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SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

Municipal Governance

Municipal Governance
NQF Level 5
SAQA ID: 67467

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 1

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide




A practical guide for Municipal Governance Programme, For Municipal


1ST Edition
Municipal Governance
SGB Subfield Public Administration

1st Edition February2011

Printed by Harry’s Printers

Developed by BBT INSTITUTE

Copyright ©BBT INSTITUTE 2011. All rights reserved

No part of this Publication may reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted,

in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the management guidelines
are safe and correct, the developer, publishers, and sponsors of the manual cannot
accept any responsibility for errors arising from the use of this manual for any

BBT-5-67467-1-6- US: 116345

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 2

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

Table of Content
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................... 4
1.Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Why are we here? ...................................................................................... 6
1.2 What is the NQF? ...................................................................................... 6
1.3 What is in a Programme? .......................................................................... 8
2. About this Programme ...................................................................................... 9
2.1 Purpose of the Programme ........................................................................ 9
2.3 Programme Structure............................................................................... 10
2.4 Programme Alignment ............................................................................. 11
3.1 Learner Support ....................................................................................... 12
3.2 Provision .................................................................................................. 12
4. Assessment .................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Formative Assessment ............................................................................ 13
4.2 Summative Assessment .......................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Portfolios of Evidence ........................................................................ 13
4.2.2 Final Summative Assessments ......................................................... 14
4.3 Assessment Strategy ............................................................................... 14
Alignment Strategy – Assessment ....................................................................... 15
Access to the programme This programme is open, keeping in mind the
requirements of learning assumed to be in place. ................................................. 19
4.5. Professional Registration ......................................................................... 19
5. Learner Administration ................................................................................... 20
6. Conclusion...................................................................................................... 20
Programme description ......................................................................................... 21
Candidate Administration ...................................................................................... 37
1. Learner Registration Form.............................................................................. 37
2. Candidate Identification Document (ID) Copy ................................................ 37
3. Provision and Assessment Contract ............................................................... 37
Learner Registration and SAQA Coding Form .................................................... 38

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 3

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

1. Introduction


This learning material has been entirely developed and organized by Bull’s Business
and Skills training institute (BBT Institute) under supervision of NSA Consulting.

Many people have contributed in various ways to help develop and produce the
original version and the later edition of this manual. We wish to thank all those who
have contributed in one way or another.
We are heartily thankful to BBT and NSA agency employees, family and friends,
whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level
enabled us to compile and have an understanding of this manual.

Lastly, we offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any
respect during the compilation of this Manual, especially ETDP SETA, for the practical
support and resources required to put up this manual.
Other sources

 National Department of Education

 South African Programme Authority (SAQA)
 Department of labour
 The DTI
 NSA (Nsamba) consulting and training
 Wikipedia

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 4

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

1. Introduction

Welcome to the National Certificate: Municipal Governance: Level 5 allows the

learner to work towards a nationally recognised whole programme.

The programme is aimed at learners in a local government context who facilitate

democratic relations between the community, local government and various
stakeholders that impact on local government democratic processes. The
programme is aimed at providing key competences to councillors so that they can
best fulfil their mandate in respect of improving the lives of all the citizens in
municipalities. It provides the learner with the necessary skills, knowledge and
attitudes required to act as a proactive link between the public and the council. The
councillors within the local government context play a critical role in achieving the
objectives of local government, especially the objective of defining policies and
facilitating and managing sustainable development programmes that support the
basic political commitment that 'the People Shall Govern'. They are critical to
overseeing the councillor functions within the municipal sector and will be involved in
a variety of functions including integrating the legislative framework for local
government, participating in policy making and analysis processes, budgeting,
facilitating local government elections and applying a broad managerial framework to
the local government environment.

This programme is in line with the overall learning pathways that the Department of
Local Government is envisaging for its learners, both employed and unemployed.
The learning pathway indicates a variety of learning opportunities for any learner
embarking on a programme within the local government context and this particular
programme initiates an opportunity for councillor in a managerial capacity to be more
intricately exposed to the local government workings. The learning pathway starts
with the NC: Ward Committee Governance, continues with the NC: Local
Government Councillor Practices and the FETC: Leadership in Local Government. If
the learner wishes, he/she can pursue a learning pathway in Local Government
Administration and Finance, Local Economic Development, Integrated Development
Planning and Municipal Financial Management. Further, this programme can also
provide the learner with a springboard into a career and learning pathway in the
public sector. The learning pathways provide varied opportunities for a learner
wishing to embark on a career within local government and are also complementary
to other programmes with the public sector.

The successful learner will be able to:

1. Apply a broad managerial, administrative and financial framework to a

local government environment.

2. Design, implement, monitor and evaluate local government plans for

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 5

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

development projects.

3. Apply theories and processes to facilitate local government elections.

1.1 Why are we here?

Learner Tip:

South Africa is a country where a large segment of its population is

reliant on the services and support of the government, NGOs and
other organisations. The Health Care sector potentially involves more
than a million people working in it. It could be said that any project
involving development practitioners would fall within this category.

This Programme is an important step forward in South Africa's

developmental agenda as it will provide some of the fundamental
building blocks of the public service and attempts to create a better
life for all South African citizens, especially the poor and
marginalised communities.

The Programme will begin to bridge the gap between the

government and those in greatest need of the services provided by
the state. As South Africa's developmental agenda evolves in line
with the country's broader social and economic imperatives, so does
the Programme.

1.2 What is the NQF?

The South African Programmes Authority Act (1995) created a new framework for
education and training in South Africa by:

 Creating a single, unified system of classifying

programmes (the National Programmes
Framework or NQF)

 Creating the institutions and infrastructure to

ensure that these programmes are of a high

 The NQF is a framework on which programmes, courses, and learning

programmes are registered. Achievements obtained by learners are recorded
and recognized nationally. It is therefore an integrated approach towards
education and training.

The objectives of the NQF are as follows:

 Create an integrated national framework of learning achievements;

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 6

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

 Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training
and career paths;
 Enhance the quality of education and training;
 Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and
employment opportunities, and thereby
 Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and
economic development of the nation at large.





DoE Department of Education DoL Department of Labour

SAQA South African Programmes SETA Sector Education Training
Authority Authority
SGB Standard Generating Bodies ETQA Education & Training Quality
Assurance body

The National Programmes Framework is broadly structured into three bands, and 10
levels of education and training:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 7

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

HET Higher Education Training

Levels 5 - 10
FET Further Education and Training (vocational training)
Level 2 - 4
GET General Education and Training (entry level – schools and ABET –
Adult Basic Education and Training

1.3 What is in a Programme?

According to SAQA, a programme registered on the NQF is defined as “a planned

combination of learning outcomes which has a defined purpose and which is
intended to provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for
further learning…”.

A programme is therefore a structured combination of standards consisting out of

fundamental, core and elective components, and has a specified amount of credits
that must be achieved by the learner in a period of time:

Learner Tip:
This programme is registered at NQF Level 5 in the National Certificate
Band, and amounts to a minimum of 140 credits.

Fundamental Component:

Unit standards of thirty nine credits are allocated to the fundamental

components. The fundamental component covers underlying
competences that complement the core component and better equip
the learner to complete the core competences. The fundamental
component is made up of communication, ethics, self development and
information systems competences.

All Unit Standards in this component are compulsory.

Core Component:

Eighty one credits have been allocated to unit standards in the Core
Component of this Programme. This is to ensure that the Programme
has a strong Municipal Governance focus. The unit standards
classified as Core describe the integral functions and activities required
to for Municipal Governance. They provide an opportunity to develop
knowledge of key municipal processes, legislative frameworks,
managerial and administrative functions, sustainable development,
local government planning, policy making and municipal budgeting.
The unit standards encourage the application of knowledge and skills

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 8

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

in real situations.

All Unit Standards are compulsory.

Elective Component:

There are unit standards totalling one hundred and ten credits in this
Component. These unit standards continue from the core component in
focusing on learning areas pertinent to a local government councillor
and municipal governance and will enable learners to gain specialist
knowledge and skills, which are particularly relevant, or of interest to
the learner or a particular learning context. Learners are required to
select Electives that add up to at least twenty credits.

2. About this Programme

2.1 Purpose of the Programme

The purpose of the programme is to enable qualifying learners to apply the relevant
competences required to fulfil the roles and responsibilities of a local government
councillor in a managerial capacity:

 Act as representatives of the community they serve.

 Provide leadership and management roles in a council and local government

The learning outcomes contained in this programme are based on the competencies
required to contribute to municipal processes from a councillor perspective in a
managerial/leadership capacity. These competences relate to:

 interpreting the legal framework that impacts on local government and

integrating it into overall municipal governance functions.
 Applying theories and processes to facilitate local government elections.
 Appling the broad managerial and administrative framework to municipal
 Applying the principles of sustainable development in local government.
 Applying local government planning processes for municipal governance and
local government development.
 Participating in municipal policy making and analysis processes.

The learner successfully completing this programme will be able to:

1. Apply a broad managerial, administrative and financial framework to a local

government environment.

2. Design, implement, monitor and evaluate local government plans for development

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 9

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide


3. Apply theories and processes to facilitate local government elections.

2.3 Programme Structure

Based on the programme description and requirements, the Generic Management

Programme is divided into 5 learning units with modular sub-divisions, based on the
exit level outcomes and related assessment criteria.

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SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

2.4 Programme Alignment

The programme has 3 exit level outcomes with related assessment criteria that must
be achieved by the learner for certification against the Programme, as is indicated

MODULE 1: Municipal managerial framework

ELO1 US Type NLRD US Title Level Credits
Core 255576 Apply the broad NQF 8
managerial and Level
administrative framework 05
to a local government

MODULE 2: Municipal administration and financial framework

US Type NLRD US Title Level Credits
ELO1 Core 116345 Apply the principles of NQF 15
budgeting within a Level
municipality 05
Elective 116363 Prepare and analyse NQF 12
municipal financial reports Level

MODULE 3: Municipal monitoring and evaluation

ELO US Type NLRD US Title Level Credits
Elective Apply approaches to
managing municipal
116342 income and expenditure 15
within a multi-year
MODULE 4: Municipal processes
ELO US Type NLRD US Title Level Credits
ELO3 Elective 120499 Design and implement a NQF 8
set of engagement Level

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SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

3. Provision & Assessment

3.1 Learner Support

Please remember that as the programme is outcomes based – this implies the

 You are responsible for your own learning – make sure you manage your study,
practical, workplace and portfolio time responsibly.
 Learning activities are learner driven – make sure you use the Learner Guide
and Portfolio Guide in the manner intended, and are familiar with the Portfolio
 The Facilitator is there to reasonably assist you during contact, practical and
workplace time of this programme – make sure that you have his/her contact

3.2 Provision

This programme should be presented over a period of at least 10 – 12 months –

during this period the learner will be required to attend formal contact sessions,
complete portfolio activities by him/her and in a learning set, and spend time in the
workplace as an entrepreneur.

Learner Tip:
The credit value of a unit standard acts as a guide to how long it
should take you to complete it – 1 credit = 10 notional (learning)
hours. For example, if a standard is 4 credits, it would take 40 hours
to complete – a workday consists out of 8 hours – therefore one
week to complete the standard.

Learning is made up of the hours spent in actual training (contact),

practical exercises, workplace experience and preparation for

The split between theory (contact and self study) and practical
(practical, workplace and assessment preparation) is normally
approximately 30/70 – in the example of 40 hours/5 days above, it
would mean 1 – 2 days theory, and 3 days practical.

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SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

Learner Note:

The table on the following page provides an overview of what will be

covered in each block of learning.

KEY: ELO = Exit Level Outcome,

FSA = Final Summative

4. Assessment

Learner Tip:
You will receive 5 Learning Guides during this programme.

At the beginning of each Learning Guide a list of all the learning

outcomes related to the unit standard covered in that Guide is
provided. Make sure you are familiar with the learning outcomes, as
it will guide you towards assessment.

4.1 Formative Assessment

In each Learner Guide, several activities are spaced within the content to assist you
in understanding the material through application. Please make sure that you
complete ALL activities in the Learner Guide, whether it was done in the contact
session, or not!

4.2 Summative Assessment

4.2.1 Portfolios of Evidence

You will be required to complete a Portfolio of Evidence for summative assessment

purposes at the end of each Learning Unit. A portfolio is a collection of different
types of evidence relating to the work being assessed. It can include a variety of
work samples.

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SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

Portfolio Activity:
The Portfolio Guides provided in every Modulewill assist you in
identifying the portfolio and evidence requirements for final or
summative assessment purposes for that Learning Unit. You will be
required to complete the Portfolio activities on your own time, using real
life projects in your workplace environment in preparing evidence
towards your portfolio.

4.2.2 Final Summative Assessments

It is a SETA requirement that a FSA (Final Summative Assessment) is conducted on

each of the exit level outcome clusters / Learning Unit, as well as on the overall
programme at the end of the learning and assessment period. You will therefore be
required to write 5 FSA assessments in the form of a Test / Examination.

4.3 Assessment Strategy

The following assessment activities are applicable to each Learning Unit:

1. Knowledge Assignment
2. Practical / Research Assignment
3. CCFO / Simulated Case Studies
4. Portfolio of Natural Occurring Evidence
5. Final Summative Assessment

Portfolio Activity:
DO NOT WAIT until the end – the programme is designed to assist you
in evidence preparation as you go along – make use of the opportunity!


If it is not documented, it did not happen! In some evidence, the process

you followed is more important than actual outcome / end-product.

Therefore …
Please make sure all steps for the Portfolio Activities are shown where

The following assessment strategy is applicable to this programme for Provision

based assessment Purposes:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 14

SAQA QUAL ID 67467 Orientation Guide

Alignment Strategy – Assessment

Exit Level Outcome: ELO1

NLRD Unit Specific Outcomes Where Assessment
No Standard covered Strategy
Title (Assessment



Book /

Documents )

– Case

255576 Apply the  Identifying how MODULE 1  
broad various categories
managerial of municipalities
and are established
administrative and interact with
framework to one another.
a local  Identifying and
government explaining the
environment powers and
functions within
the different
 Integrating local
and public
philosophies into
overall managerial
 Demonstrating an
understanding of
the managerial
requirements of
efficient municipal
service rendering.

116345 Apply the  Demonstrate an MODULE 2   

principles of awareness of the UNIT 1
budgeting role of a budget in
within a the municipal
municipality context.
 Differentiate
between formats
of budgets used in
a municipality.
 Evaluate a

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 15

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Exit Level Outcome: ELO1

NLRD Unit Specific Outcomes Where Assessment
No Standard covered Strategy
Title municipal (Assessment
budgeting system. Documents )
 Contribute to
preparing a
municipal budget
that reflects an
development plan.
 Differentiate
approaches to
preparing a
municipal budget.

116363 Prepare and  Select measure, MODULE 2   

analyse record, classify UNIT 2
municipal and report
financial financial data in
reports accordance with
current financial
 Prepare and
comment on
financial reports
for different forms
of municipal
 Apply and
comment on
statements of
 Analyse and
interpret financial
statements for

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 16

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Exit Level Outcome: ELO1

NLRD Unit Specific Outcomes Where Assessment
No Standard covered Strategy
Title (Assessment



Book /

Documents )

– Case

116342 Apply  Develop MODULE 3   
approaches approaches to
to managing managing a
municipal municipality's
income and revenue in a
expenditure sustainable
within a multi- manner.
year  Develop a
framework subsidy
framework for
municipal rates
and tariffs that
efficient and
effective use of
resources while
promoting equity.
 Apply the
approaches to
municipal income
and expenditure
over the medium
 Assess the
implications of
planning income
and expenditure
over the medium
 Contribute to the
design rates,
tariffs and user
 Develop a credit
control and debt
collection policy.
120499 Design and  Identifying and MODULE 4   

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 17

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Exit Level Outcome: ELO1

NLRD Unit Specific Outcomes Where Assessment
No Standard covered Strategy
implement a engaging the (Assessment
set of participation of all Documents )
engagement relevant
stakeholders to
ensure and win
support for
appropriate public
participation in
the IDP process.
 Identifying all the
required to
ensure maximum
participation in
IDP process.
 Establishing the
institutional and
and structures to
develop, monitor
and review the
 Capacitating the
various role
players to
effectively take
part in, and
implement the
IDP process and
strategic priorities
of the

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 18

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

4.4 RPL Assessment

This programme can be achieved wholly or in part through Recognition of Prior Learning. It
makes the recognition of prior learning possible. The learner and assessor will jointly decide
on methods to determine prior learning and competence implicit in the programme and the
associated unit standards. Recognition of prior learning should be done by means of
integrated assessment. The RPL may allow for:

 Accelerated access to further learning.

 Gaining of credits contained in the unit standards of this programme.

Access to the programme

This programme is open, keeping in mind the requirements of learning assumed to be in place.
You may apply for RPL against any of the Learning Units, whether in the Fundamental or
Core / Elective component. The RPL options is based on the same structure as this learning
programme – your application will therefore be based on all the unit standards in the Module
as per the Roll-Out Strategy discussed earlier)

4.5. Professional Registration

Learner Tip:
This Programme contributes to an integrated National Programmes
Framework; provides for access, mobility and progression within the
community development and local governance Sector; enhances the
quality of training for entrepreneurs; allows for the redress of past and
contributes to the development of the learner entrepreneurs. Learners
who complete this programme may register with the Department of
Trade and Industry under the company and interracial registration
commission (CIPC). For more you can visit for

The purpose of this International Comparability study is to facilitate the

development of a meaningful learning path and its associated
curriculum incorporating both theoretical and practical vocational skills
which will ensure compatibility, comparability and compliance with
existing international Programme specifications and regulations.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 19

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

5. Learner Administration

Learner Tip:
Please refer to the last section of this Orientation Guide for the
learner administration that needs to be completed – this is essential
in your registration as a learner for the Programme with SETA.

The learner administrations which must be completed and submitted are as follows:

1. Learner Registration Form

2. Submission of certified ID copy
3. Provision and Assessment Contract

6. Conclusion

You are now ready to start your training on the Further Education and Training Certificate:
contact centre operations), Level 4 programme which will enable you to follow a career in
Business, Management and Commerce in contact centre operations and management.

Please refer to the programme description in the next section for further details on your

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 20

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Programme description

All programmes and part programmes registered on the National Programmes Framework are
public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and
reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted,
the South African Programmes Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.



National Certificate: Municipal Governance

67467 National Certificate: Municipal Governance
SGB Administration
The individual Quality Assuring Body for each Learning Programme recorded
against this programme is shown in the table at the end of this report.
National Field 03 - Business, Public Administration
Certificate Commerce and
Management Studies
Undefined 140 Level 5 New Level Regular-Unit Stds
Assignment Pend. Based
Reregistered SAQA 2009-07-01 2012-06-30
2013-06-30 2016-06-30

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 21

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

In all of the tables in this document, both the old and the new NQF Levels are
shown. In the text (purpose statements, programme rules, etc), any reference to
NQF Levels are to the old levels unless specifically stated otherwise.

This programme does not replace any other programme and is not replaced by any
other programme.



The purpose of the programme is to enable qualifying learners to apply the

relevant competences required to fulfil the roles and responsibilities of a local
government councillor in a managerial capacity:

 Act as representatives of the community they serve.

 Provide leadership and management roles in a council and local government

The learning outcomes contained in this programme are based on the

competencies required to contribute to municipal processes from a councillor
perspective in a managerial/leadership capacity. These competences relate to:

 Interpreting the legal framework that impacts on local government and

integrating it into overall municipal governance functions.
 Applying theories and processes to facilitate local government elections.
 Appling the broad managerial and administrative framework to municipal
 Applying the principles of sustainable development in local government.
 Applying local government planning processes for municipal governance and
local government development.
 Participating in municipal policy making and analysis processes.


The programme is aimed at learners in a local government context who facilitate

democratic relations between the community, local government and various
stakeholders that impact on local government democratic processes. The
programme is aimed at providing key competences to councillors so that they can
best fulfil their mandate in respect of improving the lives of all the citizens in
municipalities. It provides the learner with the necessary skills, knowledge and
attitudes required to act as a proactive link between the public and the council. The
councillors within the local government context play a critical role in achieving the
objectives of local government, especially the objective of defining policies and
facilitating and managing sustainable development programmes that support the
basic political commitment that 'the People Shall Govern'. They are critical to
overseeing the councillor functions within the municipal sector and will be involved
in a variety of functions including integrating the legislative framework for local
government, participating in policy making and analysis processes, budgeting,

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 22

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

facilitating local government elections and applying a broad managerial framework

to the local government environment.

This programme is in line with the overall learning pathways that the Department of
Local Government is envisaging for its learners, both employed and unemployed.
The learning pathway indicates a variety of learning opportunities for any learner
embarking on a programme within the local government context and this particular
programme initiates an opportunity for councillor in a managerial capacity to be
more intricately exposed to the local government workings. The learning pathway
starts with the NC: Ward Committee Governance, continues with the NC: Local
Government Councillor Practices and the FETC: Leadership in Local Government.
If the learner wishes, he/she can pursue a learning pathway in Local Government
Administration and Finance, Local Economic Development, Integrated
Development Planning and Municipal Financial Management. Further, this
programme can also provide the learner with a springboard into a career and
learning pathway in the public sector. The learning pathways provide varied
opportunities for a learner wishing to embark on a career within local government
and are also complementary to other programmes with the public sector.


It is assumed that the learner is competent in:

 Communication at NQF Level 4.

 Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

The structure of this Unit Standard based Programme makes the Recognition of
Prior Learning possible. Learner and Assessor will jointly decide on methods to
determine prior learning and competence in the knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes implicit in the Programme and the associated Unit Standards. Recognition
of Prior Learning will be done by means of an Integrated Assessment as
mentioned in the previous paragraph.

This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow for:

 Accelerated access to further learning at this or higher levels on the NQF.

 Gaining of credits towards a Unit Standard in this Programme.
 Obtaining this Programme in whole or in part.

All recognition of Prior Learning is subject to quality assurance by the relevant

ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant

Access to Programme:

Access to this Programme is open to learners in possession of National Senior

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 23

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Certificate, FETC, National Certificate: Vocational, Level 4 or equivalent.



The Certificate is made up of a planned combination of learning outcomes that
have a defined purpose and will provide qualifying learners with applied
competence and a basis for further training.

The programme is made up of Unit Standards that are classified as Fundamental,

Core and Elective. A minimum of one hundred and forty credits is required to
complete the programme.

Motivation for number of credits assigned to Fundamental, Core and Elective:

Fundamental Component:

Unit standards of thirty nine credits are allocated to the fundamental components.
The fundamental component covers underlying competences that complement the
core component and better equip the learner to complete the core competences.
The fundamental component is made up of communication, ethics, self
development and information systems competences.

All Unit Standards in this component are compulsory.

Core Component:

Eighty one credits have been allocated to unit standards in the Core Component of
this Programme. This is to ensure that the Programme has a strong Municipal
Governance focus. The unit standards classified as Core describe the integral
functions and activities required to for Municipal Governance. They provide an
opportunity to develop knowledge of key municipal processes, legislative
frameworks, managerial and administrative functions, sustainable development,
local government planning, policy making and municipal budgeting. The unit
standards encourage the application of knowledge and skills in real situations.

All Unit Standards are compulsory.

Elective Component:

There are unit standards totalling one hundred and ten credits in this Component.
These unit standards continue from the core component in focusing on learning
areas pertinent to a local government councillor and municipal governance and will
enable learners to gain specialist knowledge and skills, which are particularly
relevant, or of interest to the learner or a particular learning context. Learners are
required to select Electives that add up to at least twenty credits.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 24

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide


1. Apply a broad managerial, administrative and financial framework to a local
government environment.

2. Design, implement, monitor and evaluate local government plans for

development projects.

3. Apply theories and processes to facilitate local government elections.


Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 General management and administrative principles are analysed and

integrated into the municipal environment.
1.2 The principles of financial management and budgeting are applied to own local
government context.
1.3 Client service techniques are applied to improve service delivery.
1.4 Project management plans are integrated into municipal governance processes
in order to make governance more effective.

Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 The principles of sustainable development are applied to local government.

2.2 An understanding of the various plans in local government processes is
demonstrated in relation to how they are formulated and integrated into various
municipal projects.
2.3 The needs and situation in own constituency are analysed and concepts
developed to address needs.
2.4 Contributions are made to municipal policy making and analysis processes
based on needs identified in development projects and based on overall strategic
objectives of local government.

Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 An understanding of democratic processes is demonstrated.

3.2 An understanding of the election process and its facilitation is demonstrated
3.3 Electoral theories are analysed and interpreted and appropriate choices are
made for local government elections.
3.4 An understanding of the local government electoral dispensation is
demonstrated via own facilitation of election processes.

Integrated Assessment:

Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable
and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated
assessment approach is incorporated into the Programme.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 25

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably lined. Whenever possible, the
assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards
should be integrated.

Assessment of the communication, language, literacy and strategic analysis and

planning competencies should be conducted in conjunction with other aspects and
should use authentic municipal development contexts wherever possible.

A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be
appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Where it is not possible
to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies,
role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context
appropriate to the assessment.

The term 'Integrated Assessment' implies that theoretical and practical

components should be assessed together. During integrated assessments the
assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and
assess combinations of practical, applied-ed, foundational and reflective

Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and

summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the
evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and
non-formal learning and work experience.

Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and
critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the critical cross-
field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and
embedded knowledge.


Internationally, there are several countries that offer programme for local
government councillors. In particular, substantial programmes were found in:

 Ireland.
 United Kingdom.
 United States.
 Australia.

The best aid to designing and evaluating Local Government Programmes was
found in Australia. This was the only programme associated with unit standards
and assessment criteria.


In African countries, councillor development is facilitated in:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 26

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

 Tanzania.
 Zambia.
 Malawi.

However, their programmes are more informal in nature and tend to be

encompassed in other local government programmes.


Tanzania has local structures starting from: Sub-Village Assembly, Village

Government, Village Assembly, Ward Development Commitee, District Council,
Regional Secretariat.

At present Tanzania is trying to come to terms with failures in its planning

strategies and looks at programmes for councillors and ward committees.
Unfortunately, no training materials could be found on a web search.


Zambia is still setting up suitable public participation processes. To date, the focus
has been on social development of the urban poor. This was in realisation of the
rising levels of poverty and economic reform policies of the 1990s that caused
rising levels of unemployment and high cost of living. It has little to do with
participative democracy and more with a 'Food for Asset', program aimed at
turning poor communities of Zambia into viable producers of food for themselves
and for sharing with the community. Thus, Zambian councillor activities and related
programmes centre more on poverty alleviation programmes and there seems to
be a lack of planning and municipal processes and structures as in the South
African scenario.

Unfortunately, no training materials could be found on a web search.


Malawi instituted a Local Governance and Development Management Programme

in 1997 to contribute towards the eradication of poverty in Malawi by improving
governance through improved broader citizen participation in decision-making and,
the enhanced performance of central and local government in district development.

The United Nations Development Program participated in capacity building for

effective decentralized participatory development at district and community levels
aimed at enhancing government and civil society capability to design, plan,
implement, monitor and evaluate anti-poverty programmes. The specific capacity
building strategies included undertaking civic education for local governance,
human rights and sustainable livelihoods issues. On the web search, no training
materials could be found.

Other countries:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 27

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide


Ireland is the country that does not have a specific programme for councilors.
However it does have a similar type of induction handbook as in South Africa. This
handbook articulates to a generic management diploma and in relation to this, the
following modules are offered:

 Managing the business.

 Managing resources and information.
 Managing people for personal effectiveness.
 Managing people - teams and individuals.
 Managing communication.
 Managing change.

This modular approach is based on the Competency Framework for Public Sector
Managers, developed in conjunction with the Chief Executives' Forum.

Supervisory, Administrative and Operational Staff Development:

Competency based programmes, which are accredited by the Institute of

Leadership and Management, are available to employees in supervisory,
administrative/clerical and operational posts.

Women's Development:

The Women's Development Steering Group is promoting a major initiative which

will run throughout 2006. It will be branded as "Women in Local Councils - Making
a Difference".

Elected Members' Training and Development:

The Steering Group, comprising two representatives each from the National
Association of Councillors, the NI Local Government Association and the
Employers' Side of the NJ Joint Council, issued a Councillor's Handbook and a
template for an Induction Programme following the local government elections in

 Mandate and vision statement.

 Outputs Roles and Activities.
 Strategic Priorities.
 Operational Structures.
 Short Courses, Conferences and Seminars.

Note: The Programmes Authority review of the Ulster University Diploma

mentioned above follows Training/Professional development programmes. Such
courses are offered at various levels using a variety of non-traditional methods of
delivery. They are specifically tailored to the needs of particular organisations
and/or industry sectors.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 28

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The following are the generic objectives:

 The development of perspectives across business and management disciplines.

 The acquisition of management knowledge and skills, building upon students'
own experience.
 Examination of a variety of managerial issues.
 Further development of team working skills.
 The examples cited below include a sub-degree course.
 (Certificate in Management Practice) and a postgraduate course (MSc in
Business Improvement).
 Certificate in Management Practice.

On successful completion of the programme, participants will:

 Have acquired an understanding of the functions and processes of

 Be able to define the environmental and organisational context within which
management occurs.
 Be aware of the functional areas of management and appreciate their
 Have increased their self-awareness and better understanding of others.

As can be seen, the programmes are more generic in nature and very little of the
curriculum is specifically geared towards councillors. It is implied that councillors in
Ireland require primarily generic management competences in order to function as
a councillor.

United Kingdom:

There are no formal programmes for councillors. However there is a national

framework contract in place for vendors of key training short courses. There is also
a councillor mentoring programme in place.

The main body that works with councillors is the I and DeA (Improvement and
Development Agency). This body works in partnership with all councils to enhance
the performance of the best, accelerate the speed of improvement and develop the
local government sector as a whole. From the 3rd April 2006, the I and DeA has
been responsible for the following work:

 People Management (HR performance and capacity building).

 Dialogue (diversity and equality).
 Workforce development (recruitment and careers, National Graduate
Development Programme and skills and development).
 Regional work to include the regional skills and capacity advisors.
 Local government pay and workforce strategy.

In essence, the programme objectives of the I and DeA are similar to that of South
Africa in that their vision is to 'ensure prosperous and cohesive communities,

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 29

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offering a safe, healthy and sustainable environment for all.'

The primary purpose of the national programmes is to develop affordable

programmes that address council's shared capacity building needs. The
programme focuses on seven themes, ie. leadership, corporate capacity,
workforce capacity and support for generic skills. Specific council capacity building

 Facilitating council meetings.

 Working with regional LGA and Assemblies, central bodies, universities and the
private sector (stakeholder consultation).

More specifically, a Councillor Mentoring programme is in place and it aims to

provide an innovative way to establish support and build political leadership
capacity within local authorities. It offers a range of peer mentoring activities that
will continue to build capacity and support increased role effectiveness and
performance of councillors at all levels.

United States:

There are no formal programmes listed for Councillors in the United States
although there are many short courses listed to address local government
councillor capacity building programmes. The courses are listed as follows:

 Zoning.
 Special Use Permits - 1 Hour (gas stations, dog kennels, convenience stores,
and fast food restaurants).
 Adopting and Amending Zoning - 1½ - 2 Hours (the origins of zoning and the
purposes for adopting regulations; the role of the municipal comprehensive plan.
 Community Design Tools - Taking Control of Your Community's Character - 2
Hours - Municipal officials have a variety of tools available to them to help shape
the appearance of their community. At this session you will hear about tools
ranging from simple design guidelines to landscape ordinances to architectural
review boards.
 Conservation Subdivision - 1.5 Hours (Even well-planned conventional
subdivisions can lead to sprawl. This session will look at conservation subdivision,
a form of cluster subdivision, which redistributes development on a site in manner
that preserves important environmental, historical, and aesthetic features.
 Creating Affordable Housing in Your Community - 1.5 Hours.
 Creating Quality Communities: Tools and Strategies for Municipalities - 1.5
 This course defines Smart Growth and illustrates its key principles within the
context of New York's Quality Communities Initiative.
 Enforcement of Zoning and other Local Laws - 1½ - 2 Hours.
 Municipalities make all sorts of rules, including junk car laws, site plan review,
subdivision regulations, and zoning. At this session we will discuss the role of the
enforcement officer in enforcing these regulations, from receiving complaints to
sentencing or fining of violators.
 How to Conduct Effective Meetings and Hearings - 1 - 2 Hours.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 30

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 Importance of Planning and Zoning Board Minutes - 1 Hour.

 Inter municipal Planning - 1 - 2 Hours.
 Local Planning and Zoning - Who does what to whom and when? - 2 Hours.
 Making a Good Record: Minutes, Findings, and Decision Documents - 2 Hours.
 Municipal Comprehensive Plan - 1 - 2 Hours.
 Municipal Regulation of Windmills - 1.5 - 2 Hours.
 Open Space Planning - 1.5 Hours (A discussion of the town's options regarding
the enhancement of its park and recreation system).
 Planned Unit Developments - 1 - 2 Hours.
 Planning and Zoning Case Law - 1 - 2 Hours.
 Planning Board Overview - 2 - 2½ Hours.
 Planning for Pedestrians - A Healthy Step - 1 - 2 Hours.
 Records, Findings and Decisions - 1 - 1½ Hours.
 Revising Zoning - 1½ - 2 Hours.
 SEQRA - Introduction to the State Environmental Quality Review Act - 2½
 Site Plan Review and Special Use Permits- 1- 2 Hours.
 Subdivision Review - 2 Hours.
 Unravelling the Mystery of the Use Variance - 1 - 1½ Hours.
 Zoning Board of Appeals Overview - 2 - 2½ Hours.

Interestingly, Delaware has a Delaware Institute for Local Government Leaders.

It's last programme addressed contemporary issues facing local governments,

 Complying with Delaware's New Municipal Election Law.

 USDA Rural Development Grant Opportunities for Municipalities.
 Defining an Economic Development Process for Your Downtown.
 The National Telecommunications Act: The National League of Cities'
 New Professional Group Addresses Municipal E-Government Best Practices.
 Healthy Communities: Promoting Walkability and an Active Lifestyle.

It would seem that the United States, whilst offering no formal programmes for
councillors does have a wide variety of short courses that address critical and
contemporary local government issues from a councillor's perspective.


There is obviously a strong focus in local government programmes in Australia,

including formal programmes as listed below:

 LGA10104; Certificate I in Local Government.

 LGA10204; Certificate I in Local Government (Operational Works).

Certificate II:

 LGA20104; Certificate II in Local Government.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 31

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 LGA20204; Certificate II in Local Government (Operational Works).

Certificate III:

 LGA30104; Certificate III in Local Government.

 LGA30204; Certificate III in Local Government (Health and Environment).
 LGA30304; Certificate III in Local Government (Operational Works).
 LGA30404; Certificate III in Local Government (Regulatory Services).

Certificate IV:

 LGA40104; Certificate IV in Local Government.

 LGA40204; Certificate IV in Local Government Administration.
 LGA40304; Certificate IV in Local Government (Health and Environment).
 LGA40404; Certificate IV in Local Government (Operational Works).
 LGA40504; Certificate IV in Local Government (Regulatory Services).
 LGA40604; Certificate IV in Local Government (Land Management).
 LGA40704; Certificate IV in Local Government (Planning).


 LGA50104; Diploma of Local Government Administration.

 LGA50204; Diploma of Local Government (Health and Environment).
 LGA50304; Diploma of Local Government (Land Management).
 LGA50404; Diploma of Local Government (Operational Works).
 LGA50504; Diploma of Local Government (Planning).
 LGA50604; Diploma of Local Government (Regulatory Services).

Advanced Diploma:

 LGA60104; Advanced Diploma of Local Government (Operational Works).

More specifically, the unit standards are categorised according to:

 Common units.
 Administration units.
 Regulatory service units.
 Health and environment units.
 Land management units.
 Planning units.
 Operational work units.
 General elective units.

The unit standards titles are listed below (the levels are not indicated):

 LGACORE101B Access learning and career development opportunities.

 LGACORE102B Follow defined OHS policies and procedures.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 32

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 LGACORE103B Provide service to local government customers.

 LGACORE104B Work effectively in local government.
 LGACORE105B Work with others in local government.
 LGAGOVA303B Coordinate production of communication materials.
 LGACOMP007A Participate in policy development.
 LGACOMP008A Apply conflict resolution strategies.
 LGACOMP009A Implement effective communication techniques.
 LGACORE501B Provide quality and timely advice to council.
 LGACORE601B Develop, implement and review operational plans.
 LGACORE602B Promote and facilitate organisational performance.
 LGACORE603B Represent council's role and value in the community.
 LGACOM403B Conduct public educational presentations.
 LGACOM404B Establish cooperative arrangements with other organisations.
 LGACOM405B Implement and monitor the organisation's OHS policies,
procedures and programs within the work group or section.
 LGACOM407B Manage finances within a budget.
 LGACOM501B Develop and organise public education programs.
 LGACOM502B Devise and conduct community consultations.
 LGACOM503B Prepare a budget.
 LGACOM602B Coordinate and facilitate a change process.
 LGACOM603B Develop, implement and review policies and procedures.
 LGAGOVA410B Monitor council procedures to ensure compliance with relevant
 LGACOMP024A Develop community relations.
 LGACOMP025A Manage a local government project.
 LGACOMP026A Provide team leadership.

Administration Units:

 LGACOM401A Administer contracts.

 LGACOM402A Arrange contracts.
 LGACOM409A Prepare tender documentation.
 LGACOM410A Prepare response to tenders.
 LGAGOVA401B Administer the electoral roll.
 LGAGOVA402A Allocate property address.
 LGAGOVA403A Arrange and supervise polling places.
 LGAGOVA404B Establish purchasing networks to ensure council is resource
 LGAGOVA405A Implement debt recovery procedures.
 LGAGOVA407A Implement rehabilitation systems.
 LGAGOVA408B Implement systems to promote a safe and healthy environment
for the public and employees.
 LGAGOVA409A Maintain property rates and records.
 LGAGOVA411A Prepare accounts for rates.
 LGAGOVA412A Prepare council for legal proceedings.
 LGAGOVA413B Promote and maintain positive employee relations.
 LGAGOVA505B Prepare rate notice forms.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 33

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 LGADMIN417A Conduct community consultations.

 LGAGOVA406A Implement marketing plan.
 LGADMIN419A Implement and facilitate community development strategies and
 LGADMIN420A Contribute to policy development.
 LGADMIN421A Participate in negotiations.
 LGADMIN422A Develop and maintain supplier relationships.
 LGADMIN423A Provide induction and orientation for new employees.
 LGADMIN424A Provide staff development programs.
 LGADMIN425A Develop a communication plan.
 LGACOM601A Acquire and dispose of assets.
 LGAGOVA501B Contribute to advice to council on legislation.
 LGAGOVA502B Develop a marketing strategy.
 LGAGOVA503A Implement recruitment systems.
 LGAGOVA504A Prepare a council for elections.
 LGAGOVA506B Conduct council elections.
 LGAGOVA507A Provide advice to council on human resources policies and
 LGAGOVA508A Recommend rates and charges.
 LGAGOVA602B Manage the recording and updating of data on council's assets.
 LGAGOVA603B Develop a risk management strategy for council assets.
 LGAGOVA605A Develop an asset management strategy for the council.
 LGAGOVA606B Develop and maintain a community cultural plan.
 LGAGOVA607A Develop, implement and monitor a programmed maintenance
system of council's assets.
 LGAGOVA608A Establish an annual budget that supports council's
management and operational plans.
 LGAGOVA609A Establish, maintain and evaluate the organisation's OHS
 LGAGOVA610B Implement computerised asset management systems.
 LGAGOVA611B Implement disciplinary and termination procedures.
 LGAGOVA612B Implement employee performance management systems.
 LGAGOVA613B Measure cost of providing and maintaining council's assets.
 LGAGOVA614B Monitor and maintain quality of asset management system.
 LGAGOVA615A Provide information on asset management programs and
 LGAGOVA616A Provide property asset management services.
 LGAGOVA617A Report on assets in accordance with statutory and public
reporting requirements.
 LGAGOVA618A Resolve valuation and property services disputes.
 LGADMIN525A Undertake business planning.
 LGADMIN526A Coordinate policy development.
 LGADMIN527A Manage policy development.
 LGADMIN528A Provide advocacy and representation.
 LGADMIN529A Manage finances.

Regulatory Services Units:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 34

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

 LGAREGS301A Implement parking controls.

 LGAREGS302A Operate and maintain council parking facilities.
 LGAREGS303A Enforce legislation to achieve compliance.
 LGAREGS304A Apply regulatory powers.
 LGAREGS305A Undertake animal or reptile control duties.
 LGAREGS402A Provide evidence in court.
 LGAREGS403A Monitor public behaviour in council areas.
 LGAEHRR303B Monitor areas under council jurisdiction.
 LGAREGS404A Undertake appointed animal control duties and responsibilities.
 LGAEHRR304B Operate council pound facilities.
 LGACOM406A Investigate alleged breaches of legislation and prepare
 LGACOM408A Represent council at legal proceedings.
 LGACPRV501A Assess crime prevention needs within community groups or
geographic areas.
 LGACPRV502A Design a crime prevention initiative.
 LGACPRV503A Manage and evaluate crime prevention initiatives.
 LGACPRV504A Build the capacity of individuals, organisations and communities
to support crime prevention.
 LGACPRV505A Promote evidence-based approaches to support crime
prevention initiatives.
 LGACPRV506A Support the mainstreaming of crime prevention principles and

As can be seen, Australia has the most comparable programmes to the South
African and it offers full programmes in local government and also has a unit
standards based approach.


The whole issue of local government decentralisation in development is a major

focus of the United Nations since the 1990's. The main problem identified by the
United Nations is the lack of success stories around the world, mainly because of
the absence of any real decentralisation and incentives for true public participation.
Obviously the role of the Councillor in various countries is a part of their respective
local government systems. However, the agenda of public participation is a critical
issue in South Africa's local government system and South Africa's particular
municipal processes, objectives and programmes vary from other countries due to
the unique agenda for South Africa, eg. Batho Pele and Ubuntu philosophies. The
whole role of councils is legislatively defined and these laws vary from country to
country so therefore only generic comparisons are possible. Of all the countries
researched, Australia is the one that offers standards and programmes based
programmes in local government and this ties in comparably with the career
pathway outlined within local government in South Africa.

This Programme articulates horizontally with the following programmes:

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 35

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

 ID 50060: National Certificate: Public Administration, Level 5.

 ID 50205: National Certificate: Municipal Integrated Development Planning,
Level 5.
 ID 36438: National Certificate: Local Economic Development, Level 5.

This Programme articulates vertically with the following programmes:

 ID 36437: National Certificate: Local Economic Development, Level 6.

 Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against
this Programme must be registered as an assessor with the relevant Education,
Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a
Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.

 Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this
Programme must be accredited as a provider with the relevant Education, Training,
Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of
Understanding with the primary ETQA.

 Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant

Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA) Body, or by an ETQA that has a
Memorandum of Understanding with the ETQA, according to the ETQA's policies
and guidelines for assessment and moderation.

 Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments

at exit points of the Programme, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise.
Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described
both in individual Unit Standards as well as the integrated competence described
in the Programme.

Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Programme may apply to be assessed

by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by
the relevant ETQA.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 36

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Candidate Administration
1. Learner Registration Form

Learner Note:
Please complete the Learner Registration Form in the next section, and
hand it back to your Facilitator. Use the Key table provided to complete
the registration form correctly and accurately.

2. Candidate Identification Document (ID) Copy

Learner Note:
Please attach a certified copy of your Identity Document (ID) to the
Registration Form in the next section.

3. Provision and Assessment Contract

Learner Note:
Please complete the Provision and Assessment Contract provided in
the section hereafter and hand it back to your Facilitator.

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 37

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Learner Registration and SAQA Coding

No Field Description Information
Personal Details
1 Learner
2 Full Names
3 Learner Title Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr, Prof.
4 ID Number RSA ID. If not, Complete
next line
5 Alternative ID Only complete if no RSA
ID available.
Indicate type of alternative
6 Date of Birth Insert date of birth
7 Gender Male – M, Female – F,
Other – O
8 Equity Black African – BA, Black
Indian Asian – BI, Black
Coloured – BC, White –
W, Other – O (specify)
9 Socio Employed, unemployed,
Economic student
10 Disability None, hearing / sight /
Status speech / movement, other
11 Geographic List geographic area that
Area you live in, i.e. Gauteng,
Kwa Zulu Natal, Eastern
Cape, Western Cape,
Northern Cape, Limpopo,
Polokwane, Free State,
North West, Mpumalanga,
Northern Province,
Outside SA

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 38

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Contact Details
12 Physical State physical address

13 Postal State PO Box, or address

Address where mail is received
Postal Code:

14 Home Phone One of the following

Number contact details (number
12 – 16 is mandatory to
15 Business complete
16 Cell Phone
17 Fax Number
18 Email
Educational Details
19 Highest Overview of programmes
Education completed
20 Current State current or last
Occupation occupation, if
21 Experience Overview of experience in
years and fields / areas

22 Years in State years in last

Occupation occupation

Programme Details
23 Name of
24 Registration
Number of
25 NQF Level of
26 Type of

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 39

SAQA ID: 67467 Orientation Guide

Alternative ID type Equity code Nationality code Citizen/residence status

521 SAQA member ID BA Black: African U Unspecified SEY Seychelles U Unknown
527 Passport No BC Black : Coloured SA South African ZAI Zaire SA South Africa
529 Driver’s licence BI Black : Indian / SDC SADC ROA rest of Africa O Other
531 Temporary ID no Asian except SA (i.e. EUR European D Dual (SA plus other)
533 None U Unknown Nam to ZAI) countries
535 Unknown WH White NAM Namibia AIS Asian
537 Student no BOT Botswana countries
538 Work permit no ZIM Zimbabwe NOR North Gender Code
539 Employee no ANG Angola American
540 Birth certificate no MOZ countries M Male
541 Human Sciences Mozambique SOU Central & F Female
Research Council LES Lesotho South American
register no SWA Swaziland countries
561 ETQA record no MAL Malawi AUS Australia &
ZAM Zambia New Zealand
MAU Mauritius OOC Other and
TAN Tanzania rest of Oceania
Home language code Province code Disability status Socioeconomic Status
ENG English 0 Undefined N None U Unspecified
AFR Afrikaans 01 Sight (even with glasses) 01 Employed
1 Western
OTH Other 02 Hearing (even with hearing aid) 02 Unemployed
SEP sePedi Cape 03 Communication (talking, listening) 03 Not working – not looking for work
SES seSotho 04 Physical (moving, standing, grasping) 04 Not working – housewife/homemaker
2 Eastern Cape
SET seTswana 05 Intellectual (difficulties in learning); 06 Not working – scholar/full time student
SWA siSwati 3 Northern retardation 07 Not working – pensioner/retired
TSH tshiVenda 06 Emotional (behavioural or person
U Unknown psychological) 08 Not working – disabled person
XHO isiXhosa 4 Free State 07 Multiple 09 Not working – not wishing to work
XIT xiTsonga 09 Disabled but unspecified 10 Not working – none of the above
5 Kwazulu-
ZUL isiZulu U Unknown 97 N/A : Aged < 15
NDE siNdebele Natal 98 N/A : Institution
6 North West
7 Gauteng
8 Mpumalanga
9 Limpopo

National Certificate: Municipal Governance 40

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