Gotong Royong - House Compoud

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Gotong -royong

divided buried sickle breeding

cleaned compoud collected decided
bushes satisfied important cleaner

It was a holiday and Puan Mastura and her family were at home. They to
have a gotong-royong to clean their house . Encik Ali, Puan Mastura’s
husband the task among them. Faiz, her son cut the grass using a sickle. He
also cleaned the __________________

After clearing the bushes, they the old tyres and tins. Puan Mastura’s
husband, Encik Ali them in a big hole. Puan Mastura around the house.

After two hours doing ther work, their house was than before. . There
were no more mosquitoes and snakes places. They felt very with
their work. Puan Masture knew that it was very to keep their clean and

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