is the driving force behind the presence serogroups as well. Non-MenB strains also express antigens con-
of a stable, structured population of IMD-causing strains, and al- tained in the protein vaccines and there is growing evidence that
lows for the improvement of current WGS-based methods to eval- 4CMenB may provide cross-protection against other meningococ-
uate strain coverage. cal serogroups. For instance, pooled sera from infants and adoles-
cents immunized with 4CMenB exhibited SBA activity against non-
MenB strains. In a panel of 147 MenC, MenW, and MenY clinical
From prediction to observation: remaining challenges in isolates collected from three European countries and Brazil, 74.1%
assessing true vaccine effectiveness of strains were killed in hSBA by sera from 4CMenB-immunized in-
fants.81 Sera derived from adolescents vaccinated with two doses
MenB vaccines are used either in national vaccination programs of 4CMenB demonstrated killing in hSBA against four strains,
(in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Andorra and San Marino) or which were representative of the current MenA epidemiology, se-
as outbreak control (in Canada, the US, and France). Prediction of lected from 1046 MenA isolates collected from different countries
coverage of the diverse and continuously-evolving MenB strains is between 20 0 0 and 2016.82 Sera from adolescents and infants re-
crucial for both vaccination strategies. Currently, phenotypic assays ceiving one and three doses of 4CMenB, respectively, displayed
such as hSBA, MATS and MEASURE, or genomic approaches such as bactericidal activity against all six tested invasive MenW isolates,
gMATS and BAST are available for prediction of strain coverage. causing meningitis or septicaemia in patients from England and
All these methods predict relatively high strain coverages for Wales during 2011–2012.83 MATS data were also consistent with
both licensed MenB vaccines (4CMenB and MenB-FHbp), for differ- the hSBA results indicating coverage of nine MenX strains collected
ent regions worldwide. However, their results need to be validated from Africa, but not two European ones.84 MenB-FHbp-immune
against long-term, real-life vaccine effectiveness data. These data adolescent sera also demonstrated SBA activity against six non-
continue to accumulate for 4CMenB, following its implementation MenB strains (one MenA, MenC, MenY and MenX and two MenW),
in the UK national immunization program and from a large vacci- although the conclusion is limited by the fact that the strains
nation campaign in a Canadian region. Immunization in individu- were selected for testing based on fHbp prevalence.85 So far, MATS
als ≤20 years of age in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Que- has not been successfully applied to other serogroups, since PBTs
bec, was estimated to reduce the MenB-IMD risk with 86% (95% have only been established for MenB strains. However, non-MenB
confidence interval:−2–98) (unadjusted value: 96%) and to result meningococci seem to be less genetically diverse, therefore poten-
in a vaccine effectiveness of 79% (95% confidence interval: −231– tially requiring a lower number of strains to evaluate the contribu-
99) over a period of four years.76 These estimates in age groups tion of each 4CMenB antigen to coverage.86 Similarly, gMATS and
directly targeted for vaccination are supportive of the 75% reduc- BAST may be adaptable enough to be applied to other Neisseria
tion in MenB IMD cases in infants observed in the UK, over three serogroups or species.
years from vaccine introduction.23 A study estimating the effect While not without limitations, current methods afford large-
of meningococcal vaccines on herd protection against N. menin- scale, robust and rapid prediction of MenB strain coverage by
gitidis in UK university students showed that 4CMenB and Men- protein-based MenB vaccines. However, prediction of true vaccine
ACWY vaccines induced carriage reduction for a subset of Neisse- performance remains challenging and the gold standard is repre-
ria strains, at 4–12 months after vaccination.77 Recently-concluded sented by real-world effectiveness studies in a population once the
studies conducted in Australia indicated that vaccination of ado- vaccines are broadly implemented. In addition, continuous mon-
lescents with 4CMenB did not impact (oro)pharyngeal carriage of itoring of MenB strain diversity remains paramount to anticipate
MenB.78,79 Additional studies are ongoing to evaluate the herd ef- temporal and regional variations in strain coverage and adjust the
fect induced following mass immunizations. composition of current vaccines to match them, if necessary.
870 Methods to predict strain coverage of MenB vaccines / Journal of Infection 81 (2020) 862–872

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