Avaliação Comparativa Do Ciclo de Vida Das Torres e Fundações Eólicas Tubulares - Parte 2 Análise Do Ciclo de Vida

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Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299

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Engineering Structures
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Comparative life cycle assessment of tubular wind towers

and foundations – Part 2: Life cycle analysis
H. Gervásio a, C. Rebelo a,⇑, A. Moura a, M. Veljkovic b, L. Simões da Silva a
ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, 3004 516 Coimbra, Portugal
Luleå University of Technology, University Campus, Porsön, S-97 187 Luleå, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the first part of the paper the design of tubular towers and respective onshore foundations was
Available online 20 April 2014 addressed. The considered solutions were based on steel, concrete and hybrid steel-concrete tubular tow-
ers supporting multi-megawatt turbines of 2, 3.6 and 5 MW power with hub heights of 80, 100 and 150 m
Keywords: respectively. In this second part of the paper, the life cycle analysis of the designed case studies is per-
Wind turbine formed and conclusions about their environmental impact are drawn. Two different scenarios concerning
Concrete the lifetime of the towers were established. The first scenario considers 20 years lifetime and two differ-
ent construction methods for the connection of the steel segments, the first based in current technology
using flange connections and the second using newly developed friction connections. Assuming equal
Foundation importance for all environmental categories in this scenario, it may be concluded that for heights up
Life cycle to 100 m hybrid towers with friction connections are the most efficient solution. For higher heights,
Environmental impact the concrete tower becomes more efficient. The second scenario considers an increased total lifetime
of 40 years, assuming the reuse of the tower after 20 years of operation. In this case, the use of friction
connections in steel towers enhances the possibility of dismantling and reusing the tower potentiating
much better performance in relation to the environmental category of global warming.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction existing solutions and taking into account the need for transporta-
tion of larger prefabricated elements and more complex processes
In today’s moments of change of climatic conditions, wind of assembling on site. A life cycle analysis considering all phases of
energy represents a promising energy source. Being a clean energy, production, operation and decommission has to be considered in
inexhaustible and renewable wind power contributes effectively to order to have the whole picture of the energy balance and the eco-
reducing dependence on fossil fuels and, consequently, contributes nomic feasibility.
to the fulfilment of targets for emission levels of acidifying gases Life-cycle analysis (LCA) has been used by different authors in
and greenhouse effect. Today’s Europe obtains about 20% of its order to compare the impacts due to the production of renewable
electricity needs from renewable sources, including 5.3% from energy with the production of conventional energy. An extensive
wind [22]. The plans now proposed by the European Union on review of different analyses of renewable energy generation sys-
renewable energy policies is that in 2020, 34% of the total con- tems is provided by Varun et al. [18].
sumption of energy will come from renewable sources, including In recent work [15,14] the life cycle environmental analysis of
about 500 TW h from wind energy making up 14% of the total the complete wind generator, including support structure, was
consumption. addressed. The conclusions reported there point out an important
The increase of the power output of wind turbines requires influence of the components using Portland cement, penalizing the
higher and more expensive support structures. It becomes neces- use of concrete in the foundation. Another conclusion is also that
sary to establish new standards for these structures, rethinking the support structures of the wind generator (foundations and
tower) are the components with higher environmental burdens,
when comparing with the impacts due to rotor and nacelle.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 239797209. The LCA developed in the present work addresses in more detail
E-mail addresses: hger@dec.uc.pt (H. Gervásio), crebelo@dec.uc.pt (C. Rebelo), the support structure emphasizing the importance of the end-
andre.moura@dec.uc.pt (A. Moura), milan.veljkovic@ltu.se (M. Veljkovic), luisss@ of-life stage of wind towers and the recycling and reusing of
dec.uc.pt (L. Simões da Silva).

0141-0296/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299 293

structural components. The research focuses on the use of different whenever possible, steel or concrete parts are produced in factory
materials, steel vs. concrete, and on the comparative analysis of and transported to the construction site.
alternative supporting towers and respective foundations for the Tubular steel segments with maximum diameter up to 4.50 m
same type of wind turbine. The environmental impact of the wind can be easily transported by road. Therefore they are considered
turbine itself (rotor and nacelle) is not included in the analysis. to be pre-fabricated on the factory with length up to 30 m and
The structural design of the towers and respective slab founda- assembled on site. This is feasible for the 80 m steel tower using
tions has been performed in part one of this paper [17] where three three segments, for the steel part of the 80 m hybrid tower using
different tower types using tubular solutions were addressed, i.e. two segments and for the upper part of the 100 m hybrid and steel
(i) steel, (ii) concrete and (iii) steel-concrete hybrid towers, sup- towers using one segment [17]. In this case, tubular segments are
ported by concrete slab foundations. The hybrid solution includes fully manufactured in factory and transported to construction site
a lower half of the tower in pre-stressed concrete and the upper where they are assembled by bolting together the flanges previ-
half made of steel. A total of nine case studies were considered ously welded at segment extremities. This type of connection is
divided by three different tower types supporting turbines at three called welded flange connection (WFC) in Table 1.
different hub heights as following: (i) 2 MW turbine at 80 m, (ii) Whenever transportation by road of complete tubular steel seg-
3.6 MW turbine at 100 m, (iii) 5 MW turbine at 150 m. ments is not possible because of excessive diameter, an alternative
procedure is considered, assembling on site pre-fabricated curve
panels to make up entire tubes. This procedure can use welding
2. Basic assumptions for life-cycle analysis
of panels, leading to a similar situation of the previous procedure,
or may use bolted connection. The latter alternative solution
Life-cycle analysis is a comprehensive methodology for the
avoids welding on site and is based on the use of bolted friction
quantification of potential environmental impacts of a product or
connection (FrC) described by Veljkovic et al. [20,21,19] for assem-
a system over its life cycle, from raw material acquisition, process-
bling prefabricated tubes and/or for assembling curved panels on
ing, manufacturing, use and disposal in the end-of-life stage. The
site to form circular cross-sections. This alternative connection
general framework for life cycle analysis is provided by interna-
has been developed in recent research work [20,21,19,16,13,2,9]
tional standards ISO14040 (2006) and ISO14044 (2006).
and has been recognized as a competitive solution for steel towers
The wind energy industry is very recent and the consideration
of the end-of-life after 20 years use of wind turbine towers has
Concerning the concrete parts, each ring of the tower is made
not been a priority in the past. The repowering of existing wind
up using three arc segments that have to be limited in weight
farms including the dismantling of the towers and building of
and height suitable for transportation and handling. These arc seg-
new towers is a scenario already considered in some situations
ments are assembled using pre-stressing cables to form a circular
[3,4]. However, the dismantling of the towers has potential high
cross-section and work monolithically.
impacts in the environment [15] and therefore it should be
On site, steel and concrete towers are assembled using cranes
included in the life cycle assessment. Also, new possibilities will
with appropriate dimensions. The procedure to assemble hybrid
be considered in the near future including reuse of the towers on
towers is more complex and includes three stages [12]. Firstly, a
the same spot or on different spots. Therefore, in this study three
small mobile crane is used to assemble, temporarily, the half steel
different end-of-life scenarios are considered for the analysis, as
tower on the foundation and this same crane is used to install a
indicated in Table 1. In the first scenario the structure is disman-
fixed crane on top of the steel tower. Afterwards, the prefabricated
tled and materials are recycled after the lifespan of 20 years. In
concrete sections can be assembled by this fixed crane, and the
the second scenario it is considered that after the initial period of
steel tower remains inside the concrete tower. Finally, the steel
20 years, the structures are refurbished, mainly by surface rehabil-
tower will slide out from the concrete tower using hydraulic jacks.
itation, and reused for another period of 20 years (referred in
Concerning the foundations two different situations are consid-
Table 1 as scenario 40a). In the third scenario, it is considered that
ered whether earthquake is taken into account or not in the design.
after the initial period of 20 years, the structures are deconstruct-
Therefore, each of the case studies in scenario 1, indicated in
ed, rehabilitated and reused in another place for another period
Table 1, is evaluated for LCA considering two different foundations.
of 20 years (referred in Table 1 as scenario 40b). In both cases, after
It should be reminded here the conclusion obtained from the
the total period of 40 years the structures are then demolished and
design in the first part of the paper [17] that the main difference
sent to their final destination according to the assumptions taken
when considering seismic forces is in the design of the foundation.
in the first scenario for each material.
Discussion about the influence of seismic design in the LCA of the
Although the type of structure is similar for all case studies, i.e.
towers is provided for scenario 1. For scenarios 2 and 3, earthquake
tubular cantilever with circular hollow cross section clamped on an
was always taken into account for the design of the respective
octagonal plate concrete foundation, the technology used to pro-
duce and assemble the tower on site varies according to the hub
height, type of tower and material used. This is decisive for LCA
results and deserves therefore particular attention. 3. Model for life-cycle assessment
The construction methodology depends on the type of material,
weight and dimensions of the tubular segments used to finally A model for the LCA of wind towers was developed, which is
assemble the tower on site. Following current technologies, illustrated in Fig. 1, in order to compare different alternative

Table 1
Scenarios for life-cycle analysis of towers.

Tower height and rated power of wind turbine

80 m/2 MW 100 m/3.6 MW 150 m/5 MW
Lifetime (years) 20 40a 40b 20 40a 40b 20 40a 40b
Steel towers and steel segments in hybrid towers WFC x – – x – – x – –
FrC x x x x x x x x x
Concrete towers and concrete segments of hybrid towers CT x x x x x x x x x
294 H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299


Transport Rehabilitation


Fig. 1. Life cycle analysis of a wind tower.

construction solutions for the tower supporting the wind turbine. and materials are sent to their final destination. The scope of the
The life-cycle model includes the production of materials, their analysis comprehends the production of materials, the transporta-
transportation to the construction site, the excavation of soil for tion of materials to construction site, the assemblage of the struc-
the foundations, the erection of the structure (fuel consumed by ture in the construction site, the deconstruction of the tower and
cranes), the maintenance, the deconstruction of the towers and the transportation of the waste to a recycling plant or a landfill.
aftermost, their recycling. The fuel consumption of cranes is based According to the procedure described in the previous section, all
on [12] and adjusted for different powers and heights. pieces of the structure are transported to the construction site and
Moreover, it was assumed that the support structure of the assembled there by the use of a crane. The consumption of diesel is
wind turbine generator does not need any maintenance work with taken into account in the calculation.
significant environmental impact during the service life of During the use stage, the structure is regularly maintained in
20 years. When considering the life span of 40 years, some rehabil- cycles occurring two to three times per year [1], which usually
itation work is considered as described further down in the text. include bolt adjustments, painting and substitution of spare parts
During the deconstruction process, steel structures are disas- as established by maintenance handbooks. However, most mainte-
sembled in the reverse order they were initially built and trans- nance actions occur in the nacelle and rotors, which are outside the
ported for recycling, in the first and second scenarios, or to the scope of the analysis; therefore the use stage (for the period of
new place where they are re-assembled, in the third scenario. For 20 years) was considered to be negligible.
the concrete tower and concrete part of the hybrid tower, the For the end-of-life stage it is considered that all materials are
structure is demolished and sent for recycling. Therefore, in the recycled with the following recycling rates: steel structure with a
third scenario, new concrete elements are produced and sent to recycling rate of 90%, steel reinforcement with a recycling rate of
the new location for the assemblage of each tower. Each scenario 70%, and concrete structure, excluding foundation, with a recycling
is further detailed in the following section. rate of 70%. The remaining parts are sent to a landfill of inert
The life cycle analysis was carried out according to international materials.
standards ISO 14040 [10] and ISO 14044 [11] and the CML method- The allocation of recycling materials, considered in this paper,
ology [8]. The environmental categories selected for the analysis takes into that the use of secondary material displaces the use of
are indicated in Table 2. The unit for comparison between alterna- virgin material (ISO14044, 2006). Therefore, for the recycling of
tive designs, the functional unit, varies according to the case study. steel products, the close-loop approach provided by World Steel
For instance, for the towers with 80 m height, supporting a wind Association [23] is taken into account. According to this approach,
turbine of 2.0 MW, the functional unit is ‘‘the structure of a wind scrap recycling avoids primary production of steel and thus, credits
tower, with a height of 80 m, designed for a service life of 20 years are provided to the system producing the recycling materials. It is
(or 40 years in the second and third scenarios) and supporting a noted that credits are calculated based on the net scrap produced
wind turbine of 2.0 MW’’. in the end of the life cycle, i.e., the difference between the scrap
recovered in the end of life and the initial scrap content. Likewise,
in relation to concrete, it is considered that concrete waste is
4. Analysis of environmental impacts for a life span of 20 years
crushed and valorised to replace aggregates, thus avoiding the
need to produce virgin material. However, before being valorised
4.1. Comparison of the life cycle results for the three towers
it is assumed that concrete waste has to be treated.
The transportation distances from the production plant to the
In the first scenario, it is considered that in the end-of-life stage,
construction site and from the demolition site to the recycling
in year 20, the structure of the supporting tower is deconstructed
plants were considered to be 100 km for all materials. The trans-
Table 2 portation distance from the demolition site to the landfill was con-
Environmental indicators for LCA. sidered to be 20 km.
Indicator Unit The results of the LCA for this scenario are indicated in Fig. 2 for
the environmental category of global warming. The analysis was
Abiotic Depletion (ADP fossil) MJ
Acidification Potential (AP) kg SO2-Equiv. performed by the software GaBi 6 [6]. In addition, all environmen-
Eutrophication Potential (EP) kg Phosphate-Equiv. tal data needed to perform the analysis was taken from [7]. The bill
Global Warming Potential (GWP) kg CO2-Equiv. of materials for each tower was detailed in the companion paper
Ozone Layer Depletion Potential (ODP) kg R11-Equiv. [17]. However, a summary of the main materials, for each case
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) kg Ethene-Equiv.
study, is provided in Table 3.
H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299 295

although in this case, the difference to the steel tower with WFC
is lower. On the other hand, for the 150 m height towers, the steel
tower with WFC has the worst performance, followed by the con-
crete solution.
Focussing on the use of steel segments in the towers, the use of
bolted friction connections (FrC) has clearly an advantage in rela-
tion to the use of welded flange connections (WFC). Furthermore,
the advantage is higher, the higher is the tower. As explained in
the first part of this paper [17], the use of FrC enables to reduce
the amount of steel used in the structure. In addition, the benefit
by the use of FrC is enhanced by steel towers in comparison to
hybrid towers.
To summarize, steel towers with WFC are penalized by the
height of the tower and for the height of 150 m, the steel tower
has the worst performance. On the other side, steel towers with
Fig. 2. Life cycle analysis of wind towers (1st scenario). FrC have the best performance in all cases and the advantage of
FrC is enhanced by higher towers.
For the remaining environmental categories indicated in Table 2
The global warming potential aims to quantify the emission of the results of the life cycle analysis are indicated in Table 4 for the
greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and CH4, to the atmosphere. Due towers with a height of 80 m. The lower values in each environ-
to its major influence in climate change, the results for the life mental category are highlighted in bold.
cycle analysis, focusing on global warming, are illustrated in From Table 4, the hybrid tower gets the best performance in
Fig. 2 for the three types of towers (steel, concrete and hybrid three environmental categories; while, the concrete tower gets
tower) and for the three heights (80 m, 100 m and 150 m). Further- the best performance for two. Steel towers using FrC achieve the
more, for the steel towers and steel part of hybrid towers, two best performance in one category.
types of assemblage were considered, taking into account the The benefit by the use of FrC in relation to WFC is highlighted in
welded flange connection (WFC) and the bolted friction connection Table 4 by column D, representing the reduction of emissions in
(FrC). In all cases, earthquake design was taken into account for the relation to the latter. The use of FrC has advantage in relation to
quantification of materials. WFC for all impact categories. This benefit is generally higher for
Observing the global results it is worth noting that the increase the steel tower in comparison with hybrid tower.
of tower height from 80 to 150 m more than triples the amount of In the case of the towers with a height of 100 m, the results of
CO2 emitted. This increase must obviously be balanced by the the life cycle analysis are summarized in Table 5.
increase in efficacy of the turbine, taking advantage of the higher The same conclusions can be drawn from Table 5. However, in
wind speed, lower wind shear and more powerful turbine. this case, the benefits achieved by the use of FrC, given in column
Concerning the type of material, for the 80 m height towers, the D are much higher than in the previous case, both for the steel
concrete tower has the worst performance (highest value of emis- towers and for the hybrid towers. Likewise, steel towers achieved
sions). In this case, the steel tower has a slight advantage in rela- higher reductions in comparison with hybrid towers.
tion to the hybrid tower. The 100 m concrete tower has still the Finally, in the case of the towers with a height of 150 m, the
worst performance when compared with the other towers, results of the life cycle analysis are indicated in Table 6.

Table 3
Bill of main materials for each scenario.

Scenario Steel S355 (ton) Bolts (ton) Concrete C40/50 (m3) Tendons (tons) Concrete C25/30 (m3) Steel rebars (tons)
Steel tower (80 m) WFC20 122.7 4.65 – – 359.0 30.5
FrC20 122.7 1.25
FrC40 122.7 1.25
Steel tower (100 m) WFC20 414.0 6.99 – – 729.3 53.0
FrC20 333.5 1.61
FrC40 384.7 1.66
Steel tower (150 m) WFC20 1025.0 21.43 – – 981.9 65.38
FrC20 871.9 4.24
FrC40 987.6 4.27
Hybrid tower (80 m) WFC20 44.0 2.62 233.3 16.9 373.6/295.9a 37.2/29.8a
FrC20 44.0 0.68
FrC40 44.0 0.68
Hybrid tower (100 m) WFC20 136.4 3.71 488.3 25.1 831.4/700.4a 83.5/70.9a
FrC20 120.7 0.88
FrC40 129.6 0.89
Hybrid tower (150 m) WFC20 342.5 9.41 1187.5 59.3 1324.0/1035.4a 101.3/81.1a
FrC20 284.1 1.41
FrC40 334.8 1.42
Concrete (80 m) – – 322.2 21.6 458.9/299.7a 56.74/37.9a
Concrete (100 m) – – 790.9 39.6 1058.6/646.6 119.7/75.3a
Concrete (150 m) – – 1778.9 74.2 1664.1/957.1 140.7/86.4a
No seismic risk.
296 H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299

Table 4
Environmental indicators for the towers with 80 m (1st scenario).

Environmental category Concrete Steel Hybrid

CT WFC FrC D (%) WFC FrC D (%)
ADP fossil (MJ) 3.49E+06 3.53E+06 3.48E+06 1.4 2.74E+06 2.72E+06 1.1
AP (kg SO2-Eq.) 8.00E+02 8.55E+02 8.43E+02 1.4 7.42E+02 7.35E+02 0.9
EP (kg PO4-Eq.) 1.12E+02 1.03E+02 1.02E+02 1.1 1.00E+02 9.94E+01 0.6
GWP (kg CO2-Eq.) 3.86E+05 3.04E+05 3.01E+05 1.3 3.40E+05 3.38E+05 0.6
ODP (kg R11-Eq.) 1.12E 03 6.41E 03 6.24E 03 2.6 2.97E 03 2.87E 03 3.2
POCP (kg Ethene-Eq.) 8.10E+01 1.27E+02 1.25E+02 1.5 8.82E+01 8.71E+01 1.2

Note: Minimum values for each category are in bold.

Table 5
Environmental indicators for the towers with 100 m (1st scenario).

Environmental category Concrete Steel Hybrid

ADP fossil (MJ) 6.83E+06 9.08E+06 7.79E+06 14.1 6.34E+06 6.07E+06 4.4
AP (kg SO2-Eq.) 1.72E+03 2.34E+03 1.99E+03 14.9 1.73E+03 1.66E+03 4.3
EP (kg PO4-Eq.) 2.48E+02 2.77E+02 2.39E+02 13.7 2.31E+02 2.23E+02 3.5
GWP (kg CO2-Eq.) 8.75E+05 7.93E+05 6.92E+05 12.6 7.70E+05 7.48E+05 2.8
ODP (kg R11-Eq.) 2.29E 03 2.05E 02 1.65E 02 19.7 8.13E 03 7.26E 03 10.8
POCP (kg Ethene-Eq.) 1.68E+02 3.65E+02 3.04E+02 16.8 2.13E+02 2.00E+02 6.1

Note: Minimum values for each category are in bold.

In this case, the concrete tower achieves the best perfor- hybrid towers, there is no significant change between the two
mance in five environmental categories; while, the steel struc- types of towers (with WFC and FrC).
ture achieves the best performance in one environmental The higher reduction in the LCA results for the concrete tower is
category. The advantage by the use of FrC is still highlighted explained not only by the higher reduction in materials but also by
for the steel tower and the hybrid tower. The benefits achieved the relative importance of the foundations in the life cycle perfor-
by the hybrid tower have slightly increased in relation to the mance of the towers. As observed from Fig. 3a, for the concrete
previous case. tower with 100 m and assuming seismic design, the relative
importance of the foundations varies from 49% for the environ-
4.2. Influence of seismic loading on environmental impacts mental category of EP to 82% for the environmental category of
ODP. In this case, the relative importance of the tower varies from
In the previous sub-section, LCA were performed taking into 6% for the environmental category of ODP to 31% for the environ-
account seismic loading in the design of the towers. In this sub- mental category of GWP.
section a comparison is made between the results presented previ- On the other hand, from Fig. 3b for the hybrid tower with 100
ously and the results that would be obtained assuming no seismic m, the relative importance of the foundations varies from 16% for
loading in the design of the towers. the environmental category of ODP to 40% for the environmental
Therefore, the influence of seismic design is observed from the category of EP. Hence, the relative importance of the foundations
results summarized in Table 7 for the concrete tower and for the for the concrete tower is higher than for the hybrid tower, contrib-
hybrid tower, where the percentages of variation of each environ- uting to a higher reduction of the LCA results.
mental category in relation to Tables 4–6 are given. For the steel In the following scenarios, seismic loading is always considered
tower no change is observed since seismic loading is not governing in the design of the towers.
the design of both the tower and the foundation.
As discussed in the first part of the paper, the seismic design 5. Analysis of environmental impacts for a life span of 40 years
increased up to 75% the dimensions of the foundations for the con-
crete towers and about 30% for the hybrid towers. Hence, the 5.1. Extension of the service life in the same location (2nd scenario)
results of the LCA without the consideration of the seismic are nat-
urally reduced in comparison with the previous results. As In the second scenario, it is considered that after the initial
observed from Table 7, the reduction is significantly higher for period of 20 years, it is decided to extend the service life of the
the concrete tower than for the hybrid tower. In relation to the towers for another period of 20 years in the same wind farm. In

Table 6
Environmental indicators for the towers with 150 m (1st scenario).

Environmental category Concrete Steel Hybrid

CT WFC FrC D (%) WFC FrC D (%)
ADP fossil (MJ) 1.09E+07 1.97E+07 1.72E+07 12.9 1.29E+07 1.19E+07 7.7
AP (kg SO2-Eq.) 2.88E+03 5.11E+03 4.42E+03 13.4 3.51E+03 3.24E+03 7.6
EP (kg PO4-Eq.) 4.39E+02 5.88E+02 5.14E+02 12.6 4.72E+02 4.43E+02 6.1
GWP (kg CO2-Eq.) 1.55E+06 1.62E+06 1.42E+06 12.2 1.53E+06 1.45E+06 5.0
ODP (kg R11-Eq.) 3.12E 03 5.00E 02 4.20E 02 16.0 1.88E 02 1.57E 02 16.6
POCP (kg Ethene-Eq.) 2.64E+02 8.39E+02 7.19E+02 14.3 4.46E+02 3.99E+02 10.4

Note: Minimum values for each category are in bold.

H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299 297

Table 7
Influence of seismic design for concrete and hybrid towers.

Environmental category 80 m 100 m 150 m

2.0 MW 3.6 MW 5.0 MW
Concrete Hybrid Concrete Hybrid Concrete Hybrid
CT (%) WFC (%) FrC (%) CT (%) WFC (%) FrC (%) CT (%) WFC (%) FrC (%)
ADP fossil (MJ) 15 8 9 19 6 6 18 6 6
AP (kg SO2-Eq.) 19 9 9 21 6 7 19 6 7
EP (kg PO4-Eq.) 18 9 9 20 7 7 18 7 7
GWP (kg CO2-Eq.) 19 10 10 21 7 8 19 8 8
ODP (kg R11-Eq.) 24 4 4 28 2 2 25 2 2
POCP (kg Ethene-Eq.) 19 7 7 22 5 5 19 4 5

Fig. 3. Contribution analysis of concrete tower and hybrid tower designed for seismic loading.

this scenario, only bolted friction connections (FrC) are considered

for the steel and hybrid towers.
In this scenario, the scope of the analysis comprehends the pro-
duction of materials, the transportation of materials to construc-
tion site, the erection of the tower, the rehabilitation of the
tower (in year 20), the demolition of the tower (in year 40) and
the transportation of the waste to a recycling plant or a landfill.
In order to extend the service life of the structures, the following
rehabilitation assumptions were taken: (i) complete replacement
of the coating of the steel tower and the steel part of the hybrid
tower; and (ii) rehabilitation of the surface of the concrete tower
and the concrete part of the hybrid tower.
According to this new scenario, the global warming potential for
the three types of towers (steel, concrete and hybrid tower) and for Fig. 4. Life cycle analysis of wind towers (2nd scenario).
the three heights (80 m, 100 m and 150 m) is illustrated in Fig. 4.
In this scenario, the steel tower has the most beneficial perfor-
mance (lower value of emissions), in all cases, followed by the
hybrid tower. On the other hand, the concrete structure has the
worst performance. Comparing Fig. 2 (considering only FrC) and
Fig. 3 it is noted that the results are very similar. The same conclu-
sion would be achieved when comparing the results of the remain-
ing environmental categories.
Therefore, the extension of the service life of the wind towers
does not significantly change the results obtained from the first
scenario, since the difference results from maintenance works,
which have negligible effect.

5.2. Extension of the service life in another location (3rd scenario)

Fig. 5. Life cycle analysis of wind towers (3rd scenario).

In the third scenario, it is considered that, in the end-of-life

stage (in year 20), the structure of the wind tower is deconstructed In this case, the scope of the analysis comprehends the produc-
and reused in another location for another period of 20 years. The tion of materials, the transportation of materials to construction
new location is considered to distance 50 km from the initial site, the erection of the tower, the deconstruction of the tower
location. (after 20 years), the transportation of the tower to the new
Likewise, in this scenario, only bolted friction connections are location, the re-assemblage of the structure, the rehabilitation of
considered for the steel tower and hybrid tower, which enables the tower, the demolition of the tower (after 40 years) and the
the complete deconstruction of the towers. transportation of the waste to a recycling plant or a landfill.
298 H. Gervásio et al. / Engineering Structures 74 (2014) 292–299

Table 8
Environmental indicators for the three tower heights (3rd scenario).

Environmental category 80 m 100 m 150 m

2.0 MW 3.6 MW 5.0 MW
Steel Concrete Hybrid Steel Concrete Hybrid Steel Concrete Hybrid
ADP fossil (MJ) 5.15E+06 6.99E+06 4.78E+06 1.14E+07 1.37E+07 1.05E+07 2.32E+07 2.18E+07 2.03E+07
AP (kg SO2-Eq.) 1.19E+03 1.60E+03 1.29E+03 2.84E+03 3.44E+03 2.86E+03 5.79E+03 5.76E+03 5.54E+03
EP (kg PO4-Eq.) 1.50E+02 2.24E+02 1.79E+02 3.54E+02 4.97E+02 3.97E+02 6.95E+02 8.78E+02 7.84E+02
GWP (kg CO2-Eq.) 4.59E+05 7.72E+05 6.25E+05 1.06E+06 1.75E+06 1.37E+06 1.97E+06 3.09E+06 2.64E+06
ODP (kg R11-Eq.) 6.74E 03 2.25E 03 3.68E 03 1.97E 02 4.58E 03 9.28E 03 4.85E 02 6.25E 03 2.05E 02
POCP (kg Ethene-Eq.) 1.60E+02 1.62E+02 1.42E+02 4.03E+02 3.35E+02 3.19E+02 8.86E+02 5.28E+02 6.28E+02

Note: Minimum values for each category are in bold.

The three types of towers are assembled in different ways, herein used to assess the life-cycle performance of nine case stud-
which affect the way they are deconstructed. Therefore, the three ies, defined by different tower heights (80 m, 100 m and 150 m)
types of towers have different scenarios for the deconstruction and type of structural solution: steel, concrete and hybrid steel-
stage and the following stages. However, in all cases it is concrete.
considered that after the first period of 20 years the foundations Focussing on steel towers with bolted friction connection
are left in the underground and thus, no material is recovered for (FrC) and welded flange connection (WFC), the former is clearly
recycling. Thus, in year 20 new foundations are built in the new more beneficial than the latter for wind towers. The save of
location for all types of towers. materials by the use of FrC enables to reduce environmental
The steel structure is entirely demountable due to the novel impacts up to 16%. The reduction of impacts increases with the
bolted connection referred before, the bolted friction connection. height of the tower. Moreover, the use of FrC enables for the
Therefore, the structure is transported to the new location, the complete dismantling of the tower and its reuse somewhere else.
same way it was initially transported from the production plant The reuse of towers (partially or completely) is a strong advan-
to the construction site. tage of steel towers in comparison with other types of towers,
Likewise, the steel part of the hybrid solution is demountable particularly in relation to the environmental category of global
and transported the same way to the new location. The concrete warming.
tower and the concrete part of the hybrid tower are demolished The results presented in this paper are focussed on the design of
and recycled according to the recycling rates indicated in the pre- the towers considering seismic loading. In order to assess the influ-
vious sub-section. ence of seismic design on LCA, a comparison between the design of
In order to extend the service life of the structures, the steel towers with and without the consideration of seismic loading was
tower and the steel part of the hybrid tower are assumed to have performed for the first scenario. It was concluded that without
the coating system totally replaced in year 20, after re-assembling. seismic design the results of LCA may be reduced up to 27%. The
New elements for the concrete tower and for the concrete part reduction is more significant for concrete towers than for steel or
of the hybrid tower are produced in year 20 and transported to the hybrid towers due to the higher relative importance of foundations
new location, as described in the first scenario. in the former case.
According to this new scenario, the global warming potential In terms of global life-cycle performance of the wind towers,
for the three types of towers (steel, concrete and hybrid tower) and considering equal importance for all environmental categories,
and for the three heights (80 m, 100 m and 150 m) is illustrated it may be concluded that for heights up to 100 m hybrid towers
in Fig. 5. with FrC are the most efficient solution. For higher heights, the
In this scenario, the steel tower has the most beneficial perfor- concrete tower becomes more efficient.
mance (lower value of emissions), in all cases, followed by the Transversal to all type of analyses and materials is the conclu-
hybrid tower. On the other hand, the concrete structure, due to sion that the increase of tower height from 80 m to 150 m multi-
higher consumption of materials (namely cement), has the worst plies by more than 3 times the global warming indicator. The
performance. most penalized situations are those represented by scenario 1
The results of the life cycle analysis, taking into account the and 2. The possible reuse of parts or of the entire tower, foreseen
remaining environmental categories are indicated in Table 8. The in scenario 3 when using steel towers built with friction connec-
lower values in each environmental category for the three types tions, may deem this drawback.
of towers (80 m, 100 m and 150 m) are highlighted in bold.
From Table 8 it is observed that for towers with 80 m and Acknowledgments
100 m, the steel tower has the best performance (lower values in
three out of the six environmental categories), followed by the This study was undertaken within the HISTWIN2 project, par-
hybrid tower and in last the concrete tower. tially funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFS-CT-
In the case of the towers with 150 m, each tower has the best 2010-00031).
performance in two environmental categories.
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