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Variable Categories Frequency

Age 15-17 172 55.9%

18-19 153 47.1%

Grade 9-10 179 55.1%

11-12 146 44.9%
Sex Female 182 56%
Male 143 44%
Residence Rural 157 48.3%
Urban 168 51.7%
Religion Orthodox 245 75.4%
Muslim 66 20.3%
Protestant 14 4.3%
Catholic 4 1.2%
Parent income per <500 88 27.1%
month(ETB) 500-1000 134 41.2%
>1000 103 31.7
Occupation of the House wife 131 40.3%
mother Employed 77 23.7%
Merchant 46 14.2%
Father 66 20.3%
Other 5 1.5%
Occupation of the Employed 88 27.5%
father Merchant 93 29.5%
Farmer 84 26.3%
Other 55 17.2%
Communication of adolescent and parents on sexual and reproductive health

Variable Categories Frequency Percent (%)

Important to discuss Yes 148 45.5%
sexual & RH issue with No 177 54.5%
Which parents prefer Mother 82 55.4%
to on sexual & RH Father 66 44.6%
Have you ever Yes 143 44%
discussed on No 182 56%S
If you do not discussed Culturally unacceptable 6 3.3%
what do you think the Lack of communication 44 24.2%
reason skill
Shame 68 37.4%
Difficult and 32 17.6%
Lack of knowledge 10 5.5%
Parents are not good
listen 22 12.1%

If yes with whom do Mother 120 83.9%

you prefer to discuss it Father 23 16.15
How frequent you have Very often 12 8.4%
discussed about Often 45 31.5%
contraception Some times 86 60.1%
With whom have you Peers 75 52.4%
discussed other than Sisters 55 38.5%
parents Brothers 13 9.1%

Have you ever Yes 111 34.2%

discussed about sexual No 214 65.8%
If do not discussed Culturally unacceptable 62 29%
about sexual Lack of communication 32 15%
intercourse with skill
parents what are the Shame 55 25.7%
reason Difficult and 32 15%
Lack of knowledge 6 2.8%
Parents are not good 27 12.6%

If yes with whom Mother 88 37.8%

prefer to discuss Father 42 82.2%
With whom discussed Peers 64 57.7%
other than parents Sisters 14 12.6%
Brothers 33 29.7%

Knowledge on major selected reproductive health

Variable Categories Frequency Percent (%)

Do you know when Yes 171 52.6%
menstrual cycle No 12 3.7%
What was your feeling Tension 101 59.1%
when first menses Fear 49 28.7%
comes Shame 18 10.5%
Pleasure 3 1.8%
Do you know STD & Yes 152 77.5%
HIV/AIDS No 73 22.5%
If yes which one do you Cancroid 22 8.7%
know LGV 1 0.4%
Syphilis 80 31.7%
HIV/AIDS 123 48.3%
Gonorrhea 26 10.3%

Do you know Yes 278 85.5%

contraception No 47 14.5%
Do you know Yes 217 66.8%
emergency No 108 33.2%
Do you think sex Yes 229 70.5%
education is necessary No 96 29.5%
Where did you get School 73 22.5%
information about Home 5 1.5%
sexual matters By friends 159 48.9%
Other specify 88 27.1%

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