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Running head: Final Artifact

Final Artifact

Joanna. Guerrero

South Texas College

ORGL 3332 Behavior/Ethics/ Leadership

Dr. Scott. Sparrow

Final Artifact

According to the Aristotelian conception of virtues, every individual should prioritize

cultivating a set of distinct traits commonly referred to as virtues. Dishonorable behavior,

reckless disregard for responsibilities, and dishonesty were the critical traits shown by Stumpf in

this situation. According to Aristotle, the behaviors Stumpf displayed in this scenario are

examples of vices because they illustrate what is lacking in virtue. In this case, the team's leader

overworked them to the point of fatigue to get them to steal from customers and make money

from their dishonesty. Crime is unacceptable because corruption hurts the bank, its customers,

and its staff. When executives advertise themselves as having leadership qualities that violate

ethical standards, they behave in an unprofessional manner and damage their reputations. When

employees disobeyed, the leadership mandate failed to uphold the ethical principles of justice

since it dismissed people for refusing to participate in unethical behavior and failure to

demonstrate moral virtue. A great leader is responsible for instituting ethically sound processes

and showing what must be done to ensure that work is carried out accurately.

Stumpf should have applied the rational decision-making model to make better decisions;

it would have been more suitable for him to use this model. The rational decision-making model

outlines a sequence of processes that decision-makers need to consider achieving the highest

possible success with the results of their deliberations. If decision-makers want to achieve the

highest possible success with the results of their reviews, then they should follow this model.

Instead, Stumpf made unethical judgments, which resulted in a significant amount of revenue

penalties owing to his irresponsible and unethical conduct. Stumpf's actions produced several

ethical violations. If Stumpf's objective was to increase the total amount of money he made, he
Final Artifact

should have thought more seriously about using a method based on logical decision-making. In

addition, using this decision-making model would have provided Stumpf with a positive picture

of his leadership abilities in controlling the rise in supremacy inside the firm.

The leadership at Stumpf has been suffering from a lack of direction; consequently, they

have lost sight of the organization's most important goal and purpose. Stumpf's leadership style

was not only unethical but also forceful, and it had a manner that was unreachable to others; as a

result, his career was cut short, and he now has a negative reputation in the business world. In

Starbucks' case, Johnson demonstrated to be a great leader, was held responsible for behaviors

that lacked professionalism, and then proceeded to take steps to address the issue. Johnson never

considers a problem a diversion; instead, he sees it as a strategic facilitator for continual progress

and possibilities that were not previously visible. As a result of their accommodating approach,

Starbucks had developed into a community gathering spot; it had become a location where

anybody could sit without being compelled to make a purchase. (University, n.d.).

 If I were the CEO of Wells Fargo, I would make it a point to treat all workers with

respect and demonstrate strong leadership. As someone in a leadership position, I would

encourage the development of a culture where the goals and values of the company's employees

align with those of the organization. As a leader, I would serve as an example to my team, be

sensitive to any issues of any kind, strive to reduce workers' stress by putting myself in their

shoes, and collaborate with them. I would also be accessible for employee and client

interventions for any queries. Allowing workers to attend seminars and get training helps them

comprehend many ethical issues. Developing a robust code of conduct will attract and retain

personnel who exhibit ethical behavior, improving the corporate culture and the bottom line.
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A leader must know all the duties that come with the job and how important they are to

the company's success. Making an atmosphere where workers may comprehend their tasks and

carry them out ethically is one of one's roles. For instance, one method for establishing a social

network at Wells Fargo to inspire employees to behave ethically would be to set up an online

networking group in which workers could access the most recent Wells Fargo information and

newsfeed updates. The technique consists of communicating information regarding unrelated

tasks while focusing on motivation and the reasons why ethical behavior is essential to all

businesses. I would post motivational quotations about life and how acting ethically may open

many doors for you in your professional life.

 Hourly tracking, pressure from supervisors to engage in unethical behavior, and a

compensation system based heavily on bonuses were all factors that contributed to the corrupt

sales practices in this instance. Sometimes it is challenging to make ethical decisions, and even

for people motivated to behave decently, the moral repercussions of their actions may not be

immediately apparent to them. Employees typically turn to essential persons, role models, and

supervisors for direction on how to act at work. Research has unfortunately shown that

individuals tend to follow leaders or other authoritative figures even when doing so might put

others in danger in situations like these. (" Role Ethics and national culture," 2017). Even though

unethical activity like this might sometimes occur when leaders fail to comply with their

leadership roles, I must disagree with some employees' unethical actions. Even if the pressure at

work is exceedingly high, one ought to be able to tell the difference between what is wrong and

what is right if one is a reasonable person. They should also assess whether the behavior they

choose to participate in will enable them to be as effective as possible in their desired job. The

results of the experiment conducted by Milgram reveal how people may obey authority and
Final Artifact

follow directions. In this scenario, people engaged in unethical activity yet were still rewarded

for it, whereas those employees who refused to engage in such behavior quit their jobs since they

did not meet the required sales targets.

Final Artifact


Organizational Behavior. (2017, January 4). The role of ethics and national culture. Retrieved

June 29, 2022, from


University, S. C. (n.d.). The CEO of Starbucks and the practice of ethical leadership. Markkula

Center for Applied Ethics. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from


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