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COC Model for Level 1


1) Connect the hard ware peripherals to the computer

2) Check the missed peripheral

3) Start your computer

4) Create the following directories on “my document”

5) TVET\Sector\Mary help college\Addis Ababa\ICT\Fashion\Textile

6) Hide Sector folder using command line

7) Change the Mary help college icon to World Map

8) Show the hide folder

9) Create ms office access 2003 shortcut in to desktop

10) Create Fashion folder shout cut in local disk C:

11) Add windows medial players and word 2003 program in to Quick launch bar

12) Customize your desktop area

13) customize start menu into classic

14) Write the extension file name of Ms Exel 2003, Ms Word 2003, Ms Excel 2007, Ms Word 2007 in
notepad and save it in Sector older with file name extension.
15) Copy wallpaper folder in to Addis Ababa folder

a. Write the location of wallpaper on notepad under addis ababa with file name wallsize

16) Write the size of paint program in wordpad and save under Sector folder with file name paintsize

17) Write my document and Recycle bin size in to MB on notepad under Fashion folder with filename
dataunit 1

18) Write local disk C: drive size in to KB on Wordpad under textile with filename dataunit 2

Create schedule tasks to open wallsize filename on every week Tuesday at 2:00 pm
19) Create schedule tasks to open Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 in every week Tuesday at 2:00 pm

20) set the following IP address

a. IP address:
b. Subnet mask:
c. Default getaway:
d. DNS server
e. Alternate DNS server

21) Crate back up using backup utility

22) Restore back up data

23) Open three web page and make it home page and favorite or bookmark
Task 2
2.1. Access system information of one of your computer and save as on Addis Ababa\ICT\Fashion\Textile Using
Ms Office word 2003 with name sysinfo

2.2. Document hard ware and software inventory on your computer equipment using your

Own format using ms office excel 2003

Task 3
6.1 Install Peachtree 2005

6.2. Upgrade Peachtree 2005 to 2007

6.3. Install Microsoft office excel 2007 without removing the previous version

6.3. Write the minimum system requirement to install Peachtree 2007 and Office 2007
Peachtree System Requirement
Desktop Area Color Palate Font size
Task 4
1. You are a help desk operator in Abrak computer solution private company and you register
client requests so, w/ro Aster calls today to you from Accounting department she has got a
problem on Excel 2005 software and want to update to Excel 2007, Ato Kemal emails 3/2/2007
from Stock department his computer display NTLDR missing and wants to you fix the problem.
Ato surafel from HR department calls yesterday and he face a problem his window media player
cannot open any music. W/t selam fax today at 3 o’clock from department of marketing her
mouse cannot move quickly so she cannot perform what she wants quickly. Ato Hailu from
department of IT emails you for a support that his office fluorescent light cannot work properly.
Ato Solomon from Technical department come to your office personal her computer calculator
programs failed so he cannot work on it. The customer Ato Abrham calls you 3/8/2007 from
Technical department for a support that his EVDO device to connect to the internet. And the
last customer wr/o kidest come in person from Purchaser department that her Peachtree
software cannot work payroll systems.

Note: According to the rules and regulations of Abrak computer solution you are not work for a

those request through fax.

8.1. Record the details of the requested by preparing a request record list using ms office Excel 2007

and print it
Task 7
9.1. In HHC Micro group HRM department there are two officers, W/ro jemila and W/ro tigerem. They
are using in a single computer with different accounts. One day they need your help in order to arrange
their file in this manner: They need an access in order to share their common files. W/ro tigerem has a
full control over the shared file where as W/ro jemila has read only permission. And their private files
should be available only for each respected users. How could you manage it?

9.2. Create two user accounts

Account name: higher7 B. Account name: COC

Password : Higher@7 Password: P@s$w0rd

Privilege: limited privilege: Administrator

9.3 .Create an account for a person that interested to use internet only, and this user will stay in the
Organization for a week.

Task 8
10. Install MacAfee anti-virus

10.1. Update the installed MacAfee anti-virus

10.2. Scan local disk D:\ with MacAfee anti-virus

10.3 Make your computer system automatically update its file on every week Monday at 4 pm

10.4 make your computer automatically full scan on every Monday at 6 AM

10.5 turn OFF the Firewall

10.6 Set the alert setting of Firewall on

10.7 Set the alert setting Automatic update on

10.8. Set the alert setting virus protection on

10.9. Set the alert message of the antivirus on

10.10. Create a custom scan that scan registration folder every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3

10.11. Create a schedule to automatically update MacAfee antivirus software every Monday afternoon

10.12. Create a schedule to scan local disk D drive on every Tuesday at 7AM

10.13. Create a schedule to scan data unit 2 filename on every Tuesday, Wednesday at 2 AM

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