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Electro-navigation devices


on the topic: "Gyrocompass «NAVIGAT X MK2»

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Chair “Technical means of navigation”

Electro-navigation devices


ON THE TOPIC: «Gyrocompass ” «Navigat X MK2»”»

Approved by the chair “Technical means of

navigation” as a methodical guide for
laboratory work on the subject "Electro-
navigation devices" specialty 271 "River and
sea transport" dated August 26, 2021, protocol
No. ___.

Odessa - 2021
УДК 629.5.052(075.8)
Е 45

Compiler: V.V. Stepanenko

English text editor: R.L Kalinina

Electro-navigation devices. [Text]: Methodical guides for laboratory work on

the topic: «Gyrocompass ” «NAVIGAT X MK2»” / Compiler: V.V. Stepa-nenko –
Odessa: NU«ОМА», 2021 – 20 с.

УДК 629.5.052(075.8)

National University «Odessa maritime academy», 2021

І. Learning goal
1. On the basis of the material presented in the lectures, to consolidate the
principle of operation of the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass, considering its real
2. To study the gyrocompass design features and its technical characteristics.

II. Lesson contents

1. General information about the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass.
2. Gyrosphere: its construction, centering and power supply.
3. Configuration of the heading system.

IІІ. Literature
1. NAVIGAT X MK2. Operation, Installation and Service Manual. –
Northrope GrummanSperry Marine B.V. – Hamburg, Germany.
2. Дмитриев В.И. Справочник капитана / В.И. Дмитриев, В.Л. Григорян,
С.В. Козик и др. Под общ. ред. В.И. Дмитриева. – СПб.: Элмор, 2009. – 816 с.
3. Морская навигационная техника. Справочник. Под общ. ред. Е.Л.
Смирнова. – СПб.: «Элмор», 2002. – 224 с.
4. Смирнов Е.Л., Яловенко А.В., Перфильев В.К., и др. Технические
средства судовождения. Том 2. Конструкция и эксплуатация: Учебник для
вузов. – СПб.: «Элмор», 2000, 650 с.
5. Чапчай П.А. Современные морские системы курсоуказания. [Текст]:
учебное пособие для курсантов и студентов морских вузов / П.А. Чапчай, Е.П.
Чапчай, М.С. Алексейчук. – Одесса: ОНМА, 2014. – 172 с.

IV. Topic presentation

1. General information about the gyrocompass NAVIGAT X MK2

Gyrocompass "Navigat X" - designed and manufactured by C.Plath Navigation

Automation, Germany (legally, C.Plath has been a part of Litton, USA since 1996). At
present, through the joint efforts of two world brands - "C.Plath" and "Sperry Marine",
digital gyrocompasses of the "Navigat X MK1 / MK2" series are produced, which fully
comply with the requirements of IMO resolutions A.424 (11) and A.821 (19)
The Navigat X MK2 generation of marine gyrocompasses (Fig. 1) has been
designed with the latest technology of 21st century navigation and control systems in

mind. As a gyro unit in this system, a sensitive element (gyrosphere) of the Navigat X
gyrocompass is used. The Navigat X MK2 gyrocompass is made in a compact
monoblock. It has low weight and is housed in a case of rigidly foamed polyurethane,
which allows place a gyrocompass on any bridge from cruising yachts to large ocean-
going vessels.
All electronic components are designed as replaceable modules. This ensures fast
and easy service. Digital heading information is output as an absolute 12-bit value.
The Navigat X MK2 gyrocompass has a control unit with an information display
installed in the front of the monoblock cover. If necessary, this unit can be removed from
the monoblock and installed separately (for example, in an integrated bridge) at some
distance from the gyrocompass.

Fig. 1.Exterior view of the gyrocompass NAVIGAT X MK2 monoblock

Gyrocompasses of the "Navigat X" series belong to the class of gyrocompasses with
an autonomous sensitive element (SE), for which the method of a rigid pendulum is
applied. This means that these gyrocompasses use a SE, the center of gravity of which is
shifted downward relative to its geometric center. Due to this, the CE (gyrosphere), in
addition to the properties of a gyroscope, acquires the properties of a pendulum, which
allows it to be used as an autonomous CE gyrocompass. The displacement of the center
of gravity is provided by the gyrosphere design.

The gyrocompasses of the Navigat X series use a two-gyroscopic gyrosphere with a
hydrostatic suspension. The gyrosphere is located inside a hermetically sealed container
filled with a supporting fluid. The density of the liquid is such that the gyrosphere placed
in it has positive buoyancy. The container simultaneously functions as a reservoir and a
tracking sphere.
Most of the internal volume of the gyrosphere is occupied by two gyroscopes, the
functions of which are performed by specially designed AC motors (gyromotors). To
mount the gyromotors inside the gyrosphere, a special frame is used, which allows the
gyromotors to rotate consistently at equal angles around their vertical axes when the ship
is rolling.
Rotors of gyromotors rotate in vertical planes, which in the initial position are
perpendicular to each other. The main axes of gyromotors are always located
horizontally, but the angle between them can vary within certain limits. In this design, the
vector of the angular momentum of the gyrosphere H is equal to the geometric sum of the
angular momenta of the gyromotors H1 and H2. and does not change its direction when
gyromotors are turning. This design was first developed by Anschuts to eliminate the
effect of rolling on the gyrocompass readings. This scheme has become classic and is
widely used in various pendulum gyrocompasses (all models of gyrocompasses "Kурс",
"Standard", "Navigat", etc.
In addition to the gyro motors, inside the gyrosphere there is a damping device
designed to convert the undamped oscillations of the gyrosphere into damped ones. It is
located in the upper part of the gyrosphere and consists of connected vessels partially
filled with a viscous fluid. Damping occurs because the overflow of liquid between the
vessels is shifted by half a period relative to the oscillations of the gyrosphere around the
horizontal axis Y–Y (similar to the «Kурс-4» gyrocompass).
Microprocessor technology is used to control the operation of the “Navigat X”
gyrocompasses and monitor their condition.

Main technical characteristics

- - static error <0.1° × sec φ (latitude);

- - dynamic error <0.4° × sec φ (latitude) in sea conditions;
- - pitching and rolling ± 40°;
- - speed of development of the tracking system 100° / sec;
- - electronic adjustment of errors ± 180°;
- - average time of arrival at the meridian <3 hours
- - operating temperature range -10° ÷ + 55° С
- - mean time between failures 40,000 hours;
- - main supply voltage
- built-in converter AC 220 / 24); DC 24 V (18 ÷ 36) V
- - power supply voltage of the gyrosphere ~ 100 V, 337 Hz

- - power consumption (at start-up) 80 W;
- - power consumption (work) 45 W
- - built-in control system and sound/light signaling for the entire range of
voltages, gyroscope currents and tracking system;

2. Gyrosphere: its construction, centering and power supply

The gyrosphere used in the NAVIGAT X MK2 system is a hermetically sealed

unit 1 with a diameter of 162 mm with a cone-shaped hole extending from the outer
surface up to its center (Fig. 2). Inside the gyrosphere, in special gyro cameras, there
are two gyro motors 2. Their rotation axes are located in the horizontal plane at an
angle of 90°. The gyro cameras are paired with each other using a system of levers 4.
This mechanical connection allows the gyroscopes to rotate around the vertical axes
of the gyro cameras only in opposite directions. As a result, the main axes of the
gyroscopes always make equal angles with the line Ng - Sg of the gyrosphere. The
resulting vector of their angular momenta forms the gyrosphere main axis which
coinsides with gyrocompass meridian.

Fig. 2. The gyrosphere of the gyrocompass «NAVIGAT X MK2»

The two-gyroscopes system of the sensitive element makes it possible to

significantly reduce the gyrocompass errors, which occur under rolling conditions.
In the upper part of the gyrosphere there is a ring-shaped container 5, half filled
with a viscous liquid. The overflow of liquid in the container when the gyrosphere is
tilted makes it possible to damp its azimuthal oscillations. The period of undamped
oscillations of the gyrosphere is set for the period of M. Schuler - 84.4 minutes,
which makes it possible to eliminate the ballistic error in the design latitude that
occurs when the ship maneuvers.
A significant design difference of these gyrocompasses is the way of centering
the SE inside the container (tracking sphere). Figure 3 shows the gyrosphere in
different angles and the container in which it is placed. The essence of the centering
method is shown schematically in Fig. 4.
In the upper part of the gyrosphere 1 there is a cone-shaped depression, which,
tapering, goes from the outer surface to the center.

Into the narrowest part of the cone, a stone support 4 is mounted, with which
the gyrosphere abuts against a vertical centering pin (needle) 3, mounted inside the
container in the center of its upper hemisphere. The gyrosphere floats in the
supporting fluid inside the container and has positive buoyancy. Needle stop 3 is
adjustable. In this way, the gyrosphere is reliably and precisely centered within the
tracking sphere.
A fundamentally new method of centering, despite the significant technological
complexity of manufacturing this unit, creates significant advantages of all models of
C.Plath gyrocompasses in comparison with other two-gyro compasses, the gyrospheres of
which have electromagnetic or hydrodynamic centering.

Fig. 3. Gyrosphere and its container

The advantages of the SE suspension and centering system used in the Navigat X
gyrocompasses are as follows:
1) The sensitive element maintains a position close to the plane of the true meridian
in the event of an interruption in the ship's power supply for several minutes (with a
power outage of up to 3 minutes, the expected deviation does not exceed 2°);
2) There is no need to use an artificial cooling system for the supporting fluid or to
regulate its temperature.
Structurally, the gyrosphere is designed so that its center of gravity is below its
center of buoyancy. This provides a positive gravitational control torque, which is the
autonomy of the functioning of a sensitive element of this type.

Fig. 4. Scheme of centering the gyrosphere in the "Navigat X" gyrocompasses

Gyroscopes are squirrel-cage motors that reach speeds of nearly 20,000 rpm at 100
VAC (alternative current) at 337 Hz.
Power is supplied from the top of the gyrosphere via the centering pin 3 and an
electrical contact 5 and from below through an electrically conductive support fluid from
the bottom contact 6 of the tracking sphere. A single-phase voltage is converted into a
three-phase voltage using phase-shifting capacitors located inside the gyrosphere to
power the gyromotors.

In the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass, modification 10/3, an optical system is

used to receive a signal about the deviation of the position of the tracking sphere
(container) relative to the gyrosphere. For this, the equatorial gyrosphere belt has a
two-color varnish coating, divided into two parts: gray and white (Fig. 3). Two
photosensing devices mounted diametrically on the tracking sphere fix the moments of
transition from one color zone to another through a transparent supporting liquid and
generate control signals to bring the tracking sphere into an agreed position with the
gyrosphere. The width of the white layer was chosen based on considerations of real
sailing conditions - the ratio of the degree of sea roughness and the ability of the
damping system of the gyrocompass.
The gyrosphere is placed inside a container, the supporting fluid is filled and the
entire assembly is installed into the body of the monoblock of the gyrocompass, as
shown in Fig. 5. The figure also shows the board of the microprocessor unit with an
information display

Fig. 5. View of the gyro monoblock with an open front panel

The "Navigat X" model 7 gyrocompass has been developed for work in conditions
of extream sea roughness. It is equipped with a reservoir (in which the gyrosphere is
located) with an additional gimbal of a special design. This design provides virtually
unlimited freedom of resevoir swinging (under roll and trim) up to ± 90°.
3. Configuration of the heading system
The gyrocompass can operate in one of the following configurations:
1. As a separate independent heading indicator that generates heading values with
their display, for example, on an analog repeater (Fig. 6) together with the angular rate of
2. Combined with an electronic magnetic compass with a course distance
transmission function. In this case, "Navigat X MK2" enters the magnetic variation data
and transmits the heading value to consumers. The function of transmitting the magnetic
course is called TMC (Transmitting Magnetic Course). In addition, the system
continuously monitors the difference between the gyro and magnetic courses and
generates an alarm (ALARM) if this difference exceeds the set value.
3. As part of a multi-compass system by connecting to the NAVITWIN control unit
(Compass Monitor / Heading Management System) and to the Switch-Over Unit. In this
configuration, NAVITWIN acts as the primary heading information selector and controls
the distribution of heading information through the switch unit.
4. Instead of the gyrocompass, which was decided to replace during the
modernization of the vessel's heading system. In this case, "Navigat X MK2" is installed
instead of the main device of the outdated gyrocompass while preserving the rest of the
system components.
Depending on the configuration, the following external devices can be supplied with
the gyrocompass:
- additional control and display unit for remote control of the gyrocompass;
- NAVITWIN IV monitor for selecting the heading source and control the
distribution of information to repeaters and other equipment;
- external switch for choosing between gyrocompass and magnetic compass as
heading source;
- central alarm device for displaying and acknowledging alarms from the

Fig. 6. Gyrocompass analog repeater

The block diagram of the "Navigat X MK2" interface is shown in Fig. 7.

Inputs Outputs

Fig. 7. The block diagram of the «Navigat Х МК2» interface

The inputs provide reception of the following signals:

1. Heading information from magnetic compasses in various formats.
2. Information about coordinates from positioning systems.
3. Information about speed from speed logs.
4. Status signals from the corresponding sensors.

The output interface includes:

1. Four series outputs for connecting analog or digital repeaters (with protection
against short-circuit power supply = 24 V.).
2. Two outputs of information about the course and the rate of turn in RS 422 format.
3. High-speed interface output (with reduced data set).
4. Super high-speed interface output (configurable baud rate, maximum 38400 kbps).

5. Outputs of the Furuno AD10 standard.
6. Outputs of the "6 steps per degree" standard.
7. Analog output of rate of turn information.
8. Information output for connecting the recorder
The flexible use of the Navigat X MK2 gyrocompass in different configurations is
provided by its branched interface, which includes four inputs and more than ten outputs.
This allows the heading signal to be taken from the gyrocompass in any of the formats
currently used in ship’s navigation systems.
An example of the configuration of the heading system of a modern vessel is
shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Example of a heading system configuration


1. What class of gyrocompasses does the “NAVIGAT X MK2” belong to?

2. What are the distinguishing features of the “NAVIGAT X MK2” gyro?
3. What are the accuracy characteristics of the gyrocompass?
4. What electrical power does gyrocompass consume?
5. How does the gyrosphere work?
6. How is the gyrosphere centered?
7. What are the advantages of the gyrosphere suspension used in the GC?
8. How is the electrical power supplied to the gyromotors?
9. How does the optical tracking system functioning?
10. What are the options for completing the gyrocompass?
11. What devices output information can enter the GC input?
12. What devices can receive the gyrocompass output information?


1. List the main design features of the gyrocompass "NAVIGAT X MK2".

2. Give a figure explaining the suspension of the gyrosphere inside the container.
3. Show the block diagram of the interface of the "Navigat X MK2" gyrocompass.


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