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First, it is necessary to emphasize that

when referring to the word brain, we

can obtain different concepts
depending on the context to which I
am directed, either the definition of a
specialist doctor, who bases his
definition as the organ of the body of
the head, controls the functions of our
body, movements, sensations,
emotions and thoughts; But a brain
can mean so much more. This word
can be equivalent to the brain of a
family, work, company, as well as, we
can also say, the brain of a group of
friends or an idea based on a specific
topic such as Bill Gates is the brain of
brainwashing is never used
in a positive way.

if people are
it does not mean
You cannot their brains are
torment someone nice.
else's brain, nor
can you torment

Clean to brainwash
means to make
someone accept
new beliefs by
repeated pressure
in forceful or tricky


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