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Find the meaning of the words and fill in the blanks

had firewood along campfire

bushes active brave searched
prepare camping scout pitched

Thiva is an __________ boy. He is a boy ______________. Last school holidays,

Thiva and other boys scouts of his school _____________ a camping trip near a river.
they brought _____________ some canned food, clothes, and torchlight. Upon arriving,
they ___________ for the best spot and _________ up the tents near the river. then
Thiva went to the _______ nearby to gather some _________ while his friend, Kamal cut
some onions and vegetables to ____________ lunch.

After lunch, they went to the river. Some of them were fishing while some of them
were playing happily in the river. at night they made up a ______________ and sat in
front of it. They sang happily. After that they went to sleep in the tent. Thiva and his
friends were _______ enough. They enjoyed themselves _________ there.

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