Artifact Management Theory I JG

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Jd Organization

Joanna. Guerrero

South Texas College

Dr. Ivan Camara

July 1, 2022

Jd Organization

The Jd Organization is a global company specializing in delivering distinct kinds of

commercial goods. The firm's primary objective is to assist all its workers. The Jd mindset is

well-known for its emphasis on working together, enhancing decision-making, using strategy,

and being driven. Although the organization is made up of knowledgeable people, it must

examine the traits of high potential employees to determine whether they will contribute

positively to the business in the future. However, what qualities does a person need to possess to

be a successful leader in a corporate environment? Intelligence, extraversion, contentiousness,

openness to experience, and integrity are just qualities that successful leaders need to include to

differentiate themselves from those not in leadership positions. In order to increase leadership in

a JD organization, it is crucial to have qualities that exhibit strong relationships with leadership.

Since these are skills that make individuals stand out in a group context, they provide a chance

for those who want to develop leaders and have the qualities necessary to become leaders.

Leaders who demonstrate these attributes have a better chance of meeting their teams'



Intelligence, both mental capacity and emotional intelligence, becomes a critical

consideration throughout the selection process since the business is looking for future leaders.

When leaders have intelligence, they typically foresee how specific tactics will work out and

may change their plans appropriately. Even though any leader can successfully guide their team

to complete a project within the allotted period, an intelligent leader can do so in the most time

and effort-saving manner by first analyzing the capabilities of their members. Emotionally

intelligent leaders know how their team members respond to various events and how they cope

with them. It is only possible for leaders to do what they do because they have a better grasp of

human emotion. Leaders know how to capitalize on the qualities that their team has. According

to Goleman, the ability of a leader to recognize and regulate their own emotions, as well as those

of other people, their internal motivation, and their social skills set good leaders apart from

ineffective leaders. (Goldberg, L. R. 1990).


People with the extraversion personality type are outgoing, confident, and love

connecting with people in their surroundings. People who have extroverted personalities can

often make judgments quickly, which may be a substantial source of benefit in a competitive

setting. They can connect with the members of their team quickly. They can hold every team

member accountable while earning the loyalty and confidence of the people around them since

they do not shy away from stating what is on their minds. Extroverts can quickly build enduring

connections with clients because they often do not mind being the center of attention in

situations involving engagement with the outside world. Extraversion has the highest affinity to

the emergence of leaders and their performance as leaders compared to all other personality

qualities (Who Is a Leader? n.d.).


Conscientiousness is another characteristic of a person's personality linked to leadership.

Conscientious people are highly organized, take the initiative to do things independently, and are

persistent in their efforts. Conscientious leaders focus on even the most minor elements of each

task to see how they might be improved because they are concerned about ensuring work is

performed effectively. These leaders know the project's desired outcome and design structures

that provide the foundation for their direct reports to produce the desired results.


People who tend to be high in the attribute of openness are more likely to be eager to

welcome new things and innovative experiences. Leadership that is open with its workers is

essential to the development of strong ties with those individuals. When relationships are more

substantial, workers are more likely to be involved in and dedicated to the process of

accomplishing the organization's goals and objectives. 


Lastly, but certainly not least, having leaders who behave with integrity is one of the

essential factors in creating a happy and productive work atmosphere. A leader with integrity

must be dependable, honest, and have a sense of morality in their actions. Leadership requires a

firm basis, and that foundation is integrity. When leaders' integrity is questioned, they lose their

ability to be trusted, negatively impacting their business (Who Is a Leader? n.d.). Leadership

influence will fall apart when there is no integrity, and when there is no integrity, all other

leadership attributes are rendered worthless.


  The implementation plan will concentrate on the significant measures that need to be

taken for the concepts and goals of the organization to be successful. The organization's purpose

is to investigate the qualities of workers who have a high probability of making exemplary

contributions to the business in the future. This will allow the organization to evaluate the data to

determine whether these employees will achieve this aim. As the Chief Executive Officer of this

company, it is my responsibility to convey to the employees the significance of possessing


exceptional qualities, as well as to make any necessary adjustments and provide appropriate

training to improve employee performance. At the end of the time this plan is intended to cover,

it is anticipated that the organization will have the three-year analysis that can be found below

because of the implementation of this action plan and the provision of the appropriate leadership.

This expectation is because it is expected that the organization will have the proper leadership in


Figure 1.

Personality Test Results

intelligence extraversion contentiousness openness integrity

2020 2021 2022

Figure 1. The graph above shows how much the employees' total performance has improved

since the performance-enhancing training over the last three years.

Figure 2.

intelligence extraversion contentiousness openness integrity

2020 2022

Figure 2. The graph indicates a sharp rise in the development of traits between 2020 and 2022.


Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative "description of personality": The big-five factor

structure. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 59, 1216–1229.

Who Is a Leader? Principles of Management. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2022, from


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