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Gotong-royong – Cleaning the class

dusted Had wiped damp busy

brought spick rags praised Divided
hard delighted rest job span
mopped Early came started swept

Last Saturday, the pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Alam Shah a

gotong-royong to clean their classroom. They came to school and
__________ their things such as brooms, dustpans and ________ from their

Upon arriving at the class, Fahmi, the class monitor the task
among them. After that, they cleaning. Fahmi and Malik the
windows using the cloth while Sofea and his friends the
floor while Dina and Nani it. Some of them the furniture
while the were arranging the desks and chairs. They were as
as a bee doing their work.

After two hours work, their class was and now.

They were very to see it. The headmaster to visit every
classroom. He his pupils for their great job.

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