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Professional Experience Report

Primary Final Year 2022

Pre-service Teacher
Name: Zoe Shaw Student ID: 2131207
Name: Reynella East College

Mentor teacher: Shari Lush Year Level: 5/6

Mentor teacher: Matt Wall Year Level: 5/6

School Coordinator: Stacey Eichenberger

Placement Details
University Liaison:

Academic Topic Coordinator:

Placement dates: 2nd May – 8th July

Length of Placement: 40 days 40 days 60 days

Please delete those not applicable 10 planning days + 30 day Term 2 block 8 week Term 2 Placement (country/metro) Extended

Site coordinator and/or mentor to complete.
School: (School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular features or unique characteristics;
index of disadvantage)

Reynella East College is a Category 5 school based in Reynella East. We have 435 students in
the R-6 sector of the school, with nearing 2000 students overall P-12. Both the Primary section
and Secondary sections of the school are zoned. The primary school consists of unit buildings
that house 17 total classes, along with an encounter classroom for some students with special

The school is set on 11.61 hectares. The school has been extensively re-built and re-furbished.
The primary school has 17 R-6 classes. The primary leadership team,
including a Student Counsellor, supports students in the Primary section of the College. Most
classes are composite and the teaching staff work collaboratively in year level teams. Weekly
staff meetings focus on professional learning. The Site Improvement Plan identifies the
following priorities: Mathematics, Reading and Inquiry (High Band learners).

Class: (including children with special needs)

Class 1 Year 5/6 – Shari Lush (30 Students)

2 EALD, 5 NEP, 1 ATSI, 4 Learning Difficulties

Class 2 Year 5/6 - Matt Wall (29 Students)

0 EALD, 4 NEP, 1 Learning Difficulties

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-
service teacher towards each of the standards. For more than one mentor please make a moderated
judgement and only place one cross.

Professional Knowledge

Standard 1 - Know students and how they learn

I I Ix I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 2 - Know the content and how to teach it

I I I x I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Professional Practice

Standard 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I Ix I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I Ix I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I I x I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Professional Engagement

Standard 6 - Engage in professional learning

I I Ix I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I I I x I

Novice Emerging Graduate Towards Proficient

Summary Statements
(You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics, please keep comments

Classroom Teacher/Mentor
Professional Knowledge

Zoe has approached her final practicum with integrity and has a good understanding and
knowledge of The Australian Curriculum. She has used different resources to support the
curriculum areas being delivered which allowed students to take charge of their own learning.

Zoe has utilised professional development sessions and collaborated with accomplished
colleagues to gain further knowledge within these areas (Phonemes & Graphemes Spelling PD)
and developed Science, Art, Numeracy and Literacy programs that were engaging for students.

Within this new learning, Zoe was able to model activities through constructed and accessible
questions that allowed the students to grasp new concepts. At times, directed by mentors, she
was able to improve her ability to explicitly deliver and teach new learning concepts.

Zoe used The Australian Curriculum documents to plan units of work and learning experiences.
She developed and used appropriate rubrics to allow students to consolidate learning and
established clear levels of achievement, whilst enabling her to accurately assess student learning.
Zoe often discussed students’ work with them and encouraged them to achieve their full learning
potential. With guiding assistance she was able to implement teaching strategies for the use of
ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students.

Zoe observed colleagues and noted how teachers interacted with students to build relationships.

Professional Practice

Zoe displayed growing confidence and used initiative from the beginning of her placement.

Zoe researched, planned and implemented lessons and units of work. At times, she discussed
ideas, shared her lesson plans and reflected on her performance. Zoe discussed her ideas
with us in regards to appropriate content, time allocation and suitability of the activities. With
guidance, Zoe was able to select appropriate resources to support lesson objectives, and was
striving to reflect on the effectiveness of her lesson plans and delivery (e.g. repeated delivery
of lessons in multiple classes). Throughout the 10 week placement, Zoe demonstrated her
understanding of how important it is to be flexible with learning activities, to ensure that all
students may experience success. Zoe successfully adjusted her planning and programming of

lessons, due to the varied interruptions that are common when working in an Upper Primary

Zoe made intuitive and accurate observations of students learning and used this to inform
further planning and practice. Zoe worked hard in improving her ability to create engaging,
hands-on experiences with clear learning objectives throughout her Science unit plan.

Zoe gained growing confidence in delivering good verbal and non-communication strategies to
support student understanding and participation through body language, walking around the
classroom and using class management strategies. She continued to use the established set
of classroom agreements and successfully maintained a safe and positive environment.

Professional Engagement

Zoe established a professional working relationship across the school community. She listened
to advice, accepted constructive feedback, and then acted upon it. She interacted professionally
and politely with staff, parents and students and established good relationships. Zoe participated
in yard duties, using it as another opportunity to actively partake in a full-time teachers’ workload.

Zoe confidently accepted roles within the school, such as taking on the responsibility of
coordinating one of our primary school assemblies, with a focus on Reconciliation Week. She
worked with students to develop a script, and a slideshow drawing on school-wide classroom
work and teacher expertise. Zoe also embraced the opportunity to work with our Year 5 students
in completing NAPLAN catch-up sessions.

Zoe attended weekly Staff Meetings where she participated in professional discussions. She
was actively involved with our unit team meetings and planning sessions and contributed her
thoughts and ideas to them.

Zoe identified her lessons’ strengths, areas of improvement needed, and took on board
constructive advice and adapted if required. Zoe asked specific questions during her teaching
placement which has helped her gain awareness of procedures for reporting to parents and
caregivers. She successfully reported assessment results of students across two classrooms
via Seesaw, as per the school’s ongoing reporting agreement.

Zoe’s friendly teaching manner was well respected by students and colleagues as she was
able to gain further confidence.

We wish Zoe the very best in her wonderful teaching career ahead.

Name: Shari Lush & Matt Wall Date: 5/7/2022

School Coordinator
Zoe demonstrated sound awareness of the code of ethics and conducted herself in a professional
manner in the role as teacher. Duty of care was considered and she was diligent in following up with
student issues as needed and was responsive to student needs. She confidently established
professional relationships and engaged professionally with colleagues and students. To her credit,
she was proactive in attending site PD as she recognised the importance of keeping up to date with
relevant teaching and learning strategies, as well as the application of this learning to improve

teaching practise and student learning outcomes. I am confident Zoe will be a great teacher, and
would love to have offered her a contract in Semester 2 if she had already graduated.

Name: Stacey Eichenberger Date: 10th July 2022

University Liaison
It was a pleasure to observe Zoe teach her 5/6 class during Term 2. She is an enthusiastic and creative
teacher with a keen eye for the opportunity to try new ideas and extend the children’s learning experiences.
She includes technology in a seamless way, with confidence and variety so that the tablets become a tool
of her craft.
Her preparation for academic subjects was very professional and included group work where she group
composition ensured the best learning outcomes for the children. Prior planning included the “ fine detail”
such as timing and “ clean up”, in the case of a set of science experiments.
Zoe contributed to whole-school processes such as running the NAIDOC assembly. Her understanding of
the essential nature of socio-emotional support was evident in her inclusion of “ brain breaks” in her
lessons and her clear support of all learners in her teaching.

Name: Dr Cynthia May Date: 18/07/22

Summary Assessment (To be agreed by the site coordinator, mentor teacher and university liaison)


Performance is at the novice or Performance is at the Performance is at the Performance is from the
emerging level for more than Graduate level for all Graduate level for most Graduate to Proficient level for
one Standard. Standards Standards with some towards all Standards
the Proficient level

In our opinion (Insert pre-service teacher name)

has demonstrated the following overall level of performance in this final professional experience:
(Please click on appropriate box below)

☐ Unsatisfactory

☐ Satisfactory

☒ Accomplished

☐ Outstanding

Please note that if a PST performs at an ‘outstanding’ level please consider nominating them for
the Medal for Excellence in Beginning Teaching Award

Notes for completing this report
Please type and keep an electronic copy of this report. The final report must be submitted to the University Liaison as a
Word document. The pre-service teacher should be informed of the placement outcome but does not receive a copy of
the Report. Reports are returned to the university for processing before being sent to the pre-service teacher.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

Please note that the University will make the overall final judgement about whether a PST has
passed the placement topic based on this report and their Teaching Performance Assessment
(TPA). TPA Activity 6 will be a panel presentation at the University.

CRICOS No. 00114A ABN 65 542 596 200

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