Plant Based Diets For Dogs

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Timely Topics in Nutrition

Plant-based diets for dogs

Sarah A. S. Dodd bvsc, msc From the Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary College, University of
Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W0, Canada (Dodd, Verbrugghe); and Petcurean, 435-
Jennifer L. Adolphe phd 44550 S Sumas Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3, Canada (Adolphe).
Adronie Verbrugghe dvm, phd Address correspondence to Dr. Verbrugghe (

T rends in companion animal nutrition often mir-

ror trends in human nutrition, reflecting the
desire of pet owners to feed diets that they consid-
requirements of dogs without the use of animal-
derived ingredients. It was intended to assist veteri-
narians when evaluating plant-based diets and pro-
er healthy and beneficial for the well-being of their viding guidance to pet owners who wish to feed their
pets.1–3 The number of people choosing to eat a plant- dogs such diets.
based diet and adopting a vegan lifestyle has been
steadily increasing as individuals seek a lifestyle that Nutritional Requirements of Dogs
they perceive to be healthier and with less impact on
animals and the environment.4–6 It has been suggest- Domesticated dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are
ed that eliminating meat from the diet is more preva- descended from wolves (Canis lupus) and have co-
lent among pet owners than for the general public.7–9 existed with humans for 10,000 to 30,000 years.18,19
Many of these meat-avoiding individuals have a moral Dogs and wolves are both canids (family Canidae of
dilemma regarding the husbandry of carnivorous the order Carnivora).20 This taxonomic nomenclature
pets: they avoid animal products in their own diet, is misleading because the order Carnivora also con-
but they live with pets that rely on nutritional sus- tains obligate carnivores such as the family Felidae
tenance from products derived from other animals.7 (eg, cats, cheetahs, and lions) and herbivores such
Interest in, and availability of, plant-based diets as the family Ailuropodidae (eg, pandas).19 The diet
are growing in popularity in the North American pet of wolves can vary drastically, ranging from a diet
food market,10,11 but there are little data to support consisting almost completely of prey animals to one
the benefits of feeding plant-based diets to omnivo- containing up to 50% plant matter, which makes
rous and carnivorous pets. For dogs, most essential them true omnivores or facultative carnivores.13,21,22
nutrients can be obtained from plant sources.12 How- Wolves are naturally omnivorous in the wild, and the
ever, dogs evolved while eating an omnivorous diet domestication of dogs in coevolution with humans
that was high in animal tissues,13 which leads to con- has resulted in further evolutionary adaptation to di-
cerns about whether plant-based diets can complete- ets with a higher plant content.23 Ancestors of domes-
ly satisfy the nutritional requirements of dogs. Few ticated dogs began to live in close association with
studies have been conducted to examine the nutri- humans during the early agricultural revolution, and
tional sufficiency of plant-based diets. Investigators of they scavenged from refuse and waste near human
published studies14–17,a simply evaluated the content settlements. As humans adopted a less nomadic life-
of some nutrients in plant-based diets or evaluated a style and began cultivating crops, their early dump
limited number of health variables in dogs fed plant- sites would have included food waste and feces rich
based diets. in starches.24 Indeed, differences in the genome of
The purpose of the information reported here domesticated dogs and wolves indicate that dog an-
was to address nutrients of concern when formu- cestors adapted from a mainly carnivorous diet to one
lating plant-based diets and how to satisfy nutrient richer in starch as they began to rely on human settle-
ments as sources of nutrition.13,23
Current understanding of the nutritional require-
ABBREVIATIONS ments of dogs has been determined through decades
AA Amino acid of research, such as studies and reports issued by the
AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid National Research Council of the National Academies
FEDIAF European Pet Food Industry Federation of Sciences.25 On the basis of this information, nutri-
PUFA Polyunsaturated fatty acid ent profiles published for use by the pet food industry,

JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11 1425

such as those developed by the AAFCO26 and FEDIAF,27 Most diets are also supplemented with vitamins.
are used to define the nutritional adequacy of pet di- Although nonanimal sources of most vitamins exist,
ets appropriate for various life stages. These life stages vitamins A, B12, and D are traditionally obtained from
include maintenance of adult dogs, growth of pup- animal sources.
pies, and reproduction and lactation. In comparison
with maintenance requirements for adult dogs, pup- Protein and essential AAs
pies have increased requirements for many nutrients Although protein can readily be found in many
to support organ development, muscle synthesis, and plant ingredients, the protein content of strictly
skeletal growth. Growing puppies are at greater risk plant-based diets should be closely monitored. Di-
of nutritional insufficiencies than are adult dogs, and etary protein provides both nonessential and essen-
appropriate nutrition is critical for healthy develop- tial AAs. Essential AAs cannot be synthesized within
ment. In particular, puppies require higher concentra- the body and must be obtained from the diet in ad-
tions of dietary fats, protein, and essential minerals as equate amounts to maintain life, promote healthy
well as provision of calcium and phosphorus within growth, or support gestation and lactation. In com-
a strict ratio.28 Inappropriate dietary management of parison, nonessential AAs may be produced by the
puppies, particularly those of large and giant breeds, body as required, provided adequate precursors are
can result in irreversible deformities and compromise available. Both nonessential and essential AAs may be
quality of life.29–32 It is likely more difficult to meet the used to synthesize proteins within the body, act as
higher nutrient requirements of puppies, compared functional metabolites, or be catabolized as energy.
with nutrient requirements of adult dogs, when feed- The essential AAs for dogs are arginine, histidine, iso-
ing a diet devoid of animal ingredients. leucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine, tryptophan, and valine.25
The total quantity of protein in a diet is impor-
Nutrients of Concern tant, but the quality or biological value of the pro-
in Strictly Plant-Based Diets tein must also be considered.34 The biological value
of protein is considered primarily to be a function
Macronutrients and micronutrients of digestibility and constituent AA content and de-
Essential macronutrients for dogs (ie, protein and scribes the ability of the protein ingredient to provide
fat) can be found in both plant and animal ingredients. essential AAs to the subject consuming the diet.35
However, micronutrients pose a greater challenge Other characteristics of an ingredient can affect the
when formulating a complete and balanced food for biological value of protein, including the source and
dogs. No single ingredient, regardless of whether it is processing practices. Animal tissues typically contain
of plant or animal origin, is replete in all the essential proteins of high biological value; often all 10 essential
nutrients in sufficient quantities or proportions. All AAs are provided in sufficient quantities with high
the essential nutrients can be obtained from nonani- digestibility. In contrast, the biological value of plant
mal sources. Compared with animal-derived ingredi- proteins for pet foods has been questioned because
ents, plant-based ingredients may be scarce or poor their AA profiles may be incomplete, particularly
sources of some nutrients. As such, commercial dog with methionine or lysine being limiting AAs.12,15,17
foods typically contain, at a minimum, additional vi- When compared with animal-derived proteins, plant-
tamins and minerals, which may be from synthetic or derived proteins may have lower digestibility because
plant-derived sources. of the presence of poorly digestible structural car-
Of greatest concern for strictly plant-based diets bohydrates. In addition, plant-derived proteins may
is the sufficiency of essential AAs and nutrients that require more processing to mitigate antinutritional
are primarily derived from animal ingredients. These factors that impact palatability, digestibility, and uti-
include lysine; the sulfur-containing AAs methionine, lization of nutrients.34,36 However, a number of plant-
cysteine, and taurine; the omega-3 PUFA DHA; and based protein ingredients have been proposed for
vitamins A, B12, and D.12,15,33 Some minerals, namely use in companion animal diets.36–38
calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, are found Protein content differs among plant sources, al-
in low concentrations in most plant-based ingre- though some plant sources of protein contain total
dients12,15 and can be deficient in diets that are not protein and sulfur-containing AAs in quantities com-
formulated or supplemented appropriately. However, parable to those of animal sources of protein com-
these minerals are available as supplement-type prod- monly used in conventional pet foods39–48 (Table
ucts from nonanimal sources. Both animal- and plant- 1). In addition to the essential AAs, taurine content
based diets often rely on supplementation of minerals must also be considered in diets for dogs. Taurine, a
to be nutritionally complete and balanced. As long as β-aminosulfonic acid, is not considered essential for
diets are supplemented with appropriate amounts of all dogs because it can be endogenously synthesized
minerals, the provision of adequate quantities of min- when there are adequate amounts of sulfur-contain-
erals without the use of animal products is not a con- ing AAs in the diet.25–27 However, taurine may be con-
cern; thus, mineral supplementation of plant-based sidered conditionally essential in some circumstanc-
diets will not be discussed further. es, particularly for breeds that may be susceptible to

1426 JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11

Table 1—Common sources of proteins for dog foods.

Sulfur-containing AAs
(g/100 g of product)*
Total protein
Source Product (g/100 g of product)* Methionine Cysteine Reference
Pearled barley 10 0.2 0.2 39
Chickpeas 17 0.2 0.2 40
Distillers’ grains 29 0.5 0.5 41
Germ meal 20 0.6 0.4 41
Gluten meal 60 1.9 1.1 41
Lentils 25 0.2 0.2 40
Groats 11 0.2 0.4 39
Flour 12 0 0 39
Protein concentrate 49 0.5 0.6 42
Whole dried 23 0.2 0.2 40
Meal 48 0.7 0.7 41
Protein concentrate 76 1.1 0.8 43
Whole beans 43 0.6 0.7 40
Sunflower meal 49 0.8 0.8 42
Brewer’s yeast 59 1.3 1.3 44

By-product meal 52 0.4 0.4 45
Lamb meal 59 0.8 0.8 46
Meat-and-bone meal 53 0.7 0.5 47
Blood meal 89 1.0 1.0 47
Chicken by-product meal 53 0.9 0.9 41
Chicken meal 66 1.0 1.7 46
Duck meal 61 1.2 0.6 46
Mechanically separated 15 0.3 0.1 48
chicken meat
Poultry by-product meal 69 0.8 0.5 45
Poultry meal 63 1.3 0.6 48
Venison meal 59 0.7 0.5 46

*As-fed basis.

taurine-deficient health conditions.49,50 Taurine is not methionine and taurine is recommended. Nonanimal
incorporated into protein in the body. Instead, it is sources of these nutrients are readily available, their
involved in fetal development, growth, neuromodula- bioavailabilities have been determined, and they are
tion, vision, heart function, and antioxidation reac- already used by animal feed industries.53,54
tions.25 Dogs have obligatory conjugation of bile acids Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the
with taurine, which leads to high losses through fe- total protein or AA content (or both) of plant-based
cal excretion.49,50 This is exacerbated by diets high in dog foods. However, it has been found that diets
fermentable fiber, which may result in enhanced bile were replete and met industry requirements for those
acid excretion and microbial degradation of taurine- nutrients.15,a Although single plant-derived ingredi-
conjugated bile acids.51 Dogs consuming plant-based ents do not provide proteins that meet all essential
diets may be at increased risk of taurine deficiency be- AA requirements for dogs, complementary proteins
cause taurine is absent in plants other than algae, and may be used to meet these requirements. By combin-
plant-based diets replete with protein may be margin- ing plant-derived proteins with complementary AA
al in precursor sulfur-containing AAs.25 Furthermore, profiles, a complete AA profile is created.55 Use of
the high fiber content of most plant ingredients may complementary proteins can be illustrated by use of
also increase taurine loss.52 Taurine deficiency may the Liebig barrel (Figure 1).
manifest clinically as nonspecific signs (eg, lethargy Neither the total protein nor AA content is of
and anorexia) or as a more specific condition (dilated concern when a plant-based diet is appropriately for-
cardiomyopathy).50 Therefore, it is crucial that plant- mulated, although the issue of digestibility of plant-
based diets formulated for dogs contain sufficient derived protein must be addressed. Plant-based diets
quantities of methionine and cysteine to support sul- may have a higher fiber content than diets containing
fur-containing AA metabolism as well as taurine syn- animal ingredients, thus reducing both total digest-
thesis. To ensure adequate dietary intake of sulfur- ibility and protein digestibility.15,34 Soy, a common
containing AAs with plant-based diets, the addition of plant protein source in pet foods, has total digest-

JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11 1427

Figure 1—Schematic depiction of complementary proteins by use of the Liebig barrel to demonstrate fulfillment of AA require-
ments. The barrel on the left depicts an incomplete protein profile, whereas the barrel on the right indicates the use of comple-
mentary proteins to form a complete AA profile. Arg = Arginine. His = Histidine. Ile = Isoleucine. Leu = Leucine. Lys = Lysine. Met
= Methionine. Phe = Phenylalanine. Thr = Threonine. Trp = Tryptophan.Val = Valine.

ibility that is demonstrably similar to that of animal in small but sufficient quantities from α-linolenic
sources of protein.56–58 Rice and potato proteins, acid and are not considered essential for adult non-
canola, sunflower and peanut meals, and protein reproductive dogs. However, puppies require direct
fractions of low-fiber cereal products (eg, barley, provision of dietary DHA during growth because
corn, flour, and wheat) are well digested by dogs.36,59 this essential PUFA selectively accumulates within
Protein-rich plant-based ingredients reportedly have developing nervous tissues.61 Therefore, DHA must
digestibility similar to that of animal-derived ingredi- be provided in diets formulated to support gestation,
ents. However, the protein content, AA content, and lactation, and growth.25–27 Terrestrial plants can be
digestibility of commercial plant-based diets, with the rich sources of α-linolenic acid, but they are not a
exception of 2 vegetarian therapeutic diets,b,c have major source of DHA. Until recently, fish oil was the
not been widely reported. Although the protein and only concentrated dietary source of DHA used com-
AA content of plant-based diets do not appear to be mercially.62 It is known that many species of algae
adversely affected when animal-based ingredients are contain high amounts of DHA, and these ingredients
not used, careful formulation is required to provide can be included in food formulations.63 Thus, plant-
complementary AAs to achieve an AA profile that based foods can be formulated to meet the essential
meets the nutritional requirements of dogs and en- fatty acid requirements of dogs, even during gesta-
sures adequate quantities of essential AAs are avail- tion, lactation, and growth, through the inclusion of
able to the animals. marine plant products.

Fatty acids Vitamin A

Certain omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs are essen- Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin found
tial fatty acids required by the body for critical cellu- exclusively in animal tissues. It is essential for healthy
lar structure and physiologic functions.25,60 For adult cell division and differentiation.64 Many plants con-
nonreproductive (males as well as females that are tain precursor provitamin A carotenoids that omniv-
not pregnant or lactating) dogs, α-linolenic acid is orous animals such as dogs can metabolize to form
the only essential omega-3 PUFA required to main- active vitamin A.65 On the other hand, obligate car-
tain health, and linoleic acid is the only essential nivores such as cats cannot use carotenoids and re-
omega-6 PUFA.25 Other longer-chain omega-3 PUFAs quire dietary provision of preformed vitamin A.66,67
(eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA) can be synthesized Inclusion of vegetables rich in β-carotene can be used

1428 JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11

to formulate canine diets that contain adequate pre- was found to have less influence than vitamin D3 on
cursors for vitamin A metabolism. Furthermore, syn- the concentration of the main vitamin D metabolite
thetic vitamin A analogs, in the form of retinyl esters, calcidiol.71,72,d Dogs may be capable of using vitamin
can also be added to plant-based diets.64 D2 with an efficiency equal to cholecalciferol as a di-
etary source of vitamin D73,e; however, this finding
Vitamin B12 has not been confirmed, and recommendations for
The vitamin B complex includes a number of es- the inclusion of vitamin D2 in diets formulated for
sential nutrients, such as thiamine (vitamin B1), ribo- dogs currently do not exist.
flavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic The form of vitamin D is of paramount interest
acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin (vi- when formulating plant-based diets because vitamin
tamin B7), folate (vitamin B9), and cobalamin (vitamin D2 is derived from fungi and yeasts, whereas vitamin
B12). In general, the B vitamins are enzymatic cofac- D3 has traditionally been derived from animal prod-
tors and precursors required for many metabolic pro- ucts, particularly fish oils or sheep lanolin. However,
cesses throughout the body. vitamin D3 has also been isolated from plants and is bi-
Of the B vitamins, only cobalamin is not found ologically active in animals.74,75 Plant tissue or cell cul-
in plant materials. Cobalamin is produced only by tures from species of terrestrial flowering plants and
microbes in soil or fermented organic substances grasses from the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae,
and in specific parts of the gastrointestinal tract of and Poaceae families as well as microalgae and lichens
animals.25 In some animals, cobalamin is synthesized may provide a source of plant-derived vitamin D3 for
by gastrointestinal microbes and is then absorbed fortification of plant-based pet foods.74–76 Although
and distributed to the tissues, where it plays a role commercial preparations of plant-sourced vitamin D3
as a cofactor in metabolic reactions. Thus, animal tis- exist in the nutritional supplement market for humans,
sues can be a rich source of vitamin B12. However, al- such products do not appear to have been adopted for
though the gastrointestinal tract of dogs contains the use by the pet food industry. Thus, it would appear
necessary flora for cobalamin synthesis, it occurs cau- that vitamin D may currently be the nutrient of most
dal to the site of absorption and thus cannot be used concern in plant-based diets for dogs. A prudent rec-
by canids. Therefore, dietary inclusion of cobalamin ommendation to pet owners feeding their dogs a plant-
is required.25 The dietary source of cobalamin in pet based diet may be to monitor serum calcidiol concen-
foods has historically been from animal products, but trations as an indication of vitamin D status.
most commercial pet foods currently may also con-
tain bioavailable synthetically derived cobalamin pro- Commercial Plant-Based
duced from microbial fermentation.25 The addition of
synthetic cobalamin to plant-based diets thus fulfills Diets for Dogs
the dietary requirement for dogs. In accordance with the current understanding
of pet nutrition, the importance of nutrients, not
Vitamin D ingredients, is emphasized. Thus, evaluation of the
Vitamin D is the precursor to the hormone cal- nutritional sufficiency of a plant-based diet should
citriol, which critically influences calcium homeosta- be based on the same criteria as diets that include
sis and bone metabolism.68,69 It is important to have animal-derived ingredients. In North America, a diet
a sufficient amount of vitamin D for proper skeletal must be formulated to meet AAFCO nutrient recom-
mineralization, particularly in highly metabolically mendations or pass a feeding trial conducted in accor-
active growing bones of juvenile dogs. Without pro- dance with an AAFCO protocol for that diet to have
vision of adequate vitamin D, dysfunction of bone a statement indicating it is complete and balanced
mineralization can occur despite meeting established for a given life stage.26 Many consider feeding trials
requirements for dietary calcium and phosphorus.69 to be superior to simply being formulated to meet a
There are 3 potential sources of vitamin D: di- specific nutrient profile because nutrient bioavailabil-
etary vitamin D as ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), di- ity may be affected by processing and the nutritional
etary vitamin D as cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), and content of a consumed diet may differ from the ex-
endogenous synthesis in the skin when exposed to pected nutritional profile of a diet formulation.56
UV light.70 Whereas most animals are capable of syn- A large criticism of plant-based diets is that there
thesizing vitamin D in their skin with adequate expo- is little evidence to substantiate claims of nutritional
sure to sunlight or UV radiation, dogs have high enzy- sufficiency because, to the authors’ knowledge, no
matic catabolism of vitamin D precursors that results plant-based diets have been evaluated in a feeding
in negligible conversion to vitamin D3.69,70 Thus, dogs trial conducted in accordance with an AAFCO proto-
have a strict dietary requirement for vitamin D. col. However, this is not a criticism exclusive to plant-
Differences in physiologic activity between vi- based diets. As revealed by the nutrition statement on
tamin D2 and vitamin D3 have been documented in the packaging, most of the diets sold by the top com-
other species, with most animals able to use vitamin mercial manufacturers are formulated to meet the
D3 with greater efficiency.25 For example, in both car- AAFCO requirements of the specific life stage of ani-
nivorous cats and omnivorous humans, vitamin D2 mals but have not been evaluated via feeding trials.

JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11 1429

Furthermore, feeding trials performed in accordance formulated by an experienced veterinary or animal
with AAFCO protocols require only a small sample nutritionist. The veterinary literature contains nu-
size, a short duration, and few outcome measures that merous examples of adverse health outcomes associ-
strongly correlate with nutritional adequacy.26 ated with improperly formulated home-prepared di-
Although a feeding trial may be used to sub- ets,29,31,32,88 and pet owners are advised to scrutinize
stantiate claims of nutritional adequacy, it is by no the formulators of home-prepared diets and commer-
means widely adopted throughout the industry. For cial pet foods with the same standards.77 Thus, it is
diets that have been formulated to a specific nutrient recommended that all dogs fed a home-prepared diet,
profile but that have not been substantiated with a regardless of ingredients, be considered high-risk pa-
feeding trial, additional evidence to support the nutri- tients and be examined by a veterinarian at least bian-
tional statement may be achieved through testing of nually to monitor health and wellness.3 Veterinarians
the final product (eg, dietary nutrient analysis and di- can quickly assess the suitability of a home-prepared
gestibility testing; Supplementary Table S1, avail- diet using resources such as checklists to identify
able at likely nutritional inadequacies.37 When it appears that
javma.253.11.1425). Companies do not typically in- a diet is unlikely to meet the nutritional requirements
clude this information on dog food packaging or on of the pet to which it is being fed, veterinarians are
their websites. Therefore, interested veterinarians encouraged to advise pet owners to transition their
and pet owners are encouraged to contact companies pets to a suitable commercial diet, which may be de-
to discuss the qualifications and credentials of the termined by use of World Small Animal Veterinary As-
diet formulator, quality assurance and quality control sociation recommendations.77 Alternatively, pet own-
measures for diet manufacturing, and types of tests ers may be referred to a veterinarian who is board
performed on the finished product.77 certified in veterinary nutritiong,h for evaluation of
the diet.
Home-prepared Plant-Based Clinical Summary
Diets for Dogs Dogs have dietary requirements for energy and
Since the concept of complete and balanced diets essential nutrients, but they do not have a recognized
was introduced into the pet food industry nearly 50 requirement for animal-derived ingredients per se. In
years ago, the practice of feeding commercial diets accordance with the current understanding of pet nu-
has commonly been the main method of feeding pet trition, any diet that meets or exceeds the minimum
dogs.78,79 However, trends in companion animal nu- nutrient requirements of a dog for a specific life stage
trition often mirror trends in human nutrition, and a would be considered nutritionally sufficient for that
growing number of pet owners currently appear to animal, regardless of ingredients. However, special
prefer home-prepared diets over processed commer- care must be taken when formulating plant-based di-
cial diets for their dogs.80,f Home-prepared diets are ets to ensure that all nutrient requirements are met,
recognized as being at high risk for nutritional imbal- particularly requirements for concentrations of total
ances and insufficiencies when not properly formu- protein, methionine, taurine, DHA, and vitamins A,
lated, and feeding such diets may result in adverse B12, and D because these nutrients are typically ob-
health effects.3,81,82 Whereas home-prepared diets tained from animal-based ingredients. An additional
made with animal ingredients are often nutritionally consideration for dogs fed plant-based diets may be
imbalanced and insufficient in some nutrients, par- to evaluate vitamin D status to ensure the dietary
ticularly vitamins and minerals, they may be replete ergocalciferol content is adequate to maintain se-
in protein and AAs because they contain complete rum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations. Dogs fed
protein sources.83,84 Considering the aforementioned home-prepared plant-based diets are at similar risk of
challenges regarding essential nutrients found primar- nutrient imbalances and deficiencies as dogs fed any
ily in animal ingredients, home-prepared plant-based other home-prepared diets. Thus, it is recommended
diets are at least as likely to have vitamin and min- that a pet owner who wants to feed a home-prepared
eral imbalances and insufficiencies as home-prepared plant-based diet use a recipe formulated by a quali-
animal-based diets. In addition, they are also likely to fied veterinary or animal nutritionist and that dogs
be insufficient in sulfur-containing AAs and may not fed a home-prepared diet be considered as high-risk
provide adequate amounts of total protein. From an animals and be routinely examined by a veterinarian.
infectious disease perspective, home-prepared plant-
based diets do have an advantage over raw home-pre- Acknowledgments
pared animal-based diets in that there is an absence Financial support for Dr. Dodd was provided by a Mitacs
of uncooked meat with associated pathogenic organ- Accelerate grant in partnership with Petcurean Pet Nutrition.
isms and the potential for infectious disease and anti- Dr. Dodd has received grants in association with pet food com-
microbial resistance.85–87 panies that produce or distribute plant-based dog foods and has en-
gaged in paid industry internships. Dr. Adolphe is a paid employee
It is challenging to properly formulate home- of PPN Limited Partnership (Petcurean). Dr. Verbrugghe is the
prepared diets, and a plant-based home-prepared diet Royal Canin Veterinary Diets Endowed Chair in Canine and Feline
should be fed to a dog only when the diet has been Clinical Nutrition at the Ontario Veterinary College.

1430 JAVMA | DEC 1, 2018 | VOL 253 | NO. 11

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