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Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

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Kinetic energy harvesting technologies for applications in land

transportation: A comprehensive review
Hongye Pan a, Lingfei Qi a, Zutao Zhang a, *, Jinyue Yan b, *
School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, PR China
School of Business, Society and Energy, Mälardalen University, Västerås, SE 72123, Sweden


• Energy flow in energy harvesting systems applied in land transportation is presented.

• Different applications for road, track and vehicle are introduced and compared.
• The research gaps and technical difficulties that remain unresolved are discussed.
• The work on renewable land transportation is helpful for future research.


Keywords: The development of land transportation has effectively contributed to countries’ economic and social develop­
Kinetic energy harvesting ment. Roads, rails and vehicles have come into widespread use in transporting things from one location to
Land transportation another on land. However, much energy is dissipated in traditional land transportation, and this energy is worthy
Road-side harvesters
of being recovered. Many researchers in recent decades have presented different types of energy harvesting
Rail-side harvesters
systems to harness this dissipated energy. Regenerative energy harvesting systems can convert dissipated energy
Vehicle-side harvesters
into electricity for different applications. This paper is a comprehensive review of energy harvesting technologies
for different applications in the land transportation. First, the commonly used energy harvesting technologies in
land transportation are summarized. Second, different energy harvesting systems are presented in terms of de­
signs, simulations, and experiments. Third, a common analysis of energy harvesting technologies is conducted to
calculate and simulate the performance of these systems. Also, a comparison of the presented energy harvesting
systems is conducted in various ways. Then different applications and energy utilizations of the energy har­
vesting systems are summarized. Moreover, research gaps and technical difficulties that remain unresolved are
discussed, and some recommendations are made, which aim to be helpful for further research.

1. Introduction global transport energy use and carbon dioxide emissions will increase
by about 50% by 2030 and more than 80% by 2050 [3]. China’s
Whether on land or at sea, transportation is important to social transportation energy consumption increased by about 763%, with an
development and national economic development [1]. Advanced tech­ average annual growth of 8.6% [4]. Statistics show a 3.75 times increase
nologies enable people to go further, explore more areas, reduce travel of transportation energy consumption from 2000 to 2014 [5]. Road
time, and expand their influence in ever larger areas. Land transport has transport accounts for about three-quarters of all carbon dioxide emis­
been used to transport all kinds of things from one location to another on sions in the transport sector [6]. The carbon intensity of railway trans­
land. Traditionally, there are two main types of land transportation, i.e. port is less than that of other means of transportation [7], depending on
road transportation and rail transportation. the proportion of fossil fuels in the power sources [8].
Globally, transportation accounts for 30% of the world’s total Fossil fuels are one of the major energy sources used in land trans­
delivered energy, making it the second largest energy consumption port; consequently, there are significant emissions of carbon dioxide [9]
sector after industry [2]. The International Energy Agency forecasts that and pollution to damage the natural environment [10]. Transportation

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Zhang), (J. Yan).
Received 5 September 2020; Received in revised form 30 December 2020; Accepted 16 January 2021
Available online 30 January 2021
0306-2619/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

is critical to achieving deep decarbonization [11]. Therefore, regener­

ation technologies applied in land transportation to harvest ambient
energy are necessary for improving fuel economy, reducing emissions,
and supplying power to other systems.
Facing the world energy crisis and the greenhouse effect, countries
all over the world attach great importance to developing the new energy
industry. As a promising technology, energy harvesting can generate
renewable clean energy from the ambient environment by capturing
unused and wasted energy. Nowadays, more and more energy regen­
erative technologies are proposed to harvest ambient energy, such as
kinetic energy, solar energy [12,13], wind energy [14,15], sound energy
[16], and wave energy [17]. Kinetic energy, transferred from vehicles to
the road surface or tracks, has a huge potential to be recovered. Different
strategies of kinetic energy regenerative technologies have been put Fig. 1. Energy flow in vehicles [21].
forward to harness the otherwise dissipated energy in land
transportation. gases, cooling, and mechanical losses because of friction in engine and
This paper presents a comprehensive review of kinetic energy har­ transmission. Finally, the energy used to drive a car was only about
vesting technologies for different applications in the land transportation. 21.5% of the fuel energy. In a report conducted by the International
This review classifies regenerative based energy harvesting systems into Energy Agency [22], the power supplied to wheels only accounts for 5%
three categories, depending on application scenario: road-side energy to 21%, as shown in Fig. 2(a). There is 4% to 6% energy loss in the
harvesters, track-side energy harvesters, and vehicle-side energy har­ drivetrain. And the engine losses reach 67% to 72%.
vesters. On the road, speed bumps and pavement are always exposed to In order to replace the significant amount of fossil fuel used in the
the impacts of cars and pedestrians, and can be designed to harvest the transportation, plug-in hybrid and all-electric vehicles have the oppor­
energy of these impacts. It is necessary to harvest the track vibration tunity to be well developed in recent years and in the future [23].
energy between wheels and rails, as it has huge potential, and moreover However, it is not the case that plug-in hybrid and electric cars do not
affects the surrounding buildings and people. In driving vehicles, har­ suffer energy losses similar to those described above. The U.S. Envi­
vesting the vibration energy from suspension and the braking energy ronmental Protection Agency [24] has conducted a test on the energy
from wheels can help improve vehicle economy and reduce pollution. flow distribution of electric vehicles, and the result is shown in Fig. 2(b).
Although divided into different categories, the common kinetic energy The test conditions are comprehensive road conditions, consisting of
harvesting systems usually are composed of four parts: (1) energy input 55% urban road driving and 45% expressway driving. The losses in
module, (2) transmission mechanism module, (3) electricity generation battery charging and the electric driving system constitute 16% and 67
module, and (4) power storage units. to 72% of the energy respectively. The other losses come from parasitic
The rest of this review is constructed as follows. First, the commonly losses (2.5%) and auxiliary electrical losses (0–4%). Unlike fuel cars,
used energy harvesting technologies in land transportation are sum­ electric vehicles can regenerate braking energy (17%). Finally, the en­
marized. Second, the different energy harvesting systems are presented ergy used for driving is 77–82%, which is higher than that of fuel cars,
in terms of designs, simulations, and experiments. Section 4 conducted a obviously.
common analysis of the energy harvesting technologies, to calculate and As for rail transit, González-Gil et al. came up with the traction en­
simulate the performance of these systems, and compared the presented ergy flow, as shown in Fig. 3 [25]. The braking processes consume the
energy harvesting technologies in various ways. Then different appli­ most traction energy, accounting for half of the net traction energy.
cations and energy utilizations of the energy harvesting systems are Since the motors work as generators while braking, 33% of braking
summarized in section 5. Moreover, research gaps and technical chal­ energy is recovered and reused. However, about a third of the braking
lenges that remain unresolved are discussed, and some recommenda­ energy is still lost because of using friction brakes.
tions are made, aiming to be helpful for further research. To further increase the proportion of energy used in driving a car or a

2. General aspects of the power dissipation in land


There are many kinds of energy wasted in land transportation, such

as solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, and kinetic energy.
Among them, kinetic energy harvesting technologies have the advan­
tages of being clean, stable, small, etc. [18]. Among the different forms
of ambient energy, kinetic energy is almost ubiquitous, and easily
accessible, because it always exists in the form of vibration, regular or
random displacements, and driving forces [19]. Vibrations are also
widespread in structures such as roads, bridges, and moving structures
such as cars and trains [20].

2.1. How much energy is dissipated in land transportation?

First, the account of energy dissipated in the land transportation

needs to be figured out. “Land transportation” typically includes road­
ways, railways, and vehicles. The following reports previous work about
energy flow in different ways.
As shown in Fig. 1, Kenneth Holmberg et al. [21] pointed out that a
significant portion of the fuel power generated to cars is lost. Total en­ Fig. 2. Energy flow diagram of two kinds of vehicles under comprehensive road
ergy losses accounted for about 78.5% of the fuel energy, due to exhaust conditions [22,24].

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

energy harvesters, track-side energy harvesters, and vehicle-side en­

ergy harvesters.
Although divided into different categories, kinetic energy harvesting
systems, as shown in Fig. 4, commonly have four main parts: (1) energy
input module, (2) transmission mechanism module, (3) electricity gen­
eration module, and (4) power storage module. First, the kinetic energy
flows into the energy input module, causing the energy input module to
move vertically up and down. A conversion mechanism is required to
convert kinetic energy into electrical energy [26]. Most of the vibration
energy harvesting technologies presented here use mechanical ampli­
fiers to couple source vibrations to transducers [27]. The transmission
mechanism module is usually used to convert bidirectional linear mo­
tion or rotation into the one-directional rotation of generators, which
avoids damage to the generator otherwise caused by frequently chang­
ing the direction of rotation, and which improves the power generation
efficiency of the system. A relatively simple and common method is to
use two one-way clutches. Reciprocating motion inputs pass to two
Fig. 3. Energy flow in rail systems [25]. bearings, each with a mounted one-way clutch but in different di­
rections. In a reciprocating process, two one-way clutches alternately
train, researches have proposed many ways to harvest wasted energy. engage to make the unidirectional rotation of the generator. Then,
These harvesting methods are divided into different types: 1) Braking electrical power can be generated by the rotary generators in the elec­
energy recovery, 2) suspension vibration energy recovery, 3) tire tricity module. Finally, the power storage module stores the electricity,
deformation energy recovery (only for cars), and 4) railway vibration which is usually used to power the monitors, sensors, maintenance, and
energy recovery (only for trains). so on. Depending on the types of generators in the electricity generation
module, the transmission mechanism module may not be necessary.
Applying kinetic energy harvesting technologies in land transportation
2.2. Energy flow in land transportation will contribute to the development of intelligent transportation systems
Many studies focus on kinetic energy harvesting in land trans­
portation. This review classifies regenerative energy harvesting systems
into three categories, depending on application scenarios: road-side

Fig. 4. Scheme of the land transportation energy havesting system layout.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

3. Regenerative energy conversion systems applied in land motion to circular motion. A total working efficiency of 41.03% was
transportation found in experiments. Jaleel et al. [37] developed an electromagnetic
hydraulic harvester to harvest the wasted kinetic energy of moving ve­
As mentioned above, regenerative energy harvesting systems are hicles. Simulation results showed that the output power harvested from
classified into three categories, based on their application scenarios: a passing vehicle with average weight of 1000 kg and speed of 30–50
road-side energy harvesters, track-side energy harvesters, and vehicle- km/h was 4000 W. Khalfan and Imrek [38] designed a hydraulic speed
side energy harvesters. Different kinetic energy harvesting applica­ bump system to recover the wasted energy from passing vehicles. Under
tions in land transportation are shown in Fig. 5. the assigned operating conditions, an energy harvesting efficiency of
about 45% was obtained by the speed bump system. Zhang et al. [39]
proposed a hydraulic energy harvesting system, which harvests energy
3.1. Road-side kinetic energy harvesting systems from vehicle flows in road tunnels. The system was designed to be placed
at downhill path or the opening of road tunnels. The simulation results
A portion of the power supplied by the engines of traveling vehicles showed that an efficiency of 67.6% was achieved. Santosh Sarma et al.
on the road will be transformed into the deformation and vibration of [40] designed a roller setup-based power generation unit to generate
roads [29]. The following prospect is an attractive one: develop new electricity from passing vehicles. The field-testing results showed an
energy technologies to harvest this portion of energy without producing output power of 1.67 W. Ramadan et al. [41] presented different types of
pollution [30]. There are two kinds of energy harvesting applications on speed bump regenerative systems. The experiments conducted on the
the road, i.e. speed bumps and pavements. Road-side kinetic energy rack-pinion system showed that an electrical power of 45 W was ach­
harvesting systems are an effective way to harvest wasted automobile ieved when load mass was 80 kg.
energy on the road. Zhang et al. [42] developed an energy harvesting system with a
sliding deceleration mechanism to collect the vibration created by
3.1.1. Energy regenerative speed bumps passing vehicles. A mechanical motion rectifier (MMR), including racks,
Speed bumps are usually used in urban zones or other speed limit pinions, and clutches, converted the vibration into the rotation of a
areas to reduce the speed of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles [31]. generator. A mechanical efficiency of 63% was found in the simulation
When a car goes over a speed bump, its horizontal motion becomes up- results. Zhang et al. [43] proposed an energy harvesting system, which
and-down motion, and the higher the speed, the greater the vertical collects the kinetic energy induced by passing vehicles (Fig. 7). A
acceleration. However, the energy used to slow down a vehicle when it chessboard sliding plate module is used as a power input unit for the
passes a speed bump is wasted [32]. To convert this kinetic energy into system. In this system, there is also a transmission mechanism, which
electrical energy, speed bumps fall off as a vehicle goes over them, and converts the bidirectional linear motion of the sliding plate into the one-
every drop generates electricity. directional rotation of the generator. A system efficiency of 57% was
Pirisi et al. [33,34] presented a tubular permanent-magnet linear found in the experimental results.
generator to harvest energy from traffic. Replacing hydraulic pumps and To harvest energy from passing vehicles, Zuo et al. [44] developed an
mechanical flywheels with tubular generators and dynamic power energy harvester in the form of a speed bump. Similar to voltage recti­
control improves system efficiency. The measured minimum output fiers, an MMR is designed to convert irregular pulses directly into the
voltage of the system is 24.3 V. Zhang et al. [35] presented a kinetic one-way rotation of the generator to maintain high speed rotation by
energy harvesting system Fig. 6, which converted wasted energy into disconnecting the low speed driver. It can be found that the MMR
electricity from vehicles passing over. The proposed harvesting system harvester can harvest 3–4 times more energy than non-MMR harvesters.
consists of a speed bump module, suspension module, generator module, Gholikhani et al. [45] presented an electromagnetic-based speed bump
and power storage. The experiment results showed the peak output energy harvester (Fig. 8). The top plate and rack move upwards and
voltage of the system was 194 V and the average output voltage was downwards. Two installed one-way clutches inside the pinions keep the
55.2 V when the vehicle travels at 40 km/h. Ting et al. [36] developed a motor rotating in one direction. Experiment results showed an average
mechanical roadway system, which applied hydraulic drive technique. output power of 3 mW per channel.
When a vehicle goes over, piston plates and hydraulic cylinders are In addition, piezoelectric regenerative speed bumps have also
pressed downwards, and then a crank transmission converts linear

Fig. 5. Different kinetic energy harvesting applications in land transportation.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 6. Kinetic energy harvesting system for a renewable road tunnel. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [35].

Fig. 7. Road energy harvester based on a chessboard sliding plate. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [43]]

Fig. 8. The electromagnetic speed bump. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [45]]

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

attracted the attention of some researchers. Sung et al. [46] proposed a Usually an electromagnetic harvester has a mechanism to transfer the
speed bump based on piezoelectric energy harvesting technology. 40 vertical motion of the pavement into the rotation of the motor to
piezo-generators were fixed and installed inside the speed bump. From generate electricity. Because of the more stringent restrictions on the
experiment results, a maximum output voltage of 144 V and a maximum protrusion height of the road surface, less displacement can be used to
output power of 4 W were found at the condition of 30 km/h speed and 2 transfer power than can be used in speed bumps.
kΩ load resistance. Papagiannakis et al. [47] developed a piezoelectric- Liu et al. [58] designed an energy harvesting paver to harvest energy
based energy harvesting pavement system. According to analysis this from human walking. In this design, rack-pinion, gears, and one-way-
proposed system produced about 2100 Wh for one year. clutch are used to convert the up-and-down motion of the top panel to
In general, the height of energy regenerative speed bumps above the the one-directional rotational motion of the generator. 50% of the
road is limited, which also limits the displacement used to transfer theoretically available potential energy is converted into electricity.
power. And large structures need to be excavated from the road to place The energy harvesting technologies applied to roads convert the ki­
part of the structure under the road. netic energy from roads into electricity, and are used as the power
sources of electronic equipment on the roads, such as wireless sensors,
3.1.2. Energy harvesting pavement which make the development of smart roads possible.
Pavement is a potentially important component for energy recovery
in the land transportation [48]. The pavement surface is constantly 3.2. Track-side kinetic energy harvesting systems
exposed to energy in the form of vehicle vibrations, traffic loading
strains, and so on [49]. In addition, trampling pressure from pedestrians As the global traffic problem becomes increasingly prominent, many
walking on the road is also a source of energy. Generating electricity by countries have adopted priority development strategies of public
harvesting potential energy such as kinetic energy on pavement has transportation, especially rail transit [59]. Rail transit has been vigor­
attracted more attention recently [50]. Past research usually focuses on ously developed because of its large traffic volume and small pollution
two categories: piezoelectric and electromagnetic. potential [60,61]. There are many sensors and other monitoring devices
Road energy harvesters buried in the pavement structure with alongside railways to ensure safe operation. To solve the problem of
piezoelectric materials use inertial energy harvesting, converting the power supply, ambient energy (especially kinetic energy) harvesting
kinetic energy of the pavement into electricity via the piezoelectric ef­ technologies have attracted more and more attention.
fect; this method is usually used as the energy source of self-powered and It cannot be ignored that a huge amount of vibration energy is pro­
low-power electronic devices [51]. An applicability evaluation of the duced by a train during operation, and this obviously causes disturbance
piezoelectric road energy harvester studied by Wang et al. [52] shows to people and damage to the surrounding buildings [62–64]. For de­
that the output performance of the piezoelectric energy harvester de­ cades, railway development has been aimed at faster speed and greater
pends on the buried depth, upper layer materials, and loads. comfort. In order to reduce the vibration and noise caused by trains,
To power the wireless sensors in smart highways, Sung et al. [53] there are many kinds of vibration-attenuating slab tracks brought for
designed an impact-based piezoelectric harvester. In this design, both railways [65], but vibration is still unavoidable. The continuous high-
ends of each piezoelectric-panel are fixed, and the stress is applied to the frequency vibration produced by trains during operation is related to
middle of the plate. A universal testing machine was used to simulate the vehicle itself, the contact surface between wheels and rail [66], track
road conditions and to measure the output power of the harvester, to smoothness, foundation strength, etc. Railway vibration energy has
study its feasibility. The testing results show that a maximum output large energy density and wide regional distribution, so it has great po­
power of 483 mW is generated by this road energy harvester. Later, Sung tential to be converted into electrical energy. Meanwhile, harvesting the
et al. [54] developed a piezoelectric pavement energy harvester to vibration energy of railway tracks is helpful to reducing the impact of
power an internet of things system on roads, which was installed on an vibration on human and railway safety, and the generated electrical
actual walkway. The maximum output power of this harvester (with a energy can also be used to supply power to equipment along the line to
resistance of 10 kΩ) was measured as 148.3 mW, as a person weighing further improve operation safety. Therefore, more and more researchers
100 kg passes over. More recently, they proposed a landfilled piezo­ are paying attention to the harvesting of orbital vibration energy.
electric harvester, which also harvests energy from passing vehicles, and Gatti et al [67] did research to determine how much energy could be
powers the emergency lighting systems on roads [55]. A piezoelectric harvested from a railway when trains pass. The maximum energy har­
harvester includes 80 piezoelectric-panels connected in parallel and the vested from the railway was found to be about 0.25 J/kg in field tests, at
rigid bars thereon. The pressure of a passing vehicle causes the rigid bars an excitation of 17 Hz. In order to exploit resonance and improve track
to move vertically, and deforms the piezoelectric-panels to generate vibration regeneration, it is advantageous to know the spectral content
electricity. In this study, a road test was conducted with the harvester of the rail vibration. Gatti et al. [68] studied the factors affecting the
installed on the road pavement. The generated power increases with the spectral content. For energy harvesting, the wheel spacing within a
increase of vehicle speed, and the maximum power generated in the field bogie is important, because it provides maximum impact to track
test was 1.1 W. Instead of the single-layer both-ends-fixed piezoelectric vibration.
energy harvester, Wang et al. [56] designed a piezoelectric energy Zhang et al. [69] developed a portable electromagnetic based energy
conversion structure based on multi-layer cantilever. The multi-layer harvesting system, which generates electricity for rail-side safety facil­
cantilever structure can make piezoelectric-panels co-vibrate with ities (Fig. 9). The bidirectional vertical motion of the track is converted
road driving, and can improve the output performance of the harvester, into the unidirectional rotatory motion of the generator, by using rack,
which makes the monolithic harvester generate 3.14 mW at the vibra­ gears and two one-way clutches. The prototype experiments showed
tion frequency of 5 Hz. Guo et al. [57] proposed a piezoelectric energy that a peak EMF generated by the system is 6.45 V at the frequency of 2
harvesting system in the form of pavement with different thicknesses Hz, and the efficiency is 55.5%. Later, they presented an energy har­
and element designs, including piezo balls, piezo cylinders, and piezo vesting system based on a mechanical vibration rectifier with one-way
curved roofs. The laboratory-based experimental results show maximum bearings [70], as shown in Fig. 10. In this system, the mechanical vi­
output voltages up to 85 V and 50 V produced by the piezo balls and the bration rectifier converts bidirectional vibration into one-directional
piezo cylinders, respectively. rotation, which improves the efficiency of mechanical transmission.
Normally, piezoelectric materials generate alternating current, Experimental results showed the peak output voltage was 58 V at an
which needs to be converted to direct current by a bridge rectifier cir­ excitation of 1 Hz and 2.5 mm. Both systems place the racks at the
cuit. Compared with piezoelectric harvesters, electromagnetic har­ bottom of the track, while the gears, generators, etc., are placed on the
vesters have more complex structure, but also more power generation. ground.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 9. Electromagnetic energy harvesting system [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [69].

Fig. 10. Energy harvesting system for railroads [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [70].

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Unlike the previous installation, Zuo et al. [71,72] proposed an of energy can be harvested by track-side energy harvesting systems.
anchorless mounted railroad energy harvester, in which the rack is
installed on the ground, while the gears and generator are installed on
the sleepers. The proposed system converts vibration energy into elec­ 3.3. Vehicle-side kinetic energy harvesting systems
tricity, and is used as an alternative power source alongside the railway.
Field tests showed that a maximum power of 56 W was generated by this Whether it is a conventional vehicle, an electric vehicle, or a train,
system. An electromagnetic energy harvester [73] for railroads was only part of its energy is used to induce movement, while the rest is
designed based on an MMR mechanism, which converts bidirectional dissipated in various forms, as mentioned in part 2. A vehicle needs to
vibration into the one-directional rotation of the generator via accelerate and decelerate frequently while driving, which will cause
embedded one-way clutches in the bevel gears. Field testing results acceleration in the horizontal direction, and which will also create ac­
showed that this system generated an average power of 2.24 W at 30 celeration in the vertical direction when the vehicle encounters uneven
km/h transit speed. roads or rails. Some of the energy is used to increase or decrease these
Many electromagnetic track energy harvesting systems use gears and movement tendencies. Therefore, there are two types of dissipated en­
racks to transmit the motion of the track to the generator; Dotti and Sosa ergy that are easy to recover, namely braking energy used to slow down
[74] did this in the form of a pendulum harvester. The harvester consists a vehicle, and suspension vibration energy used to keep the vehicle
of a pendulum, including a bob and a rod, gear-belt coupling, a gener­ stationary. A lot of research has been done in recent decades on these
ator, and a servomotor. The pendulum and gear are mounted on the axis two kinds of energy harvesting.
of the generator. The pendulum requires an initial startup condition, and
this is achieved by the servomotor. An average power of 5–6 W gener­ 3.3.1. Braking energy recovery
ated by each harvester could be found in the numerical simulations. The Whether for passenger cars or train carriages, braking energy re­
output energy generated is able to power rail-side equipment. covery is the most important technology. In conventional braking sys­
There are also studies focusing on electromagnetic energy harvesting tems, when decelerating in urban driving situations, it is found that
systems to harvest rail vibration. Lu et al. [75,76] developed a smart about 1/3 to 1/2 of the energy from the engine dissipates in the form of
monitoring system for underground railways by harvesting local energy heat [79]. Applying regenerative braking systems in vehicles would
(Fig. 11). The proposed system included an electromagnetic based en­ effectively improve fuel economy by harvesting braking energy [80,81],
ergy generator and a wireless sensor node. Field testing results showed especially for vehicles in heavy stop-and-go traffic [82]. The energy
that a maximum power generation of 550 mW was obtained by the consumed in the railway sector is huge; this energy is split into 70% for
proposed system. traction and 30% for station consumers [83]. As one of the greatest
Guo et al [77] proposed an electromagnetic vibration energy sources of energy recovery, regenerative braking is usually used in
harvester, which converted track sleepers’ vibration energy into elec­ modern railways [84]. Regenerative braking applications in urban
tricity, and which supplied power for sensors or data transfer units in railway systems reduce net energy consumption by 10% to 45% [85].
monitoring systems. The system consists of coils, mass block, spring, and For a conventional fuel vehicle, an additional braking recovery system is
permanent magnets. The magnetic flux of the coils changes accordingly required to harvest the energy wasted during braking. Due to the the
to generate electricity when the system is excited by vehicle-induced particularity of the power systems of electric locomotives and electric
vibration. Experiment results showed the peak power harvested by the vehicles, the motor can be used as a generator to convert kinetic energy
system can reach 35.3 W. In order to efficiently harvest vibration energy into electric energy during braking. And regenerative braking is
at various frequencies, Guo et al [78] proposed a new electromagnetic important for the development of these two kinds of vehicles, because
vibration energy harvester with four submodules, of which the main regenerative braking increases vehicle economy by 15% [86]. There are
components were the same as in the previous design mentioned in [77]. three representative types of braking energy harvesting systems for ve­
Each submodule is independent of each other, and has different natural hicles: electromagnetic systems, flywheel systems, and hydraulic
frequencies, which makes it feasible to harvest multi-frequency vibra­ systems.
tion energy. A maximum energy output of 1.41 W was found in the The first type is electromagnetic braking energy recovery systems.
calculation results. An electromagnetic braking energy recovery system usually includes a
At present, track-side energy harvesting systems are mainly installed transmission mechanism, a clutch or a switch, and a generator. During
in positions where the track receives more vibration, such as the bottom braking, the clutch engages and the power is transferred from the wheel
of the rails, the top or bottom of the sleepers, and adjacent to the track to the generator through the transmission mechanism. The electrical
slab. The harvested energy is mainly used to power equipment along the energy generated by the generator can extend the range of electrical
railway, such as wireless sensors, to ensure the safety of railway oper­ vehicles, or can be used as the power supply for equipment on vehicles.
ation. Railway vibration energy has great potential, and a large amount Zhang et al. [87] designed a braking energy harvesting system, using
coil springs to harvest the braking energy of vehicles (Fig. 12). The

Fig. 11. Smart monitoring system for underground railway. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [75].

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 12. Electro-mechanical braking energy recovery system. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [87].

proposed system could recover braking energy, provide ancillary start- technologies based on hydraulic transmission systems [93].
up torque for vehicles, and generate electricity to charge batteries. Oliveira et al. [94] designed a parallel hydraulic-pneumatic braking
The simulation results showed that regenerative braking had an energy energy recovery system. The system is installed on a heavy-duty hybrid
efficiency of 56% and 62% under urgent braking and deceleration vehicle, and stores braking energy as the vehicle travels through cities
braking, respectively. During bench tests, the torque generated by the and highways, and is used for propulsion and auxiliary systems. Simu­
system was 12.7 Nm, the output voltage was 3.5 V, and the system ef­ lation results show the system recovers 69% and 14% of available en­
ficiency was as high as 53%, when three coil springs were completely ergy from braking to full stop and on long downward slopes,
deformed. respectively.
Wang et al. [88] designed a disc-shaped triboelectric nanogenerator, Chicurel [95] developed a combined regenerative-dissipative
based on a combination of triboelectrification and electrostatic- braking system for a bus, including a hydraulic pump with fixed
induction processes. This design harvested energy via a rotating disc displacement and a hydropneumatics accumulator. According to cal­
structure. Therefore, it could harvest energy whether braking or not. culations, about 45% of the total energy absorbed during braking pro­
Experimental results showed the maximum output voltage is 540 V in cess is regenerated by the proposed system.
the contact mode. Walker et al. [96] conducted a parametric design of a parallel hy­
The hydraulic servo-actuation on a conventional truck is fed by the draulic hybrid vehicle. Hydraulic hybrid technologies recover braking
internal combustion engine. Even when the truck is not propelling itself, energy from the vehicle driving system and reuse it for driving, to
the engine can’t be turned off. In order to reduce fuel consumption and improve fuel economy. The hydraulic drive system is mounted on the
pollution, Pugi et al. [89] designed a servo-actuation system for indus­ drive shaft of a conventional engine-driven vehicle, and is separated
trial trucks. The designed hydraulic servo-actuation system is fed by a from the drive system by a clutch. The system consists of a hydraulic
braking energy recovery system. The braking energy is regenerated and pump/motor, a valve, a high-pressure accumulator, and a low-pressure
stored in batteries during braking, and then used to feed the hydraulic accumulator. Simulation results showed that more than 70% of the
system, at which time the internal combustion engine is switched off. braking energy was recovered into the high-pressure accumulator.
The second type of braking energy harvesting system is flywheel The braking performance of a vehicle is an important guarantee for
braking energy recovery systems. The idea of flywheel energy storage the safety of drivers and passengers. Because regenerative braking
was proposed as early as 100 years ago, but due to the constraints of the cannot meet the whole braking demand, a key problem is how to co­
technical conditions of that era, there was no breakthrough for a long ordinate friction braking and regenerative braking. The researches aim
time. In recent decades, breakthroughs in materials have created greater to solve the problem by mainly focusing on the control strategy of
development space for flywheel energy storage technology. First, high braking energy recovery [79], that is, by giving priority to regenerative
strength carbon fiber composites greatly increase the kinetic energy braking and rationally distributing the braking power of different
reserve per unit mass. Second, the development of magnetic levitation wheels to ensure braking stability and the best energy recovery. In order
technology reduces the friction loss of flywheel rotors to the minimum. to improve energy recovery and utilization efficiency, Wang et al. [97]
In addition, the flywheel rotor is generally rotated in a vacuum chamber proposed an efficient distribution strategy for power allocation in an
to reduce aerodynamic losses. Due to the technology’s characteristics of electro-hydraulic battery-supercapacitor composite regenerative
high storage density, negligible capacity degradation, and extremely fast braking system. Pei et al. [98] introduced a coordinated electro-
response to instantaneous high power demand [90], flywheel energy hydraulic braking control strategy for distributed electric vehicles. In
storage is suitable for application in braking energy recovery systems. this strategy, the driver’s braking intention is incorporated into the
Secanell et al. [91] developed a mathematical model to analyze the braking distribution, and a genetic algorithm is used to obtain the
energy consumption of a light rail transit run at a specific driving cycle, optimal solution. As for trains, Urbaniak and Kardas-Cinal [99] studied
on which high-speed composite flywheels are installed. The results the possibility of a method that recovers the braking energy from one
showed energy savings ranging from 31.21% to 9.83% were recovered train, and uses it immediately for another train in the same power
by installing the high-speed flywheel energy storage system. section.
The third type of braking energy harvesting system is hydraulic
braking energy recovery systems. Hydraulic systems—boasting the 3.3.2. Suspension vibration energy recovery
characteristics of high-power ratio, high reliability, and convenient The force and torque between the automobile body and wheels are
stepless speed regulation—are widely used in various transmission transmitted through the automobile suspension. As an important
systems to improve system performance [92]. Hydraulic transmission component supporting the automobile body and wheels, the automobile
systems transmit energy through pressure fluid. Braking energy regen­ suspension can relieve the impact caused by uneven road surfaces dur­
eration is one of the applications of energy regeneration and conversion ing driving, so as to ensure the ride comfort of the automobile body

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

[100]. The vibration energy is usually absorbed by the tires and the According to simulations, about 20% to 70% of regenerative energy is
vehicle suspension, of which only a small portion is absorbed by the achieved for a 2500 lb vehicle with four proposed regenerative shock
tires, because of their small damping effect; the rest of the vibration absorbers running at 45 mph on a typical US highway.
energy is absorbed and dissipated in the suspension via heat [101]. Paulides and Gysen et al. [110–112] proposed an electromagnetic-
Shock absorbers in suspensions play the role of inhibiting spring jump based direct-drive active suspension system, which improved stability
and reducing the road impact. The internal hydraulic oil of traditional and safety through active control during turning and braking. The pro­
shock absorbers will suffer resistance when it flows, and the damping it posed system includes an actuator, a passive spring, and damper. This
provides can achieve the effect of vibration reduction. The mechanical system can deliver active forces and convert motion to electrical energy.
energy of suspension vibration will be converted into the heat energy of Zuo et al. [113] designed a regenerative shock absorber to efficiently
shock absorber hydraulic oil in the process of vibration reduction, and regenerate vibration energy in compact space. The four-phase linear
will be transferred to the atmosphere via heat exchange. In fact, the generator, based on permanent magnets and magnetic loops, can in­
energy of automobile suspension vibration can be recovered by some crease efficiency and reduce weight. This absorber has the ability to
methods. According to the estimation of researchers, the energy recov­ generate 16–64 W power at 0.25–0.5 m/s RMS suspension velocity.
ery potential of automobile suspension vibration is very considerable. Later, in [114], Zuo et al. proposed a tubular linear electromagnetic
The suspension energy recovery potential of ordinary passenger vehicles transducer for the application of vibration energy regeneration from
ranges from 100 W to 400 W, and the energy recovery power is corre­ vehicle suspension, buildings, and bridges. In this system, the parame­
lated with the vibration intensity: the higher the vibration intensity, the ters of magnets and coils are optimized to obtain high damping density
higher the energy recovery potential. and power density. It is found that this system increased the power
Although the number of new-energy vehicles in the world shows a density to 3.8 times that of the initial design.
trend of accelerating growth, the lack of driving capacity is the main Liao et al. [115] proposed a self-sensing regenerative magneto­
bottleneck for development. In this case, as a solution, energy-feeding rheological (MR) damper, which integrated energy harvesting, sensing,
shock absorbers can recycle the kinetic energy of automobile suspen­ and magnetorheological damping technologies, and was applicable to
sion vibration in the form of electric energy, and then supply it to new- various dynamic systems. Experiments showed the DC current reached
energy vehicles. The electric energy collected by energy-feeding shock 1.2 A as the damping force increased from 200 N to 700 N.
absorbers can supply power to the electric equipment on the vehicle, Sapinski and Krupa [116] presented a linear MR damper with a vi­
which can supplement the vehicle’s battery, so as to improve the electric bration energy generator, which included permanent magnets and a
energy efficiency used by the battery, and thus increase the range of coil. The electrical energy generated from the damper is used to vary the
new-energy vehicles. damping coefficient of the linear damper.
Normally, the energy source of shock absorbers is the vertical vi­ Asadi et al. [117] designed an adaptive hybrid electromagnetic
bration of the automobile suspension, and the energy is converted into damper, which included a linear motor and a conventional hydraulic
electric energy through the electric motor generation. Depending on the damper, to solve the problem of adaptive damping of suspension systems
mechanical transmission modes and motor drive modes, current energy (Fig. 13). The system damping coefficient is in the range of 1302–1540
shock absorbers can be divided into three categories: linear motor type Ns/m.
shock absorbers, hydraulic type shock absorbers, and mechanical type Xie et al. [118] proposed an electromagnetic regenerative damper,
shock absorbers. based on multiple transducers with independent controls, to conve­
Linear motors can directly convert the kinetic energy of linear niently adjust the damping by harvesting energy dissipated in the sus­
motion into electric energy based on the principle of electromagnetic pension system. The ball-screw mechanism can convert the linear
induction. Therefore, linear motor type regenerative shock absorbers motion of the rings into the rotation of the magnets coupled with the
have no motion transmission mechanism, which reduces the efficiency screw. An output power of 135 W was achieved in tests, at the excitation
loss in the transmission process. of 1.6 Hz.
Karnopp [102], from the University of California, first proposed and Linear motor shock absorbers have high controllability, but require
theoretically verified the idea of using a linear permanent magnet motor accurate system design, which causes high costs. The constant change of
with changeable external resistance to provide variable damping in the motion direction of the motor will cause losses in inertial power, and
automobile suspension. will lower the energy conversion efficiency.
Okada [103] proposed an energy regenerative vibration damper for The second type of shock absorber is hydraulic type shock ab­
active control suspension systems. The proposed system reduces energy sorbers. Hydraulic shock absorbers are widely used in vehicle suspen­
consumption without loss of damping efficiency, because the actuator sions to dissipate vibration energy. The reciprocating motion of pistons
only harvests energy at high speed motion. Normally a regenerative in the cylinders is converted by hydraulic shock absorbers into the
damper has no ability to regenerate energy at low speed motion, because rotation of the hydraulic motors and generators.
of the nonlinear characteristics with dead zone. To solve this problem, Xu and Guo [119] proposed a hydraulic electromagnetic regenera­
Okada [104,105] introduced a new technique of putting a boosting tive active suspension system based on a mechanical-electromagnetic-
chopper between the charging circuit and the actuator using PWM sig­ hydraulic structure, which can recycle vehicle shock energy. Due to its
nals, which can change the damping coefficient of the shock absorber, hybrid design, this system has both the advantage of hydraulic systems
and improve its energy recovery efficiency. (i.e. flexibility) and the advantage of electromagnetic regenerative sys­
Suda [106,107] proposed an active control method applied to the tems (i.e. high efficiency).
suspension of a truck. The proposed system is composed of two linear Lin et al. [120–122] proposed a regenerative suspension system with
motors. A condenser stores the regenerated energy via a damper. And a mechanical-electromagnetic-hydraulic structure, which boasted high
the stored energy powers the actuator in the suspension for active flexibility and high energy harvesting efficiency. By controlling the
control. Experiments demonstrate that vibration isolation performance electromagnetic load, the damping force is adjustable in real time.
has been improved in this system. In 2003, Suda [108] simplified the Compared with passive suspension, regenerative suspension has better
previous design and presented a self-powered active powered system comprehensive performance.
with a single actuator to achieve energy regeneration and active control Li and Tse [123] proposed a regenerative hydraulic damper to collect
without external energy. energy from damping vibration. Under vibratory excitation, flowing
Goldner et al. [109] designed regenerative electromagnetic shock hydraulic oil drives the hydraulic motor, whose shaft is connected to the
absorbers for electromagnetic linear motors. The otherwise dissipated generator and is rotating together. Experiment results indicate the
energy can be reused to charge batteries or other energy storage devices. maximum harvested power is 435.1 W/(m/s), under the predefined

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 13. Adaptive hybrid electromagnetic damper. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [117].

excitation (0.02sin 1.6πt). low frequency vibration, and passive control (energy regenerating) is
To avoid the large impact force caused by frequent bidirectional adopted at high frequency vibration. Later, Suda [130–132]
oscillations of the generator, Li et al. [124] designed a regenerative designed an electro-mechanical based suspension system for vehicles,
shock absorber with hydraulic rectifier to absorb vibration and harvest which consisted of a spring component, DC motor, and ball screw. Ac­
energy. The experiments show an average maximum power of 248.8 W, cording to shaker testing on quarter-car with the prototype, the
and a maximum energy efficiency of 38.81%. maximum regenerated power is measured as 44 W, and the power
Zhang et al. [125] designed a regenerative hydraulic pumping sus­ consumed by active control is 33 W.
pension, which integrated a hydraulic actuator with an energy recovery Weeks and Beno [133–136] developed an electromagnetic actuator
unit. This system can harvest energy, reduce damping oil temperature, suitable for high mobility multi-wheeled vehicles, which consisted of
and obtain variable damping force by changing the electrical load. The gearbox, servomotor, and rack tube. Fabricated and tested on vehicles at
optimal regenerative power is 33.4 W under the input condition of 50 speeds above 10 mph, the prototype charged the DC bus filter capacitors
mm amplitude and 1.67 Hz frequency. of 305 V, and the cross-country speed increased. However, they paid
Fang et al. [126] presented a hydraulic electromagnetic based shock more attention to driving comfort rather than energy generation.
absorber, which can isolate vibration and recycle vibration energy from Gupta et al. [137] developed two kinds of energy-harvesting elec­
vehicles. Experiment results show the energy harvested by the system is tromagnetic shock absorber, which are based on different types of mo­
about 200 W, given 10 Hz and 3 mm excitation, and the harvesting ef­ tion (linear motion and rotary motion) to recover the energy wasted in
ficiency is about 16.6%. shock absorbers. Both regenerative shock absorbers are tested on elec­
Demetgul and Guney [127] designed a hydraulic-electromagnetic trodynamic shaker and test vehicle (a small all-terrain vehicle). When
hybrid shock absorber system to generate electricity. The power the rotary absorber replaced the linear one, the maximum generated
output from the generator is calculated as 0.56 W with 0.005 m/s and power increased from 7.4 to 88.8 W in the actual vehicle test.
15 mm amplitude excitation. Zhang et al. [138] proposed a regenerative electrical suspension
Xu et al. [128] proposed a hydraulic interconnected energy har­ system including a motor, and a ball screw with a nut. This regenerative
vesting suspension system. The proposed system consists of four inter­ suspension system recovers vibration energy while maintaining good
connected hydraulic shock absorbers, check valves, two accumulators, suspension performance. Prototype experiments showed an average
and a hydraulic motor. When the vehicle travels on rough roads, the energy generated by one motor was 3.91 W.
shock absorber vibrates and the high-pressure flux from the shock Zuo and Tang [139] investigated an electrical circuit with step-up
absorber is stored in the accumulators, which then drives the hydraulic DC-DC converter and optimized for harvesting vibration energy utiliz­
motor to generate electricity. A maximum power of 397 W is obtained at ing an electromagnetic transducer. Then, in [140], Zuo and Zhang
the external resistance of 15 Ω and the motor displacement of 20 cc/Rev, presented a comprehensive evaluation of the harvestable energy dissi­
when the vehicle runs on C-class roads at a speed of 20 m/s. pated in the suspension system, and the balance among ride comfort,
Hydraulic energy-regenerative suspension systems have a regenera­ safety, and energy regeneration. The experimental results showed an
tive device to recycle some of the shock energy. Because of the charac­ available potential power of 100–400 W can be harvested from the
teristics of hydraulic dampers, much energy is still dissipated by heat, suspension of a typical mid-size vehicle at 60 mph. Zuo et, al [141]
which causes low energy regenerative efficiency [119]. designed a regenerative shock absorber integrated based on a rack-
The third type of shock absorber is mechanical shock absorbers, pinion mechanism. The average power generated by one prototype
which use various mechanical mechanisms to amplify input excitation was 19 W when the test car drove at 48 km/h on a campus road. To
and then transform the linear motion of dampers into the rotation of improve the energy harvesting efficiency, and to reduce the impact
generators. The common mechanical transmission mechanisms include forces caused by oscillation, Zuo et al. [142–145] proposed a regener­
ball screw mechanism, rack, and pinion mechanism, connecting rod ative shock absorber combined with rack-pinion, bevel gears, and MMR,
mechanism and so on. which converts the bidirectional motion of the absorber into the one-
Suda and Shiiba [129] proposed a regenerative damper system that directional rotation of the generator. There are two one-way clutches
combined energy regeneration and active control in vehicle suspension inside the motion rectifier, which can only roll in one direction but lead
to convert vibration energy into electricity. The proposed regenerative to contrary directional routes through the opposite installation. Road
damper includes rack gear and DC motor. Active control is adopted at tests demonstrated that the electricity harvested by the system was over

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

15 W while the test car was driving at 15 mph. Zuo et al [146] proposed shown in Fig. 17, they presented a new-type of design of energy
a new design of mechanical-motion-rectifier-based energy regenerative regenerative shock absorber using helical gears and one-way clutches as
shock absorber. In this design, the shock absorber consists of ball-screw a novel transmission to harvest the energy dissipated in suspension and
mechanism and one-way clutches. The field-testing results showed that to supply power to low-wattage electrical installations in electric vehi­
the average power harvested by this design is 13.3 W while the vehicle is cles [153]. The prototypes are fabricated using two helical pinion shafts
driving at 40 mph. Moreover, Zuo et al. [147] developed an energy with different helix angles: 30 degree and 45 degree. Bench tests showed
harvester based on MMR to recover the kinetic energy from railway cars the 45 degree prototype had an average harvested power of 270 W at the
(Fig. 14). During experiments, an average power of 14.5 W was har­ excitation of 5 mm and 2.5 Hz. In order to obtain different damping
vested by the prototype. coefficients, and to improve driving comfort, they proposed a twin ball
Moallem et al. [148] presented a regenerative suspension mecha­ screw transmission based regenerative shock absorber [154], as shown
nism, which included a screw kinematic pair, a generator, and a battery in Fig. 18. The transmission module includes two ball screws with
with a charger. The algebraic screw can transform the oscillation of different ball screw lead and nuts, two rods, clutches, and a generator.
vibration into the reciprocating rotation of the generator through the Bench testing results showed an average output power of 3.071 W and a
planetary gearhead. The average power harvested from the suspension is maximum efficiency of 51.1% were obtained at the excitation of 1 Hz
0.52 W. The mechanical efficiency is 0.59, and the total efficiency of this and 3 mm.
system is 0.56. Then Moallem et al. [149,150] cut down the number of In order to harvest kinetic energy wasted in suspension, and to
linkages in the screw kinematic pair, and proposed a regenerative shock change the damping coefficient based on road conditions, Xie et al.
absorber with a two-leg motion conversion mechanism (Fig. 15). Due to [156] proposed a damping-tunable energy harvesting damper based on
the low friction of the two-leg motion conversion mechanism, the me­ multiple controlled generators. The damping coefficient changed as the
chanical efficiency is measured between 0.71 and 0.84, which is higher generators switched on or off.
than the previous design. Chen et al. [157] presented a rocker-pushrod electromagnetic actu­
Zhang et al. [151,152] proposed a regenerative shock absorber with ator based on a double wishbone suspension, which consisted of a
mechanical transmission module and supercapacitors, to harvest the generator, a reducer, a rocker, and a pushrod. The experiments on
vibrational energy from automobile suspension, and to extend the range quarter-vehicle test bench showed that an average output power of
of electrical vehicles (Fig. 16). Two one-way clutches and rack-pinions 50.11 W and system efficiency of 60–70% were achieved when the speed
are used in the mechanical transmission module to convert the bidi­ was 1.4 m/s.
rectional motion of the damper into one-directional rotation of the Wang et al. [155] proposed an electromagnetic energy harvester
generator. The average power harvested by the prototype is 4.302 W, based on inertial pendulum to power the sensor nodes on freight rails
while the efficiency is 54.98% at the excitation of 7.5 mm and 2.5 Hz. As (Fig. 19). The experimental results showed output power reached 250

Fig. 14. Design and installation of the train suspension energy harvester. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [147].

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 15. Regenerative shock absorber using a two-leg mechanism. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [149].

Fig. 16. Energy regenerative shock absorber. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [152].

Fig. 17. Energy regenerative shock absorber using helical gears. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [153].

mW and system efficiency reached 65%. absorbers is more complex than that of linear motor based regenerative
The mechanical rectifier applied in mechanical regenerative shock shock absorbers or hydraulic regenerative shock absorbers.
absorbers makes the generator rotate in one direction, and reduces the In addition, some researchers are paying attention to other kinds of
inertia loss. But the structure of mechanical regenerative shock suspensions, such as seats. Du et al. [158] proposed a regenerative seat

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Fig. 18. Regenerative shock absorber with twin ball screws transmissions [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [154].

Fig. 19. Installation of the energy harvester. [Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Ref. [155].

suspension, which has different external resistances, and which was ⎧

built with the generator and the gear reducer installed in a scissors ⎨ V1 = Em Sin(ws t)
V2 = Em Sin(ws t − 120◦ ) (1)
structure at the center of the seat suspension. Experiments on the 6 ⎩
V3 = Em Sin(ws t + 120◦ )
degrees of freedom vibration platform showed that there is a 22.84%
acceleration reduction in the proposed system, and a 1.21 W power
where em and ωs are the amplitude and angular frequency of the induced
generated by the proposed system.
voltage, respectively.
The total instantaneous electrical power PE is calculated as follows:
4. Experiments and comparisons between different technologies
V12 V22 V32
PE = P c + P l = + + (2)
In order to know the performance of designed systems, researchers Re + Ri Re + Ri Re + Ri
need to analyze and perform experiments on them. Through analysis
and experiments, some quantified performance indicators—such as where Re is the resistance of each resistor; Ri represents the resistance of
output voltage, output power, and energy regenerative efficiency—can each phase coil in the generator; Pl represents the power lost in internal
be obtained directly or indirectly. resistance, and Pc represents the power output to the charging circuit,
which is expressed as follows:
4.1. Analysis and experiment results V12 Re V 2 Re V 2 Re
Pc = + 2 + 3 (3)
Re + Ri Re + Ri Re + Ri
Three phase brushless motors are usually chosen to be the generator
in energy harvesting systems to generate electricity. Assuming that the The Mechanical Testing and Sensing (MTS) System is usually utilized
induced electromotive forces of the respective phases of the generator for bench experiments, because it can generate sinusoidal excitation
are V1, V2, and V3 respectively. The generated voltage is expressed as with various amplitudes and frequencies. Install the energy harvester on
follows: the MTS system with three proper external resistors connected to the
commonly used three-phase generator. The voltage signals generated by
the energy harvester are recorded by digital oscilloscope.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

The instantaneous power of each resistor is calculated as follows: where ηe is the electrical efficiency of the harvester, which is calculated
V2 as follows:
Pinstant = (4)
Re Re
ηe = (9)
Re + Ri
where V is the instantaneous voltage of each resistor recorded by a
digital oscilloscope. Through the above equations, the results can be used to understand
The average output power generated by the energy harvester is the performance of the proposed system.
calculated as follows:
3 × 0 Pinstant dt 4.2. Comparisons between different energy harvesting technologies
Pout(avg) = (5)
Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 compared different harvesting tech­
The average mechanical power input to the energy harvester is
nologies in terms of excitation parameters, output power (simulation,
defined as follows:
laboratory experiments, and field testing), and conversion efficiency,
ΔW respectively, based on the energy harvesting application.
Pinput(avg) = (6)
T Road-side kinetic energy harvesting systems mainly include regen­
The total efficiency of the energy harvester can be defined as follows: erative speed bumps and energy harvesting pavement. As shown in
Table 1, most of these systems have energy conversion efficiencies be­
(7) tween 40% and 70%. For regenerative speed bumps, the excitations are
Pinput(avg) vehicles with different speeds and weights. For energy harvesting
For energy harvesters with mechanical structures, the mechanical pavements, the excitations are sinusoidal motion with different fre­
efficiency ηm of each one can be expressed as follows: quencies and amplitudes. Since the downward displacement of the
pavement is smaller, its power generation is also less than that of the
η speed bump.
ηm = (8)
ηe Track vibration is related to many factors. In simulations and ex­
periments, sinusoidal vibration with different frequencies and

Table 1
Comparisons of road-side kinetic energy harvesting systems.
No. Reference Energy harvesting applications Excitation Output power Maximum conversion
Simulation Laboratory Field
testing testing

1 Pirisi et al. [33,34] Tubular permanent-magnet linear generator – 28.07 V 24.3 V (Min) – –
200 MWh/
2 Zhang et al. [35] High-voltage kinetic energy 20, 30, 40 km/ 194 V
harvesting system h 55.2 V
3 Ting et al. [36] Mechanical roadway system 738 W 41.03%
4 Jaleel et al. [37] Electromagnetic hydraulic power hump 30–50 km/h 4000 W
5 Khalfan and Imrek Hydraulic speed bump system 840 W 45%
6 Zhang et al. [39] Tunnel road energy harvesting system 67.6%
7 Sarma et al. [40] Roller setup-based power generation unit 205 Kg 1.67 W 50%
8 Ramadan et al. [41] Speed bump power generator system 41, 65, 80 Kg 560 W 45 W
9 Zhang et al. [42] Road energy harvester system 1.32 W 63%
10 Zhang et al. [43] Road energy harvester based on a chessboard 66.025 W 62.38%
sliding plate
11 Zuo et al. [44] Electromagnetic speed bump energy 1527 Kg 540 W 647 W
12 Gholikhani et al. [45] Electromagnetic speed bump 2, 3, 4 KN 3 mW (Avg)
13 Sung et al. [46] Speed bump piezoelectric energy harvester 10, 20, 30 km/ 4.086 W 13.33%
38, 48 53 Kg
14 Papagiannakis et al. Energy harvesting system 0.5–3.5 KN 2100 Wh/year
15 Sung et al. [53] Piezoelectric road energy harvester 5, 10,15 Hz 483 mW
1, 1.5, 2, 2.5
16 Sung et al. [54] Piezoelectric energy harvester 2, 5, 10, 15 Hz 129.06 mW 148.38
40, 60, 80 kg mW
17 Sung et al. [55] Road-capable piezoelectric harvester 910, 2137 kg 1150 mW
30, 60, 90 km/
18 Wang et al. [56] Piezoelectric energy conversion structure 5, 10 Hz 3.14 mW
2, 3, 4 mm
19 Guo et al. [57] piezoelectric-based energy harvesting 85 V
pavement system
20 Liu et al. [58] Energy harvesting paver 80 Kg 12 W 50%
3.6 W

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Table 2
Comparisons of track-side kinetic energy harvesting systems.
No. Reference Energy harvesting technology Excitation Output power Maximum conversion
Frequency Amplitude/ Simulation Laboratory Field
deflection testing testing

1 Zhang et al. Electromagnetic energy harvesting 1, 2 Hz 6 mm 6.45 V 55.5%

[69] system
2 Zhang et al. Energy harvesting system 0.5, 1 Hz 2.5 mm 58 V
3 Zuo et al. [71] Electromagnetic energy harvester 1, 2, 3, 4 Hz 5 mm (L) 96.3 W (Avg) 7 W (Avg)
5.7 mm (F) 196.6 W 56 W
4 Zuo et al. [72] Electromagnetic energy harvester 1–5 Hz 1–5 mm 28 W (Avg) 62%
5 Zuo et al. [73] Electromagnetic energy harvester 1, 2 Hz 1–3 mm 26.61 W (Avg) 1.12 W
2.24 W
6 Dotti and Sosa Pendulum harvester 56 W (Avg)
7 Lu et al. Smart monitoring of underground 10–30 Hz 547.7 mW
[75,76] railway 400–440
8 Guo [77] Electromagnetic vibration energy 5.5 Hz 35.3 W
9 Guo [78] Electromagnetic vibration energy 5.6 Hz 80.14 W
harvesters 1.41 W

amplitudes is generally adopted to simplify the solution model and 5.1. Monitoring sensors
reduce the workload. As shown in Table 2, the frequency range is
generally 0.5–5 Hz, and the amplitude range is generally 1–6 mm. The With the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS),
energy generated by track-side energy harvesting systems is usually used Internet of Things technology and wireless network technology are
to power the low power equipment alongside railways. The output applied in the field of transportation [159]. The monitoring equipment
power of most systems is watt level, which is sufficient to supply power and sensors are installed in land transportation to collect and exchange
to low-power equipment. information, which improves the traffic efficiency and operation safety
Vehicle-side kinetic energy harvesting systems include braking en­ [160]. Common sensors in intelligent transportation systems include
ergy harvesting systems and regenerative shock absorbers. As shown in displacement sensors, pressure sensors [161], distance measure sensors,
the Table 3, the maximum efficiency of regenerative braking system is weather sensors [162], omnidirectional sensors and mobile sensors
about 80%, but this hasn’t been tested on actual vehicles yet. And at [163], etc. The application of these sensors can improve the safety of
present, much research on regenerative braking systems focuses on land transportation and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents, thus
braking strategy. As for the energy regenerative shock absorbers, there saving lives and reducing economic losses. Most of these sensors are
are many studies on their system structure. The output power of shock usually outdoors, such as roads, alongside the tracks, and in vehicles and
absorbers ranges from a few tenths of a watt to a few hundred watts. As the traditional power supply is battery or wired power. Ensuring the
with track-side energy harvesting systems, the inputs to regenerative power supply of these sensors is very important, and traditional battery
shock absorbers are also sinusoidal in their performance analysis. and wired power supply has various serious problems, such as envi­
Most energy harvesting systems are within the 40–70%efficiency ronmental pollution and wiring difficulties.
range. The output power differs due to different harvesting methods. As Powering monitoring sensors is a major application of energy har­
can be seen from the table, the output power of electromagnetic and vesting systems, because these sensors are usually watt or milliwatt in
hydraulic systems is much higher than that of piezoelectric systems. This power, and almost all energy harvesting devices meet their power needs.
is because electromagnetic systems use mechanisms to amplify the
motion of the input, while hydraulic systems can store high pressure
5.2. Heating/cooling devices
fluid. For track-side kinetic energy harvesting systems and vehicle-side
kinetic energy harvesting systems, the experimental frequency is
Sometimes the heating/cooling devices are important to improve
generally 0–10 Hz, and the amplitude is generally 0–20 mm. Both with
traffic safety and comfort. Snow and rain on roads and tracks can cause
vibrations of tracks and vibrations of shock absorbers, low frequency
serious problems including increasing traffic accidents, reducing road
vibration energy is mainly harvested as presented. In practice, the am­
capacity, and increasing maintenance costs. Snow and rain brought ice
plitudes and frequencies of cars and trains are random. Few of these
on the roads and railway switches having a significant impact on traffic
studies have tested energy harvesting systems on cars or trains.
safety, which brings serious traffic accidents, and social life and property
lose every year. Adding heating devices to roads and tracks can melt
5. Application and energy utilization
snow and dry roads to avoid accidents. The heating/cooling devices are
important for vehicles, especially in winter and summer. Because it can
Most of the kinetic energy harvesting systems generate electricity,
adjust the internal temperature of the car, increase the comfort of riding.
which is used for different applications. For different types of energy
However, heating/cooling devices consume a lot of energy, and
harvesting systems, there are similarities and differences in their ap­
powering them in remote areas is also a problem. Some of the current
plications. Fig. 20 shows the existing and possible applications of
solutions utilize direct heat exchange (such as phase change materials),
different types of energy harvesting systems. They are monitoring sen­
solar energy (such as photovoltaic panels), and other methods. Heat
sors, heating/cooling devices, actuators, range extension, low-power
transfer is more efficient because it doesn’t require energy conversion.
devices, etc.
The kinetic energy harvesting systems converting mechanical energy
from roads, tracks, or vehicles into electric energy then powering the

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Table 3
Comparisons of vehicle-side kinetic energy harvesting systems.
No. Reference Energy harvesting technology Excitation Output power Maximum
Frequency Amplitude/ Simulation Laboratory Field
deflection testing testing

1 Zhang et al. Electro-mechanical braking energy 3.5 V 53%

[87] recovery system
2 Wang et al. [88] Disc-based design 540 V
3 Pugi et al. [89] Regenerative braking system 9800 W
4600 W (Avg)
4 Secanell et al. Flywheel energy storage system 7.83–36.55 31.21%
[91] kWh
5 Oliveira et al. Regenerative braking system 69% (full stop)
[94] 14% (slop)
6 Chicurel [95] Regenerative-dissipative brake system 45%
7 Walker et al. Regenerative braking control 80.2%
8 Okada [103] Active vibration damper 4.5 mm 0.8 W
9 Suda [107] Self-powered active vibration control 15.8 mW 32.4%
10 Goldner et al. Regenerative magnetic shock absorbers 20 Hz 2 mm 1.3 V
11 Zuo et al. [113] Electromagnetic energy harvester 0–60 Hz 0.6–17 mm 2–8 W
12 Zuo et al. [114] Tubular linear electromagnetic 10 Hz 2.54 2.8 W
13 Liao et al. [115] Self-sensing magnetorheological damper 1 Hz 3–11 mm 1.2 A
14 Sapinski and Vibration power generator 4.15 V
Krupa [116]
15 Xie et al. [118] Electromagnetic energy-harvesting 0–2 Hz 20 mm 135 W 41–81%
16 Lin et al. [122] Hydraulic energy-regenerative shock 50 mm 107.94 W
17 Li and Tse [123] Energy-harvesting hydraulic damper 0.1–9 Hz 20 mm 435.1 W
18 Li et al. [124] Energy-harvesting shock absorber 0.1–2 Hz 8, 10, 15 mm 248.8 W 38.81%
19 Zhang et al. Hydraulic pumping regenerative 0.5–2 Hz 50 mm 33.4 W
[125] suspension
20 Fang et al. [126] Hydraulic electromagnetic shock 0–15 Hz 12.5–50 mm 200 W
21 Demetgul et al. Hybrid regenerative shock absorber 15 mm 0.56 W
22 Xu et al. [128] hydraulic energy regenerative shock 1–5 Hz 5–25 mm 397 W 49.87%
23 Suda et al. Electro-mechanical suspension system 0–20 Hz 2–25 mm 44 W
24 Gupta et al. Electromagnetic shock absorbers 88.8 W 21%
25 Zhang et al. Automotive electrical suspension system 0.02–15 5 mm 3.91 W (Avg)
[138] Hz
26 Zuo et al. [140] Regenerative vehicle suspensions 30–70 100–400
mph W
27 Zuo et al. [141] Electromagnetic energy-harvesting shock 0.5–2.5 Hz 22 W 68 W 56%
28 Zuo et al. Electromagnetic energy-harvesting shock 1–4 Hz 5 mm 40.4 W 15.4 W 60%
[142–145] absorber
29 Zuo et al. [146] Mechanical-motion-rectifier-based 1–10 Hz ±0.5-±5 mm 13.3 W 51.9%
energy harvester using (Avg)
30 Zuo et al. [147] Electromagnetic energy harvester for 2–4 Hz 2–4 mm 14.5 W / 9.2 W 1.3 W 68% (M)
railway cars (Avg) (Avg)
31 Moallem et al. Energy regenerative suspension 5.6 Hz 3.05 mm 0.52 W (Avg) 56%
32 Moallem et al. Regenerative shock absorber 1–3 Hz 5–10 mm 0.54 W (Avg) 71–84% (M)
33 Zhang et al. Energy regenerative shock absorber 1–2.5 Hz 2.5–7.5 mm 4.302 W (Avg) 54.98%
34 Zhang et al. Energy regenerative shock absorber using 1–2.5 Hz 1–5 mm 270 W (Avg) 52%
[153] helical gears
35 Zhang et al. Regenerative shock absorber considering 0.5–1 Hz 2–6 mm 3.701 W (Avg) 51.1%
[154] twin ball screws transmissions
36 Xie et al. [156] Damping-tunable energy-harvesting 0.6–1.2 Hz 15–25 mm
vehicle damper
37 Chen et al. Electromagnetic active vehicle 50.11 W (Avg) 60–70%
[157] suspension
38 Wang et al. Self-powered sensor nodes for freight rail 2.3–3.8 Hz 263 mW (Avg) 40–65%
[155] transport
39 Du et al. [158] Energy regenerative seat suspension 1–2 Hz 10–20 mm 1.21 W

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

Table 4 the form of heat energy. Due to its passive mode, ride comfort is mainly
Research gaps, technical challenges and future works. dependent on the suspension tuning, especially on the spring and shock
Research gaps and technical Suggestions and future works absorber parameters. Active suspension can actively reduce the vibra­
challenges tion and improve the vehicle comfort by applying the controlled force
1 Part of the design does not consider Design compact systems based on generated by the actuator to the wheels and vehicle body [165]. How­
mounting dimensions. limited space. ever, high energy consumption limits the widely use of active suspension
2 The energy conversion efficiencies of Use higher efficient mechanical [166]. For electric vehicles, active suspension systems will significantly
some systems are unsatisfactory for transmissions, rectifiers, and reduce their range, and increase drivers’ range anxiety. Harvesting
practical utilization. generation circuits and appropriate
generators for these systems.
wasted energy from vehicles can reduce the energy consumption of the
3 Ride comfort is one of the important Balance regeneration performance active suspension and even reduce the whole energy demand of the
points that should be considered. and driving comfort. vehicles [167], resulting in the increase of range of electric vehicles.
4 Some previous experiments only Road tests on real conditions should
perform bench tests under be conducted to analyze the real
5.4. Rang extension
predesigned simplified conditions. performance of energy regeneration.
5 Most studies have only focused on the Consider the structure strength and
performance of a prototype for a short material strength of the energy Because of its low fuel consumption and low pollution, electric ve­
time. harvesting system for long-term hicles have been widely concerned all over the world [168]. However,
operation and safety. the range of electric vehicles is still short than that of internal com­
6 The current research mainly focuses More attention should be paid to the
on the process from the ambient research on how to actually convert
bustion engine vehicles, depending on the energy density of current
energy to electrical energy, and rarely the initial electrical energy with batteries. In addition, the range of electric vehicles is significantly
considers the process of electricity to different characteristics into regular reduced in cold and hot climates due to the working of the air-
the load terminal. currents that can be used by the load. conditioning system [169] and the characteristics of the batteries [170].
Especially the stability and continuity
Therefore, the range extension of electric vehicles has become a
of electricity need to be studied in
depth. research hotspot, including increasing the energy density of batteries
7 The current research lacks of energy It is important to predict power and charging while driving. Increasing the energy density of the battery
prediction and monitoring. generation potential from the is more inclined to change the material properties of the battery. For
perspective of time and space. charging while driving, it has been proposed to lay wireless transmission
8 The economic performance is a key Techno-economic performance of the
factor that determines whether the harvester needs to be further
coils on the road. As another way, some research has focused on con­
energy system can be used in practice. investigated in the future. verting wasted energy into electricity and extending the range of electric
vehicles. Range extension of electric vehicles will become an important
way to utilize the energy generated by the vehicle-side energy harvest­
heating/cooling devices is still a viable solution that can reduce energy ing system.
consumption and facilitate power supply.
5.5. Low-power devices
5.3. Actuators
There are many low-power devices applied to land transportation,
Electro-mechanical actuator can realize the transformation between such as lights, wireless network nodes, ventilation, and cameras. There
electrical energy and mechanical energy. And it is an ideal candidate for are two kinds of lights in traffic, one for transmitting signals and the
active suspension system to generate force due to its fast response speed other for illumination. Both lights are essential on roads and railways for
and high execution precision [164]. traffic safety. The ventilation devices are usually installed in the tunnels
The traditional suspension of a vehicle under road excitation dissi­ to maintain good ventilation. Such low-power devices often need to
pates the vibration passively by means of springs and shock absorbers in work regularly, but when they are in remote areas, power can be a tricky

Fig. 20. Different applications of energy harvesting systems.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

problem. And the long working hours also consumes more energy. With The power generation forecast from a spatial perspective can help us
the development of intelligent transportation, more and more wireless know where the energy harvesters are deployed will bring better
network nodes are installed on roads, railways and vehicles to transmit benefits.
information. Batteries are usually the main source of energy for these In addition to the energy output, the economic performance of a
wireless network nodes, but need to be recharged or replaced regularly, kinetic energy harvester is a key factor that determines whether it can be
resulting in the increase of maintenance costs. used in practice. Therefore, techno-economic performance of the
Using energy harvesting systems as the sources of electricity for these harvester needs to be further investigated in the future. Some indicators
low-power devices can reduce energy consumption and power supply like net profit, return on investment (ROI), and life cycle cost (LCC) of
costs. And the power supply will be much easy, because the energy the harvester should be considered.
harvesting system can be installed close to these low-power devices.
7. Conclusions
6. Research gaps, technical challenges, and future works
The transportation sector has become the second largest energy
This section presents the research gaps, technical challenges, and consumption sector in the world. However, much energy is wasted in the
future works, as shown in Table 4. form of vibration and heat. Kinetic energy harvesting technologies in the
The compactness of vehicle-side and track-side energy harvesting land transportation provide promising ways to generate clean and
systems should be considered because of the limited space in these cases. regenerative energy for different applications. According to different
A regenerative shock absorber should approach the size of conventional energy resources and application focuses, various energy harvesting
shock absorbers to achieve replacement. Energy harvesting systems technologies are presented. This paper presents a review on three cat­
implemented alongside railways should be out of the operation space of egories of energy harvesting systems in land transportation based on
passing trains. The height of road-side energy harvesting systems above their application scenarios, which are 1) road-side energy harvesting
the road surface should also obey local laws and regulations. At the same systems, 2) track-side harvesting systems, and 3) vehicle-side energy
time, the motion displacement of regenerative pavement should be harvesting systems.
small, so as not to disturb the walking of pedestrians. The road-side kinetic energy harvesting systems mainly include en­
The energy conversion efficiencies of some regenerative harvesting ergy harvesting speed bumps and energy harvesting pavement. The
systems are unsatisfactory for practical utilization. It is necessary to use energy input is the kinetic energy of cars and pedestrians, as speed
higher efficient mechanical transmissions, rectifiers, and generation bumps and pavements are always exposed to the impacts of cars and
circuits and appropriate generators for these systems. pedestrians.
Ride comfort is one of the important points that should be considered The track-side kinetic energy harvesting systems mainly focus on
in passenger transport, so much research focuses on active suspensions. railway vibration energy harvesting. When trains pass over, the vibra­
The damping coefficient of regenerative shock absorbers needs to be tion energy between the wheels and the rails has great potential, and is
optimized to improve comfort. Energy harvesting systems applied to harmful to the surrounding structures and people. Harvesting this vi­
vehicles should be optimized in order to balance regeneration perfor­ bration energy can help reduce the impact on structures and people, and
mance and driving comfort. The distribution of regenerative braking the harvested energy can be used as the power source for the equipment
force and mechanical braking force should be considered, as should the alongside the railway.
intervention time of regenerative braking. Regenerative braking on The vehicle-side kinetic energy harvesting systems are applied in
different wheels produces different results. cars or trains. The vibration energy and braking energy are usually
Some previous experiments only perform bench tests under prede­ dissipated as vehicles drive. Harvesting these two kinds of energy helps
signed simplified conditions, such as sinusoidal excitation and limit to increase the range of vehicles, to reduce fuel consumption and
parameters. Actual operation situations will be more complex and se­ pollution, and to power equipment.
vere, which will challenge the reliability of energy harvesting systems. Some challenges remain to be solved in future work, such as the
Road tests on real conditions should be conducted to analyze the real consideration of ride comfort, the improvement of energy conversion
performance of energy regeneration. efficiency, and experimentation under actual conditions.
Most studies have only focused on illustrating and characterizing the
performance of a prototype for a short time. Energy harvesting systems Declaration of Competing Interest
applied in roads, tracks and vehicles should consider the structure
strength and material strength for long-term operation and safety. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
The current research on kinetic energy harvesting implemented on interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
land transportation mainly focuses on the process from the ambient the work reported in this paper.
energy to electrical energy, and rarely considers the process of elec­
tricity to the load terminal. Electricity converted from different energy Acknowledgments
sources has different characteristics. For example, vibration energy has a
trigonometric function-like waveform, and impact energy has a pulse This work was supported by the National Natural Foundation of
waveform. Although in some previous studies, it has been mentioned China under Grants Nos. 51675451 and 51975490; and by the Science
that the scavenged electric energy can be used to power some low-power and Technology Projects of Sichuan under Grants Nos. 2020YFSY0070
devices, it is just an idea that has not been actually implemented. In the and 2020JDRC0050; and by the Sichuan Science and Technology Pro­
future, more attention should be paid to the research on how to actually gram under Grant No. 2020JDTD0027. Zutao Zhang and Jinyue Yan are
convert the initial electrical energy with different characteristics into the authors to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
regular currents that can be used by the load. Especially the stability and
continuity of electricity need to be studied in depth. Appendix A. Supplementary material
Besides, energy prediction and monitoring are currently the key
research points in the renewable energy fields, such as solar power and Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
wind power. As for the kinetic energy in the transportation area, it is also org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116518.
important to predict its power generation potential from the perspective
of time and space. The power generation forecast from the perspective of
time can help us evaluate the macro benefits of the energy harvester.

H. Pan et al. Applied Energy 286 (2021) 116518

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