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How might prototyping be used as part of the SDLC?

Prototyping helps discover requirements. It helps clarify and communicate user

requirements. It goes without saying that the prototype will serve as the basis
for the fi nal system. For example, analysts should develop systems that allow
salespeople to access real-ti me inventory informati on instead of physically
checking inventory levels and calling the salesperson back, instead of calling
someone in the fi eld. We support. Analysts can start by asking salespeople
what types of inventory informati on they need, including when and where they
need to access that informati on. Analysts can then use development tools such
as MS Visio to quickly create sample interface views that meet the needs of
salespeople. The display is then reviewed by a sales representati ve and
feedback is provided. The analyst then modifi es the view and gathers more
feedback from the sales rep. A sample or prototype display can then be used to
develop the actual system interface.

Prototyping can be used in SDLC as a simulati on of the actual expected system

being analyzed and designed. Prototypes help simulate the behavior of the
system under development, allowing developers to identi fy strong and weak
modules for improvement. Prototyping can be done by modeling all or part of
the system to be analyzed and designed. Prototypes can also use real data or
just samples of data. Prototyping methods include: illustrati ve models whose
results are only mockups, simulati on models that only simulate the
functi onality of the system without the use of real data (glance, Hush, Stevens
& Nati onal Insti tute of Standards and Technology), 2004). Functi onal
prototyping can exercise the real functi onality of the intended system and also
uses real data. Finally, evoluti onary prototyping uses and creates several
models that will be integrated into the fi nal developed system.
Grance, T., Hash, J., Stevens, M., & National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.). (2004).Security
considerations in the information system development life cycle. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of
Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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