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DARK ELDAR TANTALUS First crafted, itis sad, for the Archon Surasis Grief of the Kabal of the Dark Mirror asa sign of his prestige and opulence, these assault skimmers are somewhat larger and more complex in design than the ubiquitous Raider, as wel as being considerably better armed, although they full roughly the same role in battle. Its twin-hulled design houses po ives and the Tantalus’ signature armament, a set of powerful soythevanes designed to slice and destroy the enemy in sweeping erful engine-reactors slaved to enhanced was Surass Grief's great pleasure to maraud between the spires of Commorragh with his kinsfolk, displaying his ‘own formidable sil as steersman to wreck havoc on anything, whether slave or trueborn unfortunate ‘enough to be caught in his path. It was by this vice of mayhem that Surasis Grief was laid low, as his enemies lured him into a trap and slew him. Inthe strife that followed as his kabal was split mecine confict, the the Tantalus was bartered in trade for veepons and allegiance by Grief’s would-be Tantalus can be found in the hands of numerous Archons and factions ‘ARMOUR Front Side Rear HP 2ga aso Unit composiTion = Tantalus WARGEAR + Two pulsedisintegrators + Enhanced theta + Flckerfild* + Soythevanest unirTvPe * Vehicle (Skimmer, Fas, (Open-Topped, Tank, Transport) SPECIAL RULES * Night Vision * Deep Strike + Ail Assault TRANSPORT CAPACITY + The Dark Eldar Tantalus can transport 16 models Seythevanes: The Tantalus’ hulls ted with huge blades charged with ‘molecular dissonance fields which gather power when the skimmer ‘moves at speed, screeching with force, sing through the hulls of {enemy vehides and ending troops into unrecognisable crimson shreds \When moving Flat Out, a single enemy unit or vehicle that the Tantalus asses over dutng its movement may be attacked. Against tarvets wth a Toughness cor, this attack inflicts D6 Str 7 AP2 hits, dstrbuted as shooting attacks. Against vehides, a single St 7 AP2 hit with the ‘Armoucbare Special rule is automaticaly infcted and attack the armour facing thatthe Tantalus approached fem. In alton, any Rarh attacks ‘made by the Tantalus rll an additional DE for armour Bat. opnions < +The Tantalus may take any ofthe folowing ? Shock prow +5poins Torment grenade aunchers* 45 points. sy Retrofie ets +5 points Grisly trophies +5 points Night shields. *See Cox Dark Elda A Dark la Tatlss Hea Siper choc a Codex Dark la army and may be ten 3:2 Oakatd anspor fora Court ofthe Aco, Pulsedsintagrators These weapons fe rapid ples of unstable subatomic mate voporsng their targets explosively Unlike the ude plasma weaponry of more primitive aces, Dak er dintgrators ar l abe to maintain a phenomena ate of fire without suffering an oveoad ‘or reducing themselves o lag through excess heat WeaPon RANGE STRAP. SPECIAL Pulsessintegrator 36" = S2‘Heaty6

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