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SD N ……………………………….
KECAMATAN …………………….
Alamat : …………………………………………………………………………………………………….



TEMA : Bahasa Inggris No. Absen : ………………............

Kelas / Semester : VI / 1 Nama Siswa : ………………………
Hari/Tanggal : ……………………………. Waktu : 90 Menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !

1. Train is ... than bus
a. slower b. higher c. faster d. shorter

2. Eko is ... than Ari.

a. taller b. longer
c. shorter d. fatter

3. Aldi always does his homework. He is a ... boy 

a. clever b. lazy c. stubborn d. diligent

4. Is plan faster than cart ? Yes, ...

a. is it b. it is c. it does d. it do

5. My father is 45 years old. My uncle is 35 years old. My father is ... than my uncle.
a. older b. younger c. handsome d. beatiful

6. Look ! the baby is ... the table.

a. under b. on
c. beside d. between

7. The books are ... the bag.

a. under b. on
c. beside d. between

8. Andika is ... the window.

a. beside  b. in front of
c. behind d. between

9. Can you show me ... the art centre is located ? 

a. what b. who c. where d. when

10. The opposite of north is ...

a. east b. west c. south d. south east

11. Fauzi likes ... in the river.(berenang)

a. gardening b. cycling c. fishing d. swimming
12. Eko usually goes ... on holiday.(memancing)
a. fishing b. rafting c. camping d. shopping

13. She looks very ... So many boys like her.

a. handsome b. beautiful
c. ugly d. happy

14. Ayu looks nice with ... hair. (panjang) 

a. short b. long
c. curly d. beautiful

15. She always becomes the number one in my class because she is ...
a. clever b. beautiful c. stupid d. kind

16. She is ... in my class. So that many boys like her. (paling cantik)
a. the most beautiful b. the more beautiful
c. the most handsome d. the youngest

17. He is ... man in my village. (paling tua)

a. the youngest b. the oldest c. the richest d. the tallest

18. Putri is ... her mother (secerdas)

a. as kind as b. as beautiful as c. as fat as d. as smart as 

19. My grand mother is ... your grand mother (setua)

a. as old as b. as young as c. older d. the oldest

20. Adit is ... than Dimas (lebih rajin)

a. more diligent b. smarter c. handsomer d. lazier

II. Translate into Indonesian !

1. My mother is younger than my father = ..........................................   
2. My house on Jl. Kawi = .................................................................
3. My ruler is longer than Tia’s = .......................................................
4. Annie likes cooking on holiday = ..................................................
5. Talita and Tina like playing rope skipping = .....................................

III. Arrange the words into good sentences !

1. like – I – gardening – holiday - on    = ...........................................
2. is – boy – Adi - the fattest – class – this - in = ...............................
3. brother – as – Anton – his – is – handsome – as = ............................
4. on – the – is – There – a chalk – table = ........................................
5. Makassar – is – located – Where - ?   = .........................................
Kunci jawaban  PTS B. Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1

Room I
1.c  2.a  3.d  4.b  5.a  6.b  7.c  8.b  9.c  10.c  11.d  12.a  13.b  14.b  15.a 
16.a  17.b  18.d  19.a  20.a  21.c  22.b  23.c  24.b  25.d  26.a  27.c  28.c  29.c  30.b

Room II
1. Ibuku lebih muda dari ayahku
2. Rumahku di jalan Kawi
3. Penggarisku lebih panjang dari kepunyaan Tia
4. Anni suka memasak pada hari libur
5. Talita dan Tina suka bermain lompat tali

Room III
1. I like gardening on holiday
2. Adi is the fattest boy in this class
3. Anton is as handsome as his brother
4. There is a chalk on the table
5. Where is Makassar located ?

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