History of Locking

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History of Locking

Locking or Campbellocking is a dance art form with improvisational steps called the locks. These steps were created by Don Campbell in the nightclubs of Los Angeles in the early 1970s. This dance and subculture quickly caught on and was soon the rage of a new television dance show called Soul Train. Individual dancers displayed quick locking and pointing movements along with hand slaps and splits. Don Campbell along with dancers like Greg Campbell Jr Pope, Jimmy Scooby doo Foster, Fred Mr. Penguin Berry ( AKA Rerun) The Go-Go- Brothers (Tony Lewis and Edwin Buddy Lombard), James Skeeter Rabbit Higgins, Leo Fluky Luke Williamson, Johnny Sambo Lock McCloud,Damita Jo Freeman, Charles Robot Washington, Bill Slim Robot Williams,Alpha Anderson and several other old school originals would meet in nightclubs like, The Citadel in Hollywood, The Summit on the Hill or Mavericks Flats and share steps and moves. Don initiated and emphasized the improvisational movement of Campbellocking. Don Campbellock Campbell early soul Train Line Don and his partner, Damita Jo Freeman toured with the Soul Train Gang. Shortly after, Don comprised a group of improvisational solo style locking dancers (Each dancer would step out do his solo and step back in line) comprised of Don Campbell, Fred Mr. Penguin Berry, Charles Robot, Slim Robot and Sambo Lock. They were called the Campbellock Dancers. During that time, Greg Campbell Jr. Pope Scooby doo Foster, Leo Fluky Luke, Tony and Buddy Go-Go and Skeeter Rabbit created steps that were performed in unison. A movement towards group dancing was taking place in Watts, California.

In 1972 The Go-Go brothers (Tony and Buddy along with the Original Skeeter Rabbitt & Kevin YoYo ) combined to form the first synchronized locking dance group; performing skits and routines in both large arenas as well as small high school functions. In late 1972, early 1973 Scooby Doo and Greg Campbellock Jr. combined with the Go- Go Brothers (Tony & Buddy), Skeeter Rabbitt (OG) and with female lockers Arnetta Johnson, Fredy Maxie, Lorna Dune & Shelly Cepeda formed the first unisex Locking group called, Creative Generation. This group studied dance, taught, performed and toured as members of the Legendary Watts Writers Workshop. Later that summer, Don Campbell organized and introduced the group, THE LOCKERS( originally named the campbellock dancers after his first group). This was one of the most dynamic, influential groups in the history of the dance, comprising both improvisational dancers and synchronized dancers.

Greg Cambellock Jr. introduced to the group, synchronized locking choreography (from his Creative Generation experience, at the Watts Writers Workshop). Him along with Don Campbell, Slim Robot, Fred Rerun Berry, Fluky Luke, Chorographer Toni Basil, and a young new talent Adolfo Shabba Doo Quinones. The artform was revealed to the world. During the groups existence, in the early 70s. Other OG dancers such as Tony Go-Go and The Original Skeeter Rabbitt were added or toured with the Lockers Group. Also, during the early period other urban groups such as 33RPM and the Ghetto Dancers were also formed (see acknowledgement page). These were comprised of various combinations of other old school locking (dancers) pioneers. This set off a dance phenomenon now spreading from the Los Angeles inner city to the once segregated Suburbs, and eventually across the Country. Other groups, promoters, dancers and managers flooded the scene quickly after. Some were driven by the love, facination and respect for the artform. Others simply ignored any foundatition and only disired to exploit it. These dancers and groups were known by the real street sub-culture simply as SLOP lockers. Note: These groups and individules quickly clammered to exploit not just the artform of locking but its entire culture and roots. Many renamed steps and plagerized entire taped routines. Some never learned the internal rules of the sub-culture. They never learned or inquired about the brotherhood which made locking great. They only attemped to capitalize, exploit and alter the history of locking. Many dont understand what the History &; background has to do with the dance of Locking, Many wonder why it just cant be a show or circus act..WATCH this video (BELOW) and see what the inspiration was and still is for those that KEEP IT REALBy 1973 there were an excess of pioneers known as Original lockers who made their name and reputations in the urban communities and night clubs. Not just the few known as members of The Lockers Group. Dancers Like Guy Shocklock Evans, Jeffery Cat Man Macintire, F&M, Roy Lie Lock, Sneaky T, Enock Elmer Fudd, John Okiedoke Wilson Elmer Fud Smith (RIP), , Steve Sinbad Crane, Arnetta Nettabug Johnson,Greg Capt Crunch Dandridge, Fredi Maxie and several others. There were many who danced as members of the group The Lockers and many more who are refered to as Lockers by virtue of the dance of locking, which they have represented In 1974 Jimmy Scoobydoo Foster toured with a group called Something Special introducing Locking along with various other dances internationally , into Japan, By 1975 the artform had evolved both socially and professionally and in the late 1970s, The Original Lockers Group disbanded and a third generation was formed in the mid 1980s, adding old school pioneer AlphaAnderson,(who created the alpha floor move) along with old schoolers from the mid 70s, Lewis Deputy Green, Lionel Big D Douglasand Anna Lollipop Sanchez, this formed the third generation LOCKERS Group. In the mid 1970s Jimmy Scooby do Foster and a Group called something special was the first to internationally expose Asia to Locking along with other Cultural social dances. By the mid 1980s, Tony Go-Go Lewis established a school re-introducing the locking dance art in Japan. Today, there is a wave of interest to know and understand the history and sub-culture of a true dance phenomenon all over the world. By no means were these the only groups or contributors ( There are so many) to this dance and subculture that helped to form the multi style and cultures of todays hip hop History of anything begans with an inspiration and an action, The inspiration of the artform came from a struggle of a people, the and action was put into place by Don Campbell, The early history stims from this one person through a group of early contributors to a specific area at a specific time in history,The

innercity of South central Los Angeles, Watts & Compton California will always be that inception point in history, the issues surrounding those times will always be the inspiration.from there it insited a streetdance movement with purpose and pride. Today when one speaks of Locking history it can include many points of exposure to the style and all create an ever expanding chapter Many thanks to Don Campbell and the many other Old and New School pioneers. Many ask why cant Locking just be an act like the circus, why cant it just be entertainment , well it can be entertainment, but not like clowns, or minstril , it means much more check out the video below, soul and funk music linked to what the influences was that made this dance great

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The Steps & Moves Of Locking

Lockerlegends has often been told that moves created by pioneers other than Don Campbell should not be associated with Locking, We find that amazing, as all over the world people are teaching and doing the basic moves that they have seen the Pioneers do for decades, Take a look at this locking tutorial posted in Japan and you tell us What are they teaching ? and where did these moves come from ?

What is also sad, is to read the comments posted on YouTube about this video, it is obvious that the heritage and background is not really being taught ! Tell us what you think ! THE FOUNDATION Many People are confused about what steps and moves make up what we know as The Original Foundation of locking, Where and how were they developed ? and why are they done the way that they are ? The following is a list of some of the basic moves steps and gestures as they were developed by the various old school pioneers of the locking era. Most of this foundation was developed between the time Don Campbell introduced the first Locking movements in the early 1970s, and when the various Original Groups including the Lockers refined their performances in 1974.We call this the EVOLUTIONARY STAGE.. After those dates enthusiast developed groups and routines around the world. But most of their movements could only be based on quick visuals of what were thought to be the basics of the dance . There was an assumption that locking was based only on moves and rythem, with no purpose , background or fundamentals. In todays world of mass media there is the ability to learn what, why and how the artform and subculture of the dance affected the actual moves themselves. Although the actual movement The LOCK, which was Created by Don Campbell is a simple movement of hesitating or the Freezing of the Arms ,It was his flavor and unique timing while doing many of the social dances that led to the style. The actual Dance of Locking has incorporated many movements steps and stunts, although these are not technically considered Locks when done alone, but when put together with the unique freezing flavor they are considered to be associated with dance of Locking or Campbellocking.

These steps and moves have been done in either or both solo sequences and synchronized routines, contrary to mass belief,these steps and movements where contributed by various dancers and entertainers, some prior to the existence of the dance of Locking itself, and also some were unique to signature moves of some of the Pioneers themselves, which help to form the dance in its evolutionary stages in the early 1970s, LOCKING DID NOT ALWAYS LOOK THE WAY YOU SEE IT TODAY. The very early stages of Locking,as Don Campbell exibited it back then, looked very different from todays style it only comprised of.. Pacing or Timing, arm Locks, Giving 5, Back front claps, basic STRAIT points, splits, dives and Basic knee drops Basic Locks: The hesitating or Freezing of the Arms to the beats of the music, where created By Don Campbell in the Late 1960s, early 1970s as he paused or froze while trying to do a popular social dance called the funky chicken between doing this and various other social dances and stunts.The pauses became known as locks or locking up. Later in the development Leo Flukey Luke Williamsonintroduced a unique Lock by placing the outer ridge of both of his hands on his waist and locking his elbows forward this became known as the Leo Lock GIVING OR ASKING FOR FIVE (5) This is a hand slap that acknowledges an agreement either between Two people or oneself while dancing , Don Campbell incorporated this in between his Locks and social dances, The origin of Giving Five or Receiving Five had long been a tradition of acknowledgement in the Afro American community. This was an established ritual prior to Don incorporating it into his dancing. As people would smile and acknowledge there approval of a move, Don and other pioneers would often offer there hand (to recieve five),accepting a hand slap back was accepting approval. For a move or step. Giving Five is acknowledging something good taking place. Points. LOCKING POINTS Later refered to as Uncle Sam points, for the U.S. armed forces recruiting poster, which featured the Uncle Sam caricature recruiting by pointing out a message .. Also pointing at a friend or partner was also a message or an acknowledgement in the African American Community, This was also a ritual of communication and was often done when two people had to greet across a distance even prior to it being incorperated, by Don Campbell into his dance style. The story goes , that while Don was dancing, a lady at a table was laughing at his unique style, So Don did what everyone was doing, he pointed at her to let her know that he saw her. and this was the very first and basic Locking point.Later as the dance developed double and triple points were introduced by other pioneers causing a more free flowing rythem to Locking. Back hand claps and Backfront hand claps were also very basic in the beginning , stopping and starting abruptly, they were often done alone while pacing or in-between other moves, Don also incoorperated the very first wristrolls into his style. later various combinations of wrist rolls and other moves were incorporated and done before backfront hand claps, Again this contributed to the continuity and evolution of the dance. THE SYCHRONIZED DANCE STEPS OF LOCKING Many of these steps were the product and the contributions of many Locking Pioneers. some were even from other dancers of diffrent dance styles. Again, technically these steps are not Locks, But they have been associated with the Dance of Locking for years. And they have been

comprised to complete the evolution of the dance art form of LOCKING, These steps have been done alone. But they were often done in Duos, Trios, and by couples in the night clubs. to form a unison effect. This was the inspiration that existed prior to these steps being introduced into Locking performances, as routiens.. THE DON CAMPBELL WALK This was created by Don Campbell, himself it was sliding stepping movement used by Don to move forward in between Locks and stunts The Funky Guitar Seen done by Damita Jo Freeman on many Soul Train shows, also instituded by Don Campbell and Damita Jo , as they danced as a couple in their earlier years, this was a gesture type movement used to simulate the rythem of the guitar. THE SCOOBY DOO, THE SCOOBOT, THE HITCHHIKE, THE SCOOBY WALK, SNEEK, QUICKIES /STOP N GO created by Jimmy Scooby doo Foster, the basic scooby doo ,is two handed up lock anouncement followed by a kick, step ,unity pose THE SNEEK / (Later referred to as the SEEK),QUICKIES(Later referred to as The Stop n Go) The sneek was a variation of the soul dance the breakdown ,but the upper body twisted from side to side swinging the outside arms up in a searching motion, later the inside arm was used by the lockers to allow camera angles during commercial performances. Qiickies, (sometimes called stop n gos) became a variation of the old sara walk dance move, but the quick movement imitaded the rubberband up move of a cartoon charecter. THE SKEETERRABBIT,SKEETERRABBIT ( fancy style, Free style & around the world ) created by James Skeeter Rabbit Higgins, This step was inspired by the shuffle moves of the nicholas brothers , and the street game of hop scottch, as skeeter added this ending onto the scoobydoo ,it became a continuous movement ,that he did various ways. The Skeeterrabbit has had many variation added by several pioneers but the most notable was the blending and acceptance of thestreetgang culture with Locking when the streetdance known as the CRIP WALK was first introduced as a finishing move added on to the Skeeterrabbit by Micheal Peekaboo Frenke and Leo Shaboo Walker HAT TWIRLES introduced into Locking, Had been done by various entertainers,the move was adapted by several locking dancers ,the most notables were Sneeky T and John Okey Doke Wilson It Later became known as one of Don Campbells signiture moves , but the basic hat spin was first taught to Don in 1974 by SKEETER RABBIT, while on the Lockers first major tour. THE PIMP WALK( very similar to the Scooby walk ) Created by Greg Campbellock Jr. Pope , many of the move greg instituided into locking helped promote the free flow and continunity into the style, Greg also modified the scoobot into a hop move, some of the above mentioned moves such as the Sneek & The sto n go (Quickies) where created by Jimmie Scoobydo Foster , with impute from Greg Campbellock Jr. THE WHICH A WAY (iron horse) THE LEO LOCK, LEO WALK ,KILLING ROACHES The WhichaWay introduced by Leo Flukey Luke Williamson as a locking move, it was influenced by Pat Davis, who did a modified style of the step on soul train, The Leo Lock was

done by Leo and other double jointed Lockers who were able to locke their arms with their hands on their hips and their elbows in front of them. Leo walk is a side to side stepping and rocking motion, Killing roaches ws inspired from ghetto living, as one would slap the floor as if trying to kill bugs to the rythem of the music THE SLOW MOTION.THE HELICOPTOR ,THE VOLKSWAGON introduced in Locking by Fred Mr. Penguin Berry, the slowmotion was a mime style imitation of locking, where everthing was slowed down and facial expressions was emphisized, the volkswagon was inspired by the driving of an mannual shift car, it imitated shifting and the lunging of a car to the rythem of the music, The helecopter was Pinguins way of pointing and acknowledging everyone around him in one continuous move THE KEEPA RUNNIN,THE SUPER FLY, The Sara Walk, created by Tony Lewis and Buddy Lombard ( GoGo Bros) the keepa runnin was a footwork, kick step slide move, the sara walk was a front back pace move, THE ALPHA A Fall back handspring type Floormove created and introduced into a unique style of of Locking by Alpha Omega Anderson, This included a spinning fast corkscrew style of Locking STUNTS & SPLITS Half Splits had often been done while dancing by previous entertainers, both singers and dancers , Dance groups like the Nicholas Brothers and The Sammy Davis Jr. Trio. In the 1960s/ 70s James Brown made the half split popular. Imitating The James Brown Dance and Steps that he did on stage was widely done in African American Social Parties this included half splits and floor moves called The Alligator Many moves and styles, such as the camel walk, the mash potatoes were incorporated from James Browns act.He was a tremendous influence Don Campbell also following the party influence, continued to do Half Splits and floor moves like Knee dropsin between his social Dancing and Locks, KICK SPLITS introduced into Locking by Don Campbell but done by James Brown , many tap dancers and party dancers prior. HIGH FLYING KNEE DROPS RUNNING KNEE DROPS as well as The SWAN Dive became part of Don Campbell instituted this into his style. BUTT DROPS(Master Butt Drop) created by John Sambo Lock McCloud, a dynamic and daring stunt, where the dancer would jump and leve both feet out in front of him , landing on his but in time with a beat in the music LOCKING HAND SHAKES First seen done by Damita Jo Freeman and Jimmy Scooby Doo Foster during The soul train Dance contest, Some Locking Handshakes were created by Greg Campbellock Pope , First done by Greg Cambellock Jr and Flukey Luke (see the video Watts Stax.) Several other handshakes were introduced by the ( GoGo Brothers)These hand shakes were representing the unity handshakes done on the streets of the inner city. THE ROBOT Although technically The Robot is not a Lock, Roboting has always been a part of Locking from the friendship of Don Campbell and Charles Washington, It was incorporated into both the evolutionary Locking movement and in the commercial Locking Performances.. so it will be

forever linked Roboting was introduces as a dance and into the Locking Subculture by Charles Robot Washington JOIN THE LOCKERLEGEDS MESSAGE BOARD/ DISCUSSIONS AND FORUM (CLICK LINK BELOW)

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Old School (O.G.) Hall of Fame

The Artform of Locking now has several decades of contributors, Each decade has Locking dancers who are now icons in the world of Streetdance, However this room is dedicated to the Many ORIGINAL pioneers, who deserve recognition for their contribution to the Art and Sub-Culture of Locking. Many of these dancers we refer to as Masters or Ogs were around before the Group The Lockers were presented as a group to the public in 1973. They were there during the sharing and development stages of the dance. These are the dancers who were on Soul Train and in the nightclubs of Los Angeles. There are many people with different levels of contributions to the history of the art, And lockerlegends looks forward to expanding our Hall to include various phases of contributions, but these are some the main true old school pioneers who contributed steps, style and the attitude which created and contributed to the evolution of the entire sub-culture we know as Locking

Don Campbell Campbellock The creator and originator of the first Locking movements. He was a member the Soul Train Gang, established the first improvistional group The Campbellockers and later was the organizing force behind the group The Original Lockers A dynamic soloist, known for his show stoping dives and splits. Greg Pope Cambellock Jr . not related to Don Campbell but given the name because of his creativity with locking movements. A member of the Soul Train Gang and Locking Dance group, The watts writers Creative Generation before joining the Original Lockers in 1973. Greg helped to create several steps, moves, handshakes and routines associated with Locking. Fred Berry Mr. Pinguin also known as Rerun on the 1970s TV sitcom Whats Happening. A Soul Train Dancer and member of the first improvistional group The Cambellockersand a member of the Original Lockers. His wide body and smile was associated with his introduction of the slow motion and his signature move the master butt drop.

Leo Williamson Fluky Luke A soul train dancer and original member of the Lockers was known for his double jointed locks known as Leo locks. He also contributed various sychronized steps such as the which-a-way to the locking sub-culture. James Higgins The Original Skeeter Rabbit an early Soul Train Dancer and member of several early locking groups. The Original Go-Go Brothers 1971 to 1973, Watts Writers Creative Generation 1972 to 1973 and the Original Lockers 1973 to 1974. He also danced with the Ghetto Dancers in 1975 and was also known as an outstanding master robot. He later organized and toured with the Locking group 33rpm in late 1975. He was most known for his creation of the dance step done in most syncronized locking routines called the skeeterrabbit.

Was Skeeter Rabbit A Locker ? Jimmy Foster Scooby Doo A member of the Original Soul Train Gang, along with then Partner Damito Jo Freeman used their Locking styles to win the second Soul Train Dance contest. He Later bacame a member of the Watts Writers Creative Generation1972-1973 and went on to dance with Something Special and become one of the first Chipndale dancers. Scooby was a long tall animated dancer, who was often seen developing locking handshakes and steps along with Greg Campbellock Jr. but probaly the most noted for the step he created known as the Scoobydoo. Tony Lewis Tony Go Go An early Soul Train Dancer and a founding member of the Go Go Brothers dance group in the early 1970s. He also danced with groups like 33rpm and was a member of the Original Lockers. Tony had a quick acrobatic style. He and other Go Go Brother members are credited with the first sycronized locking group 1971. Tony went on to introduce and establish locking styles and instruction in Japan Adolfo Quinones Shabba doo Originally from Chicago, one of the Original members of The Lockers Group. He was also known for his charactor O Zone in the Breaking movies. Shab was one of the last to be introduced into the original locking circuit in 1973.Two years after the evolutionary stage had began. but He quicky became one of the quickest and smoothest dancers around. His first nickname was King Rookie because of his ability to absorb routeins at a quick pace. Charles Washington Charles Robot around from the very beginning. A member of the first Soul Train Gang toured with the improvisation dancers known as the Campbellockers in 1972. He was the originator of the Robot style of rythimic dancing and organized the group, The Robot Brothers in the late 1960s . Bill Williams Slim The Robot Slim was an Early Soul Train Dancer who was taught to Robot by Charles Robot. Slim went on to tour with the improvistional dancers known as the Campbellock dancers and was an Original Member of the Original Lockers. He reinovated

the basic robot style into a quick karate style robot movement and was also known for introducing a colored light suit and flame throwing capabilities into his act. Damita Jo Freeman An Original Soul Train Gang member and the first lady of Locking. She was Don Campbells first dance partner on the show. She later won the second Soul Train Dance contest, displaying her unique Locking style with then partner Jimmy Scooby doo Foster. Known for her high leg kicks, she went on to become one of the industries most noted choreographers Arnetta Johnson Netta BugAn Original Locking Streetdancer, and the very First female dancer to dance in a Locking group, NettaBug was very instramental with her strong fundamental Locking, She was a high school chearleader and was often sceen at the clubs as well as the streetparties and high school dances along with the GoGo brothers , here connection with the watts writers workshop prompted the Organization of the First unisex Locking Group Creative Generation She was also a member of the First all Female Locking group The Toota Woota Sisters Many who saw the Lockers believe Tony Basil to have been a first. but these females came years before. Toni Basil an already accomplished choreograher she learned to lock from Don Campbell and was an organizing force in development of the Group the Original Lockers. Toni had an extensive ballet background and eventually became the only female in the original Lockers Group, although Basil is not from the Original Movement of Locking her contribution as a manager should be acknowledged, without her connections and showbussiness expierience the Lockers would not have been able to obtain the professional , or reach the commercial Level of acceptance as they did, she is most noted for incorperating her ballet into locking and her continuous spins. Edwin Lombard Buddy Go-Go another member of the Go-Go brothers dance group also a member of the first unisex Locking group Watts Writers Creative Generation, Buddy with other Tony Go-Go and Skeeter Rabbit implimented many early sychronized steps and skits Johnnie McCloud SamboLock Although Sambo danced for only a short time (early 1970s) he was very influential in locking development. He was on tour with the improvasation dancers known as the Campbellock dancers. Known for his continous kick splits and is credited with the first known buttdrop which he titled The Pancake . Alpha Omega Anderson , a unique style Locking dancer, Alpha was an early 1970s soul train dancer,who created a unique style of Russian kicks by bouncing back on his hands between kicks, This step known as Alphas are still done by many lockers Alpha was a member of the second generation of the Group The Lockers Pat Davis, Another early soultrain dancer whos influence on Locking was imeasureable, with her rendition of the Robot and early butterfly arm moves which later became known as leolocks Some of the Other Notables Were: Eugine Henderson F&M Greg Dandridge Captain Crunch Steve Crane Sinbad Mike Frenke Peekaboo Guy Evan Shocklock Fredie Maxie

John OkieDoke Wilson Sneaky T Jefery McKintire Bang Bang Tito Collins Tick The Orange County (OC) Movement or 2nd generation of Locking came after 1973 and after the initial innercity movement It also produced many notables from that performance era Lewis Green Deputy Lional Douglas Big D Anna Lollipop Sanchez Manny Loose Caboose Tristan Steve Sugarfoot Notario Tony Crackerjack Pierce

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